
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 14, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

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Chapter 38

The next couple weeks where hectic. So I'll just tell you a summery instead of going into detail. I know the detail is good but I'd fill up a note book telling them all.

Nancy was charged with arson and making a false report on the subject. As far as the charges against me they were also dropped. I wasn't exactly vindicated though. They dropped them on the lack of evidence. So the allegations still hung over my head like a ticking bomb with a broken timer.

Nikki left and went back to college with the boyfriend. I had seen him and Nikki in town a few times. I didn't see the appeal myself. He was like six feet tall skinny and mean skinny to the point you can see his should bones through his t-shirt.

His Dockers sagged everywhere. More so in the back. The dude had no ass. He had them geek glasses too. His hair was long and stringy like it wasn't being washed in like forever. He wasn't ugly but by any means he wasn't good looking either.

TJ was with me. I had to laugh at his reaction. "She dumped me for that. He must have a bigger dick than me. That means he must be part donkey."

I watched him go into the men's room as Nikki went into the girl's room. I went in to find out if he did. Nope little dick. Barely made it out past his fly. I don't get it.

I did a few days later. He was from a very well to do family in Boston. Well guess she is in it for the money. The way she had been acting lately it didn't surprise me.

When I told TJ he laughed. "Well I hope that money makes her cum as good as did."

Ez and I emailed back and forth and Skyped a few times. Jerking off with your boyfriend on cam can be hot. Especially when he has his camo's on and only opened up with his dick hanging out and his marine T pulled up revealing them hot abs. It was even hotter when shot a thick creamy load covering his abs with it. Damn I am getting hard just think about it I need to go beat off.

Ok back. Sorry needed to blow a load. Hehe it' was nice creamy load too. Considering it was the fourth time I jerked off today I was a bit surprised. Hey don't judge. I am a seventeen-year-old horny teen. Fuck dudes five times a day is normal for us seventeen year olds.

Ruth well she has been running hot and cold lately. For the most part she has been honestly trying to be nice. I still was holding judgement though. Time will tell. A leopard always shows it spots or is that a leopard never changes its spots. Either way it works for me.

Grandma well she was taking shit in stride. Considering her home was burnt down. Mine was too but it wasn't the same. It wasn't a house that was passed down for almost two hundred years. Mine was a trailer made ten years ago.

The insurance company gave her one and twenty thousand to rebuild. Half of what it will cost to remove the rubble and rebuild the house. The money though helped Dad is paying for the rest. Luckily they didn't set fire to the barn. So the animals were safe. We just rented two camping trailers for the time being.

Clothing wise we made do. Grandma went on a shopping spree up in Lexington and in Wal-Mart in town they were nice they gave her everything half price.

Me? Well, I shopped here and there or I just borrowed clothes from TJ. Mind you the ass of his pants were a bit saggy on me. Not that TJ has big ass. Ok he does but it's really a nice ass. Big firm bubble cheeks. Sometimes I wish I didn't see him as brother. Sorry but TJ is fucking hot. I just can't get past the brother shit. Besides I have to be faithful to my marine.

TJ, well he got over the fact that Nikki brought her boyfriend up for Christmas week. The fact that he was a walking talking pimply string bean did that. TJ has a way of bouncing back.

He was getting annoying though. He was getting way over protective of me. If anyone, meaning mostly Connor and his posse, said anything he thought was out of line to me he was ready to kick ass. I had to pull him away several times. Our grandma may be principal but we both know she'd have no trouble suspending either one of us.

He was still staying with me. Two out of seven nights he'd crawl in bed with me. It was always the same thing he'd spoon against me and kiss the back of my neck or head.

The truth is I love TJ with all my heart. It didn't matter if he was my brother or cousin. Technically he is my cousin still, just not by blood. He protectiveness is sweet and it makes feel loved.

One weekend Grandma had some statewide conference to go to so we got blitzed on some Vodka TJ scored somehow. We both passed out in my bed. When I woke up the next day we both were butt naked. TJ as usual was spooned against me. His morning wood was rubbing my hole. At first I just let it rub against it. I had to admit it felt good. When he started to push the head against it and kissing my neck I had to stop him.

I knew he was still asleep he was snoring lightly. He had cute snore. I reached back and pulled his dick away from my hole. Only to have him put it back there. I then decided to just slip it between my thighs.

He started to slowly slide it between my thighs. I could feel him leaving drops of precum on my nut sack. I figured he would wake up soon enough anyway. He was usually up by seven at the latest.

I was wrong on that I heard him grunt. And felt his dick spouting out his load. I expected him to wake up at that point but he didn't he rolled over onto his back and kept snoring. I rolled over and looked and saw his slowly deflating dick.

I reached down between my legs and felt his cum on my fingers. I never really looked at his load when we jerked of together. Hey even brother came jerk off together. Not like we jerk each other because we don't.

His load was Thick white and creamy. I thought Ez's was thick but his was almost as thick as pudding. I tasted it. OMG I can't do that anymore. I can't think about it. I guess what they say about what you eat decides the taste of you load. Well whatever TJ eats I want EZ to eat.

I grabbed my dick and started to beat of. I used TJ's load as lube. It didn't take me long to shoot either. I had my eyes closed the whole time. I felt like a real perv. I mean I am stroking in bed while my brother is asleep in the bed next to me Ok he's not really my brother but damn. The worst part is I am using his cum as lube.

I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me. He was hard and stroking too. I blew my load and the blew his. His was smaller than the last one and not as thick. I had never really watched him cum. I did this time Just to see it. I have to admit it was hot. I always loved watching Sam stroke his dick. I think there's nothing sexier than a hot guy pleasuring himself. I felt like a perv though. I probably am one.

To change the subject. They hadn't been able to Find a donor for Uncle Teddy. He had moved back to live with Aunt Ruth. she waited on him hand afoot. TJ and I went over there every day to spend fifteen minutes after school. He would fall asleep normally after a short visit.

Seth though seemed to calm down a lot according to Aunt Ruth. Seth hung all over TJ. It was really cute too. Seth though smart didn't really talk. When in deed it was like listening to a two-year-old. TJ and I would play with him for a good hour or two. Sometimes we even ate there, Ruth was surprisingly a decent cook. I few times we took him to the pizza joint we hung at. He seemed a happy kid. He had no worries or concerns. Wish I could be like that sometimes

Aliza well she was a mini Old Ruth. Ruth admitted that it was her fault. She showed the wrong example for her. Though she was cordial to TJ. Aliza show open hostility towards me. She was a pretty girl for a twelve-year-old. It's her attitude though that was ugly.

Sam was still being an asshole. He had broken up with Peggy. Just after Christmas. He still didn't sit with us at lunch nor would he come over and hang with us at the Farm. He wasn't hostile or anything. He just stayed away. I had said Hi a few times and he would smile and return the hello but that would be it. At lunch time I would catch him staring over at me and TJ as we ate and talked. He looked sad. Looking back at it I think he didn't know how to apologize. I guess, I will just have to make it easier for him. He is really a nice guy.

Last but not least Dad, he got home on December twenty-seventh. Nancy had gone to pick him up. I don't know the bullshit she told him but they drove to Uncle Marcs that evening.

When Dad got to Uncle Marcs. Where I still was staying. I Hadn't been cleared of any wrong doing yet. He greeted Uncle Marc and Aunt Suze Grandma and TJ with hugs. He left me standing there. He did nod in my direction. Grandma was looking daggers at Nancy.

"Enough of this crap. Noah, Where's your laptop?" Grandma said. She noticed how Dad just basically ignored me.

"In my room."

"Go get it right now honey."

I went up to my room and I sat on my bed. I started to cry it was my fault. I sent the last email. My Dad hated me now. What if I showed him the emails she left unopened and he still didn't forgive me? What if he didn't want anything to do with me no matter if it was true or not. My mom's words came back to me. "Your nothing but a fuck up. The world and everyone in it would be better off without you."

TJ came up and looked at me sitting there. He grabbed my Lap top and went back down stairs leaving the bedroom door open.

"I thought his Grandma told Noah to get his laptop. See this proves he is acting out." I heard Nancy say.

"He isn't acting out. He is upstairs crying because the person he loves doesn't believe him and totally shunned him when he came in." TJ said.

"No he is crying because he knows he can't get out of this bullshit like he always does."

I couldn't take it. I didn't wait for any reply I opened the bedroom window and climbed out. I hung from the window and let myself drop the last ten feet. It had been snowing for half the day. There was at least a six inches. The snow drift along the house gave me a soft landing.

I didn't know where to go. I just went I ran down Liberty Street until I hit East Main street. I stopped and thought about going down South Main street to the river. I figured they would look for me there I didn't want to be found just yet. That and the fact that it was freezing because I forgot to get my coat helped me decide.

I ran the rest of the way to the Main Street theatre. I unlocked the door and went in. I didn't turn on the lights. I sat in the overstuffed couch in the lobby that was facing the window.

I didn't want to think. I didn't want to feel. I wanted to be that robot unfeeling robot again. I wanted to stop crying. I wanted my Mom's words out of my head. I wanted to never have been born.

I looked at my phone for the time. I had been there for half an hour. I figured I had enough of this bull shit. I got up and walked out the doors. The snow was a little deeper. I didn't care I ran back up East Main Street and up Liberty.

I walked into Uncle Marcs house. I was determined if I was going to blamed for shit I didn't do fine. I was going to let show them the emails and tell them all to kiss my ass. I am leaving Hazard.

"Noah, You're covered in snow and without a coat you get right to bed and." Nancy never got to finish that sentence.

"Shut the fuck up Nancy. You don't give a fucking shit about me." I said without any emotion. I may feel the hurt but I was going to be that robot until I am out of Hazard.

"Noah that is your step mother. Show her respect she is only." He didn't get to finish his sentence either.

"She is only trying to bullshit you. She doesn't give a fuck about me or anyone else." I said.

I went to my room TJ grabbed my laptop. I had changed passwords to my laptop. I typed in HAZaRDSUCKS2. I signed into my email. I brought up sent emails.

"There look at that. All the fucking emails I never sent." I said shoving my lap top to him.

He looked at them. There were over Sixty unopened emails sent to Nancy about twenty to Nikki. He looked at her. "I thought you said he wasn't emailing you?"

"I didn't want to upset you with the things he was saying."

"may I open a few?"

I nodded yes.

He opened a few I know some towards the end were getting nasty because I was getting annoyed with the way she was acting towards me. He opened some that were read by her. The last one I saw him nodding. I remembered that one I told her as far I was concerned she can have Jared. I wanted nothing to do with them.

He frowned and looked at me. "Look at her reply."

He opened her reply. `Good just disappear now because if I don't want you around my child.'

He bowed his head. His whole body shook as he cried. I wasn't sure if he was crying because Nancy lied to him or because of the way he treated me or if because he didn't believe. Either way in the end it didn't matter. I don't know it will ever be the same between us.

He stood up and yanked me to my feet. I felt his arms around me. "I'm So sorry Noah. I don't know if you can ever forgive me. If i have to get on my hands and knees every day for the rest of life to beg for it, I will."

"Don't you dare apologize. They a fucking fake. He never sent them. I can prove it." Nancy said. For a woman seven months pregnant she moved pretty fast. She yanked me away and started hitting me.

"I didn't go through all of this just to have you snatch it away from me you little tramp. The only regret I have when I burned the old shack down was you and that old bitch weren't in it." she screamed as she was pulled away by Dad.

"Marc I want to press charges for arson against her."

"I am carrying your fucking kid and your wife. You can't have me arrested."

"Not for long."

Marc read her rights. Which of ours she didn't use. She tried to break free a few times. Uncle Marc Asked Aunt Suze to get him his cuffs.

She ran upstairs and came back handing Uncle Marc some hand cuffs. We all busted out laughing because they had thick pink fur on them. Uncle Marc's face went from pink to red in a Nano-second.

"What the fuck babe. I didn't mean these." He choked out.

"I know pookie. I just thought we need a laugh." She said handing him the real cuffs.

"Yeah, but they didn't need to know I am into being cuffed."

"They didn't know it was you and not me until you said something dumbass."

As I said Nancy was charged with arson. They are also looking into the deaths of her parents again. Dad and I talked for a long time that night alone, then again the next day. I had forgiven him. I mean he is my dad no matter what I do love him. I have to be honest though it will be hard to move forward.

He of course was filing for a divorce. It would take a while because he was overseas and all. Uncle teddy filed for a petition with the court to block Nancy from using any personal assets of dads. That meant as far as legal fees she was on her own.

He told Grandma that they will rebuild. He told her to do whatever she wanted to just send him the bills. Grandma nodded. Yeah we could rebuild but a new house can't replace memories or family heirlooms.

TJ and I took Dad to the airport. He kept his hand on mine until it was boarding time. He gave me a big hug. "I love you so much Noah. I hope someday you can get back to trusting that love."

"I do to too Dad."

He smiled. He knew it would take a while for me. He gave TJ a hug and made TJ to promise to look out for me and to keep me out of trouble. TJ laughed.

"You're asking for a lot Uncle Jare. I'll try my best though."

I do need to mention though that Grandma had grabbed all the Christmas presents when Nancy kicked her out. We opened them up on December 28th. Dad said the painting I did was beautiful. I asked him if he wanted to burn it. We went to the farm and torched the painting. I wasn't upset about it. I understood. Who would want to be reminded of being married to a loon like Nancy.

Now that I got you up to date with the shit of wonderful Holiday I had. Yeah I am being sarcastic. I can tell you about the present and the events leading up to it.

Fist I want to tell you is that I am now the subject of more rumors. Most going back to fucking the football team. Some over the Christmas shit. Some were new.

The biggest one was that TJ and I were committing incest. No one really said anything directly to me or TJ. TJ and I pretty much ignored that. The fact that we weren't blood related wasn't known to anyone outside of the family.

The guys we still hung with were. Hank and B-bob. The others would hang occasionally but they pretty much drifted off for the most part. They knew the rumors were bullshit but let's face it. In high school, reputation means everything.

It was the beginning of February. I was surprised that I wasn't asked to help with the planning of the valentine's dance. When I asked Carol about it she said they had it all planned out and had enough help. I guess she was being diplomatic in saying I was not wanted.

On the bright side I had challenged all my courses I was taking via the internet with University of Pennsylvania. I passed all of the challenge tests. So that means I had only three classes a day now. Art, gym and study period. I just volunteered as a student aide or in the office the rest of the day.

February 14th 2010.

TJ and I were working out in the school's weight room. Jamie, carol boyfriend came in. I had to say he looked hot in his gym shorts. He had the hairiest legs I have ever seen. When he bent over I saw the hair seemed be just as thick as it went up to his ass.

I was a bit surprised he was there. He worked out in the afternoon. The morning was reserved for Carol. TJ and I looked at each other. We both were wondering why he was here in the morning.

"Carol has other plans this morning bro?" TJ asked.

"No man. We broke up last night."

"Dude I thought you two were like inseparable."

"Yeah, so did I but we found out different."

"I'm sure you will patch things up." I said.

He looked at me. I realized just now that this was the first time he actually looked at me since he came in. The look wasn't anger or anything like that. It was like if he wanted to say something but then thought better of it.

`Not going to happen. She just isn't the girl I want to be with anymore." He said. He went to the weight bench and started setting up his weights. Pretty much saying the topic was closed.

TJ and I went back to lifting spotting each other and Jamie when he needed to be spotted. We all took a quick shower. I peeked at Jamie. He was pretty much average in dick department. But the fucker was hairy. He had hair everywhere except his back. I wouldn't be surprised if he shaved that.

I went to the lunch room with TJ while we waited for first bell. Hank and B-bob were already there. We told them about Jamie and carol breaking up. We all tried to figure out what broke them up but honestly we had no idea.

When the first bell rang we went to homeroom TJ and I just joked around like we usually did. I saw Sam come in. He had moved his seat. which was now across the room. He went back to it but someone was sitting there. Peggy. She refused to move. The only empty seat was in front of me. Sam's old seat.

He plopped himself down in the desk. I couldn't take it. I nudged his seat with my foot. He turned around and looked at me. He didn't smile or anything. He didn't even react, he just turned back around. Damn he was stubborn.

"We need to talk." I whispered in his ear, leaning forward.

"Yeah, I know." He said.

"The spot?" I asked


I looked at TJ. He had a big grin on his face. He gave me the thumbs up. "You know I am going to be there bro." he whispered.

"No TJ. This is something Sam and I have to talk about privately."

"I am going to be there. I don't want you out of my sight. Even if you skip out. I'll be there." TJ was adamant about it. I knew TJ was just being protective but sometimes it's just annoying.

I knew better than to argue with TJ on this. He would be there either way. So I just agreed to it. When the first period bell rang I grabbed my bag. It was light. It only had my laptop, a few sketch few pads, pens and colored pencils and some charcoal.

I went to the main office TJ of course escorted me. After I went in he ran to his first period. I helped Mrs. Kay the new secretary, Mrs. Jensen retired. When that was done there was about twenty minutes left in the period. I pulled out my sketch pad and sketched. When the bell rang I put my stuff away and waited for TJ. I knew better than to leave without him. He would give me a lecture again if I did.

Next period I was assisting the teacher in chemistry. This was TJ's next class also. Today they were doing a lab experiment. Sodium Polyacrylate mixed with water. If done right the contents though filled with water will pure out dry onto the counter. The sodium Polyacrylate will absorb the water. It was pretty hard to fuck up. A few did though. They of course didn't put in the right amount of the ingredients. Whether it was the chemicals or the water.

Next period I went back to the office. TJ escorting me of course. We heard shouting in Grandma's office. Mrs. Kay was on the phone talking to the police I think. TJ ran back to Grandma's office. Mrs. Kay tried to stop him but TJ just side stepped and went in. I followed close behind him.

We stood there transfixed. Mrs. Hardy aka Fairy Godmother was there screaming at my Grandma. Grandma was looking between her and her desk. She looked up at us we came in the office. Fairy God mother swung around.

TJ and I both went white She was waving a 45. Around. She smiled at us.

"Good I can get the rest of them too. She said. She had a wild eyed look in her eye.

"You faggot I am really going to enjoy blowing a hole in your head. Because of you my grandbaby is prison." I thought about that. Linda was her granddaughter.

She swung back around to Grandma. "You though. I am going to love killing for so many reasons. I can't teach anywhere because of you. You ever work in a dollar store? It fucking sucks." She said waving the pistol around the room.

TJ inched forward. She turned around and pointed the gun at TJ.

"Back up boy or I'll blow your balls off. Both of you sit over there where I can see you." She said pointing the loveseat under the window.

She focused back on Grandma. You also had to take my boy's job because he is a good Christian and knows faggots don't need to be treated like good people. Most off all Though I want to tell you this bitch." She said taking a deep breath. We could hear sirens coming up Bulldog Lane.

"Yeah. You deserve to die. You stole my boyfriend. Seth would be alive and well if he was with me. After I shoot you in the heart you'll know what it feels like to have that pain in the heart. You shot me in the heart years ago." She laughed. It was the crazy laugh you'd expect from a someone that has gone over the deep end.

Then I am going to shoot your faggot nephew and that bastard there. Yeah I know he isn't Teddy's kid. When I am done I am going after your other whore of daughter. I just hope some towel head will do off with that muscle head son of yours."

"You don't want to do this. You'll spend your life in jail." Grandma said. The sirens had stopped. Fairy Godmother was so deranged at this point I don't even think she realized the cops were called not alone there.

"I know I won't get away with it. I don't plan on it but I won't see a day in jail. I got five bullets. I am saving the last dance for me." she laughed at her little sick reference to the song.

She lifted the pistol and took aim right at Grandmas head. TJ bounded up and tackled grandma. The desk was between him and the wacko so Grandma was the logical choice. The pistol fired as TJ hit Grandma. It fired again. She swung the thing at me. I closed my eyes I heard another shot.

I didn't feel any pain. I heard that sometimes when your shot you don't feel anything. I opened my eyes and Fairy Godmother was face down on Grandma's desk. Her eyes where wide open. They were completely vacant. I knew the look of death I seen an enough dead junkies growing up.

I looked at the door and saw two police officers standing there. One had his pistol pointing at the wacko sprayed across the desk. Uncle Marc came running in. I looked behind the desk and felt sick. Both grandma and TJ had been hit. I stood up. I tried to move towards them but my legs failed me.

I fell to the floor on my ass. I felt someone lift me up and escorted me out of the office. I stood there. I had a blanket over me. I stood there numb as I watched Grandma and TJ being wheeled away on the stretchers. I remember thinking, they don't have their heads covered.

I was checked out by a paramedic and led by Uncle marc. He said something to me. I don't know what. My mind was a complete blank. The words were he said could have Japanese for all I knew. I wasn't comprehending anything. I barely knew how to walk not alone understand words. I was put in the backseat of Uncle Marcs squad car. I curled up into a ball.

I woke up in a hospital with a start. I had been dreaming. I had to have been. It was to horrific not have been a dream. I looked to the bed beside mine. I saw TJ. He had tubes running in to him. He was still asleep. He was hooked up to all these machines. I started to cry. It wasn't a dream.

I felt a hand on mine. "He's and Mother are alive that's all that matters" I turned and saw Aunt Ruth holding my hand. I cried harder though. The memory of seeing them covered in blood was too much. I passed out again.

Check out Among the Stars in celebrity section.

Hurry back Sam. I miss my editor :)

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer, critic and person should live by:

It is better to be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Unfortunately, most people refuse to leave any doubt.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." Angelica Hopes

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 39

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