
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 15, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.


Chapter 39

I woke again. I didn't want to open my eyes. I was afraid if I did it would all be real. That's wasn't a bad dream. I heard someone come into the room. I felt a warm hand on my cheek. I could feel the callouses and the strength. Most importantly I could feel the love in the touch. I felt the tears escaping my eyes.

"Hey Lil Buddy."

I opened my eyes and saw my Dad. I smiled. He came home, they are home. I looked for Ez. I looked back at my Dad. He was still in uniform.

"Grandma is she ok?"

"It will take more than a bullet to kill your Grandma."

"I thought the wacko killed her and TJ." I said looking at the bed next to me. I panicked when I saw it was empty.

"Relax baby boy. He down getting cat scans." Dad said. I sighed in relief.

"I can't stay long. I need to get back. My CO says I need to be back ASAP so we can be officially pulled out in April."

"You mean you have to go back so they can send you home?"

"Pretty much."

"Ez too?"

"Ez too. He asked me to give you this." Dad laughed and picked up a wrapped paper box and handed it to me. I smiled and smelled it. Which got Dad laughing. I did too. The only thing though was he didn't know what was in it. I did though. I put it on the night stand beside my bed.

"I'm glad your opening that later kiddo. Somethings I just don't want to see." Dad laughed.

"I don't know what you mean."

"I have a very good idea what's in that. Somethings I just rather not witness."

"When do you have to leave?"

"In a few hours. I was given seven days and granted another five days' extension. Since Grandma got released yesterday and you're not in any life threating danger, I have no more extensions."

"How long have I been here?"

"Eight days. You had an acute mental shock. This is the first time you woke up and were coherent."

"You been here the whole time?" I asked

"Seven of those days. It's not like I it's a short distance."

He was explaining it two days of travel which was included in the emergency leave when the doctor came in. She gave me a quick exam. You know, blood pressure, pulse and breathing shit. She pulled up a chair.

"Hello Noah I am Doctor Holiday."

My mind pictured her with a pair of six shooters around her waist and a cowboy hat. I couldn't help but giggle. I looked at dad and almost broke out laughing.

"I can see where your mind went. For the record there's no relation there."

"Okay sorry. It was just, well, you know."

"That's alright I went through the same thing with your father. He is a regular comedian."

I gave Dad a smirk. "Yeah he can be an ass some times."

"Yes, he is. Well back to matters at hand. I am the psychiatrist that has been assigned to your case. I understand you have been a patient of Dr. Richard Johnson for twenty-two weeks."

"Yes ma'am. I stopped seeing him just before Thanksgiving."

"I would refer you back to him but unfortunately, he moved his practice to San Francisco. You can however request another therapist at any time."

"it's okay."

"Good, now I would like to ask you if I may request from Dr. Johnson his file on your sessions with him."

"Sure." She passed me a piece of paper that that allowed her permission to get the records. I signed the half dozen papers.

"Mr. Mac Daniels. If you would be so kind to leave us alone to talk for about an hour." She said to my Dad.

"No! I want him to stay.!" I yelled. I didn't mean to yell. I knew that he had to leave for Afghanistan soon. I wanted as much time with him as possible. Even if only just him being nearby.

"sorry didn't mean to yell. I just want him to stay before he has to return to Afghanistan." I explained. When she raised her eyebrows at my outburst.

"That's fine Noah. Now What do you remember about the circumstances that resulted in your stay here?"

I told everything I remembered which was everything. I had a little panic attach when I described what happened to TJ and Grandma and the shooting of Fairy Godmother. From there on was a blank. She got a kick out of the nick name for Mrs. Hardy and its reason for it.

After she left Dad and I talked for a little bit. Nurses and doctors came in to see how I was doing. I was told once I was able to eat solid food I'd be released Which would be about two days. I found out that I normally would have been put in the psych ward but I was so out of control that Ruth suggested I be put in with TJ as that might calm me down. Apparently it did.

TJ was wheeled in. He was in a wheel chair and had his right arm in a sling and one on his left in a cast. I wasn't told exactly what his condition was. They were afraid of my reaction. I have to admit they probably had the right idea. If I had been told right away I would have gone back to that nut stage. TJ insisted on having his bed close to mine. I was told that he would hold my hand when I started to freak out in my dream stages. It would calm me down.

TJ smiled as he was wheeled to his bed. I watched as they lifted him up into it. They moved his legs and pulled the sheet and blanket up. they made sure he was comfortable. He Had all his remotes and left. Dad went over and gave TJ a hug. He whispered something to TJ and he whispered something back.

I had to admit I was curious as to what they whispered about. "What's with the secrets guys?"

"I'll tell you later bro." TJ said.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Pretty good." He answered.

The three of us talked and joked for a bit. I could tell TJ was putting on a front. I didn't say anything though. I figured it was just being in the hospital being a downer. I knew it was for me. At two dad had to leave. He gave me a hug and kiss.

"I love you Noah. Remember that." He said after hugging TJ and kissing his forehead.

"I Love you too dad. Be careful and get back soon."

"I promise to as safe as possible and all the Taliban army couldn't keep from getting back to my family."


"I promise. I'll be back here to see you off to the University of Pennsylvania."

"If I am accepted you mean."

"You'll find a letter at home saying you were. Sorry I opened it."


"Yep, well I have to go." He said. After a quick hug to TJ and me he turned and went to leave.

"Promise!" I yelled after him.

"Promise!" he yelled back.

"Damn I have to piss." TJ said.

"Then go piss."

"I need the bottle." I got out of bed. I still had an IV in me but it was long enough for me to reach the bottle. I handed it to him.

"Bro I need more help than that. I can't exactly hold the thing. Either things if ya get my drift." TRJ laughed.

I blushed a little. I felt dumb duh Noah. His arm is in a sling and the other in a cast. "Sorry TJ. I didn't think."

"It's ok bro. if it you're not comfortable with helping me. I can call the nurse."

"Dude I seen your dick and even more than that."

"Ha-ha. True enough bro."

I pulled the blanket down. And lifted his hospital gown. I then pulled the front of his boxers down and tucked them under his balls. He definitely had some big ones.

"Spread your legs a little for me."

"I need a little help there to bro." he said quietly.

Without thinking about it I pulled his legs apart enough to place the urinal thing between his legs. I grabbed his dick and placed it in the opening. He sighed as he began to pee. When he was done I gave it a little shake to get the drips off of it. I put the urinal beside his bed. And pulled up his boxers. By that time, he had some serious wood. Now TJ was bigger than EZ and Ez was huge. The thing didn't fit in his boxers.

"Thanks bro. I needed to piss really bad."

"No problem TJ. I owe you big time. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. You're a hero. Especially to me."

"That's what they say bro. TJ the super hero." He said with a fake smile.

I decided to change subjects. That one seemed to bother him. "I bet you'll be glad when you can get out of that bed and go take a piss by yourself."

I saw TJ's forced smile leave his face. Tears started to run down his face. I said the wrong thing. I don't know exactly how I upset him but I did.

"TJ I'm sorry I am sure in time you'll being running around again."

This seemed to make things go from bad to worse. What I am saying that's upsetting him. I thought about it. Oh fuck. It dawned on me right then what it was that I said that upset him. I got up off my bed and crawled in beside him.

"Oh fuck TJ I am so sorry. I didn't know. Please forgive me."

"Not your fault baby. You didn't know." He said through sobs. I ignored the baby part. I knew that TJ was in love with me I have known that for a while. Fuck he had told me he was.

"Yeah but it's my fault."

"No it's not." he said. He stopped crying when I said that. I felt his upper body tense up.

"I'm the one that jumped in front of the bullet bro."

"It's my fault that you had to. It's because of me that happened." I cried.

"Dude that shit started a long time ago before we even were born." TJ said. He turned and looked at me.

"Even if it didn't. I would take a bullet for you." He whispered in my ear.

"He's right sweetheart." We both looked to towards the bottom of the bed and saw Grandma Standing there. Her arm was in sling but other than that she looked normal.

"Get in your bed Noah. I have a story to tell you. I told TJ this story yesterday."

I did as I was told. Grandma pulled up a chair and sat down between us. She started with Once upon a time, which brought a smile to our faces.

Once upon a time there was a handsome man named Seth. After high school he was accepted into the University of Pennsylvania school of business, known as Warton college of business. He had a girlfriend back in his hometown of Hazard. Her name was Geneva Cresson. Now she was a very pretty girl but she didn't want Seth to go to college so far away she wanted him to go to the same college she went too near their home town.

She told him that while they were apart that they should put their relationship on hold until he returned and would then resume their relationship and get married. Seth agreed to her terms. The thing is though that Seth met another girl named Eva. They started seeing each other on a regular basis.

Seth told Geneva he had met another girl. Geneva didn't take it well. Seth reminder her that she was dating Paul Hardy while they were separated. In the end Geneva figured that Seth would stop seeing the girl after he finished college and returned home.

That did not happen. In their senior year Seth proposed to Eva. After they graduated they got married. Geneva was furious. She did everything in her power to stop them. She even went so far as to say he was already married to her. Which of course was not true. Geneva later married Paul hardy and six months later gave birth to a son. Geneva never forgave Eva for stealing what she thought as her man. Over the years that created a rivalry that festered it got worse after the death of Paul hardy and turned into hatred of anything and everyone that was connected to Eva.

Finally, she decided to stop her mental agony. She appeared in her former place of work where Eva still worked and tried to kill Eva and her two handsome Grandchildren. Unfortunately, her plans were thwarted when one of her grandsons saw a widow of opportunity and saved all their lives. Geneva though tried to kill the third one only to be stopped before she could succeed. This hatred cost her life.

The way Grandma told the history between her, Grandpa and Mrs. Hardy, it sounded a bit romantic and tragic. Not like at all of the insanity that actually took place. I almost felt sorry for the wacko. Like I said almost she is still a bitch. Just a dead bitch now. I know I am so wrong in so many ways for saying that but you know what? Fuck it.

"So you see Noah. You are not to blame. You were part of her excuse."

"I guess but that doesn't change that I feel like I could have done something to stop it." I said as tears went down my face.

"I know honey. In time you'll understand that if it wasn't one thing it would be another. God allows things to happen for a reason We just don't know that reason."

"I still feel like it's my fault that TJ can't walk again."

"Yo, who the fuck said I won't walk again bro." TJ said with enthusiasm.

"TJ language! I am going to have to work on that potty mouth of yours, young man." Ruth said from the door.

"Sorry." TJ said sounding properly chastised. He still was smiling though so you know he was just sorry he got caught.

"I bet." Laughed Ruth.

I was released two days later. I was surprised though when Sam had come to see me those last two days. I was told that I didn't have to return to school until the following Monday. Sam came by every day. We would just play video games or walk down to the river at sun set.

They had started on the new house. Just the frame work was up but I was excited all the same. It was huge. Three stories, six bedrooms, four and half bathrooms. It would also have a study and family room plus the normal rooms. George was the main contractor so we didn't worry about lower quality.

We were able to salvage some stuff from the fire. Mostly trunks that had been in the attic and pictures that Grandma had kept in a metal box. We had to wait until the snow cleared before we could sift through all the rubble. Well until George Could sift through it.

My return to school though was hell. I was pretty much ostracized by everyone except by Sam, Hank and B-bob. I didn't care. I figured I had about ten weeks left before I graduate. I basically just kept to myself. I really didn't give a fuck. I didn't even care much when someone torched the Main Street Theatre. I figure dad will be home soon and Ez and I will be fucking like bunnies. His words not mine.

I just did my art and Gym classes. Other than that, I just studied. I had started reading all kinds of medical books. My world was pretty much geared up to the fact that I will soon be leaving this fucking hell hole called Hazard behind me. Honestly they should put up a sign that say Hazard ahead enter with extreme caution, population is mentally unstable, instead of Welcome to Hazard population; 5,400.

TJ was going though physical therapy so he was being homeschooled. On the week-ends he hang out on the farm. He'd spend most of his time in the barn. He preferred the animals company. He was moody and withdrawn. I understood why though. I figure if there was the probability I would never walk again, I would be looking to off myself. Other than the animals, he seemed only to want Seth or me around him for any length of time.

Honestly I am pretty much a basket case as it is. I get panic attacks at the little things. Quick movement, crowd, loud noise, name it and it will cause me to go into a shell and cower. It was really hard in school. it took a lot of will power not to run and hide. Connor usually created that urge. I really wished TJ was here in school with me. I needed his protection. I never thought I'd say that. The anxiety pills worked but that was limited.

I saw Dr. holiday once a month. And it was pretty much the same thing. It was something that I either had to deal with or just end it all. Of course she didn't say that. It was my thinking. I figured it was just matter of time. I mean how much can one person take in a life time. Not alone in seventeen years of hell. Dr. holiday tried though. I was just beyond help.

Easter was upon us again. Dad still hadn't received word when they were being pulled out. Ez and I were counting the days and discussing the different positions we wanted to try that we saw on the internet. We talked about music. He liked this guy Jason Chris. I agreed he was hot and some of his music was good. I like him in the Disney show he had A Starz Life. For a fourteen-year-old he was a hottie. The fact that he came out as being gay was cool. I think Ez kept me from going over to the dark side.

The house was finished. It was an imposing colonial style house. brick exterior with a porch that wrapped around three sides. As Grandma and I were furnishing it we had moved into it. we had all the main rooms done and three bedrooms only three to go. It was expensive because we had to start from scratch. Like it was our first home. We had a blast doing it. especially the weekend trips to Louisville and Lexington to find the right furniture.

Uncle Teddy had passed last week. He hung on longer than expected. TJ was depressed even more. He had completely pushed Aunt Ruth away. He asked to live with grandma and me. Ruth unhappily granted him permission. I think being in the house he grew up in and Not having his dad there was killing him inside. He had gotten a lot closer to Uncle Teddy since he had gotten sick.

TJ wanted to share a room. I was hesitant because I wanted some privacy when I talked with Ez. Especially since don't ask don't tell was going to over with soon. We were looking forward to that day when we can be open about our relationship to everyone. I of course can't say no to TJ. He has pretty much become part of me.

Fuck I even jerked him off while he was in those casts. Part of it was an experiment though. He wanted to know if he could still get off and feel it.


I had the IV's taken out that morning. I was getting out tomorrow. So I was more mobile now. I pretty much was taking care of TJ when he had to go. whether it was a piss or using the bedpan. I felt bad though when I had to wipe and wash his ass. He was understandably embarrassed.

"Hey bro I need to pee again'" TJ said laughing. It was the midnight; the nurses aid had just taken our vitals.

"Dude you need to stop dinking all that water." I said while I got that urinal thing.

"Sorry bro. I always drank a lot of water I just ain't sweating it out like used too." He giggled.

"Whatever dude." I said as pulled down the sheet. I pulled the front of his Star Wars jammy bottoms. Don't laugh Sethy gave them to him so TJ insisted on wearing them. TJ was hard as a piece of marble. I had a hell of time getting the urinal and his dick in a position to so he wouldn't piss all over the place. His dick wouldn't bend much. I did it though and as soon as said go he pissed.

"Bro I swear you get hard at the thought of it being touched."

"Been hard for a while now bro. I can't exactly get off like some guy I know right now."

"Dude we are in the fucking hospital. Not like we can get off."

"Didn't stop you in the bathroom earlier."

I was about to protest but I figured what the fuck no use denying it." \

"Well Ez got me horny."

"Knowing you were stroking in the bathroom got my cock alike a rock." TJ liked his rhymes.

"Guess I should have waited until you were asleep. Sorry bro."

"If you're really sorry, you'd help me out." TJ said shyly.

"You want me to jerk you off?"

"Sorry bro. I shouldn't have asked you that."

I got back up out of bed and got a towel. I went to the side of TJ's bed. I pulled the covers down and tucked his jammys under his balls. I laid the towel long ways up TJs torso. I had seen him shoot enough to know it shoots upwards to his face.

I looked up at him and he was smiling. Horny bastard I thought. I got some spit on my hand and started to stroke his pole. I8 had to admit to myself that I had wondered what his dick would feel like in my hand. He started to precum a lot which just added extra lube. He was moaning. I shushed him. We don't need the nurses to come running in. I picked up speed.

"No slow, like you were doing play with my balls please."

I slowed down and started playing with his balls as I stroked his shafted. I could tell he wanted to fuck my fist but of course he couldn't. I let the fingers rub his fuzzy taint as I played with his balls. My hand kept the slow steady pace on his dick.

I felt his balls tighten against body and his dick begin to swell up i9n my hand. I felt it pulse and contract as massive thick globs ok cum pumped out. the first hit his chin the second landed on his chest and down wards till the thick goo was just oozing out of the cum hole. I stared at his dick. I started to bend over but I caught myself. He's like my brother. I can't go there. I wanted to do it though I wanted to taste his cock. His cum. I wanted him at that moment.

I looked up at him and he was staring at me. there was a tear in the corner of his eye. I smiled and wiped up any stray cum on his body. The towel got most of it. I went to the bathroom to get a wet wash rag to wipe him. I saw a thick glob of his cum on my hand. Without thinking I sucked it off my hand.

Oh god it was better than I could imagine. I had tasted it before that one time but this was even better. I went back out. I realized I had left the door open when ate his cum off of my hand. He didn't say anything so I know he didn't see it. TJ would have teased me to no end about it.

"Thanks bro." he said. I watched as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. He had another tear in his eye. I figure it was from the orgasm.

I ended up jerking TJ off regularly until the splint came off his right arm. The cast came off before that but he complained he couldn't get off with his left. Personally I think it was bull shit but I did it anyway. The thing though was that tear appeared after every orgasm. TJ also confessed the day after I first jerked him, that he was afraid he would feel anything. We jerked a few times after he moved in with Grandma and me. The tear never reappeared.

Easter was a little sedate. The people who were missing were felt. We all tried to keep up our spirits. To an outsider it would seem real but we all knew it was forced. That heard of elephants was there. We all ignored them.

TJ said if he could ever walk again he wanted to be a veterinarian. I told him that walking doesn't mean he can't be one. I got TJ all kinds of brochures and even one from the University of Pennsylvania veterinary school. he smiled and poured over them.

I took TJ to see his specialist he went through the normal tests and cat scans. We were waiting now for the Doctor to get back with the results. TJ had made a little progress in therapy. He also had some sensation in his toes. We chatted though about other things. We were good at ignoring the elephants.

"We can go to the same place. Think Grandma will help me get in."

"Positive she will try."

The doctor came into the office. "TJ I have something I want to discuss with you." He gave a dramatic pause. The one thing I hated about this guy was he like drama. Not the negative kind the kind where he could show off how brilliant he is. He was good. The best in Kentucky but if you went by his ego. Well let's just say the room ain't big enough for his head.

"With these test results and the sensation in your toes. It is possible that with intensive therapy you may be able to get sixty percent use of your legs again. However, the best place for that is the Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colorado. They have seen remarkable results."

I looked at TJ and smiled I could see his upper body fidgeting. He was all smiles though.

"I want you to go home and discuss this with your mother."

"I turn eighteen tomorrow, so I will be legal. No need to talk with her about it. I want to do it."

"The down side is that your insurance won't cover more than a thirty-day stay. We are talking about up to a year plus housing expenses."

"I'll cover the costs and I am sure my dad will help too." I said. If TJ wanted this, I will make sure he gets it.

"Okay then I will make the arrangements."

I watched as TJ was wheeled into the plane with Ruth. Ruth was ecstatic over the news. She was on board two hundred percent. Seth and Aliza were staying with us. Aliza was not happy about it. Seth was more upset that TJ was going somewhere without him. He clung to me. I was his second brother.

On a good note though dad said they had received word that they will be pulled out at the end of March. I was thrilled one month to go and EZ will be fucking my brains out and Dad will be home. The down side to that was he' had to stay in North Carolina until the divorce could be heard. Still though he'd be in driving distance.

I took Seth to the river with me that night. We were joined by Sam. Seth was your normal fourteen-year-old intellectually and physically. He talked better but was still emotionally only eight-years-old. That being said he was sitting on my lap. Well between my legs. We watched the sun set and the colors play on the water.

"They are like rainbows." Seth said pointing towards the river full of colors.

Yeah they are like rainbows." I agreed.

I watched. He was right they were rainbows. They arched from the opposite side of the river. Made me think. That after every storm there's a rainbow. Is life like that? After every bad thing is there a rainbow. Or just an interlude until the next bad thing happens. My money is on the later. There's no rainbows for me just interludes before the next storm. I gave up on a happily ever after for me.

Not to a be jerk but if you're going email me about grammar save your breath I just ignore those emails.

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Hurry back Sam. I miss my editor :)

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer, critic and person should live by:

It is better to be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Unfortunately, most people refuse to leave any doubt.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." Angelica Hopes

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 40

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