
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 2, 2016


This story is fictional though some events and places maybe be real the characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. The idea for this story came loosely from the song Hazzard by Richard Marx. The normal copy rights for this story are held by me any copying without authorization from this writer is not allowed. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal whether by age or place of residence do so at your own risk.

Please feel free to contact me at RandyWadeStory@gmail.com Please donate to this site.


Chapter 4

I was in a dead sleep. When I abruptly awoken by and clock alarm going off. I reached for the snooze button on the alarm clock on my night stand. I kept groping and reaching for it. I opened one eye to spot it and it wasn't there. The alarm stopped. "Rise a shine kiddo. One of the many disadvantages of being the grandson of the school principal is you can't be late." My grandma said.

I heard Uncle Jared chuckle. "Even worse if you're the son of the principal."

I groaned and sat up in bed. I almost pulled the blanket off but realized I had some serious wood. And grandma was still there. I guess Uncle Jared must have figured out my problem.

"I'll make sure he is up and ready mom." He said giving me a wink.

Grandma smiled and went down stairs. While just sat there trying to will it to go down. The worse part was I had to pee and knew it wouldn't go down but Uncle Jared was still there.

"I'll get up Uncle Jared. Why don't you, um, like go down stairs and get breakfast." I said while stretching, trying to play off the fact that I was going wait until he was gone before I got out of bed.

He smiled and nodded and went through the door. I got up and started for the bathroom. When Uncle Jared peeked his head back in the door.

"FYI Noah, after 7 years in the marines I seen more wood than a hooker in a brothel. Yours is not different."

"Maybe you see a lot of wood in the marines but I got a tree trunk." I don't know why I said it and still can't believe I said to day.

I could hear him laughing as he went down stairs. I went on to the bathroom to take my morning piss. I don't know about other guys but that first piss in the morning always felt great. But was hell doing with a serious boner going.

I stripped and was about to jump in the shower when Uncle Jared popped his head in. "Better make it a quick one." Your grandma wants us to be at school in half an hour."

I felt my face turn red at the thought of anyone seeing me naked but just jumped into the shower. I soaped and washed every part as fast as I could. Trying not to pay too much attention to my dick because I knew if I did I'd be doing more than just washing it.

Once done I quickly dried and dressed in a pair of skinny jeans a form fitting red Ralf Loren t-shirt and a pair of white and red Nikes. I checked myself in the mirror admiring how I looked. I had to admit the jeans looked good and showed off my ass and the T-shirt showed off my pecks and abs.

"Ok prince charming you're going to school not to the ball to get your Cinderella." I jumped like I was a thief caught with hand in the till. I could feel the heat rising to my face as a turned around and saw Uncle Jared leaning against the door frame. To make it worse he started laughing.

"Stop sneaking up on me!" I yell and stormed past him and ran down the stairs. I could hear laughing even harder as went into the kitchen to get some cereal.

"Coming into the kitchen. Don't want to sneak up on you." I heard Uncle Jared announce as he came into the kitchen. I gave him a dirty look as I went to the fridge to get some milk.

"No time buddy we need to get a move one we'll get breakfast after we get you registered at school." He said as he grabbed a banana and tossed into me. I followed him out the back door and we walked to his jeep I went to get into the passenger side and stopped me.

"You drive." He said tossing me the keys.

"I can't drive. I don't have a driver's license." I said a little embarrassed.

"Ok well another thing on the list to do this week. Make sure you go to driver's ed." He said as he caught the keys I tossed back.

We drove the short distance to Hazard High School. It wasn't a big impressive place. It was a one story building of brick. We pulled up and parked across the road from the main entrance.

The main entrance had a portico like thing that extended almost to the road. There were a few teen age kids hanging around the entrance. I saw one face I did recognize though, my Cousin TJ. He said something to his buddies and they all looked at me and giggled.

I played like I didn't notice them. Uncle Jared though didn't he walked right up to TJ. I saw TJ take a step back. "Good morning TJ. I been meaning to ask you. Did you ever get that little wart removed from your tactical?"

"What wart?"

"Not important really. I want to talk to you privately." He said looking at his buddies who quickly left the area.

"Listen TJ, I know your basically a good kid. All I want you to do is not hassle Noah. If you could look out for him that would be great. I don't expect you to but I would appreciate it. He had a hard life, which was none of his fault. I think deep down you know that. We cool?"

Yeah Uncle Jared, I'll think about what you said. Not about hassling him. I won't. About the other stuff."

"Good that's all I ask."

Uncle Jared hugged TJ and then led me into the school. We went to the main office where we started registering me for high school. The Secretary, Mrs. Jensen said since the principal was my grandmother we could do without a lot of the formalities. I still need to take a placement test though. Which she scheduled for the next day at 10 in the morning.

"Once we get the results back we will know for sure what grade and classes to put you in. Once the guardian paper work catches up to you Noah, you be start school according to Eva you should start no later than Monday." She said once I finished the paper work.

Uncle Jared smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Jensen."

"My pleasure Jared. You mother wants you to stop in the office before you gentlemen leave."

Uncle Jared nodded and led me around the counter to a door that had the name stenciled on it Evelyn Mac Daniels, Principal. Uncle Jared just open the door and walked in. I followed not too sure if should wait or what. I mean this is the principal's office. Grandma or not still it's like unheard of to just enter without permission.

"What's up Mom?" Uncle Jared said. "Oops sorry though you were alone." He added when he saw a boy about my age sitting in the seat in front of her desk.

"It's Ok we are just finishing up here." She said to us.

"Sam I need you to keep them grades up this year or I will have to ban you again from playing football C average. Got me?"

"Got ya Mrs. Mac. C average." The boy Sammy replied.

He got up and turned and saw him from the front. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was a walking wet dream. He had blonde hair, blue eyes. His body was ripped. You could see the muscles in his arms bulging and the pecs and 6 pack in the tight light blue Tee.

He said High and smiled as he went out. My legs went almost rubbery at his smile. I watched him walk out the door he had a nice bubble butt too. Damn he is hot. Sam was going to be the star of many a jerk off fantasy to come.

I came back to reality when I heard Grandma call my name.


"Oh sorry Grandma. Guess I am just a little hungry."

"I bet your Hungry." Uncle Jared said.

Oh god did Uncle Jared know what I was thinking. I hope he didn't figure out I was gay. Being gay is bad enough but being gay in a small redneck town was signing a death warrant.

I took the seat next Uncle Jared while grandma straightened out some paper work on her desk. Then handed Uncle Jared a folder.

Take this to Judge Fuller. You appoint is at 1 this afternoon." She said to Uncle Jared.

"She will want to talk to you, Noah. To see how you feel about Jared adopting you." She said to me

"I am cool with it."

"I know dear but it's a formality we have to do."

We said out good byes and before I knew it we were sitting in a Burger King eating a double crossan'wich witch bacon and a large coffee and OJ. Uncle Jared had two crossan'wich with sausage, hash browns, French toast sticks large coffee and an OJ.

He was till done before me. I sat there and stared at him in amazement. He sat back and smiled. "Hey I was Hungry. What can I say?" we both started laughing.

By the time we were done and leaving the burger king it was 10 am. Still had three hours before we had to go see that Judge. Uncle Jared drove us to some park along the river. It was a nice park with a running track in an oval, basketball and tennis courts, baseball fields and an indoor arena. In all it was pretty good set up for a small town.

He parked near the area and we got out. I followed him down to the river. Where we sat. I didn't say anything. I waited for Uncle Jared to talk first. I had the feeling he wanted to say something but was looking for the right words.

"Noah, there's no way other than to ask you this but to just ask it." I looked at him. A cold chill ran up my spine I knew it. He was ask me if I was fag. He would hate me. I would be sent away. I'd lose my Uncle Jared. No way would he adopt me.

He just stared straight ahead. "Are you gay?" he asked.

I felt the tears running down my face. I couldn't speak. I tried but all I could do was move my mouth. The words were stuck. Finally I blurted out "I'm sorry Uncle Jared. Please don't hate me. Don't send me away."

I was crying hard now I felt so ashamed I was a faggot. I didn't want to be. Now the person who means the most to me knows and hates me because I am. "I don't wanna be a fag Uncle Jared I am sorry. Please believe I don't want to be one. I'll change." I begged him between gasps and cries.

He stood up abruptly and pulled me up to stand in front of him I looked into his face and I saw anger there. I felt the greatest fear I ever felt in my life he was going to beat me.

"Don't ever and I mean ever say that word again. Don't you ever call yourself a fag fagot queer or anything like that agin do you understand me Noah?"

"I Nodded.

"Say it Noah I want to hear you say, yes sir."

"Yes sir." I said looking down at my feet.

"I don't care that you gay Noah. I thought maybe you were. I didn't want to assume it though. Look at me Noah."

I looked back up into his face. There was no anger there. He looked like he was my Uncle Jared again the cool and nice Uncle Jared that in just 5 day I learned to love more than anyone else in the world.

He put his hands on my cheeks and wiped away the tears with his thumbs and smiled.

"I don't care who you fall in love with as long as they treat you right and love you back. I just want you to be happy. That is all that matters to me."

I could help it I hugged my uncle and rested my head against his shoulder. I couldn't talk I was choked up with words again. But I wanted him to know that I was happy. This felt like the best way to show him. He hugged me back to let me know he knew and felt the same way.

We sat and talked a bit him asking a few questions like was a virgin. Which of course I was and said so.

"So that guy Sam caught your eye huh." He said as we walked back to the Jeep.

"He seemed nice." I said playing it off.

"If what you mean by 'seemed nice' is good looking jock with hot body. Then yeah I agree." He said getting in behind the wheel.

I got in shot gun and looked at him.

"What? Just because I am straight doesn't me I can't see if a guy is hot or not." He laughed.

I shook my head in disbelief. Less than a week ago my life was turned upside down. My mother was dead from and over dose. I was sent to live with grandparents I met once but don't really remember. My Uncle the marine is adopting me. Oh and A bitch of an aunt who think would off me if she could. Funny thing is I was happy. I don't think I ever was before. I don't think I ever been loved before or even love anyone before now. I love my grandparents. I loved my uncle who in less than a few hours will be my dad. I think I loved him more than anyone in the world. If you told this last week was going to happen I tell you to buy better drugs. The ones you are taking now are making you delusional.

We pulled into a parking lot behind a large building. I followed Uncle Jared across the street to a large build with steps leading to some large columns and the doors. We went down a hall signed in and where told where the office was to Judge Fuller.

Uncle Jared seemed to know the way already and we knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood a man about Grandma's age in jeans and an open button collar shirt.

"Jared! Great to see you again."

"Thanks Judge Fuller great to see you again but it's been only two days."

"True. Now what's with the Judge crap? Can't have my godson calling me judge can I. We are family."

"Good to see you again Noah. Better circumstances too." He said to me offering his hand. Which I shook

I finally realized he was at the funeral and at my grandparents after the funeral. I was little more relaxed now. I remembered he was very kind and seemed nice when he talked to me.

"Jared step outside for a few minutes. While Noah and I talk then we will do this paperwork."

He asked me a few questions he was reading off a list and checking off things and making notations.

"Last question Noah. But I have to record this ok?"

"Yes sir"

"He turned on the little recorder on his desk. "Noah Mac Daniels in your own words tell me why you want Jared Mac Daniels to adopt you?"

"Because I never had a dad before. Until last week I never knew what it felt to be really loved by anyone. I know that Uncle Jared loves me. I love him too. I really think he is what a dad should be. He listens to me. He doesn't yell. He does get angry but I don't have to worry about getting hurt by him. I know he wants what is best for me. I am happy for the first time in my life and because of him. Grandma and grandpa make me happy too. It's because of Uncle Jared That I am really happy."

I think that was the most I ever said to an adult at one time. But everything just came pouring out every last word I meant. Uncle Jared was my idol, my hero, my savior and soon to be my dad.

I looked at the judge he had turned off the recorder and smiled "Okay, now that's done with let's get Jared in here." Uncle Jared signed paper after paper showed proof of employment with the marines and all the other necessary documentations. It took a little over half an hour. The judge signed what he needed to sign had it notarized and had a secretary take it to make copies. I was bouncing in my seat I was so excited.

"Congratulations Jared you're the father of a bouncing teen age boy." Judge Fuller said glancing at me bouncing in my seat.

"Yeah, wow thought I'd be a little older when my son is his teens but at least I am fast enough to catch him."

"Don't bet on it." I said.

"We'll have to test that one out before I go back."

The secretary came back with all the copies. And handed them to Judge Fuller.

He placed three copies in envelopes. Another in a sealed FedEx envelope. And other in a folder witch he gave to the secretary. To be taken to the county records department in another building.

He gave me one and Uncle Jared the other two.

"Give one to your mother and keep one with you." He told my uncle.

"I gave you a copy Noah as a memento. Though it's just as valid as the others." He told me.

He handed two more papers to Uncle Jared.

"Although those papers are official until it's registered with the state." He said patting the FedEx envelope. "That is a temporary order giving you full custody of Noah also there is at the request of your mother a temporary power of attorney of Noah for her when you are filling your military duty. Unless of course if decide to take Noah with you."

"I wish I could but it would be better for him to be here. In case I get called overseas."

"Well gentlemen that's it. Good luck Noah and I think you have a great man here for a father."

"I do to sir."

We left the office and made our way to the Jeep. I was walking on clouds. I don't think I ever felt so safe and content in all my life. I wanted to shout, scream, and jump for joy. But that would to over the top. So I just smiled.

We crossed the street and a thought came to me. I looked at my Uncle Jared. No wait my dad.

"Does this mean I have to call you Dad now?"

He laughed but then looked serious for a second and stopped and looked at me.

"I would be proud if you did but only if you want to."

"I'll think about it." I said. Then added "Dad." Looking up at him with a smile.

"Let's go home son." He said putting an arm over my shoulder and giving me a squeeze as we walked to the jeep.

We got home and we hung out with Grandpa. He seemed to be having a bad day He kept forgetting things. Like where he put his glasses or that he had let the dog out.

Uncle Jared, I mean my dad, explained to me that grandpa had Alzheimer's. Most days he was good but some days like today he was off track. The doctors think he could last a few more years but then he could slip real bad fast at any given time. There was no way to really predict it.

I felt bad I was just getting to know my Grandpa. I didn't want to lose him yet. I decided that for as long as he was around I would make it my mission to be near him.

I took the placement test I must have done really well, because I was put in the 11th grade honors classes. We signed the documents registering me in Hazard High school. Home of the Bulldogs. I was to start school on Monday.

Dad and I hung out all week together. We would hang out with his cop buddy Marc and his wife Suze. Marc was pretty cool too but Suze was hilarious with some of the stories she told about the pranks my Dad and Marc played on people in High school.

We also spent time with Grandpa or went horseback riding. He took me to camping on Thursday to Saturday to Carr Creek State Park. It was cool just me and him. We hiked swam. Had fires every night. He even let me have a few beers. Though I am not sure I liked the fuzzy feeling I got. We did lot's more like one night we went skinny dippy. I had a blast. I didn't want it it to end. But it did.

Sunday we went to church and felt a little more at ease. I wanted to stick out my tongue at Ruth when she gave me that look she always did. Like I was the dog that left the shit she stepped in. I was mature though so I didn't.

After church was over I got separated from dad and grandparents so I greeted the pastor alone. I shook hands with him and smile hello. "Good to see you again Noah. I understand your Uncle is leaving to go back to his base tomorrow. I bet you'll miss him."

"Yes sir I will. But he's my Dad now he adopted me."

I heard a gasp from behind me. I turned a saw Ruth face white with shock. "That's wonderful. I guess that makes you one lucky young man. He is good mad. I have known him since he was in diapers."

I smiled and made my way out as fast I could. I knew I just fucked up. Aunt Ruth wasn't supposed to know until the state had it registered. I was terrified now I knew Dad would be a little pissed I blurted it out. I couldn't help though I been dying to tell someone it just happened.

I was sitting in a spot u7nder the church sign waiting for Grandma, Grandpa and Dad. I was looking down leaning forward my elbows on my knees. I* was away from prying eyes but not hidden enough that I couldn't be seen if I was looked for.

"Hey." I heard someone say. I looked up and TJ was standing in front of me.

"Hey." I said back.

"Listen. I, um, like fuck with you in school and stuff and I won't let anyone else either."

"Cool thanks." I said smiling

"We won't be friends or nothing like that but you're my cousin and Uncle Jared asked me too. I am doing it for him." He turned away to leave but stopped. "Did Uncle Jared really adopt you?"

"Yeah. I got papers to prove it too." I said. I guess I was a little defensive. Because he stepped back.

"For what it's worth I think it's cool." He said and turned and walked away.

Maybe TJ wasn't the jerk I thought he was. Though Dad did say he was a clone of Ruth with a dick. I had to keep a close watch around him. He maybe alright but his mother could screw with him into doing something that might not be so cool.

My dad came and got me and we went to get the car. We picked up Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa was tired so we decided to go home instead of breakfast. The drive was quiet except Grandpa. He fell asleep and he was snoring softly. When we got home Dad helped Grandpa to bed for a nap.

Grandma changed and made us omelets, bacon and fried potatoes. Dad and I ate every last bite and downed two glasses of OJ. We made pigs out of ourselves. Grandma just had toasts and a cup of coffee. While she watched us devour our food shaking her head.

"Not even your son a week and he is already eating just like you." She said chuckling.

"Like father like son." Dad said.

I liked saying that DAD still do too. Makes me feel like I belong somewhere. Like I have specific place now in the world. A spot that says, this is Noah's spot because he is Jared son. His dad's son. Sounds stupid I know. But if you grew up with knowing nothing other than a drunk and drugged up mom you'd understand. If you grew being blamed for every problem she had. Being told you were nothing but a pain in the ass. Made to feel worthless, unwanted and unloved. You would understand.

We were sitting in the living room watching a college football game. When were heard the crunching of gravel as a car drove up to the house. Dad turn and looked out the window. I heard him sigh.

"What the fuck does she want." Dad growled as got up from his comfortable seat. I followed him.

Grandma was right there with us. As we watched Ruth got out of the passenger seat. Uncle teddy got out from the driver's seat. My cousins jumped out of the back of the minivan. Ruth looked pissed off even though she was obviously trying to hide it.

Dad and Grandma went out the screened door. "Stay in here Noah." Grandma said.

"No mom I want him out here with me. I don't want having to think he has to hide every time she comes." My dad said.

He, he. My dad I love it.

"What do you want Ruth." my dad said as she came up to the steps.

"My children wanted to see their Grandparents and uncle. Shouldn't they be able to visit before you before go back to playing soldier?" she said in a fake innocent voice.

"They can visit but I don't think Noah is too comfortable around you, Ruth. I really don't want him getting upset again."

"I see, well I don't want to upset him. I just wanted to help." She said as she watched Seth climb the stairs and cling to my dad.

"See Seth missed you and was very upset you didn't spend any time with him or your other nephews and your niece." She said.

"What do you really want Ruth Anne." Grandma said. She stepped forward and put her hands on her hips and gave a suspicious stare.

"Mother I don't want anything else."

"Ruth. I know you too damn well as does your brother. What do you want." She said.

"Noah why don't you take your cousin's and show them the new piglets." Dad said to me.

"Sure dad." I said. I purposely slipped on the Dad part. I knew why she was here I expected it. I had already told my dad what had happened so he knew too Grandma I am sure figured it out too.

I saw Ruth's eyes narrow. "Boy Aren't you going to say hello to you Aunt Ruth." Ruth said to me.

"Don't have an Aunt." I said and walked away leading my cousins to the barn.

We rounded the corner of the house when TJ stopped me. Wait. This should be good. She's been ranting over the past hour and half about this. I didn't like ease dropping on people but I got to admit I was curious about what she was going to say and how my dad and grandma where going to handle. I rationalized it fast and figured since it was about me it was ok.

"So it's true you are adopting the boy."

"His name is Noah not boy. As far as adopting him I already did signed, seal delivered by a Judge. A bouncing teen age boy named Noah."

"Why in the name of God would you do something so stupid? He will ruin your life just like he did Emily's."

I peeked out from the corner as did TJ. My dad balled his fists. I knew my dad was about to knock her on her ass. Grand ma stepped forward and was about to say something but Dad stopped her

"First off Emily ruined Emily's life not Noah. Noah didn't ask to be born she spread her legs and that's how it happened. Noah didn't make her drink or over dose on meth. She did that."

I watched my dad take a step closer. "I never seen Uncle Jared so pissed. I thought he was going to hit her." TJ whispered. "Me too." I agreed.

"To answer the other part it's simple. I did it to protect Noah from your nasty plans. Mostly though I did it because I want Noah to be happy feel loved and be loved. I am proud that he is my son. I couldn't love him any more if was my natural son."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ruth said.

"That's fucking bullshit Ruth I have friends too. I know you hired a lawyer to try and take Noah away from Mom. I have friends to. My friends though are not bought. They don't worry about who's who. They know how to love. Something you know nothing about."

"Come here Noah." My dad said.

I came around the corner trailed by TJ, Aliza, and Seth.

He put his arm around me. "Ruth this is my son Noah. Noah this is regrettably my sister Ruth. Someday she may be worthy enough to be your aunt."

I didn't know what to say or if I should say anything at all. I decided to not say anything. I wasn't upset as I usually got around Ruth. I felt indifferent towards her. I actually felt sorry for her. She had no concept of what love was. I am sure grandma showed her love. I don't think she was capable of it. It's sad.

Uncle Teddy stepped up and grabbed Ruth's arm. "Let's go Ruth. I think enough was said and your welcome is worn out for the day."

After they left grandma decided to take a nap. She suggested we order pizza tonight as she wasn't feeling up to cooking.

Dad ordered pizza later. We aye while we watched the LORD of the rings trilogy after about 5 hours of the movies we went to be it was about 11 when I crawled in between the sheets. I was tired and tomorrow was my first big day in a new school.

"Good night Dad." I called across the room. It became a ritual if after only a week it can be one to say good night dad. Tomorrow night though will be different tomorrow when I get home we will be taking him to the airport to go to North Carolina. I won't see for I don't know how long. I felt tears well up. I sniffed.

"I know Noah. It's hard for me too. I want to stay here too but duty calls." He said from across the room.

"I know Dad."

From the author:

Thanks for the support and kind words regarding my story Hazard. I hope that you all continue to enjoy it. As I progress in the story it will move faster but right now I need to set up the characters so I am taking my time. If you like this story and the stories of the many great authors here on nifty please donate to keep this great place for us to share our stories with you. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Next: Chapter 5

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