
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 17, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.


Chapter 40

Nancy had given birth to twins. They were identical twins. Dad was happy as fuck. Nancy was kind enough to send him pictures which he sent to me. His email showed how excited he was.

Hey kiddo,

Here's a picture of your baby brothers. They are six hours old in the picture. Lucas Ryker, 5 pounds 6 ounces and Liam Jared Mac Daniels, 5 pounds 1 ounce. Aren't they the most beautiful babies in the world? I hope they grow up to be just as wonderful as their big brother.

We have a little over three weeks until we are recalled back to the states. Of course it will be a little longer before I can come home. We have to go through debriefing and that jazz. Keep in mind though that I am thinking constantly about My Three Sons. I love all three of you.

Love, your Dad,

Jared Noah, Mac Daniels.

I got to admit, I fell in love with them and they are identical except for size. Honestly though, I didn't think they were beautiful. I am not saying that to be mean but let's face it, no baby at birth is beautiful. Their head is like cone shaped and they are all wrinkly. After a few days they become beautiful though.

I got a similar email from Ez. Via Norma of course. It was minus the baby talk, unless he was referring to me and had some really hot stuff in it. he also told me he had been emailing Micaiah, his brother more.

TJ was doing his therapy in Englewood, Colorado. I missed his protective ass. All the times I complained about him being over protective seems like I could use that right now.

Connor brown was being a real ass now. He was getting a little more physical. He didn't exactly hit me or push me. It was the constant knocking me into lockers with the "Sorry fag." Comment or he would single me out in gym class. I didn't matter if we were playing b-ball, volley ball, dodge ball or doing laps. He would find a way to put me on my ass.

Lunch though could be a bit too much at times. It was either my tray would be knocked out of my hands or he would knock someone's tray on me. It was easily solved though; I either went out to BK for lunch or ate outside with the guys. I figured if this was the worst of it, fuck it. I can deal with it.

The piss me off though was Nancy got away with burning down the house. Somehow, there wasn't enough evidence. Meaning it was lost. Accidentally on purpose. If you think, I was pissed about that, you should have heard Grandma. She screamed and ranted over the phone and in person at the D.A. the cops, chief of police. Which was now some fat guy who seemed like a big asswipe.

Ruth and TJ came the second week of March to help prepare for Dad's and Ez's return. TJ showed that he could now stand with forearm crutches. He couldn't walk yet. But that was like a huge step. He had the biggest grin when he showed us. He was so proud of himself. I was proud of him too.

We had a little elevator put in when the house was built. Mainly for TJ, though we didn't tell him that. It would also come in handy for Grandma in later years.

TJ had become a bit of a dare devil with his wheel chair. He'd pop wheelies and do spins. I offered to get him a powered one but he refused. He said that this was a great workout for his upper body and arms. It apparently was too. He now had sixteen inch biceps, his abs were rock solid. He was close to have an eight pack. His upper body was like that of marble statue. His lower part understandably wasn't.

That night TJ wheeled himself into my bedroom after tucking Seth in. He still insisted on sharing a bedroom with me. I don't know if it was because of a comfort thing or sexual thing with him but I didn't mind. I mean he was my brother and cousin in all ways but by blood.

TJ came in and closed the door. He watched as I undressed and pulled on the old marine sweats I stole from Dad. They had more holes in it than Swiss Cheese now. I didn't put on a shirt, instead I went to help TJ but he stopped me.

"I got this bro. Watch this." He said smiling.

He wheeled himself to the bed. He lifted himself from the chair. I took a step forward to help him.

"Nope I got this." He said, as he swung himself around. He landed perfectly on the side of the bed. He grinned at me as he pulled his T-shirt off.

I whistled when I saw his upper body. He was beautiful. I felt my dick twitch.

"Nice huh." he joked as he did a few muscle man poses.

I nodded. I was speechless. Well not really. I just didn't trust my voice. Fuck let's be honest. I wasn't looking at my brother or cousin at that moment, I was looking at a Roman God. My dick of course betrayed my thoughts.

"Glad to see your impressed bro." TJ joked. Looking at my obvious wood in my worn out sweats.

TJ laid back on the bed and undid his belt and pants. He arched his back and pushed his jeans down below his ass, pulling his briefs slightly downward in the process.

I could see his thick blackish pubes poking above the overstuffed pouch of his underwear. If I hadn't seen what was in there. I would swear it was stuffed with something.

He arched his back again and pushed his underwear down. He then pushed himself up in a sitting position and shoved his jeans down to his ankles. He then leaned forward and pulled his sneaks off. Then the rest of his clothes.

He sat up and smiled at me. "See bro. I can take care of myself for the most part now."

I stepped to the bed and knelt in front of him. I pulled him into a hug. I felt a few of TJ's tears on my shoulder. It was ok, because I was crying too. We weren't crying because we were sad. They were tears of joy.

I pulled away and looked at him. His legs well they didn't match his upper body yet. I think given time they will though. TJ was determined. He was doing the thing that TJ is good at. He is bouncing back.

He pulled me into a tight embrace. "This is because of you bro. I wouldn't be able to do shit without you. Thank you so much Noah. I love you so much."

"Dude I love you too but your pits are rank. You need a fucking bath." I said after he released me from the embrace.

"Dude you try not working up a sweat wheeling around." He joked.

"Yeah I hear that. So Mr. Self-reliant go take a fucking bath I ain't sleeping next to a guy with smelly pits." I joked.

I held the wheel chair as he moved his naked butt into the chair. He still had the beautiful ass I had ever seen. I watched as he wheeled himself into the bathroom. Fuck I am so proud of him. I think he may actually walk again without any aids. Maybe not run but he'll walk.

"Problem Bro." I heard TJ call from the bathroom.

I walked into the bathroom as TJ was taking a piss. It was amazing how resourceful he was. He had a urinal he kept in a pouch on the back of his wheelchair. It had a flip up thing that could cover his crotch when he had to piss in public. Being in a wheel chair, he couldn't always get to bathroom in time, so instead of pissing himself, he designed this thing.

"What's the problem TJ."

"Your tub ain't handicap friendly."

"Sorry, when I changed to this room I didn't think to add that shit." I had moved into the second master suite on the other side of the house.

"No biggy. You're just going to have to help me in bro."

I helped TJ into the tub with a little guidance from him. It was tricky but we did it. "Bro your tub doesn't even have them no slip things in them"

"No need with the shower." We would have used that but there's a few steps up to it. I knew I couldn't get him up there. I may be strong but TJ is at least two hundred pounds.

"I get that but I don't want to drown if I slip." TJ said. He was to embarrassed to say he need help washing. Even when he washed in the shower of my old bedroom, he insisted on doing that alone. He was a proud and suborn fucker at times.

I pulled off my sweat pants and got in on the other end of the tub. I put his feet at my crotch. To keep him from sliding. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back as he tossed me the body wash.

He lifted his arms and I washed smelly his pits first. "Ok them smelly things are clean. Now the rest of you."

I washed his chest, arms and legs. I figured I do his dick and balls last as he was sporting some serious wood and his nuts were tight against his body.

I got out keeping him steady slid him forward and got in back of him. I washed his back and then pushed him forward so his ass was exposed completely. With my left hand on his back, holding him in position, I washed his butt cheeks, there wasn't a hair on them. Such a beautiful ass. I wasn't sure how this was going to go over with TJ but I washed his crack.

TJ may not have had a hair on his ass but his butt crack valley was a forest of blackish hair. Which for him made it hard to keep clean. You have to consider he can't exactly move his lower body. I had seen him wipe his ass he reached between his legs like a girl would. Any other way he risked falling off the toilet.

I let him lean back. I then grabbed the shampoo and washed his hair. He leaned back against me as I massaged the shampoo in. I then used the hose on the side of the tub and rinsed his hair off.

TJ was uncharacteristically quiet through all of this. He just let me wash him without a word comment or joke.

I figured this was good as any time to wash his groin. I pulled him up a little so that he was sitting on my lap. I put some body wash in my hands and worked up a lather. I then started to wash his balls. I worked the soap into his taint area and his pubes. I clean his dick which was soft. That in itself was odd for TJ. The littlest breeze gave him wood. I thought about his pubes. They were untrimmed too. He always kept his crotch neatly groomed. He let himself go down there.

I moved my legs apart and let him slide back into the water. I flapped around his balls and dick to make sure the soap was off. I let TJ rest the back of his head against my shoulder for a minute.

I then moved to get out. I supported TJ so he wouldn't slide. It amazed me how much we relied on our legs to do things that we didn't realize we needed them for. I open the drain and let the water drain out. It was all new plumbing so it drained out fast because of the lack of years and years of residue build up.

I knelt beside the tub and smiled. "All done bro." He didn't answer or move. He was looking down at the water draining out of the tub. I saw a tear splash into the water. I reached over and lifted his chin to look at me.

"I'm sorry bro. I don't mean to be a baby about this. It's just hard sometimes." He said.

It dawned on me that it was a big front he had put on for us. TJ was hurting big time inside. "TJ. Listen to me carefully. The way you're working I think you'll be able to walk again. You just have to believe in yourself that you can do this."

"If I don't walk again who will want me. Who the fuck can love someone like this. I can't even take a fucking bath by myself." He yelled, gesturing at his legs.

"I love you TJ."

"Yeah but you love me like a fucking brother." He spat out at me. The look in his eyes were a combination of anger and anguish.

"Come on TJ." I said helping him up on the side of the tub. He sat there as I dried him off. He felt defeated. I brought the chair over and he stared at it. He just looked at it with tears running down his face. My heart was breaking for him.

TJ was the one I relied on for strength. This wasn't my TJ. My TJ was a fighter. He let me help him to the chair. I pushed him to the bed where I helped get into it.

I pulled the covers up. "No covers they get twisted around my legs." He mumbled. I pulled the covers off of him. I couldn't help but look at him. He was well groomed above the waist. Below it he looked like a hairy monkey.

His balls had thick blackish hair that went up his dick. His pubes where thick, long and unshaped. I looked up at his face he a slight shadow but it looked good. He was staring back at me.

"Yeah have a good look at the fucking handicapped piece of shit on your bed bro." He said with a look that was not TJ at all. I can't even describe the look.

"You know what. I love the fuck out of you but I will not let you trash talk my TJ anymore."

He looked up at me and smirked. "Yeah whatever, outside of family, the only thing I get, is look at the fucking loser in a wheel chair. You'll have Ez back soon and be fucking your brains out for the rest of your life. Youi know what I get to enjoy having sex with?" He said with tears running down his face.

"I'll get my hand and cheap hookers. That's what I'll get."

I crawled on to the bed and laid on top of him. "TJ you're the most amazing guy I know. It hurts me when I see you in pain like this. I still feel like I owe you the world for saving my life. I love you so much. Your more than just a friend, brother or cousin to me. Your my fucking hero."

He let out a soft whimper. "I know but."

I didn't let him finish I kissed him. I felt so much love for him I knew there was only one way to help him. I parted his lips with my tongue. He resisted at first then parted his lips.

Our tongues explored and wrestled. They taste the others mouth. I felt our dicks harden between us. I grinded my smaller dick against his much larger one. I heard and felt him moan against my lips. I broke the kiss.

I looked down into his eyes and smiled. "Let me show you how much you mean to me and how much I love you TJ." He smiled. I kissed the last of his tears from his face.

"I love you Noah. Be mine just for tonight. No Ez just me. Please." He looked up at me. His eyes pleading me.

"I'll just be yours until Ez comes home. I love you TJ."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Until then I belong to you."

"I'll always belonged to you Noah and I always will."

A genuine smile played across his lips as I kissed him softly. I kissed his eyes, nose, and his forehead. I nibbled on his neck and ears. When I stuck my tongue in his ear he let out a soft moan. I felt his dick twitch between us.

"I love you. You belong to me TJ. I whispered in is ear. I barely heard his breathy "I yours." I licked and sucked on his Adams apple. I moved myself downwards and took a nipple into my mouth. I swirled my tongue around it until it was hard. I licked my way over to the other one and repeated the process.

I looked up at his face. He was watching my every move. I realized that his hands where gently caressing my back and shoulders. There was tears on his cheeks. They were happy tears though. I smiled at him.

I kissed in between his pecks and ran my tongue down to his developing eight pack abs. I kissed and licked them. I traced the ridges with my tongue. I could feel his pulse through his hard dick pressed against my chest.

He was seeping out so much precum that there was a puddle of it. It was over flowing from his deep belly button. I licked the juice up from around what had to be the sexiest belly button I had seen. I sucked the precum out. Who ever said precum doesn't have any taste never tasted TJ's. I heard TJ gasp.

I looked up at his face. He was still watching me. I smiled up at him. I watched his face as I licked at the tip of his big dick. I sucked on the head and got more TJ prejudice.

I ran my tongue down the shaft. I looked up before a sucked one his balls into mouth. I am not into the hairy balls but I wanted to feel them in my mouth. I had secretly wanted to suck on his nuts for the longest time. I took the other egg size nut into my mouth and rolled it around with my tongue. When I satisfied. I licked under them. I drenched his taint with my salvia. I could feel my own dick throbbing.

TJ moaned as I got near his hole. I lifted his legs onto my shoulders I licked and sucked on his hole. He was now in pure heaven. His moans became loader. He pulled my face against is ass. My tongue was going in and out of the opening. If I could have got past that ring, I would have but that hole was tight.

I pulled my self away from his hands and well tongue fucked hole. I stared into his eyes. They were full of lust, desire and love. I never seen a sexier look. I heard myself moan. I wanted him in every way possible at that moment.

I placed my hands on either side of him leaned forward and licked his juices out of his belly button again. His dick was like a fountain of precum. I no sooner suck the juice out than he filled up again. TJ was moaning in ecstasy, his upper body was fidgeting.

I gave him a mischievous smile. I saw his eyes widen in anticipation of what my next sexual torcher was going to be. That's what I was doing sexually torturing him until I allowed him a release.

I ran my tongue up his shaft. I licked the juices now pouring out of the cum hole. I lapped up what it deposited again, in his belly button. Then without any warning I went down on his cock. I did my best to get as much in my mouth as could. He pushed my head down on his cock.

I felt the head go into my throat. I swallowed and got past the gag reflex. My nose was two inches from his pubes. That meant I had eight inches going down my throat.

I pulled his hands off my head and pulled back just so the head was in my mouth. I used my tongue and tease the head. He was moaning wildly in between, Yes, oh baby and suck it. My right hand stroked his pole. My other hand played with his fuzzy balls.

I fell them start to pull upwards. I was near making him cum. I gave it one more stroke and released his cock from my hand and mouth. He moaned.

"Please let me cum baby, Please." He begged me. The look in in eyes were more than lust now. They were full of need.

He me pulled up ward without warning and gave me the most passionate kiss I ever experienced. "Let me make you feel good to babe." He said in a sexy husky voice.

He pulled me up until my dick was at his lips. His tongue flicked the head, licking off the precum that was where. Unlike TJ I don't produce a lot until I am ready to shot my load. I had ways to go.

He looked up at me and smile. "This is my first time sucking a dick. Don't expect much." He blushed and smiled. He looked at my dick and sucked it in. For a first timer he was doing a great job with his tongue and lips. He tried to deep throat it but hadn't conquered the gag reflex yet.

I reached back and stroked his slimy dick. I wanted it again I wanted in my mouth but I really wanted it in my hole. I stroked his face as he sucked on my balls.

He pulled me up to where I was sitting on his face. I moaned as he licked and sucked on my hole. I felt his tongue trying to push entry in my hole. I moaned louder when I felt a thick finger go in, soon he added another. After what seemed an eternity of having three fingers inside me, teasing my hole and prostate, he pulled them out.

I didn't need any prompting or direction. I grabbed his slimy precum covered pole and I aimed it directly to my awaiting hole. I felt the tip touch and I sat back on to it.

I moaned as slid all the way down it. I felt him pass the second ring. It hurt at first, By the time I felt his pubes against my butt cheeks, I had all of him in me. I pushed down hard on it, to try and get the last miniscule of cock left in me.

I moaned as felt him thrust upward into me. I started to ride up and down and the long shaft. I felt it hit my prostate over and over. I picked up pace. Our eyes never left each other's as I rode this cock. It seemed like every time I rose up off of it there was no end to it. I would then slam back down on to it until I felt his balls against my butt cheeks.

I reached back and felt his balls where tight against him. I knew he was as close as I was. I leaned back further as I rode him like a man processed. I was a man processed too. He had me insane with lust. His thick cock filled me and hit my prostate with every move.

TJ grabbed my dick and stroked. I moaned loudly, I felt it happening I knew there was no turning back. My balls pulled my ass tightened around him.

I groaned and shot my load. It went everywhere. I looked at his face. His mouth was opened wide. He held his breath as I felt him unload inside of me. I felt every shot as hit the walls of my insides.

I closed my eyes and sat back on his cock I didn't want to let it out of me just yet. I opened my eyes and looked at his face. He was smiling. I watched as his tongue licked the cum from around his mouth. He scooped up some and sucked his fingers clean.

"Yep, just as good as thought it would be. Cream de Noah, essence of the Gods." He giggled. I leaned forward and kissed his lips. Not a lingering one though. I felt his arms pull me down against his chest. The whole time he stayed inside of me. He wasn't hard but he didn't shrink much either.

"Thank you Noah. I wanted you for so no long. All I can say is, it was worth the wait."

"Don't thank me TJ. I wanted you for a long time too it's just."

"Shhh. You promised."

"Yes. Until then, I am yours and you are mine. I love you TJ in every way."

"I have always loved you. I always will."

We felt and heard his dick pop out of me. We both started giggling. "I'll be right back baby. I gonna get something to clean this weapon up." I said flapping his still semi hard dick around.

I returned after cleaning my ass out of the huge load he left in me. I brought with me shaving cream, razors and scissors. He raised his eyebrows. I giggled.

"What?" he said

"Dude that looks like it belongs to an ape or monkey. It needs some serious grooming." I said pointing to his crotch.

"Yeah I figured that when I saw the razors and shaving cream. I was just wondering what you were giggling about."

"Oh. It's just that ever since I moved here, I noticed that one of the most common things about Mac Daniels is, that they all do this thing with their eye brows."

"What thing." TJ said raising his eyebrow

"That thing, raising your eyebrow, like it's a question." I said pointing at his raised eyebrow.

We both laughed. I cleaned up TJ. His balls were nicely shaved and baby smooth, his pubes were shaped and trimmed. I trimmed the hair in his butt crack a little. I like the dark fuzz peeking out. he wanted it smooth and clean. He agreed to just a trimming.

I cuddled up next to TJ. My face was against the side of his pec near his pit. My right hand was making circles on his chest. We weren't asleep we were just enjoying the cuddling.

I was trying to remember something though. I could put my finger on it. I looked down and saw his flaccid dick nestled a newly trimmed bush. I reached down and held it I flapped it side to side. I absent mindedly started shaking it side to side.

"As much as I want to babe. I think that Lil TJ is as dead as my legs right now." TJ giggled.

"That's it!" I sat up.

"Whoa. I mean you can try to get it working. I wouldn't mind another go but I think the lil dude there needs a rest."

"No, not that thing." I said waving off lil TJ."

I saw the frown come across TJ's face. He took that the wrong way. I have to remember TJ is insecure right now. I am just not used that yet. Hopefully we can get him back to the cocky self-assured TJ we all love and want to hit again.

I leaned forward and kissed him flicking my tongue against his lips quickly. "Sorry TJ. I didn't mean sex though. I was just trying to remember something."


"Remember how you said the blankets get twisted up with your legs?"

"Yeah and?"

"It takes a lot for you to roll over."

"Yeah. I literally have to be awake so I can." He giggled.

"Right. When we were. Um. Fuck it. When I riding you like you were a pony." -

"I like to think I am a Thorough Bred stallion. Not a pony." TJ Interrupted me.

"Shut up." I said, hitting him.

"He no hitting the invalid." He giggled while acting like he mortally woounded

"If you don't shut your trap, I'll really hit you Mister." I said.

He did the zip the lip. He was smiling though.

"Ok like I was saying. When I riding you like you were a flea. I felt you thrust up into me a few times."

TJ gave me mock frown "That's impossible. The only thing that works below my waist is my big huge cock. I'm pretty hung for a flea you know."

I kissed his dick. "You'd be pretty well hung for a horse TJ."

"Think about it though if you can't roll over, how does the blanket get twisted up with your legs?"

"I well, fuck, I don't know."

"Did you tell your therapist about that?"

"No I didn't think it was important. I'm tired dude you wore me out."

"Don't know why. I did most of the work. You just laid there." I kissed him and turned out the light.

"Hey so not cool. That's a lot of work to pump and that blood into Lil TJ and then to produce all that cum." He said with a serious look. Damn TJ was just too cute right now.

"Good night you horse hung, cum stud."

"he-he. Good night. I love you."

"Love you too." I said I as curled up against him. Draped a leg over his. I didn't take me long to fall asleep.

Somewhere in the middle of the night I woke up with a start. TJ's legs were twitching like crazy. I looked up at his face. He was still asleep.

The next day we talked to his specialist here in Hazard. He agreed that the leg twitching was a good sign. It meant that the damage wasn't as severe as they thought it was. TJ might get up to an eighty percent recovery.

This put TJ into high gear in his therapy which he continued here at the house with me in the bedroom and with a trainer that worked with paraplegics in the barn gym.

Grandma and I went to school. I walked into the lunch room and had to laugh when I saw TJ with a bunch of girls fawning over him. Yeah so much for not getting any love. I think I duped.

I smiled until a pair of said chicks passed me. "It may still work and me have a big dick but I could do it with a guy like that. It's just gross."

"I don't know, it's not like I'd marry him or anything but might be fun, his cock is like huge and might be kinky to ride a freak."

"Spoken like typical sluts." I said them

"At least I didn't get fucked by most of the football team."

"No you fucked the rest of the student body. Male and female." I smirked and walked away. If you go by observation and rumor, I wasn't far off the mark on that either.

I walked over and sat on TJ's lap. "Too tired to walk Monkey boy you drive. Hey you didn't dupe me did you. I saw all those honeys wanting some of lil TJ."

TJ laughed until he heard Peggy's mouth. "I guess he's doing handicap freaks now."

"You know something Peggy. At least Noah's not so stupid to think that letting a bunch of guys fuck him in the ass, he'll stay a virgin? Can you say that. I don't think so." TJ said it loud enough that the lunch room went quiet.

"I never did that. It's disgusting."

"How many of you guys poked her pucker" TJ shouted. I saw Sam, Hank, B-bob, Connor, and few other guys' raise their hands.

"Their liars."

"Why would I lie. I can't stand that fucker." Connor said pointing at me.

"If you can't stand him why sticking up for him. You didn't fuck ass before mine did you that's gross.?" She smirked. Dumb bitch just told on herself.

"I ain't. I just don't sluts who lie and make fun of handicapped people. My dad is one them freaks as you call them." He stormed out of the lunchroom.

I took TJ home after I found out he wheeled himself here. I called Grandma and told her I was gonna stay with TJ because he was in some pain. His back was and shoulders ached. Duh, you just wheeled yourself 2 miles up and down hills in a wheel chair.

I stripped him and rolled him onto his belly. I gave him the best massage I could. He said it was the best he ever had but I knew better. I gave his shoulders a kiss then kissed each but cheek. I spread them I dived in.

I am not going to bore you with the details. Just that I sucked the cum out his balls and drained mine. Yeah I know you want details perv. I gave you enough Jerk of material be happy. Fuck dudes I filled up half a note book describing it. I will say this after that it was the best massage he ever had.

March 19th 2010

We were all sitting in the Family Room, watching Steven King's The Stand. By we, I mean Grandma, Aunt Ruth, TJ and myself. I had seen movie a few times already but I loved it. I got up during a commercial to get us all drinks and more snacks when the doorbell rang. I figured it was Sam So I just carried the tray with me and opened the door.

My jaw dropped, then the tray. I front of me were two marines in dressed I class A's.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!"

I heard people around me talking. I heard the marine say those words Jared Noah Mac Daniels presumed dead. Ezekiel Porter Christiansen dead. I heard Ruth scream. I saw Grandma on the floor. I watched as one of the marines pulled out his cell phone and the other give Grandma CPR.

I looked at TJ. I knelt and buried my head in his lap. I tried to cry, I couldn't. I tried to feel, I couldn't. I felt TJ stroking my back. My ears heard him say the words but they jumbled up in my mind, they made no sense. My mind just didn't understand what he said.

My mind just went blank. I didn't hear, didn't see, I was dead inside. I was through. That was it. I was finally broken beyond repair. There was no one left to repair me. Ruth was worse than me she locked herself in the closet screaming, I'm next.

TJ was broken and barely hold on before this. He could no longer protect me. I was protecting him. I felt his touch but it no longer meant anything to me.

I had watched as Grandma fall to the floor. Grandma I knew was dead. She was staring at the ceiling her eyes vacant. I knew the look seen it. I was envious of her. She escaped. I was still here.

I felt someone try to pull me up. I grabbed and held on to TJ. I had a death grip on him. I turned my head. I could hear TJ's heartbeat. I could feel his tears. The thing is I didn't care.

I saw Uncle Marc's face. He had tears too. I couldn't understand why I didn't. I saw another face appear. He flicked a flash light in my eyes.

I could hear them say I was in shock. I wanted to tell them, no I wasn't, I am broken. Life beat me finally. I couldn't though, I didn't know the words or how to make the sounds. I no longer knew the words. They were like pictures in my mind.

I just knew to hold on the guy in the wheelchair. I can't remember his name. I knew it I know I knew it. I did remember that he would protect me. I thought that was funny, a guy in a wheel chair protecting me.

I figured that was stupid so I let go of him and fell on my ass. I felt hands pulling me up. They let me go and I fell down again. I felt a sting in my hand. I looked at it, there was blood. I saw something clear sticking out of it. I pulled it out. It really hurt.

I looked at the blood. I watched as someone wrapped something around it. I wanted to let them know it didn't work because it still hurt. I looked at my hand the was a red spot there now.

I heard screaming and a lady was being dragged her out of the little room. They should have left her in the little room. She didn't seem to want to leave it. So stupid

They lifted me up and place me on bed with wheels. I looked at the wheel chair guy. He was crying looking me calling something that was like gibberish. I watched as They put the old lady in a bag. Why doesn't she get a thing like me?

I watched as they took me to big building that smelled funny. There was a man in an ugly white coat. He put things in is ears and touched me with it. It was cold. I hit him for that. Who wants to have cold things put on them.

Why are they doing this I can't move. I felt my pants get wet. Why where they trying to hurt me. They were sticking things in me. They kept making sounds at me. Crazy sounds. I felt like I should know what those sounds mean.

I felt them taking off my wet stuff. Why did they want me without them? I think I am supposed to have them. They took things and made top cover in two pieces. I had no idea what they were doing. No idea what was going on. They put on this cloth thing that only covered my front. I guess the ugly parts are there.

One guy looked like someone I should know. He stood over me as he made the same sounds as the other guy the one in thing with wheel's. I looked at him and tried to hear what he was saying. "Noah." He took my hand. Why did that make me feel better. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to think. I felt tired.

Not to a be jerk but if you're going email me about grammar, save your breath. I just ignore those emails.

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Hurry back Sam. I miss my editor :)

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer, critic and person should live by:

It is better to be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Unfortunately, most people refuse to leave any doubt.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." Angelica Hopes

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 41

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