
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 18, 2016


This story is fictional, though some events and places may be real. The characters and events surrounding them are completely fictional. This story does not, in any way, denote the sexuality or opinions of any non-fictional persons or places. This story in no way reflects the actual town of Hazard. I am sure it's a very cool place to live. This story has no bearing on the opinions of said places or know people or events. The inspiration for this story came loosely from the song Hazard, by Richard Marx.

The normal copyrights for this story are held by me. Any copying or placing of this story on any site without my consent is prohibited without authorization from this writer. This story contains graphic sexual content between males. If you are not legal, whether by age or place of residence, read at your own risk. It is in no way, the responsibility of this site on which you are reading this or that of the writer.

Not to a be jerk but if you're going email me about grammar, save your breath. I just ignore those emails.

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Chapter 42

I was still not sure what happened. How did I get blamed for killing Sam? I don't get it. How did I get accused? Detective Asshole said there was a witness. Did Pork say I killed him? My lawyer has yet to talk to me about the case other than to plead not guilty. It's been only a week but damn dude.

I learned pretty quickly that guards made sure that the inmates knew I was gay. Not that I am the only gay guy here it's just that apparently I'm pretty as one older guy said to me.

My first night there I was pretty much still in a mental fog. I knew what was happening but I wasn't reacting to it. For me it was just another episode of the Life of Noah. I knew as I walked past cells that I needed my wits while I was here. The, hey sweet thing, or nice ass baby, your lips are made for my big dick comments told me I needed to stay alert.

I stood under the shower. It didn't matter to me that is was barely warm. I just wanted to wash the fog out of my head. I felt a hand touch my ass I turned around so fast and kneed the fucker he didn't have time to react.

The guards hearing him yell came over. They asked what the problem is this big back guy stepped up. "This white ass bitch was fucking touchin my property."

He put his hand around my waist and pulled my ass against him. I could feel his soft dick. I just prayed to God that I could avoid this fucker.

"Finn keep your hands off the man's property. You know how he gets." Said the guard before returning to his post at the end of the showers.

The big black man tightened his hold on me. "Your safe Babyboy. No one is going to hurt you. Just stay close to me." he whispered in my ear.

I went back to my shower to rinse off. He held my arm. "Let me take care of my bay." He said loudly pulling me under the shower.

"I'm straight. We just can't let them know it." he whispered as maneuvered me under the shower.

He stood behind me and blocked everyone's view. He placed his hands on my back and rubbed them up and down and stepped closer. He grinded me a little. I heard a whistle blow. Back to your cages.

He stopped me as he walked up to guard and said something. He motioned for me to follow. We put our orange jump suits. "Orange so not my color." I mumbled. I heard him chuckle.

We followed the guard to the common area. "One hour gentlemen! The guard said. He pulled me over to table the guard followed us. The big black man looked at him.

"Good looking out for the kid Carter." He said when we were out of hearing range and turned and left.

"Listen Noah. I told Hatcher, I told hatcher I'd look out for you. The only way to do that and that's to make you my bitch"

My eyes widened.

"Relax. I am strictly titty and kitty. He's going to see about moving you into my cell. Until that time, I can only protect you is out here."

True to his word I was moved to his cell the next day. In the end we came friends. Around the other inmates I called him Daddy. Which was most of the time. So I ended up calling him that all the time.

His real name was Damien Carter. He was a short timer. He was serving ten years for beating the shit out of drug dealer. Personally I think he should have been given a reward. He was hoping to be released in a few weeks.

I finally saw my lawyer. She told me that it didn't look good. Connor Brown Gave a statement that. He watched me leave the area. Where Sam's body was found. He also said I had blood on my hands and shirt. He told he had found a bloody shirt that had blood on it in bathroom.

I told him the only person I saw was Pork. He saw me. I came out to my car just after he jogged passed us. He said he'd check in to it. he shook my hand.

"I am sorry Noah. I believe your innocent but it's going to be an upward battle. I am not going to lie it doesn't look good."

Officer Walker walked me back to my cellblock. He said looking straight ahead. "Your daddy leaving in a few day boy. That means that ass is up for grabs."

I didn't say anything I just kept walking like he didn't say anything. I waited for the gate to open. I entered and then waited to be frisked. Which more like being felt up. I thin went to the next gate and waited. When it opened I was escorted back to the cell.

When the door was opened. I went in and heard the door clang shut and lock. I looked up from the floor and saw Daddy laying on his bunk reading. I felt tears on my face. I hadn't cried in almost a year.

He looked up from his book. He stood up and pulled me into a hug. I cried. I cried so hard I got the hiccups. I kept crying though. I don't know how it happen or when it happened but I was cuddle up with him in his bunk. When the bell rang for dinner.

I washed my face quickly and stepped out of the cell on the other side of the door from Daddy. We heard two whistles and we followed the guy in front of us at two arms lengths.

Once we were in the chow line we got our food. Daddy and I sat next to each other. We would smile and talk softly in my ear. I could hear what he was saying but no one else could.

To them it was lovers talk. In reality he was telling me about the Steven King book he was reading. That was one of the many things we talked about we both loved Steven King books and movies. He thought he was a genius. I thought he was a lunatic. Either way though his books were good.

I saw my lawyer today. No real news other than he said he talked to pork briefly. The trial was scheduled to start on March 21st 2011. Two fucking months. Great, and Daddy walks out of here tomorrow a free man. I was terrified about who they will put in here with me.

Two days later I was laying on my bunk shirtless. Daddy had me working out and it was paying off. My door slides open and in walks Finn grinning. "Hello sweet cheeks. Y'all be calling me daddy now." He said as he pulled out his dick and wagged it.

"I don't think so fucktard." I smirked. The last thing Daddy told me was to not cower.

"We'll see sweet cheeks." He said throwing his belonging on the lower bunk.

"Mac Daniels you have visitors. Some of your boyfriends are here." Said the Office walker.

I jumped down and pushed Finn out of the way. I had no idea who he was talking about. I followed him down the corridor into a visiting area. I waited in the room alone. I heard the door open.

I had to blink. I was dreaming. It was impossible. I was dreaming it had to be. I had tears running down my face. I ran and jumped. I wrapped my leg and arms around him. I buried my head into his shoulders. I balled my eyes out. I felt like I could take on the world again. I looked over his shoulder and saw the second man I loved more than anything in the world smiling at me.

"Hey your heavier than you think." I unwrapped myself. I touched his face to make sure he was real.

"I take it you missed me there, kiddo?"

"Fuck ya!"

"Hey you know I came a long way to bro."

I walked over and gave him the biggest kiss I could, tongue and all. I buried my face in his hair and neck. I loved his smell. Fuck it I just loved him.

"You know damn well I missed you." I smiled when I saw it. I touched it. It looked good on him. I ran my finger over the lettering. 'My hero'

"You promised until." He smiled his eyes twinkling

"No forever. If you want that."

"Forever." He said.

"Okay you love birds."

"Ok you too you two can make lovey eyes at each other later."

We all sat down me on one side of the table them on the other. "Dude orange is not your color TJ said.

"That's what I told them. It was either this or hot pink. I think under the circumstances orange is better."

We all laughed. "They said you were dead?"

"To quote Mark twain. The reports of my death have been extremely exaggerated."

"I don't understand dad. How come they never told me you were alive.?"

"I was in a coma for ten months. Nancy being my wife she was informed."

He explained the whole thing. When the venom was hit it lurched to the side he fell out the open door. He landed and broke his right leg arm and shoulder. He somehow made it to a village called Shorawak in the Qasemzi They had treated him as best as they could until they could get word to someone in the military to help him. It took about ten days. By that time, he was in such bad shape they didn't think he'd live.

They had notified Nancy since I was in the hospital. He had gone into a coma soon after he got to Germany. He woke up several times but only slipped back in. as soon as he woke up he tried to contact me. he finally found out where I was when TJ answered the phone in the house. He took the next flight here. TJ picked him and they came directly here.

TJ had found out the Pork had seen me leave that night. He went and talked to Pork this morning. Pork confessed he saw me come out just after he did. He said he watched Connor go in along the river. Pork heard some yelling and Connor came running out and drove off.

He told Detective Ashwell this but was told not to talk to anyone about it or he would be right back in jail for whatever he could dream up. Pork told TJ it was bothering the fuck out of him that I was being railroaded. So TJ took him to the DA. The Da is looking into it.

Walker poked his head in "Excuse me sir 3 minutes left."

I stood up and gave Dad a hug. "I love you, Dad Please don't go back."

"Not a chance. I am now on separation leave." He smiled and kiss my forehead. "Don't worry we'll get you out of here ASAP. I'll leave you two lovers some privacy."

He went to the door said something to walker and stepped out.

TJ smiled. I buried my head in his shoulder. It dawned on me he was walking. I looked at him then his legs and smiled. "later for that." He said and kissed me.

I got word that all charges are being dropped five days later. Connor when confronted with Pork's confession as a witness confessed. He also admitted he confessed to Ashwell too but he was told be quiet because I was going to take the fall. So Ashwell was also arrested for so many things there's not enough paper to write it on.

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face. I just knew if I dreamed to night it was going to be a sweet on. Maybe even wet one if I am lucky. For once I felt like that dark cloud was lifting.

The next evening Finn was smiling, I was to, I was being released tomorrow, all charges are cleared. We marched to the showers. Officers Walker and St. James, where on the lead officers on duty tonight. Walker and two other guards both being known to turn a blind eye, stood guard in the shower while we showered. You have ten minutes to do this. Okay That made no sense as I stepped under the water.

I felt someone bump me. Then another bumped me harder. I then I was pushed up against the wall. I pushed back from the wall only to be shoved back. both my arms were being held. "Told you sweet cheeks. I am getting some of this he said.

He pushed me forward until I was bent over. I felt him shove his dick against my ass. "Yeah baby your gonna like this dick." I felt a wash rag shoved into my mouth. Then I felt the most unbelievable pain. Finn rammed into me it might as well have been a baseball bat shoved up my ass it hurt so much.

He finished quickly, thank god. Then I felt another dick being rammed up my ass. When he was done. Another one. I could take it I felt whoever was holding me down loosen his grip. I yanked my right arm free and hit the guy holding my left arm in the face.

I then pushed back hard against the guy fucking me knocking him off balance and he fell backwards. I swung at another guy. Then everything went black.

I saw myself in a hospital bed in the infirmary. They had paddles to my body. "clear." my body jolted. Then I heard him say again "Clear." Again "clear."

I looked around the room. I smiled. I saw Joe, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Teddy and Sammy. They were smiling at me. I guess this is it. I thought I'd be scared. Sad or crying when this happened. I wasn't I was at peace. No more hurt. Funny thing is I thought when my river found its destiny I'd see an ocean. Oh well A river isn't really like life. It's just a river after all.


Or is it?

No story is complete without an epilogue.


Hurry back Sam. I miss my editor :)

Thanks for reading Hazard :)

Quotes every writer, critic and person should live by:

It is better to be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Unfortunately, most people refuse to leave any doubt.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

"Arrogance, disrespect and demand have higher price. Kindness, respect and tact give better prize." Angelica Hopes

Please feel free to comment on Hazard I love hearing from the people who read my story. Especially if it good stuff ;)


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Next: Chapter 43

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