
By Randy Wade

Published on Feb 25, 2016


This story is completely fictional. If the people in this story resemble any person it is purely coincidental. Randy Wade retains all copy rights to this story. It may not be copied or submitted to any other site without the written permission of Randy Wade. This story contains at time graphic description of sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are not by lawfully allowed, whether by age or location able to read this. You do so at your own risk.

This story is a continuation of Hazard written by the same author. Though it may be able to stand on its own merits as a story. It Is highly recommended that if you have not done so to read Hazard as you will have a better understanding of the events lead up to this story.

This story is completely fictional. If the people in this story resemble any person it is purely coincidental. Randy Wade retains all copy rights to this story. It may not be copied or submitted to any other site without the written permission of Randy Wade. This story contains at time graphic description of sexual acts between men. If this offends you or you are not by lawfully allowed, whether by age or location able to read this. You do so at your own risk.

This story is a continuation of Hazard written by the same author. Though it may be able to stand on its own merits as a story. It is highly recommended that if you have not done so to read Hazard as you will have a better understanding of the events lead up to this story.

Noah's Island

Chapter 2

Saturday, August 15th 2015

I woke up lying across TJ's chest. I felt movement on the other side of TJ. Seth had crawled into bed with us again. Aunt Ruth had warned us ahead of time to expect this so we were now sleeping in PJ bottoms. Mine where actually sweat pants I had pilfered from my Dad years ago. They had the marine emblem on them and had seen better days.

I opened my eyes and saw Seth staring at me. I had to smile. At nineteen Seth had one of the purest hearts I had ever seen. He was completely innocent. He was full of love for those he trusted. I reached over and mussed up his already messed hair. He needed a haircut badly but he hated barbers and hairdressers as much as I hated dentists.

I looked at the clock behind Seth's head on the night stand it was 6:56 AM. I decided time to make the hoard breakfast. There were now six people in the house. Dad and the twins, Seth, TJ and me. It was a little crowded. I didn't mind though. If TJ did he never let on. He wouldn't either. TJ was one of those people that went with the flow. The only time TJ would get upset, is if he felt he didn't protect me. Then it was hard to calm him down.

I padded barefoot to the kitchen and pulled out a dozen eggs and 3 pounds of bacon, most of which would be eaten by my Dad and TJ. I sliced up some potatoes and an onion. I didn't feel like spending a half an hour just cooking the bacon so I put the bacon into three frying pans. I felt a warm body lean against my back. I turned around and gave Seth a hug. Like I said he had no problem showing his love.

He was wearing boxer briefs we bought him yesterday at his instance. He saw TJ and Me wearing them and decided it was time to stop wearing super hero briefs. It was hard looking at this handsome kid and remember that he was like an eight-year-old at times he would forget that too. He had no problem walking around in his under wear or naked. You had to remind him at times to brush his teeth, comb his hair and even fought with you at times in taking a bath. The thing is though that you couldn't help love him. He was sweet and gentle for the most part.

"Go peed? Did you wash your Hands?

"Uh huh"

Good now go put on some shorts. And you can help me make breakfast for everyone. I said bending his head down to kiss his forehead.

He ran off and returned in less than thirty second wear basketball shorts. He stood there as he pulled his shirt over his head and sat on a stool. I laughed. Arms up Seth shirts on backwards.

Seth smiled and lifted his arms up. After getting his shirt on right. I went to get check on the bacon. ?Seth you do the scrambled eggs for me??

By the time Seth had taken out the last of the toast we had four hungry and drooling mouths. Seth and I placed the food on the table. I watched as Dad put food on the twin's plate. I went and got the coffee. I sat down and there was a spoonful of eggs two slices of bacon no potatoes and half a piece of toast. I looked at my dad's and TJ's plates they were overflowing with eggs, potatoes and a pound of bacon on each plate.

They were eating away. Dad looked up at me as did TJ. You two are pigs, you know that?

They laughed and both scooped some food on my plate.

"It was TJ's idea." Dad smiled.

"Was not"

"Was too"

"Was not" TJ said sticking his tongue out.

"I'll settle this. Seth whose idea was it?" I asked. Seth looked like a deer caught in the headlights. He pointed to TJ.

"Just for that Mister you get to do the dishes." I said with a smirk. TJ hated doing dishes. Especially since we didn't have a dish washer.

We decided then was a good time to tell everyone about us getting married. Everyone was thrilled for us. Dad wanted to pay for the wedding. Which we both argued about but we finally agreed that he could pay for the actual wedding. We, however, wanted to pay for the reception.

The only thing is TJ and I both wanted to have the wedding on the island. Dad suggested we wait until we had a bridge built. As much as I wanted to have the wedding by the end of summer, I had to agree with Dad.

After breakfast Dad took the boys and Seth to the beach. TJ and I went to the real estate office to do the closing paperwork for the Island and a building that will house my practice. It took a while but we finally took possession of the property.

It was just before noon when we finished. I heard TJ's tummy rumble. Poor guy hadn't eaten in four hours. God I fucking love sarcasm. We headed to grab something to eat. I saw something that caught my eye and I pulled into Marathon Boat and Yacht. TJ looked at me and just shook his head. He knew better than to ask.

Within in forty-five minutes we were the owners of forty-one foot Defever Trawler and a seventeen foot Edgewater. They said they would deliver them within the next hour or two.

"You know you just spent 2.1 million in one day? I don't think you have ever spent that in a year." TJ laughed.

"Yeah, I know I think the investment agents are going to scream HALLELUJAH! They have been after me to spend money."

"Yeah, but I don't see why you needed the trawler?"

"I didn't. It's for you. You never know when you'll need for work."

"Bro, you know I love you but that's too much."

I pulled over into BK's and we walked to the door. "I love you too. You need to realize once we are married it's no longer MY money but OUR money so shut the fuck up and accept the damned thing and say thank you."

He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you baby."

The kiss he was giving me would have lasted longer but unfortunately after an ignorant comment from a twenty something girl to her girlfriend.

"What a waste of a man."

"I don't think I waste any of those ten inches do I babe." I said loudly.

TJ who was already giggling busted out laughing. "No babe, you don't waste an inch or a drop of it."

"You mean gallon. You never produced just a drop." I laughed. The girls quickly walked away.

After we ate we went home to see if they delivered the boat as promised and they were. Both where detailed and gassed up and tied to the dock. The two guys delivering them were sitting on the dock waiting. We signed for them and they got on a scooter they brought with them and left.

TJ grinned at the trawler. He went on board to investigate his new toy. He started it up. TJ started Jumping up like a kid. I laughed as I walked up to the bridge. I sat down in the other seat and watched him checking out the instruments.

He turned and grinned. "I love it. Thank you so much."

"I can see that babe." I giggled and grasped the hard dick going down his pant leg. He looked down and blushed. He was so excited with his new toy he didn't even know he got hard. He smiled and stepped back.

We need to christen the boat babe he said opening up his jeans. He pushed his jeans down and his dick sprang out. I pulled him to me and wrapped my lips around his dick. It took me awhile but I had finally learned how to take all it into my throat.

He moaned when I buried my nose into his pubes. I played with his balls as would pull of and then again bury my nose in his pubes. I would occasionally tickle his hole with a finger. I felt his balls start to pull up. It never took long for TJ when I sucked him off like this.

He grunted and started shooting down my throat. I wanted to taste him so I pulled back and let the last loads shoot into my mouth. I loved the taste and texture of TJ's cum. It was thick and creamy and tasted like honey to me. It actually tasted sweet and salty.

I held his softening dick in my mouth. I didn't want to let it go. It felt good there. I thought to myself this is my man. I loved everything about him. His stubbornness, His ego which needed stroking constantly. His protectiveness, his smell, touch, and kisses. I loved every part of his body and handsome face. The part of TJ that I loved most though, were his eyes. They were so full of life and love. When I looked into them I felt as if I was looking into his heart and soul.

He caressed my cheek and pulled his soft dick out of my mouth. He lifted my chin up and smiled. I saw in them his love a devotion in them. he kneeled and kissed me sweetly. he started opening my pants. "Your turn baby. I need to make you feel as good as you made me feel."

Unfortunately, it didn't happen we heard the kids yelling as they ran to the dock. TJ quickly stood and pulled up his pants. I quickly did the same and adjusted my dick. We finished just in time as Seth bounded up to the deck of the trawler. The boys had to wait. They had been warned to not go on the dock without an adult. Seth did not count.

"Is this ours?" Seth asked jumping up and down on the balls of his feet. Seth ever since he got here and Thursday had been in awe of the boats. He decided he liked them almost as much as trains.

"All ours" TJ said as we came down out of the bridge.

We ended up taking everyone for a boat ride to the Island. Seth loved it and wanted to investigate it more thoroughly. So we found ourselves trumping through brush. The island had Florida palms and lots of brush. TJ and I found a spot we thought would be great for a house but we wanted to find the perfect architect to design it. We also needed an engineer to design a bridge.

Dad, TJ, and I were sitting on the back deck when we heard the twins screaming and loud thumping. I ran into the house followed by TJ and Dad. I stopped in my tracks where I saw Nancy standing in the living area holding Liam and Lucas by the arms. Nancy's boyfriend was standing over Seth by the door, kicking him. Seth's face was bloody. "Fucking retard." He said with every kick.

TJ charged at him. He grabbed him and swung on him. TJ kept pounding. Nancy started screaming. "Get off Jimmy, you freak." I ran to Seth who looked like a bloody mess. He was conscious and seemed to look worse than he was.

Dad went to grab the boys and was trying to get them away from Nancy. I heard TJ scream. I turned and looked at him and saw him back away clutching his side. I jumped up. Both dad and I ran to him as he sunk to his knees. I ran to his side as did Dad. I saw a five-inch filleting knife in Jimmy's hand.

Nancy and Jimmy took this time to escape with the twins. Seth was now standing there watching the whole thing. He had tears running down his face. He walked to the door and watched Nancy and Jimmy drive off with the boys.

Dad called 911 while I ripped off TJ's shirt. I quickly checked the wound. It Didn't seem to be near any vital organs but I wasn't taking any chances. I held my hand over the wound and told dad to get me a towel. I looked up at TJ he was awake and breathing through clenched teeth. I told Dad to fold towel in halves. I placed the towel over the wound and told Dad to place a pillow under TJ?s head. TJ had his eyes glued on me.

"You are going to be okay TJ. I don't think he hit anything vital." I informed him.

I know Baby. I got the best doctor in the world here." He said trying to smile.

I heard Seth going off in the corner. So did TJ. He tried to sit up. I held him down easily. "Seth I am going to be okay buddy. Noah's got me taken care of."

I heard the sound of sirens. Get closer until they stopped. I stepped back and let the paramedics take over. "Check on Seth babe." TJ said and sucked in his breath as they pulled off the towel. I nodded and walked over to Seth who was panicking because the Paramedic wanted to examine him. Dad was talking to police.

I informed the medic that I was a doctor and they let me look over Seth. His nose was apparently broken and had some bruises but that seemed all there was. His nose kept bleeding even with the ice pack. I had no choice to reset it.

"Seth I have to do something that will hurt a whole lot. I have to fix your nose. It will stop the bleeding and also make it hurt less. Do you trust me?"

"Yes." He said with fear in his eyes.

"Ok remember Sethy, I love you." I placed my thumbs on the side of his nose. One on the bridge and the other slightly lower. I pushed with the lower thumb. And heard the crack. Seth didn?t scream or yell like I thought he would. He just buried his head against my chest covering me in blood. I still wanted x-rays though, to be on the better side of caution.

Seth looked at me. I said trying to get him to focus on me and not TJ as they placed him on a gurney. Seth looked at me. He had tears running down his face. I could tell he was near panicking again.

"Seth, TJ is going to be okay. He is strong and needs you to be strong too, okay?" Seth nodded. "Come on OK let's follow them to the Fisherman's Hospital." I led Seth to the car where dad was already behind the wheel. I buckled Seth up in the back and noticed his board shorts were wet.

Seth had insisted on me being there when they examined him. He kept asking for TJ. When he was done with the x-rays and examination he was allowed to wait in waiting room. He fell asleep in a chair. The painkillers had knocked him out.

While we were in the hospital waiting room. The police informed Dad that they put out an Amber Alert for the twins and put up a road block at the end of the Route 1. An hour later they had them. The boys were safe. An hour and a half later the boys were with Dad. They were shaken up. The Police asked if Dad could bring them in tomorrow for questioning. Dad nodded yes as the two crying boys held on to him.

I took Liam from Dad. He had calmed down but still wanted to be comforted. I held him and rocked him. Although Liam and Lucas looked exactly alike. Liam was easier to calm down. Lucas though wasn't. Lucas had eventually cried himself to sleep. While Liam stared through half closed eyes. TJ was out of surgery. No organs were involved. They wanted to keep him overnight in which TJ protested against it. Being I was a Doctor myself they would allow him to leave tomorrow. I stayed with TJ the whole night. He slept through until five am.

He was sore but, otherwise okay. The doctor checked his wound and again tried to get TJ to stay in the hospital one more night. "Believe me Doc. It might be wiser considering he will probably be worse but I want my own bed."

From what the boys told the police they had heard that Nancy had plans on selling them. They had overheard Nancy and Jimmy talking about being "millionaires" once they sold the kids. I couldn't believe it. I mean what kind of mother would sell their own kids. After some interrogation Jimmy dimed out Nancy.

The D.A. charged them both with kidnapping, Intent to sell children and procession of a controlled substance. Jimmy was also charged with two assault charges. Plus, it seemed the car they were driving was stolen.

Since they both admitted their guilt there was only a hearing and sentence. Nancy had gotten ten years per child. Jimmy received the same. For the assault charges he got an additional fifteen years. The drug possession charge was dropped. Little did we know that they also had set the house on fire in Hazard.

George came down to look over the island and conferred with the engineer on the bridge. He got four construction companies together to build the house on the island. The engineer got the crews together for the bridge. George also decided to leave Hazard. He said the town seemed to have nothing but bad vibes for him and his family. He wanted his kids to grow up in a good environment.

After some discussion Dad decided to sell the farm. He also sold the mineral rights to the mining company for ten million. He started looking for a house. It didn't take long before he found one. It was a huge five bed room house overlooking the ocean on the gulf side of the island. The people were eager to sell so it was a quick sale. He convinced us to move in with him until out house was built.

TJ suggested we make our current house into a small medical office for me. It would take some time to get the all of the variances and remodeling.

September 23rd 2015

George with the help of the engineer got the bridge built. It looked pretty cool too. The engineer had partially designed a causeway out from both ends. In the middle was a thirty-foot-long steel framed bridge with a cedar wood deck over concrete. This was cheaper and better than a longer bridge. Also because of it shorter length it could hold more weight. The wood deck was put on to slow down the erosion from sand.

George said "He could start building the house as soon as they inspect the bridge." Which they did three days later and gave it up to a fifty-eight-thousand-ton capacity with five axels. George had four construction companies ready to work. He figured the house would be done by mid-November.

George and I explored the island and saw what looked like a makeshift shack. In the shack was clothing and some food items a lantern and camp stove. In the corner was blanket on an air mattress. I saw a few posters on the wall. This was definitely not a hermit or adult. We stepped outside the shack and saw someone running away.

I took off after him. He was fast but then so was I. I never stopped my jogging so I was good shape. At twenty-six I was in better shape than I was in high school, thanks to TJ's work outs. They only thing this kid had on me was they knew the terrain better.

I finally caught up to him. I tackled them and brought them down. I got up and held on to his arm. The only thing was it wasn't a him. It was a girl. I figured around fourteen. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was about five feet five and had a nice shape to her. From her complexion I figured she was Latino.

Out of nowhere another kid jumped on my back. I had a choice of holding on to the girl or fending off the blows from the other kid. I let go her and got the kid off my back. He was about four feet tall and had the same coloring as the girl. I grabbed the boy and held him. The girl stood there. She was contemplating her next move.

I want to thank Rick for filling in as editor while my regular editor Sam works to finish his midterms in college.

I don't claim to be a writer. In fact, English was never one of my better subjects in college. So if you want to give your opinion on my work, please feel free to do so. However, if it's about grammar. I'll just ignore it.

Please direct all comments to: randy_wades_stories-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

If you enjoy reading the many great stories on nifty as I do remember it is a non-profit organization and relies on its readers for support. Please donate to nifty.org at:


I want to thank Rick for filling in as editor while my regular editor Sam works to finish his midterms in college.

I don't claim to be a writer. In fact, English was never one of my better subjects in college. So if you want to give your opinion on my work, please feel free to do so. However, if it's about grammar. I'll just ignore it.

Please direct all comments to: randy_wades_stories-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

If you enjoy reading the many great stories on nifty as I do remember it is a non-profit organization and relies on its readers for support. Please donate to nifty.org at:


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