
By Randy Wade

Published on Jan 6, 2016


The normal stuff applies here. Copy write by me do no reprint or repost. If you're not supposed to be reading adult material whether by age or residence do so at your own risk. I hold no responsibility for that.

All persons in this story are fictional. Though the places and some events are real, this story is complete fictional and has no bearing on the attitudes or opinions of any place or event mentioned.

For any comments please feel free to contact me at RandyWadestory@gmail.com I try to answer as many as I can even if it just a thank you.


Chapter 8

For the past two weeks, Sam's and I had our routine down. He'd pick me up, we'd do our run, shower and polish our poles. We haven't done anything past that. It's not that I didn't want to. It was the fact that I didn't want to out myself to Sam. Yeah I know I doesn't get much gayer than pounding your meat with another guy. In my defense though it doesn't mean a guy is gay either. I know a lot of straight guys jerk off together.

I figured though if it was going to go anywhere further, I'd let instigate it. Some people may call that playing it safe. I call it being smart. Imagine coming on to straight guy regardless if he a stroke buddy or not. You're taking a chance. Add in the small redneck town feature. You're asking for a lynching.

Sam I did our thing like we had every other morning. We walked into homeroom just before the late bell rang. We were joking back and forth When over the loud speaker my name was called to go to the principal's office.

Normally when a student got called you'd hear classmates say shit like you're in trouble', but not me I got Oh Noah forgot his lunch.' Is `grandma gonna give you some munch money.' It stopped though when Sam was called to the office.

We looked at each other. We both were wondering if someone caught us beating of dicks in the locker room shower. We grabbed our book bags and headed to the office. The hallway was empty except for the occasional late student.

We walked into the office looking like we got caught mooning the girl's gym class. The way we figured, it was worse, we got caught jerking off. Our head where down as we walked up to the counter. Mrs. Jensen smiled "Sit down boys the principal will be with you in a few minutes. We took seats next to each other. Neither one of us said a word to other.

It was unspoken rules: When called to the principal's office say nothing to each other and do not rat of the other. Simple rules once broken you are fucked royally. One you talk anything you say will be used against you. Ratting on someone is a death warrant.

Grandma came out and called Sam into the office. After five minutes, she came out a got me. To say I was nervous was and understatement. Not only was I caught jerking off with another guy in the locker room and called to the principal's office. The principal was my grandmother.

I walked in I saw not only was my grandma there but the football coach was too. Oh man was I fucked royally. We were caught by the coach. I felt sick to my stomach. Not because I was in trouble with the just the principal but because the principal was my grandma.

"Noah please sit down." Grandma said smiling. I sat in the seat next to Sam. Sam had a blank expression on his face I couldn't read it. I did see though that his eyes were glazed. Like he was trying to hold back tears. Poor Sam.

I was worried about Sam now. He was the jock with a rep. He didn't need this shit to get out. I wanted to defend him in any way I could. I'd take full blame.

"Noah, I am sorry to have to call you in like this but something has been brought to my attention." Grandma started. OMG.

"Sam's average in two subjects has fallen below a C average. You may not know this but any student that falls below a C. average is not eligible to play sports or participate in extracurricular activities."

"That being said, Coach Thomas and I have agreed that if Sam can bring his grand up by the next home game. He can continue to play." Grandma continued.

"Look Norman, It's like this we need you to tutor Sam. We need him. He is our star receiver. You're a smart kid. You know hanging out with a jock like Meets here might help your rep. or even give you one. So it would help you too." Coach Thomas said.

WTF is this dude for real? I looked at my grandma. She was looking daggers at the Coach. I looked at Sam he was red in the face. He was smiling. I was pissed off. The coached asked me to help his star and at the same time insulted me. Sam was smiling ear to ear. He just assumed I would do it.

"What do you say Norman? Want to hang with cool kids and be somebody?"

"First, my name is Noah. Secondly, I am not some pathetic loser that wants to be with cool kids." I looked directly into the coaches face. I glanced at my grandma. Who didn't seem shocked about what I just said.

"The last school I was treated like crap by classmates and teachers because I was smarter than most." "I was never one of the cool kids and don't care if I ever am. I would have said yes right off because Sam was a friend. Not for any reason than that. I am smart remember? I know when I know when I am being insulted. People like you just piss me off. So, NO. Find someone who is desperate to be cool."

I looked at my Grandma. I saw the shocked look on her face. The look on Sam's though broke my heart.

"Listen you little faggot you will tutor him or I'll make sure the whole student body knows why we went from a winning streak to a losing one."

"So be it." I said standing up to face him. I looked at my Grandma. "May I be excused now? I am supposed to be in English lit."

She nodded. She had a sad look on her face. I gathered up my bag. And left. Fuck that bastard. Let him fail me. let him give me a hard time. I will just make him look like the ass he is.

I was walked to my English lit class. Handed Fairy Godmother my late slip. She looked at it balled it up and threw in the trash. "Calling in favors from your Grandmother so you can come to class when you feel like is not acceptable Mr. Mac Daniels."

I Through my book bag down WTF is with these fucking people. I had it I can't take anymore. I picked up my bag reached in through my homework at on her desk.

"Mr. Mac Daniels, your attitude in this class room Your tardiness and lack of respect to me as a teacher has earned you a 30-minute detention."

"You been on my case since day one. What's your problem? I do my homework. Which I might add is A work but you give me C's. Is it my fault I am smarter than you? That I actually know what I talking about?" I had it I couldn't take it anymore from this bitch.

She walked up to and said, "You're nothing but trash. Your whole family is trash." She smacked me across my face. Her oversize fake ring cutting my face.

The room was dead silent. Students sat with their mouths wide open. My first instinct was to lay this cunt out. Instead through I picked up my bag and walked out of the room then out of the school. She didn't say a word. She let me go.

I was so fucking pissed. First that asshole coach calling me a loser. Sam probably just expecting me to say yes, even after what the coach said. Just because he is the big star football player and I am new loser in school. Then that frigid old prune says that shit, then smacks me. Fuck him, fuck her, fuck them all.

I ended up in that spot by the river. I sat on the rock that dad I sat on several time actually. I watched the river for a few minutes. I couldn't relax. I wanted to hit something someone. I am not I violent guy. I was just so pissed off.

My cell phone went off. I looked at you was calling. Grandma. I let it ring. It rang again ten minutes later. Same. This went on for a while. I laid back and watched the clouds go by. Big and fluffy like cotton candy.

My phone would go off every so often still. I glanced at the clock on my phone half past 12. I was here for over 3 hours. Fuck who cares. I am probably suspended and grounded anyway. Might as well enjoy the freedom anyway.

I sat up and pulled my knees tight against my chest. I watched a log float down the river. I wish I could do that. Just float away. My life would be so much easier. Just drifting along. Not care nor worry. Just like that log. With my luck I'd sink.

I was so tired all of the sudden. I must have dozed off because my phone went off again. I turned it off. I leaned back and looked for the log. It was gone. Oh well it disappeared. Pretty much like almost everyone in this town wants me to do, disappear. Yeah, I was having a pity party. It's my party so fuck off.

"Can I come up?" I jumped, almost falling into the river. I turned and saw Sam standing there. I was surprised to see him. I was a little pissed too.

"Why? Come to beg me to tutor you, the football star?" I said. Letting him know I was not going to budge on that.


"Then what do want?"

"To Talk. Can I come up?"


Sam climbed up and sat beside me. he stared at me but didn't say a word. It was getting on my nerves. I ignored him. If he had something to say he better say it because I didn't have a fucking thing to say to anyone. My Phone rang. I ignored that too.

"You know sooner or later you're going to have to talk to her."

"No shit."

"The whole school is talking about this morning."

"I bet. I am the loser that won't tutor the football super star."

"Nope. No one knows about that."

I looked at him like wtf are you talking about.

"You're like a hero bro. You stood up to the Fairy Godmother."

"Got tired of her crap. That's all."

"Did she really slap you?"

I turned my face to show the scratch mark from her fingernails on my left side.

"Damn bro. I would have clocked her."

"I wanted to. Fuck I wanted to."

"You're not mad about me tutoring you?"

"I was at first but I thought about what coach said. I figured if I was me I'd say fuck off too."

"Your Grandma was pissed."

"I know I'll be grounded until I 18."

"Not at you dickwad."

"I had to wait for Mrs. Jensen to get back from the lady's room to get a late slip. She reamed coach out."

"He said if it was any other kid in this school but her grandchild they would suspended for talking to a teacher like that."

"She reminded him that she suspended TJ last year twice."

"She did?"

"Yeah man. He was caught smoking weed one time and the other for using fake late sips."

I just shook my head. Unbelievable that TJ could be so dumb.

"How did you find me anyway. I never said anything about this spot."

"Your grandma told where to find you. She said your dad and you came here a few times. It was spot he'd go to when he had things on his mind."


"So we okay bro?"

"Yeah we're ok."

We sat and watched some gulls diving into the river. Why are there gulls in kanas I don't know but there they are.

"I'll tutor you if you want me too. For you not the coach."

"Got cha bro. Thanks."

Sam leaned back on his hands. I couldn't help but check him out. His dick being hard got me hard. He groped it a bit and smiled at me.

"Wanna? My dicks hard as steel."

I smiled. "Your dick is always hard as steel. You're a horn dog."

"I'm not the only one hard." He said. He reached over and grabbed my hard dick. I Let out a moan.

"Not the only horn dog either." He said as squeezed my dick again before letting go.

He opened his jeans and pulled out that beautiful piece of flesh. He tucked his underwear under his balls. The head was all shiny from precum. God I wanted to taste him so bad right now.

I opened my pants up and tucked my underwear under my balls too. I leaned back and started stroking my cock. Sam flipped around so we were Head to toe. I watched his hand slide up and down his thick shaft. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

He stood up and smiled at me and hopped down off the rock. That was hot but I couldn't help wondering what he was doing.

"That rock is hard bro. Come on let's do this in the grass." He said as he walked over to the grass along the bank. I of course jumped down and followed.

Sam stripped the rest of his clothes off. I did the same following his lead. He laid down on the grass and laid next to him head to head.

"No. like we were."

I flipped around letting go of my bone as I did it. before I could grab my dick his hand was stroking me. I was shocked at first. I quickly got over it.

I reached for his precum covered dick. It was so thick.

As I grabbed his grabbed his dick he moaned "OH ya bro. that feels good."

We stroked each other watching each other's eyes glancing at our hands stroking each other's dicks. I was I heaven. This beyond anything I thought would happen.

"I wanted to do this for ever bro." he said as he cupped my balls.

"Me too." I said in a whisper. Afraid if I said it loudly it would end.

"Your hand feels so good Noah. Don't stop." he said as he rested his head on my thigh. He spread his legs wider.

I was so fucking hot I exploded I shot up like a volcano. Cum landing everywhere. His arm, chest hair and face.

I was still hard as I stroked his think dick. There was so much precum I didn't think there would be any cum. But there was. He shot 6 thick loads out

"OH man bro your still hard a fuck." He said. That wasn't surprising to me though what he did next did was. He licked the head of my dick. Before it could register he went down on me.

The feeling of his mouth around my dick was beyond words. I of course dove down of him. I could taste his cum. He tasted so good. His cum was sweet but had touch of salt ty favor.

It didn't take long before I felt the tingle. I knew I was about to cum again. I gave him a warning. He pulled off I wanna taste it I never tasted another guys cum before.

He went back to my cock. And to his. Our faces were stuffed. I moaned I was coming. I bucked but he held on. I shot again this time in his mouth.

His dick never left mine. After I was done he laid back and held my head as I went up and down one his shaft. He pushed up and moaned as he flooded my mouth with his thick juice.

We laid back exhausted. We shot two loads in less than 30 minutes. We gathered our senses and came back to earth. I though didn't want to Not only did I suck my first dick. I suck the boy of my dreams. The king of the Jock gods. The hottest guy in school. What was really great was he sucked me too.

"That was hot." Sam said.

"Fucking better than Hot." I replied. Sam giggled. "You ever do that before?" Sam asked raising himself up on his elbows. To look at me.

"No. But I wanted too."

"Never did either." He said.

"Well it was good for a first time."

"Thanks." He said

We sat there in silence for a bit.



"Are you gay?"

DUH, I just sucked your cock and ate every last drop of your cum. What was the first clue?


"I think I am straight. I like girls more."

Damn here comes the letdown. He's going to tell me it was a mistake. Not to come near him again. That if I tell anyone, he'll tell the whole school I am a fag who just wants him.


"we can still play around though if I don't have a girl doing it for me. That is if you want."

Now he's gonna just use me to get off that is what this was all about. He didn't want to be my friend. I had to tread lightly here though. He might get his jock buddies on me.

"Um ah, I um ah."

"It's ok Noah if you don't want to. We can still be buddies though right?"

Okay maybe I had it all wrong. I am just being paranoid. Right?

"Sure we can. If you really need it um maybe I can.?"

"Emergency only." He said laughing.

"Something like that."

Sam grabbed his dirty T-shirt to wipe himself clean of our cum. He tossed it to me. I did the same. We got our clothes on and headed back towards the school. Joking and pushing each other.

I couldn't get a grasp on today. It started out so fucked up. then it got great. I exchanged Blowjobs with Sam. I felt good but still a bit confused about the events of the day.

My phone rang. "Hello? Yes, I am ok Grandma. I am on my way there now. Yeah, Sam is with me. okay. Love you too."

"bro I got to say this. It maybe weird and all but your cum tastes better than mine." Sam said

"No way yours is way better than I ever imagined it was like honey, like a Gods cream." I said.

"Damn dude you really liked my cum that much?"

I blushed. I was so caught. I didn't know what to say."

"Hot." Sam said.

I nodded.

"You wanted to do that for a while didn't you?"

"Yeah I did. Since the first time I saw you."

Sam didn't say anything more because we were approaching school. It was Half past two. When we arrived back to school. Which was just letting out.

I got looks from the students as we walked up to the entrance. I was confused, they weren't the usual go away looks. They friendly looks. Some even smiled. Ok this is so weird. I didn't know what to make of this. I was new to. WTF dude. I was in the twilight zone all of the sudden.

We saw TJ hanging with the other football jocks and groupies. Sam made for them. I tried to hang back but Sam grabbed my arm and dragged me with him.

Pork took one look at me. Way to go Fagboy boy coach Hardy is suspended for the season. Because of you." He gave me a shove. WTF. I didn't give a rats balls any more.

I got right up into his face. He smelled like a combination of rotten cheese and sweat. I wanted to Gag.

"Listen you, fat moronic swine. You call me Fagboy one more time and I will knock you so hard your momma will feel it." I said looking directly into his eyes.

He gave me a shove. I swung and my fist connected with his eye and his ass connected with the side walk.

"I warned you pork." TJ.

Pork was dazed, shocked that I laid him out in one punch. He got to his feet and stepped to me. Sam and TJ both stood beside me.

"We need to make this even. You're the size of three of us." Said Sam.

Noah and I may not be best buds but he is family." Came from TJ.

Pork looked at TJ. "I thought we were best buds Tee?"

"Noah's blood dude. I told you to leave him alone. To keep your fat mouth shut." TJ said calmly. "The part where you said were buds is right though. We aren't anymore." He finished.

TJ grabbed my arm and pulled me away. From the group. Sam followed. "Hey Playa, mind if talk to my cousin private like?"

Sam nodded TJ took me across to his car. It wasn't anything fancy just your basic Honda accord. I would think that Ruth would insist on TJ having something that would not embarrass her.

"Grandma told everything that happed. It's fucked dude. With Coach and Mrs. Hardy. We were worried about you Cuz. I mean Grandma was worried."

"I didn't mean to make Grandma or You worry." Letting him know I heard what he said.

"What ell man. Don't make a big deal out of it okay, but I think you're alright. I just can't hang with you. Um, you know, because of well, I can't."

"Your Mom." I said flatly.

"Yeah, she got it in for you bro."

"Really? I would have never known." I said. Then giggled.

"Yeah, well anyway. Grandma said for us to go to the office if you showed up."

"Yeah talked to her a few minutes ago."

We headed into the school. I had grabbed Sam and dragged him with us. TJ raised an eyebrow. WTF is up with these eyebrows. Did I do that?

"he's a part of this too."

TJ nodded as we went directly to Grandma's office. We didn't knock we just went in. Grandma was on the phone talking to someone. It was a pretty heated conversation. She wasn't angry but you can tell she was annoyed. She motioned for us to sit down.

There were two seats in front of her desk and a loveseat against a wall. In one seat sat Fairy Godmother. She was looking like she was ready to do battle. If she had on a suit of armor, I'd say she was ready to fight a dragon.

I sat in the loveseat. No way was I going near that bitch. I didn't trust myself. Fuck it, I don't trust myself to be in the same room with her.

Sam sat next to me TJ looked at us like we just left him the seat covered in shit. He reluctantly plopped himself down in the seat as Grandma hung up the phone. She took the folders and opened them. And looked at them for a minute.

"First off this conversation is being recorded. I want it to be known that as principal, I am responsible for the students wellbeing in this school. That's a job I take very seriously. I always have a responsibility towards the staff of this school. If I find any student regardless of who they are, I will suspend them for any threat they may show towards a teacher's authority in a classroom. This is not a hearing. This a fact finding discussion. Is this clear?" Grandma said with an authority I never seen before.

We all nodded.

"I need you all to say your name and that you understand this."

Geneva Hardy. teacher and yes I understand. I also want you to go on record that is a sham."

"Theodore James Holt the fourth. Student, I understand."

"Samuel Albert Meets. Student. I understand."

"Noah Jared Mac Daniels. Student. I understand."

"Evelynn Mac Daniels, Principal. Conducting finding for any further actions."

I half expected Grandma to have a bailiff hold out a bible: Do you swear or affirm, to tell the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God. She didn't though.

"We will start with Noah Mac Daniels. Noah please tell me what happened when you left my office and arrived to Mrs. Hardy's class"

I told her what happened. I didn't leave out my comments. I finished by showing the cut on my cheek. The look on Grandma's face was blank. I couldn't read it. I hoped she believed me. Though when came to crap like this student's word against a teacher's, especially mine. It didn't go in my favor. Regardless of the Fact that the principal is my grandma.

"Mrs. hardy it is your turn."

"Gladly he came into my room and started mouthing off about being called into the office. Being expected to tutor some stupid jock. His words not mine. I asked him to take his seat and to stop disrupting my class. He refused I stood in front of him and told either he stopped or I will send him to the principal's office, Which I am sure you would white wash it for your precious grandchild as you did for Theodore last year. He stood up and threatened me. I had no choice but to defend myself."

My grandmother nodded again with a blank expression. She picked up one of the folders. I looked at it flipping papers and reading. She set it down and pulled off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"I have here, 21 statements from the students in your class who tell a totally different story Mrs. Hardy. As a matter of fact, it's much closer to Noah's statement than yours. I am sure there are embellishments but the statements are all very much the same."

"Of course you're going to." Fairy Godmother started to say.

"I am not done. I also sent Noah's homework, class assignments and tests to the dean of English department at Hazard community college. I also sent TJ's work from last year." Grandma said placing the other folders side by side.

"The dean sent me a report a few minutes ago by fax. Stating and I quote: Both students work was of an A quality. He even praised Noah's work and again I quote: Noah Mac Daniels' work is of better caliber than many of his own students."

Grandma looked at Mrs. Hardy over her glasses. "do you care to explain why two students that have of this school have graded with lower grades when the quality of the work is that of a much higher one?"

"I grade according to what I believe is good work."

If I remember right, Mrs. Hardy. You also graded Jared Mac Daniels lower than was necessary."

"This is a witch hunt Eva. You know that. I gave your son very good grades."

Grandma pulled out a folder from her desk. She tossed it on top.

"I have here Jared's high school transcripts, I can also have Emily's and Ruth's pulled from the archives too. Do you care to change your statement?"

"This is ridiculous. I refuse to sit here and listen to these accusations any longer." She said rising up from her seat.

"you are free to leave at any time Mrs. Hardy. However, the outcome will be the same. You stuck a student. You gave at least three students poor to failing grades. Gave other students high grades where the quality of the work did not warrant it. Leaving now will just make matters worse." Grandma said reaching for another folder. I saw the name, Julia Kingsley on it.

Fairy Godmother sat down. She looked like she was about to lose all control of herself. She was red with anger and she was barring her teeth like a rabid dog.

"I believe Julia Kingsley is your granddaughter."

"Yes. What does that have to do with this." She said pointing at me. I just smiled. I had to admit I was enjoying this.

"I had the fore sight to also send hers along with Sam Meets to the same professor at the community college."

"What does Sam meets have to do with this I don't understand this. It is between you and me Eva not my Granddaughter and especially not the defiler Sam meets."

"This is not between you and I Mrs. Hardy this is about you unfairly grading students and assaulting one of them. The fact that Two of them happen to be my grandchildren and your choice of words just now are interesting though."

"I don't know what it is you have against my Grandchildren or had against my children. I definitely do not understand why you gave failing grades to Sam Meets. Granted, his work was not great but it was at least c quality. I do know however, regardless of who they are, all students deserve fair grades and respect. I am ending this fact finding now. I will send all the information to the school board as I am required to do. during that time, you are suspended with half pay until the results from their decision."

Grandma reached to turn off the recorder.

"Fuck you Eva! You want to know why I did it? I tried to fail Jared because he dumped Margret and left her heart broken. He told everyone he would date a girl who slept around. He made up lies about her. Your daughters are the sluts. There's the proof right there." She screamed pointing at me. "Sam meets ruined my granddaughter once he got what he wanted he dumped her like a piece of trash. Someone has to put your family and the likes of him where they belong."

Grandma looked at her like she grew horns. My grandmother did not hide the fact that she was pissed off. She stood up and leaned on to her desk.

"I think you have said enough. I will send this to the school board along with the recording of this conversation. I may not have the authority to fire you but I do have the authority to not have you teaching in my school. Now please leave my office and the school grounds. Do not go to your room. If you step on to this campus you will be arrested for trespassing. Do not go to your former classroom. I will have the school custodian pack up your personal belongings and they will be sent to you."

Grandma pushed a button and asked for school security officers to escort Fairy Godmother from the grounds. She was cussing every step of the way we could hear her in the hallway calling the guards every name in the book. Some I never heard before too.

Grandma sat back in her chair and sighed. She covered her face with her hands and sort of wiped it. she leaned forward and shut off the recorder.

"Boy's I am sorry that happened in front of you. No student should witness that kind of behavior from a teacher or staff of this school."

We all agreed it was fucked up but we just said we understand it wasn't planned.

"well I will tell you this much right now. Coach hardy is suspended also after his outburst this morning. Derogatory and discriminatory statements are not tolerated in the Hazard School system. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree in that family." She said.

We all nodded. TJ though was a bit confused. He didn't know about Coach Hardy. Wait, Mrs. Hardy Coach hardy. Duh me I didn't put that together until just now.

"Your grades will be changed accordingly to reflect the quality of work." she said to Sam and me. "Unfortunately for you TJ it will take some time to change your grade from last year. It will be done though."

Sam your still failing algebra. I will honor though our discussion from this morning we just need to find you a tutor."

"No you don't Grandma. I will do it."

Grandma smiled and nodded.

"well I have had enough for today. What do you say we get out of this school and get some ice-cream? My treat."

Mrs. Hardy of course was fire two days later. She is now working at Walmart. More power to her. She can look down on people while she rings up their purchases now.

Coach Hardy, well that's a different story in itself. He was later arrested for statutory rape. Seems he had been screwing one his female students and got her pregnant.

Funny how some people think they are above others. Like Ruth. At least Ruth lets it known. It's those though like coach and Fairy Godmother that I don't get.

They have this preconceived idea that they have been wronged or someone in their family has been wronged. Instead of getting to the truth they take what is said to them at the word of the accuser. I was once told there are three sides to every story his, hers and the truth.

The sad part is that they hurt people because they have the power to do it. Our own politicos do it. terrorists do it. I mean come on learn the facts, before you act people.

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Next: Chapter 9

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