HBCU Experiences: The Scarf

By Marchande Landreaux

Published on Nov 24, 2008



Um, yeah, this is a partly true story, well, at least based on some true events with some fantasy stuff in it. All of the names have been changed, so, any similarities are truly coincidental and unintentional.

Pt. 1

I was late to choir rehearsal that day. He really didn't care, it was his third year and he had more than put in enough time with that sorry ass bunch of people, but, he knew he had a decent enough voice and figured what the hell. He didn't even sign up for the class, hence him reconciling his lateness.

He busted open the doors to the choir room and walked down the aisle like he was the shit. It was the new year, first rehearsal and he was anxious to see what new faces were there. He came in and sat opposite the choir on the other side of the room not intending to do much, but show his face. He scanned the row and saw him for the first time.

The young man had a cute looking face, pecan brown skin about like his own, and a seer sucker blue and white blazer on with a red handkerchief flowing out of it. A shirt tucked in with a white belt, and a red shirt, blue jeans and some white boat shoes. Immediately his mind went to the frat famous for their krimson and kreme colors.

"Hmmmm, this should be an interesting year," I thought to himself.

The choir director outed him because again, the bass section sucked. Nothing new, they had more or less sucked the last two years he had been there. There was only one other decent base. The other guy who had graduated from The House just thought he was grand shit and sounded like a pregnant moose in labor every time he decided to open his mouth singing as though dynamics were non-existent. He stood up, feeling put on the spot and after some prodding sang whatever it was he was supposed to.

Rehearsal ended and he saw Predator, another House graduate. He was thirty, shoulda been an alright person, but had that Predator reputation on campus for going back and messing with the young boys on the AUC campus-(so did the Moose, but that's another story).

"Wassup," Predator said to I.

"Doing alright. How was your summer?" I said extending a hand, never once taking his eyes off of the new frat guy he had spotted.

"It was cool," Predator responded.

I stalled for some small talk as that was about as far as he could go in the conversation and then he remembered the dude had borrowed a book from him last year. "You still got my book?" he asked as he saw frat guy walk up to the front by the piano where they were standing.

"Yeah, you need it back?" he asked looking aloof as usual.

"Um, no rush, just wanted to make sure you had it 'cause it wasn't really mine in the first place."

By now, frat had walked up and sat down at the piano. But not before I had taken notice that homeboy was actually cute as hell. If he had messed around and been his height or taller, he perhaps would have categorized him as foine as hell. Frat was about 5'10" to 5'11" depending on who he prolly wanted to impress, and had 360 waves in his whole head. Had the workings of a goatee, and he was freshly shaven on his face. I sized him up at about 180lbs, and it was official, it was an instant crush.

Pt. 2

As time progressed, I found out that the guy played piano and organ just like he did. And was content with keeping his DL status just that lest he make a faux pas and let all his business out of the closet. About a week after the first choir rehearsal, he found himself in the music room talking to some of the old students from last year and rifled through some papers.

"Oh this is the list of the new students?" he asked the office assistant.

"Yeah," she responded, sounding like a little girl.

He flipped through them and found out his name Brandon Mark Ross. "That sounds white of him," he chuckled to himself. He also found out that he was from Memphis as well. "Sorry to hear that as well," he said to himself. Hmm, alright, that was enough information for him to think about for a few weeks.

From there I walked over to one of the other students dorm room. He didn't know why he was walking over there. He really didn't like the guy because he had halfway outted him in front of some mixed company. Some folks there knew he got down, but some didn't. He couldn't understand why some gay folk were so fucking fucked up that they would do some shit like that. It made I mad that the dude liked him in the first place, and looked ugly as a wildebeest-clearly I wasn't giving him any play, but for him to transfer his frustration in such a way that he decided to out him?

But he's allegedly engaged....

There was no one else on campus who was going to give I the time of day right then, so he found himself knocking on the Wildebeest's door, to which he opened it and walked in and saw two of his friends, Danica, who everyone called Dan the Man behind her back (clearly she wasn't interested in picking up men looking like who shot john all the time) and Brian.

"Wassup?" I said as he walked through the door.

"Wassup," Brian said imitating I's deep bass voice.

I smiled and replied, "Nothing," and plopped down in the easy chair setting his book bag and laptop down on the floor. "So wassup with chapel services this year?"

"Well, you know they've asked you to play on both Tuesdays and Thursdays?" Wildebeest said while shuffling around in the kitchen making rice. It brought I back to the day when he fell out with him-they fell out over the undercooked rice!!!!

I rolled his eyes, "Shit, we can ask that new boy to play for some of that shit. I aint about to fuckin' wear myself out playing for all those damn services."

"Who? Brandon?" Brian asked looking up from flipping channels.

Wildebeest let out a laugh, and Dan the Man secretly began laughing to herself as well.

"Did I miss something?" I asked.

"BWAAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Brian said from sitting on the bed.

"Look, I just wanna get it out in the open," Wildebeest said walking from the kitchen area. "I think Brandon looks good as hell!"

I, the ever DL person just rolled his eyes suppressing his desire to say "Hell yeah. His accent is fly as hell," instead just letting out an "Oh I guess."

"You said he play?" Wildebeest followed up.

"Yeah, I heard him and Predator in rehearsal the other day playing around." Of course that elicited more laughter from the peanut gallery. "Yeah, I thought the same thing. Predator saw some new meat and immediately pounced on it." At the same time I was wondering why hadn't he done the same thing.

Pt. 3

It was chapel hour at the school finally at 11am.

The choir had marched in and as fate would have it Brandon had sat right in front of him wearing a mostly white, and black striped short sleeve polo with the Express logo on it. I took one look down at the music in his hand and suppressed a "DAYUM!" under his breath and realized that Brandon had a donk.

His mind went to the booty shakin' song that Soulja Boy had released earlier. And thoughts of grabbing Brandon in a club setting and have him bend over, as Gotti Boy Chris used to sing, and start rubbing up on his dick in the club and grab him by the waist and grind along with him----

The guy next to him bumped him and got I out of fantasy world. "Pay attention!" the guy Clarence had said to him as the director had started the morning hymn. I guess it was I's saving grace because actually, Brandon was doing a good job of giving I an erection just from that visual. The shirt was stuck in the small of his back and had no hope of ever falling down any farther unless he decided to stick a hand back there and pull it down himself.

I was in typical fashion, sitting on the back row sending and responding to text messages that were comments on the abysmal sermon that they had to sit through in the choir stand, and it was fraught with his running commentary about who had on what and making smart ass comments the entire time. A few of which solicited Brandon turning around and smiling and laughing joining in on the joke.

Well that's a good thing, I thought to himself and he figured it was time for him to finally introduce himself officially to him after service. So, as they were letting out, I walked up to him and said, "Oh, I heard you playing the piano. You play for a church?"

"Yeah, this church around the corner from here, not too far."

"Cool, dats wassup," I responded. "I," he said extending his hand as a formal invitation.

"Oh, I know who you are," Brandon replied coolly returning the handshake.

Responses like that are enough to take the tentative power out of I's grasp and place in that of the other guy. And this instance wasn't any different. I scrambled for a response that was manly, cool, and showed some swagger without coming off as yet another thirsty ass dude who was gonna try and holla at this clearly fly ass dude.

"Oh, you know who I am?" I said smiling now.

"Yeah, man, you the dude always be in the back crackin' jokes on errybody," he said while I felt a stirring in his loins as the two still held hands and he heard the tenor voice speak in dulcet tones but clearly producing the Memphis drawl.

I just laughed and said, "Yeah, that's me. But lemme just get your number in case some stuff come up with the choir."

"You do a lotta texting?" he asked me out the blue.

Knowing that the answer was "Good God yes!" I felt it was best to play it safe and said "Yeah, but I try not and blow up someone phone if I know they don't like it."

"Oh iight. Cuz, yeah, Phillip be blowing up my phone during service talking about people and I don't play that. You don't see no one talking about him like that."

I almost didn't make it. He so wanted to cut a fool right then and there. Although he referred to him as the Wildebeest, everyone else knew him as Phillip. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I was getting further confirmation that Wildebeest was a fuckin' fool. I mean damn, we aint even been in a school for a good month yet and he was already coming for the new students.

"Nah, I aint like that," I said still trying to not just crack up laughing.

"Cool, cool. Well here it is," Brandon said giving him the 901 area code number and I returned him the favor.

"Iight, man, we'll be in touch. Clearly we got choir and everything.

Pt. 4

The temperature had finally changed and it had gotten cold as Atlanta headed into the month of November. Suffice it to say, I was at a standstill in the sex department. He had a girlfriend, but she was up in fuckin' Virginia still in school as well and he wasn't online like he used to be. He had actually met a cool friend named Tristan through the Wildebeest, but he had some dude he was talking to, and for what it was worth, both of them were trying to be respectful of that. Clearly both he and Tristan liked each other.

Then there was his barber. Same height as he was, skinny as hell, but had an ass so big it would make females shame. Honestly, it qualified as the worlds biggest ass on a man EVAR! I mean, his barber was all man, goofy as hell, but still masculine as hell. Allegedly, per the Wildebeest, he and his barber had fucked around-but the Wildebeest was nationwide and had a tendency to lie and exaggerate shit; who knows if he did or not-this was Atlanta after all. Regardless of that, when his barber had put the paper thin neck protector around him, I let his wood fly underneath the smock. Thankfully no one could see it because, yeah, it was full fledged hardon.

And then there was Brandon.

Actually, Brandon was halfway giving I some shade. He had noticed, however, that Brandon never missed a day dressing. He was always nice, usually decked out in something from American Eagle or Abercrombie and Fitch as was his style, but he pulled it off like a straight dude. In the midst of all of that, it was a group of them that hung out together that I was cool with, but he clearly wasn't on their inner circle mind's eye. He wasn't getting the phone calls when they went out for a bite to eat, or to go hang out at the mall.

It was usually two other new dudes and this other female that they hung out with. The two dudes, Maurice and Shannon well, let's just say, people would be more shocked if they weren't gay. They wasn't out queenin' it up like girls, but, um...yeah, the shock would be if they weren't gay. The girl, well, she was actually a girl believe it or not. Not some Dan the Man tragedy.

I had sent some random off the wall texts to Brandon aside from seeing him during the school week since he didn't stay on campus, and a few he got back positive responses, and a few were kind of a "back the hell off" texts and I went into tailspin mode trying not to feel rejected from someone who prolly didn't even know he was interested in him. Actually, by this point I had written Brandon off as just gay friendly. As a church musician, come on now, one has to be gay friendly in order to survive.

But then he walked into school with his scarf on.

Well, I was convinced that any dude that wore a scarf as a fashion statement was ghey as hell. Clearly, Wildebeest had shown up with some random ass knot, and Maurice came in wearing a fraternity hoodie and a scarf at the same time, acting as though the aisle to the chapel was some fashion runway. I was sitting over in the corner at the organ just having a field day. I had already told a few of my friends about my crush on Brandon, and when I sent my text about him wearing this elaborate ass scarf-with an American Eagle cardigan on, I realized to myself-this dude get down.

Pt. 5

My phone rang and it was a text message from Tristan. "U wanna go out tonight?" it asked.

I had a little bit of money, I was trying to save as much as possible for Thanksgiving the next week because I was driving to Birmingham to kick it with a homeboy from undergrad and I said to myself what the hell and texted back "yeah, where y'all going?" He responded and I said I would meet them there for about midnight.

I ironed threw on some clothes, mostly black, and headed out the door. Ran to the ATM, got some money and headed out to the club. I'm really not a clubber, let alone a gay clubber. But what the hell, I hadn't seen Tristan since his birthday party and you only live once. I knew the night was going to be interesting because clearly me an Tristan were halfway flirting with each other waiting in line and I know alcohol makes me horny.

We walked into what looked like a high school gymnasium with two bars in the back, and we all headed straight for them. I ordered a margarita that seemingly came in a cup comparable to the ones you rinse your mouth out with. I downed in under five minutes and then went back for a Corona, the first of four that night.

Yeah, the whole night, it was me and Tristan's friends dancing with each other, and I was lit, by the second Corona for sure and letting his friends feel my dick without really worrying about it. Shyt, I thought, if they didn't like what they felt, they woulda stopped bending it over.

Then Tristan walked up to me.

He started leaning his neck all into me, unlike his friends, and I couldn't resist, I started suckin on his neck, and I'm quite sure he wasn't complaining either.

I went to the bathroom, came back and bought another beer and I realized I was drunk as hell. I really couldn't recognize any faces. I was doing good to recognize the people that I had came with. If someone was there that I happened to know, I wouldn't be able to tell because---

"Wassup Jeremiah," he said in my mouth so closely I could feel his warm breath on my ears. I really didn't even have time to react because whoever it was had slipped their hands around my waist and it was all my reaction to not just melt, so I grabbed his hands from behind me and closed my eyes while I asked "Who is this?" and finally turned around.

It was Brandon, and he had on a scarf.

I was really too drunk to go off like I wanted. I can really be a damn fool when I want to be, so instead a big ass smile broke out across my face and I couldn't stop. "What the hell you doing here?" I asked.

"Same thing you doing?" he said smiling as well.

"Damn, I ain't even think you got down bruh," I said taking another swig of the beer as I took in what he had on. He had on a dark blazer, and some dark shirt with the shirt open revealing the upper part of his chest and the glitz of some chain he had on. He had two small studs in both of his ears which I had never noticed before until that night, and he never stopped smiling.

"Well, yeah, as you can see I do. I aint know about you either," he said.

I responded with just more incessant smiling. "I see you're enjoying yourself," he laughed nodding at the bottle in my right hand.

"Hell yeah, come here," I said throwing all inhibition to the wind and grabbed him and kissed him right there on the dance floor-right next to some j-setters-and for the first time I was able to grab that big ass that he had behind him. It was a relatively quick kiss. I was drunk and clearly more concerned about my hormones than really trying to get to know the boy, and shit, he was going along with it. The kiss broke, but we kept on dancing with each other grinding each others dicks up against each other. Oh gawwwwd, I was getting hard quick, fast and in a hurry.

That was enough for Brandon who turned around and started grinding his ass firmly into my dick. Annnnnd, just my luck, "She Got a Donk" came on and I quickly gulped the rest of my beer down and just went for broke as I had a full fledged hardon going down the left leg of my jeans, while Brandon was going for broke. I held onto his waist for balance as grinded on each other.

When the song ended, he stood up and looked at me and said, "So did you drive here by yourself."

"Yeah, but I met some friends up here. What about you?"

"Yeah, I rode with a friend, but, um, I saw you and wanted to come over and speak."

Gawwwwwwd, he was foine as hell. Standing less than six inches from my face, my dick grinding into his as we had this conversation as he started back dancing.

I lost track of time, as me and him danced on and off for a minute. Walked back to the bar, he got a blue Muthafucka and I got yet another Corona, and then we posted up on the wall.

"Damn, I can't believe I saw you here tonight," I said to him.

"You wanna see more?" he asked standing on the wall turning and looking at me. I played dumb, but my dick clearly heard him as a felt of a rush of hormones and my dick jumped at the thought.

"Huh?!" I said.

"You wanna see more of me?"

"Yuh," I said trying to maintain my coolness.

"Cool, well I can drive you back home and we can finish what we started out on the dance floor back at your crib.

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