He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on May 3, 2020


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (10)

... Thursday came and I woke to another day. But this day was special. This was the day I was gonna meet up with Mike. Finally. I made myself look as good as I could. I wanted to look hot for my cute cub. And I hoped he would wear at least those black jeans that showed off his awesome package. I was already getting excited again at work thinking about it. And again the images of me shoving my face into the beautiful crotch as he sat down. Kissing that awesome looking bulge that I knew held a dick I wanted to feast on.

"Mike. Oh Mike" I said to the air "I don't think I have wanted someone this much in a long time."

I worried about him being a disappointment after I hyped myself up so much on him. But i guess I would have to wait and see. After work I headed out to the place I told him to meet me at near my apartment. I got there early as it was but a couple miles from me. In a shopping center that had a pool hall in it. I figured if he was up for it we could play some pool. I sat there as I waited for Ike to show. Then I got a text from him as I sat there. He was sorry but he would be a bit late. Something about work and he was in his way now. I sighed as I figured he was going to cancel on me. But I could live with him being late. So I texted back and lied that I was just getting to the bar now myself.

"I'll have drink waiting for you" I said "What do you want?" "Scotch" he asked. "Nervous."

I said that was cool. But added that he better not bail on me. He promised he wouldn't. I started with my drink. An amaretto sour. I needed something good myself as I too was nervous. I started my second one by the time he showed up. My thigh was shaking in my nervous anticipation.

"Fuck" I huffed softly "I am really nervous"

I think all this want and wait doe him was getting to me. I had been wanting to get together with Mike for months now. Since I first saw the cute cub on TV. But now and after the botched connection at that dinner I was worried thia would end up a big bust. I mean I really had the worst luck with guys. And how did I think this would be different. Especially after a fucked up start. But then as I thought my nerves would eat me up entirely I saw him as he came in. He was in a nice grey shirt that fit his cute body well. It was long sleeve but he had the sleeves rolled up some. And I saw that he was wearing the hot black jeans I loved in him so much. As he came closer I saw them. His shirt covered his crotch as it was out but I knew what his crotch looked like. Mike saw me and smiled. Waving a hand up at me as he came over to the table. He sat down and immediately apologized for his tardiness.

"Sorry man.." He started to say "Don't worry about it Mike" I said back "I understand work crap"

He smiled over at me as he looked my face over. And I did the same to him. Looking his cute bearded face over. He was so freaking adorable. I swear I wanted to just go over and kiss him.

"Got your drink" I said, morning to the glass before him

He looked down at it and smiled at the drink.he grabbed it and pulled it to his mouth. Then he took a hard gulp of it. Sighing after his swallow.

"I needed that" he said. "So" I then started "Glad we finally met up for real" "That other day was..."

We both remembered the awkward moments at the dinner and in the bathroom of the hall in particular. It is probably what made this meet now so scary for the two of us. But I was still glad that we were able to work out the whole weird situation and come here and have a few drinks and some good food. I could try to get to know the hot cub I liked so much.

"You look adorbs" I said to him "Awe. No. I am not" he chirped back "Cutest guy here"

He smiled and blushed. Then he took another big full of gus scotch. Emptying it. He was.looking around as I knew he wanted more. I waved at the waiter to get over here to get him another drink. Then I reiterated how cute he was.

"Cutest guy in the city I think" I said "You are mad" he said

I then took a drink of my glass. Tasting the hints of almond and lemon all intermingled together in this drink I soo loved to have. The waiter came over and I said to him another round of what we were drinking. He smiled and then looked over at Mike. His eyes moving over Mike's handsome face. I knew he was trying to recognize him from seeing him before. Then as Mike looked up at him he realized who he was.

"You are the one from that commercial. Aren't you?" He asked "Puppies. Yeah" Mike replied. "No. Not that" he came back

The waiter then remembered the puppy commercial. And as he looked sown Mike's body in a quick glance that my eyes caught, I knew he was thinking 'tattoo video'. The waiter then licked at his lips almost innocently. But I knew what was in his mind. He obviously was like me and saw something much better in the tattoo video than most would notice. I became instantly annoyed and protective of Mike. Wanting to tell this dude that 'Mike was mine', even though he was not.

'Tattoo commercial" the guy said "That was. Um, funny"

'Yeah right fucker' my head chirped. You wanna dive between his legs as much as I do. Then I glared at him as I cleared my throat. He looked back at me with some embarrassment. Then he apologized and said he would be back with the drinks.

"That was weird" Mike then said.

And then I pondered Mike and his celebrity. Small moments of fame that he had. But it was for a great deal if the population little to do with the adorable guy talking about the credit union, and all it offers. Fir a great deal of the people seeing it, it was about that tattoo commercial. And how that camera caught the greatest view if one if the hottest crotches around. His. I figured Mike had not known that this was why he was getting so much attention. So I figured I needed to tell him.

"So.. Mike" I started "What's up?" He asked

I started to pull the words from.my lips, but then froze and stopped. I did not want to embarrass or make him feel uncomfortable. Not now. Now that he was here with me. That would ruin the evening I had planned. "Maybe later" I told myself.

I then changed my topic to the commercials. And how cute he truly was in them. Just this cute guy that boasted about the great banking system the place had. How his infectious smile made everyone trust him.and not to mention those puppies and how cute that video was.

"I think he hasn't seem the puppies?" I suggested "Its one reason I am smitten with you"

Mike had grabbed some water and started drinking when I said that. Then he started to hack and cough as he was caught off guard by my comment.

"Oh shit. I am sorry man!" I saud as he choked on water "Are you okay?" "Yeah." He replied "You are smitten?"

I smiled at him as I now finished my second drink tonight. Then told him that how I did tho I he was just the cutest guy. And how him and those adorable puppies made me like him more than in the first one. How I wanted o be those puppies. Kissing his handsome face. He looked back at me and blushed again

"Seriously. You and puppies" I stated "How much more cute can a commercial be"

Although that commercial also showed a bit of bulge in his grey jeans too. Not as pronounced as the first one. But I sure noticed. Then the waiter came back with drinks. And we ordered. The waiter staring at Mike, like he was on the menu. I glared at him again. He pulled his eyes to me as and just took the order.

"Thanks for all the nice things you said" Mike then said to me "No. Thank you Mike.." I said "Why?"

I looked at him and smiled again.

"Leave it up to you to make me want to get a dog" I stated "What?" He huffed in shock "Even if it does kill me".

He looked at me and then remembered the conversation the other night about the allergies. Then we both laughed. Drinking more as we waited for our food....

More with the Hot cub

Next: Chapter 11

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