He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Oct 6, 2019


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. Amd also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (2)

... "Ohh my God" I had blurted

There I was, alone in my apartment. As per my usual evening routing. I was watching some TV like always before bed. Thats when I caught the commercial with 'Him' in it. The most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. At least to me he was. This commercial that from that moment in was embedded in my cerebral. Burn into my mind core for always. And all I could remember from it was the guy, something about 'fine print' and his crotch.

"Look at it" I chirped as I gazed at it "My God look at it."

The handsome man sitting there getting a tattoo to promote the commercial was sitting there in what looked like some recliner chair. Getting tattooed as the camera showed more and more of him. From his handsome face, down to his grey shirt and then pulling back to give all the viewers his delicious crotch. Yes there on the local TV channel was the image of this hot guys crotch in his black jeans. A big full crotch. You could almost make out the guys dick pressed near the zipper area.

"Fuck me. Look at that bulge" I chirped

I was glued to the commercial. Never have I been that interested in a commercial as with this one. And when it was over I wantes more. I needed to see more. But unfortunately the commercial ended. And I didn't know when I would see it again.

"Fuck. Who was that?" I said "He has to live here as its local." "At least I think it is"

So what did I do. Since I couldn't see the commercial again. I went inline to research the credit union that made the commercial. For I needed to know how local it was. Because if it was state wide or region wide. This hot hot man provably didn't live any where near me. And beliebe you me, I was ready to stalk the guy. And to my delight the commercial was very local. I found that the credit union I was connected to was started at the local university. And it has since expanded to local businesses.

"Yess!" I crowed with triumphant fist. "He is probably from around here"

But again that was still a needle in a haystack. A smaller haystack. But still a haystack. A haystack of 200,000 plus thousand people. So I contiued my online search as I was now obsessed. Obsessed with this man that I had just seen a few hours before. And yes I had been online for a few hours to research this company. I had to know who he was. This gorgeous guy I was desperate to have.

"Who are you stud?" I said again "Who are you?"

I looked online to see if that commercial was available. But my searching found nothing. It was new so I assumed the copy was not available on one of those online video channels. And that sucked for me. Because I was desperate to see him again. But my searching found nothing. So I had to wait for that commercial to ahow up again. And I ended up doing what I hated just to see if I would catch that commercial again. Staying and watching commercials.

"I hate fucking commercials" I said again..

And then as I walked back into the TV room again. The Tv was still on. I glanced over and noticed the commercial with the hot guy was coming on again.

"Shiit!" I shouted

I dove to the floor in front of the TV. Watching as the commercial progressed. And again the camera panned away to give me the best view of this guys awesome crotch. I licked my lips as I gazed at the screen. Then i saw it again. His gorgeous crotch.

"Fuck me. Look at it" I chimed again "Fucking magnificent"

But then the commercial was over again. How I wished I could pause it somehow. But I could not. And just as before, it was gone again. And again I was left wanting. Desperately wanting.

"Fuckk!" I crowed again

"Who are you man?" "Who are you?"

And again I was left with a need for the hot man in my TV. Sitting there in front if it with a hard on. And no way to relieve it. Then I thought to myself. Why not grab my phone and snap a picture of it when it came on. So I figured I could at least get that. So long as I had this hot guys image. So i made it a plan to always have my phone by my side when i watched TV.

"I fucking gotta have this video" I said "And him if I can find him"

It was a few days later again that I was watching TV and a commercial for the credit union came in. But it was obviously not the one I wanted as there were a bunch if puppies on it. They were cute as all Hell too. But then I hear the voice. It was him. In a moment later the cute guy from the original commercial was on this one too. He was laying on the floor with a bunch of puppies crawling in him and licking at him. And all I could think of was how jealous I was of thise puppies. Then he sat up with ine of them in hand. He started to go through his lines. Talking again of the advantages of the credit union iver a bank.

"God Damn he is soo fucking hot" I chirped. "Fuck my phone"

I had to get up and go get my phone. And as I could still hear the hunk talking I hoped I could grab my phone before the commercial ended. Then I got back near the end. And I know I needed to get my camera on. For I was now looking at him standing there. The hot man was making some quip about deposits, and the puppies.

"Holy Fuck me" I crowed.

For the hot man I wanted was standing there in the room. Blue t-shirt that was nice and snug to his yummy torso. He looked ever so delicious. And I clicked to my camera to get a picture of him. I had to. Because as he stood there in the history and dark grey jeans on his lower half. There trapped in his jeans was the lump of the mans dick yet again. Not as meaty as it was as he sat in the first commercial. But a nice lump of meat just to the right of the zipper. I eas able to click off one image before the commercial ended. Then my stud was gone again. I sighed as I looked at the camera image I caught. Not the best. But I coukd see his bulge. And that what mattered.

"Holy Fuck. " I huffed after "Another fucking commercial with him."

I was excited that the stud was a regular fixture for them now. Two hot commercials.

"Now if I could only find his name." I said.....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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