He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Feb 8, 2022


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (20)

... Yeah I was contemplating Mike. I wanted him, there was no doubt of that. Even after everything I still wanted him. He even now still made my heart flutter at the sight of him. And he looked as cute as ever when he had come over to apologize. His face still the same handsome face I adored. The trimmed beard that framed his nicely shaped face that drew me to him. His sweet soft eyes that tonight had an look of regret and longing. That sweet smile and mouth that I missed kissing. The way his mouth tasted. Oh how I loved his taught average and athletic body. Nice arms and deliciously hairy chest. His cute butt and that dick that I had thought was the perfect cock. The cock that was built just for me. All of the man I wanted was staring back at me in that puppy commercial. Albeit with clothes. But I knew what lay under them. I knew what was beneath that blue t-shirt and the grey jeans. And I knew what was behind that slight bulge in them in the commercial.

"And there it is" I said as I saw his bulge again "The dick I love lay there"

I could not help how much I still desired Mike. He was still the cutest guy around. And my heart still ached for him. His face and how he felt But I still had to make sure I was not just jumping back in for sex. (The great sex he gave by the way). I had to make sure my heart was safe from hurt. And after he came over and tried to apologize I talked myself through a possible attempt at a relationship with this guy. Do I do it or not.

"I just don't know" I said to myself "He seems sincere" "But I can't trust him. can I?"

I tried to forget about it. Forget about all the insane thoughts rolling around in my head. Wanting to ignore any conversation with him as I was almost leaning towards a heavy no. Then he texted me back a few days later. He wanted to see if I wanted to get some dinner. That he wanted to see me again. My response was a swiftly worded 'can't'. I gave some excuse that I already had plans. That life did not stop after him. But I would talk to him next week and maybe then we could have a dinner or lunch together. He sent back an 'okay whatever you want' and then a smooch emoji.

"Okay then" I said "That wasn't too hard"

Then as I sat there after telling him no. I realized that I did not need him. That I would be okay and should try to go out and meet someone else. So I did. This taller guy named Ed. He was good looking and very charming. I met him on one of those dating sites. I had gone back to them after the Mike thing. And he connected with me through there. Medium brown hair and goatee, and a confident nature. And I liked that. Ed suggested that we go out one night after work. A Friday for fun 'in case I was to stay overnight'. His words. So I assumed he was expecting some fun. Not that I was going to have sex on a first date and all. But he was very charming . One the Friday that I was to meet Ed I received a call from Mike. He wanted to see if I wanted to go out for dinner. That he was hoping to try and get 'us' rebooted.

"Actually Mike. I am going out in a date" I said "Oh. I thought ." He said back. His voice sounding defeated.

There was a small pause between us. Then I let him know that I did not need him in my life. That I could move on.

"I had started to get back into dating after you broke my heart" I said matter of fact "Sorry. I just could not let the feelings I had for you control my life." "So I am trying to date again" "Let me do that" "So maybe I can be happy finally"

He said that he understood and that he would leave me alone. Then he hung up. I could hear a sniffle from.him just before we hung up. I actually felt horrible after. Feeling I was breaking his heart. By my mind suggested he deserved it. Even as my heart still ached out to my adorable Mike. And that was done. I figured that after that call I would never hear from him again. And for a brief moment I was okay with it. I had a date with a hot guy after all. And I was going to finish getting ready for it and him. The knew attempt at something relationship wise.

"I'll be there in a bit" I said in my text to Ed

I was to drive to his place and then we would head out to eat. Then come back to his place for a night cap. The dinner was nice and he was pleasant. Asking all the right questions about me and my life. And as he was so nice and charming, I confided in him about what had happened with Mike. I didn't know why, but I did. He almost laughed. Telling me I was silly to have been hung up on such a guy. And he said that he remembered the commercials that Mike had been on. Saying that he agreed Mike was hot. And that he would have tapped that ass real good'. I found his comments kind of rude in front of me. But he saw my uncomfortableness with it and then turned on his charm once more. Telling me that the guy was a fool to drop a cutie like me. Dinner ended and we headed back to Ed's place. It was a nice apartment. And it faced a golf course behind. Ed quickly grabbed me and kissed me. It was okay at first, but then he reached back and grabbed my ass. Then he pulled me to his crotch. I felt his dick already start to push back at me. That was when I pushed back at him. Telling him to slow up as this was only our first date. He looked at me oddly and then said he wanted us to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

"Sorry Ed" I then said "I don't just jump into bed with someone I just met" "Oh?" He said with a sigh

I looked at the guy. He backed off of me for a moment. Then he looked less pleased with his choice of date. Ed then told me to get out. Thrusting his hand out and pointing to the door.

"Get the fuck out" he growled at me.

And that easily the charming guy that I had met online turned into a complete ass hole. Tossing me out the door because I would not have sex with him. Then as I scowled back at him calling him the ass he was, he bit back. Saying that he got why Mike dropped me. And ro not be such a 'fucking prude'. That I may get more play if I was not so fucking uptight.

"Fuck off!" I shouted back

Then I left. I was immediately mortified that I let myself meet someone so assinine. Mike was not perfect, out he was far from a prick like this guy was. And as I lay there in bed at my place, I almost called him. Flipping through my phone to see his number. My thumb hovering just over the 'dial' button. But I did not call him. Knowing that I had probably hurt his feelings before when I said that I didn't need him. That I would be fine because I was dating. Thing was it took the one date I had to make me change my tune on that front quickly. I knew I had to interest in dating again. Not when there were pricks like Ed out there in the sites. I turned in bed and closed my eyes. Figuring I was never gonna find anyone. And certainly no one like Mike. So I sighed and went to sleep...

More to come

Next: Chapter 21

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