He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Mar 10, 2022


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (21)

... Well the next morning after the train wreck date with Ed I saw I had a text from Mike. It was almost a plead from.him for me to reconsider. He begged me to give him another chance again. That he missed me and loved me. And again said he would do anything to fix this thing with us. I looked at the message and sighed. I almost felt the emotion build up again as I did miss him too. Then as I sat there just looking at his message. The TV was playing the puppy commercial again. And there he was once more. My Mike, adored by those puppies as they licked his ever so handsome face. And him being cute back with the puppies.

"Oh Mike" I said with a sigh. "How I adore you"

Yes, I did still love him. The ache in my chest. That ache if longing for him had returned. And it was like a heavy weight on my chest right now.

"I still love you" I said to the screen "Can't help it" "You are the closest to perfect I will ever find"

So I grabbed my phone and sent back a text to him. Telling him that I was up for something today if he was up for it. That I would see him if he wanted.

"Can you meet me at the beach" I suggested "It's a nice day and I need the sun" "Sure" he sent back "Will see you there in a bit"

I grabbed some shorts and a beach towel. Then I got in the car with a cooler and some cold drinks. I then headed out to the beach. The drive was not to bad considering it was summer and a weekend. But I got to the beach I was to meet him at. I said I would meet him at the south entrance near the boat docks. There was a parking lot there that lead to the south side of this beach area I liked. I parked the car and sat there for a bit. Waiting to see if he would drive up. Then as I waited I grabbed the cooler and got out. The sun was starting to beat down on the car. I put up the shades in the windshield and then stepped out of the car. Then I grabbed the cooler from the back and started to walk towards the beach. I had switched my shoes to sandals and walked out to the sand. That was when I heard my name. I looked back and there was Mike. He was in a light shirt that had something written in it. The shorts he wore showed of his hairy legs. He looked great as always.

"Hi" he said as he stepped up to me "Really happy you wanted to see me"

I looked at his eyes again. He was the most handsome guy I have ever known. His face had a look of hope. And I know I wanted him back. So I reached for his hand. Then rubbed it in mine. And then I pulled Mike in and I hugged him. Mike held me tightly, oh so tightly. Like he never wanted to let me go. He moved in to kiss me but I turned for a kiss on the cheek only. He half smiled as I made the move. And he looked at me with the question in his face. So I quickly answered it. The question not spoken

"I want to take this slow" I s aid again "I still am not sure about this all" "Can I trust you?" "You can" he blurted back "You can"

I tapped at his hand and then still reiterated the snails pace I decided to choose. This was if course to insure I could indeed trust him again. But my problem was I didn't. I don't trust any love to be honest. He had broken my heart and was now trying to mend it up. But I felt he wanted to go to quickly from that first reintroduction. So I stayed very stand offish most of the day. And I knew he felt it. So by the end of the date (or what ever the hell this was) he was ready to go. I mean we had a reasonably okay time. But I think the whole day was just uncomfortable between us. And he just wanted to go him. We hugged and then went back to our respective places. With only a 'ill call you' exchange. And this I figured was a doomsday call for anything further. I got home and just sighed. Pondering whether or not I was too hard on Mike. Or maybe either I should have even done this at all. Only throwing confusion back into the mix.

"Oh well" I huffed to myself "Just apparently nothing that was meant to be"

So I felt sad, but I just got it. And as he didn't not call again as either of us said we would. Whether he was waiting for me to make the move or he just decided the same as myself, that this was not meant to be. I did not hear from him again. I went back to just going to work and on occasion trying to go out and have a little fun. And even again after some time trying to go out to meet people. Although I had no illusions about any such thing.

"Let's go out" a friend asked me one day "You can't just stay at home all the time." "Okay. I guess I can have a few drinks" I said back.

And then I went out with them. Just a couple of single guys and girls out to get drinks and maybe hook up. We ended up at this club that was 'gay friendly' but catered to all people. So I saw guys and girls and guys and guys there. So I figured this was safe. I would not likely even find anyone to hook up with. But it was there and as I sat at a table with one of the girls I had gone out with. We were just talking up work and crap. So nothing really meaningful. And I was almost ignoring any guy that moved through the room. Mostly because the conversation was far more interesting to me. But I was just not interested in anything more than drinking.

"Hey isn't that the guy from the commercials" she then called out. "Huh. Who?" I huffed

I had no idea what she was talking about until I looked up. And that was when I turned and saw him. Mike. The one from 'my commercial'. He was here in the same place as me. He had someone with him. It was Ed, that guy I had that date with. They were there together. I sighed an acheful sigh. She looked at me and asked if I knew him. Then reiterating it was Mike from those 'cute commercials'. She had not known I had dated Mike. But then I told her that I had gone out with actually both of them at some time. She was shocked to know this. But as she and I were not deep friends I felt I never had to. It was only today that we connected. Finding folly on similar things in our lives.

"Yeah. That's Mike" I said "He is that 'cute guy' from those commercials alright" "And the other is Ed." "And yes. I dated both" "Well dated Mike. Only went out with Ed"

I then said that Ed was a total disappointment. That it was doomed after the first date. I did not say much about Mike until she asked.

"What about Mike?" She asked

I then sighed again. The frustration in my voice apparent at talking about him. But I tried to say something so as not to make him an ass. I guess I still cared for him But I did tell her. I told her he was just it into commitment. He was nice and all, but not meant to have a serious relationship.

"So I let him go" I said "Maybe Ed is more to his liking" "All can say is good luck on that". "Yeah. Sounds like it" she repeated.

I turned back to her and took a drink. Then we went back to just talking about people (other people) like the last guy she tried to date. Something about him being a freak. I came back with 'sounds like Ed'. The other came back after some mingling and dancing. The other girl in our group said she had gotten some guys number, and she was gonna head out. The other guy with us continued to mingle after a few drinks with us. Saying he was still sure he would hook up. I then needed to go to the bathroom. All those drinks were catching up in me and my bladder was full. I excused myself and then got up. I headed down the hall too the one end of the bar to the one bathroom there. I went inside and peed. I turned to head back out after washing my hands. And as I reached for the door, it opened and hot me. I was knocked to the wall and down I went.

"Fuckk!" I cursed as I landed on the floor hard.

And as I landed in my hand I may have injured it. Pain shot through my wrist as I sat there.

"Oh my God." Came the voice of whomever had hit me "I am Soo sorry man." "Soo sor...."

I looked up at my accidental assailant. That was he stopped speaking. And that was when I looked up to see who it was. It was Mike....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 22

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