He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Nov 3, 2023


This is a fictional story about a guy I have become infatuated by. He is in a local commercial for a credit union in my city. He is adorable and shows well in his clothes. Especially his jeans.

This is a new story with the cute young my Mike. (Another way of meeting him) As I cannot get him outta my head

We have never mer, and may never. But it doesn't stop me having a fantasy about him. Also I will let assume his sexuality as there is no tell' in his mannerisms. But I could hope for it.... Enjoy..


He's in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity (3)

... My dick was twitching and I was horny as a jack rabbit after that commercial I had seen. The one with the cute spokesman for the credit union, Mike. Him and the adorable puppies. Him and how hot he looked in his clothes. Snug fitting T-shirt and jeans that held almost little to my imagination. I had to see that commercial again. But never knew when it might come on. So what I did was search for it. I went to the company's website to see if I could find it. But no luck. What I did find on there was a link to another commercial he had done before. One that got me even hornier for him than the first one. Something about 'fine print'. But it had the hot little guy sitting in a chair and some huge dude giving him a tattoo. But what caught my attention was his crotch. He was in black jeans in this one. And those jeans were showing a gorgeous bulge as he sat there. His dick in a nice bulge (again to one side). A more substantial looking bulge that the one before. A delight to see in this older commercial I never had caught.

"Look at his dick" I said "God I wish I had been there for this shoot" "Never would have gotten done."

I laughed at my lewd comment. But finding it to be a likely issue. For if I had been there when this was filmed. Just standing there at the side somewhere, seeing his awesome bulge as Mike sat there. I would have not been able to stop from diving between his legs. Shoving my face to his fantastic looking bulge. So that found myself watching that video over and over again. Wishing that I could meet this cute guy. A Which I doubted I would.

"So damned cute" I said again

Well my luck was about to change. And it was all due to pride'. It was that time of year when the pride festival was on in my city. Something I tried to go to each year. And actually I was thinking of not going at all. No mood and then there was the congestion of gays in such a small area (the local park). But another friend of mine suggested I go anyways. Telling me to get out of the house and be gay'. And after much badgering I decided to go. Deciding that yes I needed to be around my people. Work was just to many straights and some with less of a great opinion of my lifestyle. And I think that was what helped me change my mind about going.

"Fuck em" I said to myself as I sat at my desk "I need this." "Fucking phobes"

So I met up with my friends headed down to the festival. Knowing well to expect the heavy crowds like last year. We got there early enough so we could easily find parking. Then walked the block and a half to the park. And when we first arrived it was pretty slow that morning. A few dozen gays already stroking about in the park. Booths just opening up for food and products to be sold. Also businesses trying to get gay customers in the door. We drilled through a few of the booths. I saw a few cool things I wanted to get. But figured I would get them later before I left. I didn't want to be carrying around a bunch of items all day.

"Are you glad you came?" my friend asked "So far so good" I said "But the day is young, and the crowds have yet to roll in"

We turned down another row of booths and I saw that my credit union had a booth at pride. Seeing it made me glad I was using them. There was a woman there chatting with a potential customer. And another girl there that looked familiar. It was the one that had signed me up sometime back. I went over to say hi. She saw me and instantly remembered me. Greeting me and then asking how I was liking their services.

"Good so far" I said "Haven't run across any issues" "But then again I have only been with you guys for a little bit"

She smiled and then thanked me for the business. I was about to leave and move on. Then she called back to me. I turned back and then she proceeded to tell me something that made me instantly glad I had decided to show up at the festival.

"Mike is gonna be here by the way" she said matter of fact "Mike?" I said with a question. For a moment not remembering about the cute spokesman they had "Yeah the guy from our commercials" "He will be here at noon"

My head pulled up Mike's face (amongst other things) and I smiled a bit. My head shouting to me 'see. It was a great idea to come. And that with a tingle in my shorts I knew I had to come back to this booth later. My friend asked what that was all about. So I told him. And he remembered the hot mike in the commercials. But had mot noticed him much as he was not his type. But then I said to really look at the commercials. Pointing out the nice package Mike had.

"I see" he came back "Will have to check those out for sure"

I don't know why I had divulged such information to him as he was a whore if ever there was one. Mike whom he said was not his type would soon become so once he saw the nice crotch. And I instantly regretted telling him. Then pointing out that the guy was straight.

"So why you all up on meeting him?" He came back "He just seems cool. That's all" "And he is cute to look at"

We headed off and I prepared myself to return to this booth later. I wanted a close up look of this hot guy. Even if I knew it would be just a meet of this small celebrity. So I had twelve noon pulsating in my internal time clock. We drank some them listened to some music at one of the stages set up in the park. And I was enjoying myself for the most part. Even with the heavy crowds now filling the park. So much so that I almost forgot about twelve noon. It was actually my friends that turned to me to say that I was gonna miss my 'future husband'. I looked back at him and then got up. Trying to play it off I was not too interested. But that I still would like to meet the guy. So we headed back towards the credit union booth. My head and body all a tingle at the prospect of meeting Mike....


Next: Chapter 29: A Small Celebrity 4

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