He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on May 24, 2024


This is a fictional story about a guy I have become infatuated by. He is in a local commercial for a credit union in my city. He is adorable and shows well in his clothes. Especially his jeans.

This is a new story with the cute young my Mike. (Another way of meeting him) As I cannot get him outta my head

We have never mer, and may never. But it doesn't stop me having a fantasy about him. Also I will let assume his sexuality as there is no tell' in his mannerisms. But I could hope for it.... Enjoy.. +++++++++++++++

He's in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity (6)

... The night with Mike was nice. We danced, drank some and even went to the back room where they had some pool tables and played a few. My eyes constantly looking at the cute as all heck Mike. As he leaned over the table and aimed his pool cue. His arms looking very nice in his shirt. He would look up at me as he prepared his shot. Then smile as he struck the ball. Even winking at me to distract me And distract me he did. the way he looked, how his clothes fit him. It all was very very distracting as my eyes were mostly in him and not on the game. Imagining him naked before me had me excited and wanting to take him home to ravage him.

"You realized what a distraction you are?" I finally said to him "Am I?" He said with a smile "Yes you are"

I stood there holding my cue stick as he shot again. Then he stood up. He then moved over towards me and he grabbed my stick. Then he grabbed my arm and leaned in to me. He then just kissed me. I tasted his lips and the drink he had had on him. It was nice. And I r ached for his arm and squeezed it. Feeling his bicep and shoulder. And man did he feel good so far.

"Well" I said "That was very nice" "Was it now?" He asked me "Yes. Yes. Very nice"

He licked his mouth after the kiss. Then grabbed his drink and took another swig down. I did the same as I watched him. I glanced at his hot tight body. The shirt clinging to his chest and how the jeans on him pulled at the crotch some. So I too licked my lips, for obviously different reasons. I looked up and saw my friend and the guy he had picked up that evening. They came over to us and he grabbed me. Leaning in to say hi. He was drunk and stoned and God knows what else.

"I saw that. Kiss. Hmm" he hummed "Very hot!"

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. Telling me to go home and fuck. Quite plainly and loud, even through the beats bouncing off the walls.

"Go home and get some hot man dick" he chirped

Then he looked at Mike. Up and down him and obviously at his crotch. Then pointing down to it. My God what a mess he was.

"Give him that." He added "Looks like a big boy too" "So take my sweeties home and fuck his brains out."

His date for the night looked at me. I smiled and pulled over to him. Telling him to make sure my friend got home safe and to bed. He got up and then grabbed him in tow. He then took my friend and walked away from us. I looked back again just because. I then looked at Mike. A bit embarrassed by what was being said about him . Apologizing for what my friend had spat out in his stupor

"Sorry about that.." I started to say "Don't worry about it sweetie" he came back "We all get smashed at times." "Although he is a mess."

Then he looked away and towards the crowds. Then back at me before speaking again. Then suggested that we get out of there too.

"I was thinking he has the right idea " Mike then said

He eye brow cocking up as he spoke to me. A Tell that he wanted to possibly have the fun my friend had suggested. I swallowed down some heavy saliva as I pondered this possibly happening. Pondered seeing Mike naked and having sex with him. I felt a tingle begin in my shorts at the thought So we got up ourselves and headed out of the club. Leaving the thumping beat behind. We headed to his car, since I had taken a cab there. His car was nice. Nicer than mine that was for sure. We got in and he started it up. But we just sat there as the car burbled in idle for a bit. I looked at him as he smiled back at me.

"What?" I asked at his look "You are really good looking" he declared "Well you most certainly are" I said back

Then he grabbed my hand and then he leaned in for another smooch. So I kissed Mike again. Pressing my lips to his. He takes like the drinks before. Slightly sweet. Then he looked at me again

"Your place or mine?" He then asked

I really didn't care. All I knew was I wanted to get him naked and ravage his hot body. So I shrugged and said 'it didn't matter'. He smiled and then put it into gear. And since he didn't have to worry about brining me back to pick up a car we headed to his place leisurely. We got to mikes place in about 20 or so minutes. Up a few flights to a moderately sized building. Getting into the elevator to reach his floor. The 8th floor. We stepped out of the elevator and headed down a short hall to a set of doors. One to the left and one to the right. His was the right one. We stepped into a nice apartment. Tall floor to ceiling windows facing the west and towards the bay. The views pretty good too.

"Did you want a drink?" He asked me "Maybe just some water" I said to him "Have drank enough this evening"

He went to his kitchen and pulled out a few bottles waters. Then he opened up the glass doors to his balcony and said we should sit outside. That it was a nice night. I smiled and followed him out there. He had a great view of the city in the distance from his balcony. And the night was nice. Clear sky and a very light cool breeze whipped passed me. But I really didn't pay much attention to the nice view out. I was loving the view of him, Mike. There so close to me as we sat there. We talked some, but to this day now I don't really remember what we talked about. I just know we exchange some conversation and then we found ourselves inside and getting naked sometimes after. Making out and ready for sex.... +++++++++++++++

More to come

Next: Chapter 32: A Small Celebrity 7

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