He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Jan 27, 2020


This a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (4)

... Well I would soon find out who the hot guy in the commercial was. And it was by accident actually. I was at the mall one day and was just doing some shopping. The credit union had a booth set up in one of the kiosks. It seemed they were promoting using them at the mall. I almost passed the booth entirely as i was already part of the credit union. But then I noticed there was small poster behind the girl that was him. He was holding up a bank card in hand and looking all kinds of adorable. I felt a tingle in my loins as I stared at it. I wanted that picture. So I turned and went to the booth. The girl looked up at me and gave me the requisite smile and the 'how can I help you?' Question.

"Looking to switch to a new banking service"? She asked "Uhmm. Yeah sure" I blurted out "Just kind of putting out feelers"

I glanced back up at that image of him. He was soo damned cute. Then she noticed as I was looking at him. I don't think she got any weird lust vibe from me. But I decided to say something nonetheless.

"That guy"! I then blurted "Is he an actor or somebody" "He looks familiar" "Ohh Mike" she came back "Mike is one if our spokespersons"

She smiled a s she looked at me. Pondering if I knew him myself.

"You've probably seen him in one if our commercials" she added "Do you know him?"

Then for sake of not appearing like a freak or stalker I chimed in about the commercials he was in.

"Out yeah." I chimed "The tattoo commercial" "What was it again.?? "

We both looked at one another and almost laughed as we struck out with the quote. "Fine print"!

I looked back at him. Damn he was cute. Like a cuddly cub. A cub I wanted to lick from top to bottom. And as I pondered doing just that, licking Mike from the top of his head down to his feet got my dick twitching. Especially licking his handsome face. That adorable bearded face. I could see myself licking it. And I would.

"He is a nice guy too" she interrupted "Like a cute puppy"

I thought it was an odd choice. But heck I thought him a bear cub. "Have you met him?" I then blurted out

She saud yes of course. That he actually works for the company itself. And he had been at her office sometime back. I felt jealous that she had been near him. But it wasn't like I had met him myself. Or ever would.but I could mot help how smitten I was by the cute guy. And I still wasn't sure what it was. But Mike was all I could think about. Then I told the girl that i already had an account through them. She looked at me oddly. But then I said that I thought they were doing something special. "Thanks for the info though" I said.

Then I left her there. My head repeating the cute guys name. Mike. His name is Mike. I almost sighed as I finally had a name to the cute face....

To be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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