He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Feb 25, 2020


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (6)

... Well my obsession for Mike seemed to get bigger and bigger for the hot guy as the days and weeks passed. I couldn't stop watching that video. Over and over and over again. And even the subsequent commercials that followed first one. There was one where he was showing off the cool new debit card you can get through the credit union. Him crouched there holding it in his hand. But I didn't see the card. I only saw the face I wanted to kiss. His adorable smile filling up my TV as I watched the newest commercial. Or there was the one with him and puppies. Him on the floor attacked by adoring face licking puppies. I wanted to shout how I wanted to lick his face.

"Yes I was jealous of puppies" I thought to myself.

Then him standing at the end of the commercial. The snug blue t-shirt hugging his cute body. And the grey jeans he wore showing off his crotch some again. His dick pressed just to the right of the zipper area. "My God I love him" I chirped.

I knew it wasn't really love. It was a lust filled infatuation with this mini star of those commercials. But regardless I was. Mike was all I could think about. Then one day out of the blue I was in the same place as the cute guy. Some wonderful twist if fate lead me lead to a gathering that he was in. Well it was a thank you engagement from the credit union to their clients. They were having a dinner of sorts (mind you, I he to pay for it). But the monies went to charities like the local animal shelter. But it was a thank you to us for choosing them. So I bought my dinner ticket and went to the event. It was on a Friday evening. I decided to go just because if the donation thing. I wanted to make sure that animals were taken care of. Even though I could not have them due to allergies. And that commercial with Mike and those puppies helped. But i had no idea that showing up to the event would bring me into close contact with the guy if my greatest fantasies.

"Thank you all for coming" the MC had said

She went on to her talk about the credit union and what it does for the community. All I heard was 'blah, blah, blah' as she talked about this. Then she talked about the donations going to the local shelter for animals and how it was close to her heart. But then she did mention how it was close to someone elses heart.

"I am sure you have seen the add we have out recently" she started to say "This was something that is also close to or dear friend from the add. " "You know him as the puppy guy"

My ears peaked as she started to talk about that commercial. And then out he came. Mike. There he was in the podium waving at everyone. My eyes widened and my crotch twitched as I saw the guy.

"Omg!" I huffed and mouthed "Mike!"

There he was, the object of my greatest desire. Here at the special dinner. He was wearing jeans and a shirt covered by a dinner jacket. He was shorter appearing than in the commercial as he stood no higher that her. But I didn't care. It was him, it was my Mike. I grabbed my drink and took a swallow. Just looking up at him as he stood there about 20 some odd feet from where I sat.

"Thanks to all if you.." He started to say "Thank for all you love for out little furry buddies out there that are needing homes"

He smiled at the crowd and everyone clapped. I just was lost in the fact that he was here. Like star struck for a celebrity I just gawked at the man standing there talking. Then mike mentioned that he would try and get around to everyone if he had a chance. Then he went to one if the tables to sit. My eyes falling in his direction constantly. Wanting to be lucky enough to be at his table. Looking at mike from across it.

"I wonder if he is married?" I wide eyed woman at my table asked "He sure is all kinds if adorable."

I kept my thoughts to myself as all I wanted to do was walk over to him and sit on his lap. The lap that I knew contained a nice bulge. A bulge I would easily grind my butt against. Then someone else at my table said something that made me turn around. They said they thought the guy was gay.

"I saw him at an event after the launch of that first add with him" she started to say "He was real chummy with some other guy there"

I didn't think she was right, although it would make me want him all the more if he was gay. But i thought the original girl I had spoke to had mentioned he had a girlfriend. Even if i couldn't quite recall our exact conversation. I turned after her comment and then saw that he was starting to make the rounds of the room. I could hear as he spoke to the next table over. He was talking to them about pet adoption. I gazed at his sweet handsome face. He really did have a thing about getting these animals homes. His smile wide and delightful as spoke to them.

"Shut he saw me" I huffed to myself

For as I was staring at the hot guy sitting at the next table he looked up and saw me. He smiled and then went back to talking. I sighed as he sat there. He was dreamy in my eyes and all I wanted to do was kiss him. Then he got up and walked over to our table. He brought the chair he had with him. Then he sat down next to me. We all scooted over one as he moved in close to the table. And then he started again by thanking everyone for coming.

"So how many of you have pets?" He asked

All hands went up but mine. So I felt awkward. That's when he turned to me. His eyes looking at mine to awe why. "So are you getting one soon?" He then asked

I was dumbfounded at his question. I knew he would ask, but was still taken aback by it. And even though I should have lied, I felt I could not. Especially to him. "I would love to" I then said "But I am allergic to pet dander"

Then gave the hunk a sad pathetic look. I figured he would wonder why I was there. That I didn't belong there with this crowd. But then he gave me a saddened smile. Like he felt sorry for me.

"That's okay" he then said "Its nice that you still want to help" "We should applaud this great guy here"

Then he started to clap for me. And that really embarrassed me. As everyone turned to look at me as he stood to do this. Although when he did I could see his jeans and his crotch. I gulped as I could again see the line of his dick in them. And this time it was here in real time and a few feet from me. But I was still embarrassed and then kind of lowered me head. Mike then placed his hand on my shoulder as he saw me look away from the crowd

"You are a good guy" he then said

And I felt his hand rub at my shoulder. Then he leaned in and said he wanted to talk to me about alternatives fkr my allergies.

"You probably can still get a dog or cat" he offered "Would t want someone like you to miss out on all that sweet puppy love"

Then my mind flashed the his commercial and all those puppies. All those little dogs licking at his delicious face. And I knew I wanted his puppy lovin. He then squeezed my shoulder and then turned. He left our table to make his rounds. And as he turned from me I thought that he winked at me.

"No stupid" me head then shouted "He didn't wink at you" "You are just horny"

And this I believed. And then the others at my table started talking to me. Telling me about the alternatives that Mike was suggesting. I half listened But my thoughts were in the hot cub that he lay just spoken to me.

"Fuck.mike spoke to me" I huffed to myself....

More with the hottie Mike to come

Next: Chapter 7

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