He is in that Commercial (A Small Celebrity

By Olando Reez

Published on Mar 19, 2020


This is a fictional story about a man I have become instantly infatuated with. I came across him recently. He is in a local Commercial for the Credit Union bank in my city. This guy is freaking adorable. Trim beard and handsome face. And from his lucky shirts and jeans many other nice parts.

I have never met him, and may never. But I know who he is from trolling the net about that credit union. He actually works for it. And also I cannot assume to know his sexual preference. So there is know way if knowing if he may want to ever have some fun.


He is in That Commercial (7)

... The dinner went on and I was getting bombarded with talk from those at my table. I wanted to leave. So I figured I could go to the bathroom, then slip out before the rush. So I excused myself and then headed off out if the dinning hall and down the corridor to where the bathrooms were. I had asked the guy at the door and he directed me to them.

"Wow. Fuck" i then said aloud as I went in

I stood there at the mirror looking at myself. I was still a bit embarrassed by it all. Being singled out by the hot Mike of all people. I don't know if he meant it by accident to do so. But I knew I wanted to go home. I was so embarrassed. I went to the stall to pee. Just in case someone came in. I didn't want them to point at me as 'the allergy guy'. And my allergies weren't really that bad. It was worse for cats than dogs. But it was still there. And I didn't want to be ruled by it.

"I'll just pee, then leave" I said to the guy in the mirror. Then I stepped into the stall

Then as I was peeing I heard the door open. I just stayed in there and waited to see if whomever it was would leave. I heard the water running as my pre stream ended. Then movement out there. I kept saying to them to leave already under my breath. Wanting to be able to slip out unnoticed. But then there was a knock on the stall door. I froze as I stood there with my dick still out. Who the heck would have the nerve to knock on the bathroom door as someone was in there busy?

"He buddy" came the familiar voice "Its me Mike" "I am so sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in there" "Come on out. I know you are done".

"FUCK!" My mind shouted. What the heck was he doing here. Had he followed me? 'Fuck, fuck, fuck!'. I couldn't believe it. I was trapped in the bathroom stall with the hottest guy I knew just outside the door. And I was also getting a hard on because it was him. My mind shooting back to the commercials and his hot meaty crotch. I pushed my dick in my pants again. Then zipped go and flushed the toilet. Then I took a deep breath and turned to open the door. And there was Mike smiling at me. And man did he look cute.

"Sorry again" he had said "I really didn't mean to put you on the spot there"

Then he let out his hand in a gesture of friendship. He wanted to shake my hand. His smile still on his handsome face. So I took a breath and then reached for his hand, then shook it. I was feeling a bit better. Except that his touch turned me on. My hand was touching this hot cub I so desired. So of course my confined dick was bumping at my crotch.

"Ehem!" I heard as he cleared his throat.

I looked at Mike and his eyes were not at my face. He was looking down at my crotch, my obviously excited crotch. He smiled at what he was looking at.

"Fuck!" I blurted "No. Fuxk!"

I pulled from his hand and instinctively went to cover my crotch. But as I looked at Mike, he was still smiling. Then he seemed to move in closer.

"So are you that happy to see me?" He finally said

My face turned beet red as he said that. He just accused me of getting hard because of him. Even if it was true. "Huh. What?. No. I" I blurted out "What do you mean?"

Mike then seemed to move in closer still. His smile bigger and sexier now. He was close enough for me to smell his cologne now. He looked at my face and then back down again as he made his next move.

"It's okay" he said "Not the first guy to like me because of my commerial"

And that's when Mike reached a hand out and just grabbed at my dick through my pants. I freaked of course. The shock of his action the main reason. But the fact that this super hit guy was doing this to me was another shock. I pulled back and near fell over in the stall. I held to the wall and door as I near fell into the toilet. "What. What are you doing!?" I shouted.

The handsome face then shifted from smile to shock as well as he seemed to figure he had the wrong idea. His hand out and one over his mouth. The the apologies flew out if his mouth.

"Oh fuck. Oh shit dude!" He shouted "I am soo sorry" "Fuck"

I saw him back up and then turn to leave. He kept saying 'shit, shit, shit' as he darted away. But that's when my head put together what lad just happened. The hot guy that I had the hots for had just grabbed my crotch. I had his hand in my dick fir a moment.

"Shit!" I blurted aloud "Mike"

I then realised that Mike may just be interested. This hot cub cutie from the commercial that I have been dying to meet in person. This dude who's face and crotch have been my longed desire for months now may want to play. I scrambled to my feet and started to call his name out. I had to catch him before I lost my chance.

"Mike!" I shouted as I ran after him....

More with hit Mike to come

Next: Chapter 8

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