He-Man in the Labyrinth - celebrity

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jul 26, 2024


He-Man in the Labyrinth Chapter 1: Captive Evan Andrews 2024

This is a fan fiction.

I was never the big Masters of the Universe fanboy. I was too old at the time it came out. (And face it, the cheap 2D animation wasn't that much of a turn on.) But given the staying power of the lead character in the collective imagination, I suppose I had to visit him in a story eventually.

I don't own the rights to Masters of the Universe or to He-Man. This is just a fantasy. But, this story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the character or any actor that has portrayed him.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Skeltor indulged in a prolonged and sinister cackle. His beast men minions grunted, growled, or otherwise indicated their pleasure at finally—FINALLY—capturing the renowned He-Man. Evil-Lynn did nothing more than smirk suggestively.

The beast men drug the beaten and bound Champion of Eternia over the rough stone flags to let him drop at the feet of his ultimate adversary.

"So, He-Man, you finally decide to accept my hospitality! I hope my minions have been making you feel at home."

Skeltor, of course, had no idea that He-Man was in fact Prince Adam, a seemingly ineffectual sprig of the royal family tree, and that what spelled home to Adam was nothing like what Skeltor was imagining.

"They do their best, I suppose," He-Man said with bravado.

It would never do to let the Champion of Eternia look like he wasn't in control of the situation—even when the situation was dire, as it certainly was now. Stripped of his sword of power, He-Man had nothing to call on but his brains and brawn.

Skeltor took the rebuke with a smile on his skull face, and cried out, "Enough chit-chat! Beast men! Prepare our "hero" to meet his fate!"

The beast men stripped He-Man down to his furry loincloth and forced him on his belly over a small altar, an altar that He-Man recognized due to his, or rather Prince Adam's, history lessons. A thousand years ago, when evil priest kings controlled Eternia, they used to sacrifice men to their devil gods by bending them back over this very stone, cutting open their chests, and tearing out their still-beating hearts. Since He-Man was on his stomach, he wondered what Skeltor meant to do to him.

"Bare his cunt!" the villain cried out.


He-Man supposed it had to be that. Skeltor meant to rape him—or at least to try to. Little did the villain realize that the legendary strength of He-Man's muscles extended even to his sphincter.

The gibbering beast men pulled the back of He-Man's loincloth aside, and the hero felt the frigid air of Skeltor's throne room on the flesh of his ass crack, balls, taint, and anal pucker.

He expects a show,' He-Man thought. Might as well give him one.'

"Nooooooooo!" He-Man cried out. "Don't fuck me with your boney prick! I won't let you!"

"You should be so lucky," Skeltor sneered as he assumed the expected position behind his struggling adversary. "Women, and a few men, beg me to be taken again once I've dosed their fuckholes with my seed. And much as it would give me pleasure to turn your delicious butt into my new slave cunt, I have something more amusing in mind for you."

He-Man, looking back over his shoulder saw in the villain's skeletal face that he meant what he said. But what could he do that would be worse than turning He-Man into his fuck slave?!

"Prepare, fool, to experience the evil might of the Key of Torment and Delight! Evil-Lynn!"

The sultry villainess sashayed forward, carrying a golden—well something (He-Man could only see that it was long and golden)—on a purple velvet pillow.

"Master," Evil-Lynn smarmed, and she bowed her head as she presented the pillow to Skeltor.

Laughing inanely now, Skeltor reached out and picked up a large golden key which, instead of having wards, had an enormous phallus sticking out from the ornate handle.

"I have the power!" Skeltor cried out in mockery of He-Man's famous catch phrase, and he held the golden artifact high.

`What the...?' He-Man wondered as the Key began to glow. He automatically clenched his butthole tight, intent in not making this easy for his skeletal menace.

With no warning, Skeltor shoved the cock end of the Key at—and INTO—He-Man's supposedly invulnerable asshole. He-Man's clenched muscle didn't even put up a pretense of resistance. He-Man screamed as the magic dildo forced his tight bunghole open, before sinking nearly a foot deep into his guts.

"My ass! No! How...?!"

But `How?' quickly became irrelevant. The Key filled He-Man, forcing the hero's guts to conform to its magical length. The great hero's body writhed in pain on the altar, and Skeltor stepped back to enjoy the show.

"You may cut him loose," Skeltor informed his minions. "The mighty He-Man won't be going anywhere."

He-Man continued to thrash from the agony of having his virgin ass penetrated so rudely. Through the pain, though, the Champion of Eternia felt another sensation growing in his gut. The Key, which visited such pain on his heroic frame, now incrementally took control of his legendary body—starting with his cock and balls and ass!

He-Man's mighty member sprang, almost immediately, to its full ten inch length, and his balls felt as though they'd been kicked into overdrive. Meanwhile, every other nerve that He-Man possessed also came alive as the Key thrummed in his butt. Prince Adam had studied and knew the physics of the male sexual response. He knew where his erogenous zones were, and exploration as a teenager had taught him which of those were the most sensitive. He never imagined that the Key would find even more, though. In fact, every nerve ending He-Man possessed was sending "I like what I'm feeling" messages to the sex and pleasure centers of his brain, and his body was responding in the most embarrassing ways.

He-Man saw fireworks and screwed his eyes shut, but even in that self-imposed dark the fireworks kept going off in his brain. Even worse for the straight hero, though, his fully erect dick escaped the meager protection of his loincloth, and the throbbing length rubbed against the cold stone of the altar. Fuck! Even that uncomfortable contact was turning the hero on, but then what wasn't?

"Feel him up, boys," Skeltor chortled. "You may never get another chance to use the mighty hero's body!"

The beast men surrounded He-Man's writhing frame and explored its previously forbidden nooks and crannies. Especially the crannies. He-Man cried out when some minion's claws cautiously stroked his pendulous testicles (which had also slipped out of his loincloth). He groaned when someone reached underneath his chest and began pinching and teasing his painfully erect nipples. And he moaned like a whore when two of the beast men set to licking and teasing his face, ears, and throat.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! No!"

He-Man's unrestrained cock leapt, and, as if it had a mind of its own, it began to leak a stream of precious man-lube. As the goo streamed from his piss-slit, the hero sobbed as between gasps and moans he became a slave to his body's demands—and therefore a slave to the Key and, ultimately, a slave to Skeltor!

`Nooooooo!' He-Man though as he sobbed at his body's capitulation to the golden artifact.

The nerves in He-Man's body sought the erotic potential in everything within reach, though he never left the perch of the altar. Voluntary control of his body seemed denied him while the Key filled his guts. The hero's body tossed back and forth on the altar where all his many enemies could watch and jeer and despise.

"Ah! Oh! My...!" He-Man grunted.

"Yes, little hero," Skeltor said, the triumph dripping from every syllable, "That's the `gift' of the Key. It will drive you to the most intense orgasm you've ever felt—but it will do so only in its own sweet time. Until that happens, you'll just have to suffer the frustration of the orgasm denied—and the humiliation of your enemies watching you submit. And the cherry on top of that? You'll be painfully aware of every second. The Key will drag you by your supercharged cock towards the ultimate degradation of blowing your Champion of Eternia wad and painting the altar with your sperm—and that just from having your ass full of magical dildo!"

"Poor, He-Man," Evil-Lynn crooned seductively as she knelt down and looked into the hero's dark frantic eyes. "I'd offer to kiss it and make it better, but then," and she laughed, "Evil, you know."

Any other time He-Man might have had a cutting comeback to the villainess, but the Key had other plans for the slab of prime man-flesh. More and more the torment drove the hero's magnificent muscular body, and he inched closer and closer to losing it and making a complete mockery of his masculine image before his greatest enemy.

The worst thing about it all, of course, was that He-Man's body wanted MORE! Of the pain. Of pleasure. Even of the humiliation. His butt pussy wanted nothing but to continue to serve as a slave receptacle for the wicked artifact buried in his guts!

"Fuck!!!!" He-Man whined, and Evil-Lynn laughed as she rose from the pathetic captive.

After what felt to He-Man like eternities, the Key decided the hero had suffered (and enjoyed) enough, and it allowed the cum in his turgid balls to engineer its escape. The sperm and ancillary fluids flooded out of the hero's glands and shot up and out of his hard dick.

"CUUUUUUUUUMMING!" He-Man screamed as his thick pulsating shaft whitewashed the side of the altar with a spray of thick jism.

Then, with an unexpected flash, filled the room, and He-Man disappeared in mid-spasm. The Key, still warm from the Champion's guts, clanged onto the bare stone, and the beast men all stared in disbelief.

"Where's he gone?" the most curious minion said at last.

"Who knows?" a similarly surprised (but too alpha villain to show it) Skeltor said. "Someplace better? Someplace worse?"

"Maybe a combination of the two," Evil-Lynn mused. "That would be fun."

"Whatever," Skeletor said, "He-Man is not our problem anymore. Onward beast men! We have a world to conquer!"

"Hmm," was all Evil-Lynn ventured as her master and the beast men raged out of the room, "I wonder how Prince Adam would respond to the Key?"

Scooping up the artifact, she slinked out of the throne room

Next: Chapter 2

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