He Was There, Willow

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Apr 3, 2010


He Was There, Willow Part 2 by justjames17

I eagerly waited the next evening to see Willow again; the short time we'd been together had completely made me infatuated with his slender taut body and sweet friendly personality. Time dragged by so slowly I thought I'd go nuts waiting to hear the door bell chimes, I constantly checked the street from my lounge window praying for his appearance. My penis was hard and begging for relief but there was no way I was going to waste my cream without Willow being there.

The night drew on with no sign of Willow and my hopes amnd heart fell as the time passed, I began to think I'd imagined or dreamed of my encounter with Willow. He'd seemed so genuine and loving, I couldn't believe he was frivolous with other peoples' emotions. I finally gave up my vigil and crawled off to bed at midnight, I snuggled with my pillow and began to weep. I'd not felt so sad or despondent in my life. How could a fleeting encounter rock me so deeply?

The news next day reported violence in the city, a not unusual thing these days but this was another Indian student bashed and left for dead in the gutter. We had heard of a number of these events in recent weeks, it was causing much anguish in both India and here in Australia. The Indian press was screaming about Australian racism and hatred of Indians. This was so wrong as I felt it wasn't only Indian students being attacked it was all races colours creeds and ages. Violence bubbled on our streets, kids carried knives for protection; the police seemed unable to halt the trend. Nightclubs were the scene of many bashings and stabbings; even guns were not unknown at these venues. It was getting to the stage people were scared to walk the streets at night and even during the day some were scared and that wasn't silly because thugs roamed all hours of the day or night.

The name given wasn't Willow so I didn't take too much notice when a bandage swathed figure was shown in bed with pipes and wires all over the body that looked so thin and small on the white bed sheet. The poor bloke's condition was reported as critical and that he was in a coma, then the scene switched to an Indian Government representative who was ranting about racism and that Indian students would no longer be coming to Australia and Melbourne in particular. I sighed and again thought of Willow wondering where he was, maybe he'd known of the brutal attack and was too scared to venture out to visit me again.

Days passed and now and then a brief report about the unconscious victim's condition, he was stable but still in a coma from the head injuries, his bruised swollen face, what you could see exposed was stomach turning. I felt ill at the thought of any human being causing such injuries to anyone. Finally after a week the student awoke regaining consciousness, his memory of the attack was nil he couldn't remember anything he spoke through his still swollen bruised and split lips. I felt I needed to wrap him in my arms and protect him from the world. Gradually other news pushed his plight off TV and I thought seldom of the poor bloke's plight. A week later I heard the door bell chime and looked through the lounge window to see a tall slim black haired figure standing waiting, my heart leapt in my chest, it looked from the angle I was on, as though Willow had finally ventured to my door nearly two weeks from his last visit.

I raced to the door beaming so hard I thought my cheeks would split open, I opened the door and went to unlock the security door when I saw it wasn't Willow but a fellow countryman about the same age and almost could have been a close relative. My heart sagged and I opened the door as he said, "Are you James?"

His voice and accent stirred me, he sounded just like Willow, I nodded unable as yet to speak as my emotions raged inside me. He reached out a slim finely boned dark hand and I took it in mine to shake hands, a strange charge raced through my hand and into my arm from the contact. I locked eyes with him as he said, "My name is Sudugal, I'm Willow's cousin and I have sad news to tell you; may I come inside?"

I stepped back dropping his hand as he moved past me I gestured him to the door into the lounge room and he moved gracefully in and I followed him after closing the front door. I asked him to sit don and he did so sitting primly on the three seater as I sat on my recliner looking at him questioningly. Sudugal cleared his throat and I saw his prominent Adams apple bob up and down before he spoke, "Ahem! I have sad news James you may have seen reported on the TV a while back the case of the Indian student that was bashed and left for dead."

I nodded my heart constricting painfully as he looked at me his dark deep eyes glistening in the light, he went on, "Well that student was Willow, he has been in a coma until two days ago but now he is improving and has his memory back. He was so worried about you and him not being able to return he asked me to come and see you to explain his rudeness."

My heart leapt for joy, not at Willow's bashing but his recovery and remembering me and his promise to return, tears bubbled in my eyes as I took a shuddering breath realizing I'd been holding my breath for some time as Sudugal related Willow's story. My cheeks were wet as I sobbed my relief Sudugal rose to his feet and approached me where I sat, he stopped close between my knees and gently wiped the tears from my cheeks with a handkerchief. Then he bent over and slipped his arms around me as I sat there and rested his smooth dark cheek against mine as he hugged me, "I can see how much you love Willow James, rest assured his love for you is the same, I'm jealous as we have been very close since we came here to study and have been lovers."

I gurgled unable to speak as I shuddered hugging him tightly, the feel of his so taut slim body brought back memories of Willow, the two were almost like twins. Sudugal began to weep along with me and we stayed hugging for some minutes before he broke the contact and stood up wiping his eyes as I sat there my face level with his crotch and I could see he was excited which caused my own cock to throb and begin to stiffen. There was both an emotional connection but also a sexual one too something I couldn't quite fathom, as I loved willow so deeply even though we'd only met once. There was a strange connection with Sudugal and it was obvious he felt similarly. He moved back and sat on the lounge crossing his long slim legs to hide his obvious arousal, I got to my feet and asked, "Would you like a drink Sudugal?"

He looked up at me, his eyes flicked to my bulging crotch before lifting up as his dark face flushed even darker, "Yes thanks James I'd really enjoy a drink."

I asked, "Tea, coffee, soft drink or a beer?"

He locked eyes with me and said, "Tea please if it's not too much trouble, I don't drink alcohol."

I nodded and said, "No problems I feel I need a nice hot cuppa to brighten me up too."

I left the lounge my erection pointing the way out into the kitchen and lit the gas to boil the kettle, my mind reeling with erotic thoughts. Was it the close similarity between Willow and his cousin that was making me feel so attracted or was it I was enamoured with blokes from the sub – continent? I stood there at the stove deep in thought trying to rationalize my urges and thoughts as I waited for the kettle to boil. I glanced through the doorway to look at Sudugal but he was just out of sight so I moved left a little and then I could see most of him where he sat. His long denim clad slender legs were open and one hand was covering his crotch, fingers gently groping himself.

My dick responded again getting harder and longer as I watched him my mind conjuring up the sight of Willow sitting there, the two seemed so similar, maybe I was desperate after waiting so long for Willow to return and now here was a close relative almost a twin and identical in personality from what I could tell after so short a time. The attraction was incredibly strong and it seemed Sudugal was experiencing similar difficulties. I made the tea and placed some cream biscuits on a plate on a tray and carried them into the lounge placing the tray on the low coffee table in front of it. I sat beside Sudugal and we began sipping the hot beverage, as a strange silence enveloped us.

The tention was so thick between us it could almost be cut with a knife as we sat quietly sipping tea and nibbling the cookies, we sat there stiffly not speaking or touching as we tried to normalize our feelings. Finally I turned to Sudugal and asked, "How is Willow is he up to seeing visitors yet?"

Sudugal nodded then replied, "Yes that is why I came here to see if you wanted to come and visit Willow."

I was overjoyed and my hand holding the tea mug was trembling with pent up emotions, I said, "Can we go see him after we finish the cuppa Sudugal?"

He nodded and tilted his handsome head back exposing his slender throat as he drained his mug and I was entranced watching him swallow, subliminally I was sliding my hard penis down his throat. I had an urge to run my fingers gently up his throat and caress his face and run my fingers through his lustrous thick black hair. I had to strongly resist the urge, clenching my fists and thinking of Willow lying battered in bed. We finished the snack and left the house, Sudugal had come by bus so I drove him back into the city to the hospital.

We parked within walking distance and hurried to the hospital and up to the fourth floor where Sudugal led me to the small 4 bed room and there was Willow still swathed in bandages his right arm and left leg set in plaster where he'd suffered broken bones from the despicable kicking he'd been subjected to while lying helpless on the ground. I felt sick to see the bruised and battered form of my sweet Willow, his now lop sided smile partially showed his white teeth as he greeted in greeting. I hurried to his side and bent down gently kissing his still swollen lips, Willow moaned softly and I pulled back thinking I'd hurt him.

He held my hand in his left hand to stop me moving back as he said, "It's ok James you didn't hurt me I was just moaning in pleasure from your sexy lips on mine."

I smiled and sat gingerly on the bed beside him as Sudugal sat in the chair beside the bed and reached out his hand to gently touch Willow's hair, I could see the deep emotion between the two and my own heart did flip flops in my chest as I looked from one to the other. Willow's bed cover began to mound up as his sweet schlong grew in size and hardness he whispered, "I love you two so much."

I rested my hand gently on his growing erection feeling it pulse as it stretched filling with hot blood, he flexed it deliberately making it jump under my palm as he smiled up at me. I whispered, "Do you need some relief sexy one?"

Willow sighed softly, "Ooooh if only it could happen."

Sudugal stood up and said, "It can happen, James do what you wish I'll pull the curtain around the bed and go out into the passage and keep watch for anyone that might come to the room."

I looked thankfully up at him as he pulled the curtains around the bed then poked his handsome head between the curtains an impish grin on his swarthy face, "Have fun you two and don't take too long."

I chuckled and pulled the blanket and sheet down uncovering Willow then lifted the bottom of his hospital gown up baring his legs and excited erection, my mouth salivated crazily at the delicious sight as I bent down to take him in my mouth. The scent of his musky crotch filled my nose as I kissed his bared hot pink cock head, Willow moaned loudly so I slipped his hot wand into my mouth laving him with my slippery tongue while my hand clutched and massaged his straining overloaded balls. I could tell by Willow's reactions he wasn't going to last, his body went rigid his sleek muscles flexed under his dark smooth flesh as I sucked and bobbed on his manhood and his mewling whimpers filled my ears as he clutched my hair with his good left hand.

In a flash his straining cock swelled in my mouth as his tight fat nuts tightened, his hips bucked and my mouth flooded with his deliciously delicate dick juice. I gobbled and sucked to siphon his balls dry relishing every drop he produced until he groaned tugging at my head, "Stop, please stop Jamie, I can't stand it any longer let it rest."

I slipped that moist still stiff throbbing muscle from my lips draining out the last remnants of his hot sweet sperm then sat up licking my lips, "Delicious Willow your cum is unbelievably sweet and tasty."

He sighed his pleasure, his chest rising and falling as he gulped air; I watched his chest and those perfect pecs with those big puffy nipples flexing as he breathed. I heard the outer door open and Sudugal entered walking across and slipping inside the curtains, "A nurse is coming with the drug trolley."

We covered Willow up again and slid the curtain back resuming our seats as she came into the room, "Medication time Willow how are you feeling?"

Willow smiled serenely at her and replied, "Good thank you nurse, the best I've felt since I awoke in here."

She smiled at us all and gave Willow two pills and a drink of water to help him swallow them; Willow took his medicine and then settled back onto the pillows his eyelids drooping as the pills took effect. The nurse spoke quietly, "He will sleep for a few hours so you may as well leave him to rest."

We left willow to sleep and left the hospital, I took Sudugal to dinner at a nearby restaurant where we chatted over the meal and after we'd finished Sudugal asked if he could come home with me as he felt scared being alone in their small flat while Willow was in hospital. I thought for a minute then smiled and said, "No worries you are more than welcome to come back with me; do you need to collect some gear from your flat first?"

Sudugal nodded, "If it isn't inconvenient that would be very kind of you."

We set off and drove to their flat and went inside while he packed some clothes and grabbed his book bag before we walked back to the car and headed for my place.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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