He Was There, Willow

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Apr 27, 2010


He Was There, Willow Pt 3 by justjames 17

Sudugal and I drove to my home and unloaded his gear carrying it inside, he was thanking me all the way in until I pressed my finger to his moist dark purplish lips. He stopped speaking and I looked deep into his incredibly dark brown seemingly bottomless eyes, I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him and withdrew my finger and bent in pressing my lips to his. Sudugal wrapped his slim yet strong arms about me crushing us together as he responded passionately. Suddenly he stopped and froze up then slowly pushed back his eyes downcast as he whispered, "I am sorry for losing control Jamie, I just had an irresistible urge to kiss you, please forgive me. I'll leave and return to my abode if you wish."

I rested my hands on his wide wiry shoulders shaking my head slowly, "No Sudugal; it is completely my fault, I kissed you first, I feel the same love for you that I do for Willow. I can't explain how or why this is so but I love you both so much."

Sudugal seemed to lose his poise and wilt into my arms, his elegant wavy haired head resting on my shoulder as he took a huge breath, my hands gently massaged his back feeling the corded muscles, ribs and the nodules of his spine swooping down to his full rounded firm buttocks. He trembled in my arms and I felt him sob softly as his tears wet my polo shirt. I whispered into his ear, "Its ok Sudugal don't be upset we'll sort it all out somehow; I'm sure Willow will be happy we are all together in a sharing and caring relationship."

He moaned ever so softly and nuzzled my neck, his arms tightening their grasp as we hugged together rocking and swaying like palm trees in a breeze, our hearts thudding hard in our chests, while our hips crushed against each other sandwiching our tumescent tools against our hot bodies. We hels one another for some time enjoying the closeness and feeling our excited bodies moving as one.

Sudugal lifted his head and we gazed into each other's eyes, my gray orbs locked to his dark brown almost black eyes as we pressed our hungry lips together, tongues slithering into each other's mouth. My mind was crazy with erotic thoughts, I wanted to pick Sudugal up and rush him off to bed and then ravish his sweet slender body, cram my tumescent tool up inside his molten hot chute to spurt sperm in gushes and fill him to the brim. Sudugal began whimpering and grinding sensuously against me, my resolve weakened and I slid my hands down his tight buttocks and lifted him off the floor; Sudugal wrapped his legs about me and clung to my neck as I waddled awkwardly across to the entrance to my bedroom.

I moved to the bed and flopped down bearing Sudugal with me and we bounced together on the mattress, his warm lithe taut body bearing down on me our crotches pressed together. Our lips still locked and tongues slippery sliding about each other as we kissed sensuously, our warm breath shared as he ground against my body. My hands kneaded his tight buttocks squeezing and palpitating those wondrous muscular fleshy orbs, the feel of his arse was incredibly erotic and my enraged erection begged to penetrate into his molten hot core.

Sudugal broke the kiss and raised his head looking down at me his lips puffy from our prolonged snogging, his pink tongue swabbed across them as he sighed deeply causing his stone hardness to twitch alongside my throbbing tool both oozing slippery juice onto our bellies. He smiled, his so white teeth gleaming against his dark lips while his eyes sparkled merrily as he blinked those long lashed lids coquettishly. I growled my desires deep in my chest, he giggled and squirmed against me flexing his muscled buns in my hands then spoke so softly, "Oh Jamie I need sex so much, I've missed Willow incredibly since he was attacked."

I smiled up at him and replied, "Sudugal, my needs are the same, I too have been burning to be with Willow even though we only met once."

Sudugal whimpered, "Ooh do you think you could find fulfillment with me until Willow comes out of hospital?"

I raised my head up and bit his large puffy left nipple, he squealed and I growled, "There is your answer, I could eat you up like a ravenous beast."

With that I rolled im over onto his side then onto his back before pushing up with my arms arching my back and looking down at this gorgeous lad pinned beneath me to my bed; his mahogany brown body contrasting with the white sheet beneath him. Slowly a moved down off his body to position myself between his legs pushing them open to accommodate me, I nuzzled my face into his crotch inhaling his sweet scent of highly aroused male. His wiry pubes tickled my nose as I licked up his straining dark smooth, silky shaft.

My eyes focused on his long foreskin covering his bulging knob its fleshy nipple soft and pursed; I licked at it then slid my tongue tip inside the loose flesh tasting his sweet liquor like precum. My tongue swabbing his hidden glans sent bolts if pleasure through Sudugal making him clutch my head and whimper with delight. Having suckled all the trapped juice I grasped his thick pulsing shaft gently pulling on the silky skin peeling down that soft flexible hood until his hot pink glistening cock head peeked from the dark brown cowl, its single eye weeping tears of slippery sweetness as it appeared. The incredible difference between the outer skin and that spongy knob really made my moan in lust as I dived on it like a starving gannet on a sardine.

I ingested that wondrous weapon stuffing it into my salivating gob, my tongue paying homage to its beauty and succulence; I drove it deep into my mouth hitting my soft pallet making me gag momentarily before I swallowed him fully into my gullet. I gulped and churned on him my throat muscles caressing him, Sudugal moaned and arched into my face his abdominals rigid and bulging under his smooth shining skin. He pressed his crotch hard against my face crushing my nose and cutting off my air, my hands pushed against his bony angular hips feeling his sharp pelvis as I tried to regain my oxygen.

Sudugal realized my plight and pulled back apologizing for his lust crazed attack, I snorted air into my depleted lungs then slid back up his throbbing tool dragging it from my straining throat. My tongue felt him sliding across it tasting his drooling juices, I began bobbing up and down sucking hard my cheeks concaved under the pressure. Sudugal moaned and flexed his hands pulling me up and down his steely wand, in no time his penis swelled and began throbbing, his big balls pulled tight to his crotch before his cock jerked then gushed thick cream flooding my hungry orifice. I gulped and sucked draining every drop of sweet sperm from his excited erection continuing till it shrank and became limp, he shuddered pushing me off, "Stop Jamie! It is too sensitive you are driving me crazy."

I sniggered and let his limp dick slide from my tight lips squeezing any dregs of sperm onto my tongue, he sighed loudly and lay back his handsome face and muscular body glistening like a highly polished prized piece of furniture from perspiration. I watched his chest rise and fall and his abs rippling as he breathed heavily still coming down from his high, I raised my hand up and ran my fingers gently over his firm tight belly running them over the bulging abdominals. Sudugal sighed again and seemed to relish the contact, his flaccid cock resting on his tight round sack a bead of milky cum oozing from the lips of his foreskin. I licked it up and relished the tart tasty tit bit.

Sudugal was now totally relaxed and lying quite limp on the bed after his massive climax, I knew now he would be ready to accept my cock into his relaxed arse. I slid my hands under his thighs and gently lifted them up, his relaxed legs folded at the bony knees as I folded them back knees nuzzling his ears as his beauteous buttocks rotated into view. What a sight they made, his deep cleft opened exposing his dark wrinkled paradisiacal portal, he was almost completely hairless and smooth except where his tight closed muscle twitched. I couldn't resist, I needed to taste him and I pushed my face between those taut mounds my wet tongue waggling over his quivering quim. My tongue bathed his hole and gradually he opened like a flower greeting the morning sun, my appendage slipped through that tight muscle into the furnace of his rectum, the heat and silky inner flesh wrapped about my questing member greeting and caressing it.

In minutes Sudugal was squirming and moaning incessantly as his anus grasped my tongue trying to drag it deeper inside his body cavity, he was ready and willing for my wand. I repositioned my self, my thighs pressed to his taut buttocks while my eagerly oozing knob poked at his spasming back door. It took no great pressure to breech his weakened defenses, his hot hole opened sliding over my pale purple pud head and sucking my schlong deep inside his incredibly eager accepting chute. I gasped as his wondrous silky innards wrapped palpitatingly about my hard hot horn, his bowels caressed me exhibiting amazing muscle control.

I knew that my penis couldn't withstand his incredible silky flesh caressing and sucking on my overly hard pulsing pud, I was shaking and quivering in ecstasy as I ground my hips to his wondrous full firm buttocks, my raging rod stroking about in Sudugal's paradisiacal portal. I pulled back feeling his muscles clench down stimulating my prick as it slipped back up that moist furnace hot fleshy chute until the flared edge of my so sensitive cock head caught on his tightly clenched sphincter. There I paused biting my lip as my dick throbbed on the verge of exploding, his anus coaxing and squeezing my muscle. I pushed back in, his body opened gleefully taking my cock deep his satiny flesh sliding over my plunging knob sending bolts of pure delight through my body.

Sudugal moaned and groaned as I filled him stretching his so sensitive love tunnel, then fully embedded his innards worked their seductive magic on my wand, minute muscles pattering so sensuously on my throbbing tool. I groaned my pleasure and began to withdraw once more but my attempts to hold back my impending climax were for naught, my full aching balls revolted and a huge gout of claggy cum burst forth spattering sperm and coated his clammy colon. Gush after gush my baby makers flooded the dark hot tunnel until I collapsed a moaning shaking wreck on Sudugal's hot sweaty back, his rectum continued palpitating my pud until in desperation I pulled back dragging my sticky dick from his tight tunnel with a loud moist popping sound.

Sudugal moaned loudly showing his displeasure but my tortured tool was happy to be free and shrinking in the cooler air. I rolled off the slim muscular spunk and lay beside him eyes closed and chest heaving as I panted and still shaking as I slowly came back from orbit. Sudugal turned on his side facing me; I opened my eyes and turned my head looking into his dark impenetrable orbs that glowed with intensity. He spoke quietly, "Jamie you came so fast I feel unfulfilled, I hoped for more from that sweet schlong."

I felt so terrible that I'd let him down but it was his incredible body that had dragged me helplessly over the cliff to my destruction, I caressed his dark shining sweaty cheek, "I'm so sorry Sudugal but it wasn't all my fault your hot incredible hole just sent my into a paroxysm of utter lust and I exploded unable to control my body."

We lay quietly side by side for a while our minds whirring then he spoke, "You know what happened to willow don't you?"

I shook my head, "Only about him being bashed, is there more I need to know?"

Sudugal nodded, "Yes there was much more that happened to our sweet Willow James."

He was silent for a while it seemed like hours before he began to speak again, "Willow was walking along the Yarra outside the Crown Casino on South Bank, he was suddenly surrounded by a group of South East Asian boys who for no reason began abusing him verbally then pushing him from one to the other."

I listened my heart beating hard and fast as he stopped to arrange his thoughts before he continued, "They dragged Willow away further down the river till they were in the more deserted, darker area, once there they began beating him and when he fell to the ground they kicked him repeatedly."

He stopped again and I heard him draw a huge breath then a sob escaped his lips before he continued, "Willow was only half conscious when they stopped the violence then they chattered together before one bloke bent down and began undoing his clothing until he was lying there naked on the ground."

Another pause and he began sobbing heavily, I reached out and hugged him to me, his tears wetting my neck and shoulder as I held him tight and caressed his back. Sudugal calmed after a while and cleared his throat before continuing, "They picked Willow up and dragged him to a flat concrete seat where they placed him on his back with his legs unsupported and splayed apart. One thug knelt on the ground pushing between Willow's limp legs and after spitting on his hand to moisten his dick he pushed into Willow's arse ramming his cock inside Willow's unresisting body."

He went on, "The whole pack of ten thugs raped Willow, they stole his watch, wallet and mobile phone then left him lying there naked and unconscious, his battered bum leaking blood and sperm onto the ground. Some time later a man and lady walking past found him lying there and called the police."

Sudugal now weeping went on, "Oh James I felt so sick when I finally found out where Willow was, it took about 24 hours before I was contacted by the hospital and I didn't know where he was. I thought maybe he was with you as he'd told me all about your meeting and he was so busy he'd forgotten to ring me and let me know his whereabouts."

I was horrified to hear Willow had been pack raped, my heart went out to him, Willow was a quiet, kind and sensitive human being and I dreaded what this might do to him mentally. I hugged Sudugal and whispered, "Has it damaged Willow mentally do you think?"

He shook his head, "I don't think so James, he is a little quieter but that is only reasonable considering what he has gone through. The doctors have sewn up his damaged rectum and they say he will be fine physically after a week or so and he has received counseling, so hopefully his mental anguish will be calmed."

I made up my mind that Willow would need lots of support and love to recover from this terrible incident, sex would be totally up to him and I would wait for him to instigate it if he ever desired sex again. The news put the kybosh on our sex and we just lay there holding one another till it was time to shower and dress to go visit Willow again.

Willow finally left hospital and we took him to my place, Sudugal and Willow decided to leave their flat and move into my home, time passed and Willow showed no interest in sex even though Sudugal and I enjoyed each other daily. Willow would watch us his handsome face showing no real expression although his cock erected and strained in his pants, weeks passed then one afternoon Sudugal and I were locked together in bed when Willow appeared naked and fully boned. He slipped onto the bed behind me and I felt his slick lube coated fingers press to my arse as I thrust in and out of Sudugal's incredible arse.

Willow licked my neck then slid his tongue into my so sensitive ear, I moaned aloud and rammed hard into Sudugal who moaned in unison, slippery digits pressed to my tight ring, I stopped on the out pull and paused while Willow finger fucked my hole. He pulled those invading fingers out and pressed his long hard horn into my anus, I sighed at his entry and squeezed down on his beautiful bone as it plumbed my dark hot depths. The feel of him filling me while my own dick was inside Sudugal was incredible my whole being zinged with utter love for my beautiful lovers. We enjoyed a hot passionate sexual tryst and all three climaxed together, fountains of sperm gushed from our excited erections. Climaxes complete we lay together basking in the delicious after glow our hot sweaty bodies pressed together.

The End

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