Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Apr 17, 2013


Healing Love Chapter 10: Nippon Continues By: Mirron Tenshi

Allen and Max have arrived to Japan. Allen is enjoying his relaxing break with his lover's parent's hot spring resort. Though enjoyable it may be, the lion feels that the sensual fun between him and Max might be driving down. He easily puts that out of his mind when he finds himself in an erotic store. Now we go forth with one more pleasant reunion.


I heard someone familiar call my name right behind me. "Allen! Hey Allen!"


My ears perked as I quickly turned around. Then I saw an old brown lion with round classes in a grey suit with a pale yellow lioness in dark grey clothes.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" I then hurried over to them as fast as I could through the crowd and soon wrapped my arms around them. I remember what Max said about hugging in the Japanese public, but screw that, I haven't seen my grandparents in years! When they retired, they took off for lengthily trip around the world, wanting to visit every place there is every corner of the world (They got very lucky on the stock market and lottery).

"Oh, Allen its great to see you again!!" Said grandma. She kissed me on the cheek several times

"I missed you guys so much!"

"So what are you doing here, Al?" Asked grampa; this is why I don't like anyone else calling me Al, I only want my grampa to call me that, it's sorta personal.

"I'm here on vacation with my boyfriend." Grandma smiled and looked surprised, "Oh my goodness, you've finally met someone!" She said with zeal, "Or is it that mutt from before?" She then scowled with a growl.

I chuckled and shook my head, "No, I'm going out with this tiger. We're visiting his family in Kyoto."

"That's great, Al! Listen, it's getting time for my pill, let's sit down somewhere and catch up."

We settled at a dango shop -- apparently, it's like a food stand that sells these round balls filled with this weird, sweet paste inside, and there are three of them skewered on a toothpick -- one white, one pink, and the last green.

Grandma and grandpa have finally finished off all of Europe, and are now starting on Asia, starting with Japan, since Japan is a smaller country "So, dear, how are Haley and Jordan? Have you heard from them lately?" I forgot to mention that my family is not exactly a `tight-knit' family; after Jordan went to college our family split apart to different cities.

Oh yeah, Jordan's my little brother, he is currently a sophomore at Anemase Community College in Texas. Sadly, ever since I came out, Jordan never really saw me as a brother. My own brother still doesn't love me as a sibling, or as a living fur for that matter. I have no idea why I ever bother with him.

"Yeah, Haley's doing good, but I don't know about Jordan. As far as I know, he still at Anemase."

"Why don't you stay in touch with him, Al? You still get along, don'tcha?"

"Not really," I shrugged, "He doesn't bother to care, so I tend to prefer to leave him be."

"Well, make sure you're still there for him, being a college student is no easy task as you remember it. And you're still family, Al." Yeah, I'm here for him. I've been there for him all these years, and so far, it has been a nice kick to the jaw.

"Yeah, I know." Just then, I felt an arm wrap around and half hug me as Max sat down next to me.

"Hey babe, what's goin' on?"

"Oh, Max, perfect timing. I'd like you to meet my grandparents, Ronald and Natalie."

"Oh hi, I'm Max, Allen's boyfriend."

"Well, it's certainly nice to meet you, Max."

"Put'er there, Max o' boy." They shook hands as grandma bought some dumplings for Max. We talked a little while longer before it was time to head back to the Golden Lotus.

"Hey, why don't you come with me and Allen? My parents own a resort in Kyoto."

"Oh, that sounds nice! I hear Kyoto is so scenic!" Grandma said.

"A hot spring ya say? God, THAT'll feel great after a long day'a walkin'."

"Cool, lets go. The parking structure shouldn't be . . . Too far from here . . . I think."

So after about an hour more of looking for the parking structure, we finally found John's car. By the time we had made it out of the parking building, it's well near dusk!

On the way, grandma and grandpa told us some of the exciting things they did in Europe. They had just told us about their time in Scotland. As it turns out, there IS a Loch Ness Monster, but Max still won't believe it.

We finally got to the Golden Lotus and we went inside, where we found Max's mom at the counter. The white tiger looked up at us, "Oh THERE you boys are! I was getting worried!"

"Sorry, Mom, we kinda got lost . . ." Max replied. Meanwhile, grandma and grandpa went to go sign in.

Right before I went to the house to put away my souvenirs, I felt my grandma put a paw on my arm and muttered in my ear quietly, "He's quite a catch, Allen. Real cute, don't let him get away, now." I blushed as she and grandpa went to check into their room.

I just closed my suitcase after depositing my bought items just as I heard Max come in. I turned around to be greeted by a passionate kiss. I scoffed and chuckled before putting my paws up to scritch at his cheek fur and kissed him back.

We purred at each other as we kissed for 5 minutes before he broke the kiss and gave me a small towel. "Hm?" I then realized that Max is naked - except for a small towel that barely covered his crotch. Dammit, he's so fine~

"Feel like a hot soak, honey?" I blushed and chuckled as I took the cloth.

"Sure, but what happened to the fundoshis?"

"There aren't any available, it's packed tonight. In fact, your grandparents got the last room."

"Oh really?" I smiled as he reported this.

"Yeah. The place is totally packed tonight." I kissed his cheek, and then took off my clothes. Max gave my butt a playful slap before I secured the cloth around my waist.

"Heheh" Max chuckled as we walked into our room, "Your grandpa is hilarious, babe." He said as he started to pull off his shirt.

"Yeah, he is. Five years he and grandma have been on their journey." I replied while my pants went down.

"Yeah," My tiger said before he gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Good night."

"Good night, babe." I kissed him back before I went into the futon in my boxers while Max laid in next to me in his white briefs. After a while Max stroked my mane.

". . . Hey Allen?


". . . You wanna have sex?"

My eyes opened right before I sat up to look at him. He does not look like he's in the mood at all. "Uh, Max? Since when do you have to ask?" He sighed as he looked aside from me.

"Well, last night was . . . Honestly, it wasn't all that great. B-But its not you! It's not you. I just feel really awkward . . . DOING it while we're staying at my parent's house."

"It's cool, Max, I know." He smiled and nodded.

"And the condoms were a major turn off."

"Ugh, I know, right?"

"Yeah!" We chuckled as we laid back on the futon.

"Heheheh . . . So . . . Two weeks without sex . . . Think we'll make it?"

"Not a chance." We both laughed before I spooned up to him.

Ah well. We'll have lots of times to fuck when we get home.

A few days later

"Mmmm . . ." I blinked awake, to find that Max is already out of the room. I grumbled as I reached down and felt my morning wood. Jeez, two weeks of no sex is just not going to happen. I grumbled as I reached down to adjust my balls. Damn, even feeling them is turning me on. My nuts are already feeling pent up. Heck, before I met Max, I pawed off at least every two days. I read somewhere that lions are prone to horniness besides . . .

Well, I just took 10 minutes to wait out my boner before it finally started to go down -- which took even longer since I keep having short but VERY sexy images of Max in my head. I yawned as I got up to put on my yukata kimono. I then walked out to the small and beautiful zen garden outside to feel the warmth of the morning sun. I stretched out and yawned loudly and flipped open my cell phone and called Ashley.


"Hey Ashley, its Allen."

"Oh, hey, Allen, how's your trip?"

"Wonderful, my nerves are way better. Is the pool done yet?"

"Aw that's great, and yes, it's done already! They just finished building in the filtering system, putting in the tiling, and it just got full of water yesterday!"

"Awesome. So listen, I'm expecting a delivery to come to my house, so if you get it, go and put it in my room."

"Ok, so what is it?"

"It's a present for Max."

"Oooh, what'd you get him?"

"Ashley, don't you have more significant things to do than play 20 questions? Like dragging out the passed out friends off my lawn or something?"

"Um . . ." Ashley uttered, looking over at her conked out, nude boyfriend on the couch, that moose snoring on the couch, with several panties on his broad antlers with his tongue hangin out, his arms splayed his legs spread with only a pack of ice placed onto his groin. Along with the many cups and snack items around the floor, what is left of the very crazy pool party last night. "Not really~ So what'd you get him?? I'll bet it's something kinky if you won't say! I can't WAIT to look! Heheheheh!" The cat chuckled evilly.

"You do and I might forget your present here."

"Ooooh, you got me something too?! What is it?!"

"I can't tell, Ash. If I did, then how is it a surprise?"

"Awww, you're no fun Allen!"

"Heh heh heh. Well, I'll talk to you later, Ash."

"K, bye." I hung up, grinning and chuckling.

I walked back in and I heard John talking in Japanese. I walked into the den and saw him on the phone before he hung up and saw me.

"Oh, Allen-san. Ohaiyo Gozaimasu."

"Morning, John. Do you know where Max is?"

"He's in the shower, but do you have a minute?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"Ahem, well, I'm in some sort of predicament. See, that was a guest on the phone and she just reserved the Nature Bath."

"Ah, cool." I don't know what the Nature Bath is, I'll bet it's nice, but I'm not really interested.

"Yes, and she said she's very stressed and needs a good rest down and refreshment of herself."

"Ooook. So, isn't the water supposed to have an herbal formula that untenses the body or something?"

"Yeah, but the thing is that the Nature Bath may not be enough. It has been used only once, and the first customer to use it wasn't all that impressed and wrote a negative review, so we've been doing all we can to keep the bath clean and filtered and modified it to really keep it authentic with the feel of nature."

"Well I'm sure if you've been keeping it up to date, it should be fine. But is there anything I can help with?"

"Well, uh, Allen, do you know anything that really relaxes an animal? You know, any ideas to make them feel at home and more relaxed?" I smiled and chuckled; this guy must be real concerned if he just walks up to someone else and ask them for spa tips.

"Well, as a matter of fact, John, I used work at a top notch luxuary spa as a masseuse."

"Really? Don't play with me, Al."

Don't CALL me that. "No really, I'm a professional." He smiled as he padded my arm. "And my name is-"

"Well, you don't mind if you accommodated us and our guest, do ya?"

"Well, John, its alr-"

Before I could answer, he pulled me in a half-nelson and dragged my mane with a fist, doing that old noogie thing. For a resident in Japan, he sure doesn't show that sense of restraint I hear so much about; I'm having a hard time trying to say something. "Aw, c'mon Al, help us out. This animal could make us or break us. I'm not letting go `till you say yes. You're just making it worst. You're gonna end up with a raw scalp. This ain't killing me one bit. Hurry up now, Allen. Jeez, you sure take a long time to answer."

I finally got out of his grip, shaking my mane and rubbed my scalp. "Yes, yes, John, I'll help out! Now I already have massaging oil, all I need are scented candles and relaxing music and I'm all set."

"Great, you're a life saver, Al, I'm going to call her and tell her I got someone." I took his sleeve before he went back to the phone.

"One more thing, John. My name is Allen. Only my grandpa calls me Al, its kinda personal."

"Ok, sorry. Anyway, Max is in the middle shower down the hall and to your right. Have at him, Simba."

I blushed and rolled my eyes as I walked off. This guy. He's ok, but not my type. I can see the relation to Max though.

I walked until I came to a shower in use. I went into the walk-in shower and perked up my ears as I gazed at Max's sassy backside with his meaty ass half submerged in steam, just rinsing his sud-cover body. I hung up my robe and padded to him. I then slowly rubbed his shoulders and nibbled his neck. The tiger purred and turned his head to kiss my cheek.

"Hey you~ Ohhhhh that feels good. A little lower. Ohhh yeah, thaat's it" I then massaged his upper back just below the shoulder blades, pressing my thumbs in and rubbing his back with closed fingers. "Mmmm, yeah, that's the spot . . . Ohhhhhh." I massaged him and kissed his cheek. He stood there and purred with his eyes closed and his head tilted back.

"So guess what."


"Your dad just asked me to give a massage to some guest who rented the Nature Bath."

"That's great. Lower, please." I then rubbed down and press my palms on his mid back and drove my thumb around, moving my paws up and down then down to above his hips and going up his sides, back down, and onto his mid back and repeated, causing him to pur more and moan quietly, his tail brushing my moistening legs. "That Bath has been empty for aaages."

"Yeah, he said first guy didn't like it. Your dad is sure persuasive."

"Hmmm. He roughed up your scalp, didn't he?"

I chuckled "Yeah. Now I know where you get your lovable playful side." He giggled and rubbed his right paw on my butt.

"Hmhmhmhmhm~ Sorry about that, he's all . . . Ya know . . . Could you do my abs?" I smiled as I moved my paws to his stomach and trailed my fingers along between each of his pack. He moaned and kissed me. "I love you, babe."

I kissed him back. "I love you too, Max." I'm getting turned on so much. Him, right here, naked. And me, also naked, right behind him. These feelings and thoughts keep appearing in my head. My massaging intensified as my erection has already returned. One of my paws reached down, and started to fondle with his bag. Max exhaled as his head tilted back. I pressed my mouth against his exposed neck and started to nibble. I began to play with his dick, to find out that he is rock hard.

He moaned quietly as he turned around, to which I moved my mouth in, and invaded his maw. We moaned lowly as his paws dug into my wet mane, while my hands gripped his hips. My teeth gently gnawed his tongue into my mouth as our cocks rubbed against each other.

I noticed the steam of the hot shower rose up as me and Max very slowly slid down on the tiled floor, where I held myself on all fours above him.

I then crawled around, and moved over to his throbbing meat. I purred heavily as I nuzzled his hard dong. I licked it sideways, rubbing it on my muzzle, and kissed his mushroom head with relish. Oh my ghod, I cannot get enough of that masculine tiger flavor. I savored his taste as I slid my muzzle back and forth, licking the topside of his dick.

He muffled himself to stop moaning as I suckled on his member. That's right, Max. I love sucking your cock. I wanna tie my head to your lap and live off your cum for a month. I wanna play with your balls every fucking day until they swell to fit my palms.

I suddenly gasped my head up as I felt my own sensitive flesh in a wet warmth. I voiced sigh of pleasure as Max started to swallow MY taste now. I lowered my head back down, and continued to suck on him. I wrapped my arms around his thighs as Max felt and whacked my firm ass. I moaned around his cock from the spank. Fucking A, I'm so horny right now. What I wouldn't give for him to fuck my ass like a-

OHHHHHffffuuuckk, he's rubbing it! He's rubbing my taint! Oh please, Max, for the love of freaking god, push it in- OH YES!

My tail lifted as my tiger pushed two fingers into me. I moaned again, a little louder this time as my asshole stretched around his fingers. Oh my God, he's adding another finger! Oh God, I love him!

I began to devour his cock as he pulled his fingers back and forth in my ass. Fuck, his tongue is so abusing my dick! His mouth pressed around my rod, licking me feverishly and teasing my sensitive flesh! His tongue wrapped around me, purring to make my length vibrate.

My face went hot as his rod spurted pre, me rubbing my tongue furiously at his cock. The way Max is sucking in my liquid, the way he's grabbing my rump, mouthing my dick, finger fucking my anus. He so fucking horny and kinky!

My paw reached in and held his orbs, squeezing them gently and tugging at them. Max moaned deeply as more pre spurted into my mouth as I started to roll his balls. I can feel my climax coming as I sucked him harder and harder, slurping his cock and deepthroating him. The harder I sucked, the deeper he shoved his fingers into me. The more he tickled my dick, the faster I tossed his heavy nuts!

I can't . . . I can't hold on anymoooooooooorre!!

I released hard and moaned with my mouth full of meat. I accidentally squeezed his sack as my face jerked up from his crotch, panting and gasping for breath. At the exact moment, my whole face is suddenly splashed by Max's hot, thick milk! I caught several globs on my tongue! Oh my gawd, he tastes so good! So sweet and savory.

I then crawled around and laid next to him, purring as the hot water rained over us and giggling when I saw my seed all around on his muzzle and neck. He looked at me loviningly "I love it when your face is soaked~" He said with a kiss and lick. My tiger then begun to lick my face, cleaning up the mess on my cheek before I started grooming his adorable face. I smiled as I pressed my forehead on his face.

"God, I love you, so much, Max."

He affectionately licked my cheek, "I love you, too." We laid there for a while, kissing and purring before getting back up. Max turned off the shower, and started to lather my furry body, washed and conditioned my mane, taking his time in scrubbing my gential regions and buffing my butt -- hehe, he really loves to wash me around there~

When I was thoroughly washed, Max turned the water back on, and rinsed off my body. Soon we turned off the water and walked out in our yukatas, hand in hand.

Next: Chapter 11

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