Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on May 28, 2013


Healing Love Chapter 12: The Fight By: Mirron Tenshi

Allen and Max come back from vacation and came home to find a new pool built in the back yard. Allen was overcome with overwelming lust and sex deprivation and had his absolute way with Max. A couple of months fly by, and Thanksgiving was approaching. Allen had already made some arrangements, but is Max going to be okay with who's coming over?


It's been a few weeks since we came home from Japan. Tom hasn't tried anything yet. If I never see him again, it'll be too soon. Other than that, everything's going good.

It's particularly hot today, so I went swimming in my pool on this Saturday. Max is still at Lowes and I have the day off.

After about half an hour of swimming on my own, I heard my phone ring. I scrambled out of the water, dried off my paws quickly, plucked up the phone, and pressed the button just before tune was about to finish.


"Hey Allen. It's Jordan."

"Oh, hey." Ah great. It's my homophobic brother, Jordan. Well, sort of -- he still can't get over the concept, but he's at least tolerant enough to keep his maw shut, "What's up?"

"Nothing much. What are you planning to do for Thanksgiving?"

"Well, Shiniqua and Jacob are coming over, but other than that, not much."

"Cool, cause me and Haley are wanting to visit."

"Uh-huh. You DO realize that I'm currently with someone, right?"

"Yeah, unfortunately" I rolled my eyes. I'm dreading this already; Jordan is tolerant to an extent but he's tactless.

"Ok, let Haley know and I talk to you . . . Whenever."

"K, bye."

I hung up. I just can't understand my brother -- likewise, I'm sure. Besides that, how is Max going to take this? I'm pretty sure he'll understand . . . Or not. I don't know. I went up stairs to and take a shower so I can see about getting dinner started.

Max got home late today. The door opened at around 6:30 pm., just when I was about to chop the potatoes. "Allen, I'm home!" He announced. He came into the kitchen, and kissed my cheek. I kissed him back, but I think he noticed the slight pause I had beforehand. "What's going on? You look distracted."

I put the knife down, and started to scratch the back of my head, "Well, my sister is coming over for Thanksgiving . . ."

"Ah, ok. That's cool. I'd love to meet your sister." He started to walk to the living room.

"And my brother too." My stomach sank as he stopped dead. I had already told him about my brother before. Suddenly I don't think this is going to go well at all.

He turned around and looked at me as if I hate his secret stash of candy. "Um . . . Your brother?"

"Yeah, Jordan. You know, the one going in Idaho?"

"Yes, I know that, but you say he's coming here?"

I gulped. "Yes, that's right. Just for a week."

"Well, does he necessarily have to stay here?"

"W-Well, yes. Thats not going to be much of a problem, is it?"

"Well, see, we only have one spare room. And last I check, you told me he was homophobic."

"Yes I did, but he's at least tolerant . . . Sweetie . . ."

Max shook his head and turned around, rubbing his forehead, I can tell he's getting mad, which kind of scares me, as I have not seen him when he's really angry, not since Tom first appeared. "Allen . . . Just . . . Could you have at least discussed this with me before hand? Maybe I don't want him here, huh?"

"Not exactly. He'd already changed his schedule for the duration . . . Max, he's family. If not us, where else could he stay?"

"I don't care. Uhhh, a motel? Shiniqua's house? Ashley's place? Why does it have to be OUR house, huh?? Why would you want someone like him here?"

My dander started to flare up "Hey! Watch it Max. He may be a jerk, but he's still my brother! And I don't care if he's a damn sociopath, he's staying with us!" Perhaps I could've left that last part out. Jordan isn't a sociopath, but he could be a real dick sometimes. Max glared up at me.

"Well why can't he stay at a hotel or something?"

"He's on a very low budget, he was barely able to afford the plane ticket."

"Well, couldn't we pay for a week's stay at one?" I shook my head and turned my head aside slightly.

"You know how I feel towards that." No matter whom I was dealing with, I never want to show exclusion.

"Alright, fine. Ashley's then."

"They've never even met, Max. How the hell is he supposed to suddenly crash with somebody he doesn't even know? Besides, a homophobe staying with a faghag?"

"Better than staying with two homos! What about Shiniqua?"

"He and Jacob can't stand each other. That last time Jordan and Jacob were alone in one building, Jacob had Laryngitis from yelling too much."

He growled and rubbed his eyebrows, "So let me get this straight: you would willingly let a sociopath into our home for a week, knowing damn well that we have only one guest room, without even telling me in the first place?! Is that what's going on, Allen? I don't want him hear, Allen!" I'm trying to keep my voice calm, and it was easy, but this is getting heated.

"First of all, he's not a sociopath, that was hypothetical. And like I said, he's already taken a week off. And we have a couch that pulls out as a bed. I honestly thought you wouldn't be such a bitch about this! I just thought that since I met your family, that it was only fair to give mine a shot!"

Max's ears twitched. "Oh, so all of a sudden, meeting my family is some sort of chore for you and now that you've got to know them, you're going to force your hateful family on me!"

I no longer care about my volume. "Max, why can't you make this effort for me?! You're not even meeting my whole family, just my sister and brother are coming over, and my family isn't hateful! As far as all my relatives go, my brother's the only one with the problem!"

"But that's as far as I know, Allen." Max turned around and started of steps. This is SO not over! I followed him into the living room.

"The hell you saying, Max? Now you think I'm lying about my family?! Where did that even come from? Look, Max, didn't you ever have this kind of problem?" He turned and faced me.

"No, because my family actually cares about me."

My mouth went half open, "What the fuck did you just say?"

"I'm just saying what I see. Your mom and dad are in New York, your brother's in Idaho, your sister's in Colorado, and your grandparents are traveling all over the world. As far as I can see, your family doesn't care to be near you."

I'm about ready to slap him across the face. "That's called being independent! In contrast to YOUR family, who prefer to cram each other into one bath house!"

"That's called love, Allen!"

"No, that's called insecurity!"

"Call it what you want, Allen, but that's not the point! You didn't even consult me first! How is that supposed to make me feel?!"

All feeling of understanding were dismissed in my brain. "Oh please forgive me for not asking for your blessing, your highness! Is this what this is about?! You need to know all and approve all just so I could have my own flesh and blood into my own house?"

"OUR house!"

"You're on the fence, Max!"

"But . . . WHY Allen?! Why, his type doesn't even like who you!"

My voice is now lethal "You watch it, Max Vincent. I'd rather you didn't force me between you and my brother." Max's eyes glared at me.

"So what are you saying, Allen? You'd rather choose your homophobic brother over me, someone who actually loves you? Don't do that Allen. It's either him, or me." I shook my head.

"It's too late now. He's staying with us for a week, and that's final! And if you can't deal with it for 7 days, you know where to go."

I shook my head at the lion. "What the fuck ever, Allen Sander! Have fun with your gay-hating sibling. I'm finished." I then walked away from Allen to get my keys. "Yeah, go on if you can't stomach it, you weak pussy!" My ears twitched as heard Allen's last comment. Oh what the motherfuckingassbitchishisfuckingproblem?!?!?! "FINE!!!" SLAM! I yanked the door hard, and felt a twinge of satisfaction as I heard something break, and Allen yelling. I turned off my cell phone and hopped into my car. I pulled out, and drove off. Clear across town, I went to the gay club I used to go to when I was single. As a side note, Allen hates gay bars. He doesn't like the idea of whoring yourself up for drunk hornball, or slunking off with some stranger with your pants hanging off your ass. I park out front went to the door. The M&M Dance Club. The building is a nice establishment with chrome walls and large ring of multicolored male symbols, and a line along the building. I approached the building, and flashed my membership card to the bouncer, a large tan and black stallion. He nodded, and kindly welcomed me in, grinning and swatting my butt as I went through, causing me to smirk and blush. As usual, it's just as I remember it: a big dark building with booming music and multicolored flashing lights filled with many men, chatting, drinking and eating, laughing and flirting with the staff, and also several male strippers wriggling in tight leather or skimpy outfits. I went to the bar and motioned for the bar tender. "Hey, sexy, what can I get ya?" I looked up to see my friend Tony, a slim golden retriever with some good definition on him. "The usual, Tony." "Max? Is that you? Wow, man, I haven't seen you in ages, buddy. I'm sorry, what was your usual, again?" "White Russian." "Got it. Coming up." He turned around and started making my drink. I can't believe Allen. From what he tells me, his brother is a total asshole. Why would he want to deal with him at all? What's worse is that he'd rather deal with a dickwad over me. All out time together all for nothing? Whatever . . . This thing with him . . . This could be over . . . I heard a clink, to look and see Tony put a round glass in front of me. I sighed as I brought it to my lips, and took a good drink out of it. "I see you're still a cat who loves his cream." He said in a grin. I chuckled smiled too as I settled down. Tony's my best friend, I can always feel better with him. "So tell me, Max, why haven't I seen you in so long. And while you're at it, what brings you to the colorful side of the neighborhood?" "Wellll, I've met someone and we got into a fight." "Ah man. That never ends well, does it?" "No kidding." I turned around on my stool to take a look around. There are a whole lot of hunks here tonight. I'm almost tempted to take one of these guys to the Sex Dungeon: an awesome room with black lights, 25 cent lube dispensers, and free condoms. I love that room, it was always kept neat and sexy, but it always had the heavy smell of hot sex and cum, more than enough to get any fag going for hours. There's always some kind of orgy going on in there. "A lot of fresh ones here tonight, Maxie." I heard him say. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. Tony is always trying to get me laid, he's even offered himself more than once, with the consent of his own lover, or course. Heck, always worked in the past; Tony as great taste in men. "No, actually, I'm not sure whether to call it quits with him or not." "Well, you're here." He said as he poured a little extra crème into my glass, "So I guess that means you're seriously considering leaving him." My ears twitch, that notion Tony made gave me a twinge of guilt. Allen's got some trust issues enough as it is, I'd hate to add to it just like that . . . I then felt my sleeve getting tugged on. I turned around to find a buzzed half naked rottweiler's coming onto me, it must be his day off. Ah, the life of a young horny guy. "C'mon, sassy, lets go hit the dungeon." I hesitated and pulled back. "No, not now. Maybe later though." He shrugged and walked off and groped an otter in a g-string. Now THAT guy has been trying get a job here for years. As of now, he's still a volunteer for the M&M. The two exchanged some silly kisses, and then went groping each other through a large red velvet curtain. Heh, if only all the guys in this joint were that easy. Some of these horn dogs can get really hard to fight off. "So who is your BF, Max? Anyone I know?" Tony asked as he got back from serving three Slow Jym Fizzes. "I doubt it. His name is Allen. He's a lion, really good bod, a full golden mane." Just thinking about Allen's sexy self is enough to turn me on. Eh, what are the chances of this stuff blowing over; I'm not really thrilled about an emotion masochist who loves being jeered at by his own brother. Tony licked his muzzle and murred, "Mmm, sounds like a hot model. Refill?" He said as I tipped my glass upside down, and finished off my beverage. "Please." He smiled as he took the glass and took out a clean one and redid my drink. "So if you don't mind my asking, what was the fight about?" Tony asked as he set the glass down and leaned forward on the bar table. "Well, his younger brother is coming over for Thanksgiving, and he didn't even consult it with me first. Now here's the thing: the guy's a homophobe. I'm not thrilled in the least to deal with a hater at any given time. So I'm asking him why is it so much trouble just to talk it over with me first? Then he's going all `I met your family now it's your turn.' . . . And then we said some things and it got a little ugly. Besides that though, work today was agonizing and I sort of . . . Lost it with him and his attitude." I then downed half of my Russian. "Personally, I take your side, Max. He could have at least called you up or something." I sighed as I looked down into the white liquid. Now that I've had time to cool off, I feel maybe we can patch things up before we're separated. I do wonder though . . . What about him though? Maybe I've forgiven him for what he said to me, but it's not like I pulled MY punches. Chances are, I come back hom, and he still wants to claw my eyes out. "Yeah, but . . ." I rubbed my thumb on the round glass, ". . . I love him." "Aw, that's a sweet little tiger." He said as he scritched my face fur playfully. Now I'm kinda lingering here. Frankly, I'm kinda scared to go home. Maybe I should give Allen a little more time before going home. After a couple of hours of chatting with Tony, a few of the strippers I know -- TALKING, ok? -- I'm thinking it's about time for me to get home, I feel a drunken bull yank me by the wrist, and almost tripped me off the bar stool. "He-Hey! Watch it!" The first thing noticed is this bovine is buck-naked. "C'ma pussy ca', yer cummin wit me." I tried to pull back, but he has a good grip on me. "No thanks, I'm not interested." "Don' gimme tha! Whas da poin' in cummun heer if yer not even in da' mood?" "I said `No'. Go away now." He then took both of his hands and started to pull me. "Fiinne, thn lemme git yur twin at least . . ." He said, groping the empty space next to me. "Yur elusivvv lil kitties ain't ya?" "Look, man. I'm not interested. You're drunk, ok?" "An' ah sai- whoooaaoo" He grunted clutched his mouth and muffling a belch. He groaned as he was about to fall down, his wobbling arm holding onto one of the seats. "Whoa, easy there, Tank," Tony said as he pressed the communication device onto his ear, "Greg, we gotta marinated beef here - Tank's hit it hard again, you think you got this one? . . . Cool, thanks." Marinated is part of a code they use here at the M&M, determining or drunk and/or doable they are, such as: Sour means aggressively drunk, baked means buzzed and very randy, marinated means very drunk and very horny. Just then, a shirtless, round bellied grizzly bear came over, and hefted the bull's thick arm over his shoulder. "Heeeeey, `zere's a big, snuggly teddy burr~~" The nude bull slurred as he was half dragged over to the SD, sloppily kissing at him, his member plopping on his thigh. "Thanks Tony." "Anytime bud. But you gotta admit, he's gotta point, why come here if you're not going to get laid?" "Eh, because Allen hates these joints. He's the `Relationship Type', I guess. Though I'm pretty much the second boyfriend he's ever had." Tony chuckled "Oh, one of those, huh?" He said as he put the milky glass down under the counter, "C'mon, go back to him, yeah? I bet he misses you." My ears drooped and I looked aside "Heh, I don't know. I said some awful things to him." Tony then turn my face to him "Look, Max, if he loves you like you love him, he won't care about that stuff. I'll bet he's aching for you to come home right now." "Hmmmm . . . I really don't know . . . What do you say to a guy after you tell him his family doesn't love him?" His eyebrows raised. "Um. Ouch?" "Yeah, see? I was out of line, Tony! What do I do?" "Ok. Here's what you do . . ." I listened intently, ". . . You start by buying a jewel-encrusted box." "Okay." "Next, you get a rather sharp knife." "Uh-huh . . ." "And you come home to him, offering your heart inside the chest." I sighed as I slumped back. "C'mon, Tony I'm serious!" "Look, if you're that nervous out it, then just get him a box of candy and some flowers or something?" "I don't know . . . He's a guy, Tony." "Well, suit yourself, you're just going to get hit on here." A few minutes later, Tony was right. Guys around the club keep trying to get me to dance with them, flirt with me, or take me to the Sex Dungeon. "You know what, Tony? I'm going to head on home." "Good luck, bud." The canine said. I got up out of my stool, and walked out. When I got to my car, I remembered to turn my phone back on.10 missed calls, and they're all from the same person. Allen. There are five Voice Mails too. I clicked on the first one, and put it to my ear. "--Hey Max. Its me, call me back.--" "--Max, its me again. I feel horrible about what happened. Call me back.--" "--Max, I'm starting to get worried. Please call me back.--" I flipped my phone closed. I can't listen to any more messages.

I laid curled there on the bed, sobbing as I had my face buried into my arms. I sniffled and cried as endless thoughts of our breaking up swam in my head.

How could I have said those things to him?? W-What if something happened to him?? Why should I defend my homophobic brother, over my boyfriend who actually loves me?! Wh-What if we never make up?? All because of me! Anything he does to me, I deserve!

Suddenly, my ears jumped up as I heard the door knock. I immediately jumped up and dashed downstairs to the door. There he is. His beautiful, handsome face, looking solemn at me -- his emerald eyes looking into mine, his ears laying against his skull, and is holding a box of MilkyWay chocolates and a bouquet of blue roses. "Hey, Allen-" Before he could say anything, I threw my arms around him, and began to cry again.

"I'm so sorry, Max! Please forgive me, honey! I'm so sorry! I said all those things to you." He hugged me back and stroked my mane, purring.

"I'm sorry too, sweetie. I never should have said those things." My tiger rubbed softly on my back, "I'll put up with whatever your brother says."

I purred and nuzzled his neck. "You won't have to, I'll duct tape his mouth shut!" We stood there in each other's embrace. "I was getting so worried about you. If anything were to happen to you tonight . . . After what we said-"

"Shhhh Shhh. It's alright its ok, baby. I'm right here." Max kissed me as I sobbed.

I took him in, and closed the door. He nuzzled me as I took him by the paw. "C'mon, dinner's ready." led him to the kitchen and he spotted the cake I made for him; chocolate with fudge frosting, with white icing spelled out, `I'm sorry'.

"Did . . . Did you make this for me?" I nodded and kissed him. "Oh Allen . . ."

"And I made your favorite tonight~" I said as I opened the oven door, or brought two plates out -- medium rare steak and waffle fries. He smiled and kissed me affectionately.

"I love you so much . . ."

After dinner, we went upstairs. Max slipped onto the bed, and I climbed in after him. I purred at him as I pressed my face against him, and softly lapped his mouth. He purred back as he kissed me tenderly, licking longingly against my muzzle. I wrapped one arm around his waist, and felt his firm arm with my other paw. Max had one paw petting my mane while having my head rest on his other arm.

I tilted my head and pushed my tongue into his mouth. His lips opened around and rubbed against my maw. My eyes rolled up as I moaned when the kiss just got more passionate. He breathed through his nose while placing his paw firmly behind my head, and kissed me very deeply.

I blushed as I felt his paw slip under my belt, and into my jeans. I was about to gasp, but he pushed my head against his. My face felt hot as he started playing with my balls. His fingers rubbed and fondled my fuzzy sack, rolling my orbs around. I moaned into his mouth as I could feel his finger started to dance on the slit of my sheath. My heart pounded as he inserted his finger into my sheath, pressing around my inflating member, all the while massaging my nuts. His finger would soon be wet with my precum, my penis spurting my juices, even as it started to bake.

His paw took a moment to come out of my jeans, and pull my zipper down. I lapped his mouth as I looked down as his paw reentered my pants through the opening. I couldn't help but break the kiss as I gripped the sheets with one hand, and the bedpost with the other. I hissed and huffed as he really working me over.

Soft whimpers could be heard from me as he slowly rubbed his paw on my dick. With one paw, he held me in place, endlessly kissing him as he masturbated my rod inside my pants. I purred and moaned as he took advantage of my sensitive areas, bringing me closer and closer towards my peak. Despite my jeans restricting his arm in my pants, he just kept pressing and massaging my cock, grinning as he glued his mouth onto mine, huffing and trying to kiss him fiercely while weakly mewing at his actions.

He switched from rubbing my rod, and gently squeezing my balls, really working me over with his supple paw. He traced his finger around my golden boys, up to the underside of my length. A chill ran up my spine as his fingertip rubbed up to sensitive spot of the head. I gasped into the kiss as my dick twitched in my pants. I moaned and cooed as he twirled and massage his finger right on that spot.

I moaned until my back arched, and my cock unloaded right there. I gasped and mewled as I came right on his paw. I panted as he pulled his soaked paw out of my pants. I watched as he brought his paw to his lips, and started to lick my white honey off. I then put my paw onto his groin, and gently squeezed the hard lump in his pants.

I crawled to his lower body, undid hid belt, zipper, and fished his cock and fuzzy balls from his tighty-whities.

He purred as I rubbed his shaft softly, nuzzling it with my furry muzzle. I pressed my thumb on the underside of the glanns and rubbed the warm spot, causing Max to growl lowly. He placed his paw onto my head, and scratched my ears affectionately.

I tightened my grip and rubbed his rod firmly. Max moaned as I worked his shaft quickly up and down, his pre leaking and flowing from his cock and over my paws. I licked up his salty precum, and licked on his dick, looking up at him while I slurped on his member. With my other paw, I felt and rubbed his velvet-coated orbs, massaging his round nuts as I gave his meaty length a sideways lick, inducing another spurt of pre from the tiger.

I picked up my pace while squeezing his length every time I went back to the head. Max moaned and growled louder and louder as he thrust into my paw, his head pushing back on the pillow as his purred.

I pressed my thumb firmly on his balls and slid it down his fruit. I pressed my lips against the underside of the head of his cock, giving it a thick kiss and suckling on that spot. "AAAooooohhhh!" He moaned out as I pleasured him. I took to licking and juggling his soft balls with my tongue as I continue to jerk him off, bouncing his nuts around while my paw jumped up and down his rod.

"Allen . . . I'm . . . I'm gonna . . . gonna-" He squirmed as I played with his junk more, squeezing his length as I bathed his sack. He huffed and moaned before Max moaned out of his throat as pleasure shot through his rod. His cock jerked in my paw as it spurted several long ropes of his thick, hot cum onto his shirt.

He laid back, panting as I climbed up next to him. I stroked his cheek as I tenderly kissed his lips. "I love you, Max."

"I love you too, Allen." He put his paw on mine and I winced and grunted. "What the-" He took my paw and took a close look at my raw red knuckles. "Allen, what happened to your paw?"

"Well, when you left . . . I went outside to beat up my tree." I have an old apple tree in my backyard I used to beat up whenever I had a temper tantrum, which is not very often.

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry."

"It's nothing." He purred sadly at me and then started to lick my knuckles. I winced at first, but after a few seconds, it felt better. He took off his jizz-striped shirt, and kicked off his pants. I pulled my shirt off took, undid my belt and button, and removed my jeans and shorts off. Max then shifted his body and faced me, and rubbed my belly. I purred as he softly rubbed my furry chest and stomach as I petted his back.

I kissed him and softly nuzzled his neck "I'm sorry for not asking you first . . ."

"It's ok Allen . . . I'm sorry for taking off . . ." He muttered as he held me with his arms around me.

Next: Chapter 13

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