Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Aug 30, 2013


Healing Love Chapter 13: Brother's Indifference By: Mirron Tenshi

Max and Allen have had their first, real fight as a couple. It is over the issue of Allen's brother coming over for the week of Thanksgiving. The problem is that Allen's brother is supposedly still hateful to homosexuals. However, Max came back home after a couple of hours and made up. Now lets see if Allen can get through the week.


I am waiting for Haley and Jordan at the airport. Ugh, I've been dreading this Thanksgiving ever since Jordan's call. We haven't seen each other in so long, and I really don't know if he's changed or not. How and why did I agree to this again?

I leaned on my car and checked my cell for the time. It's going on 5 pm; they should be here by now.

"Hey Allen!" I looked and I saw a tall and blonde lioness, walking with a shorter lion whose reddish-brown mane is barely reaching around his neck.

"Hey, you guys!" I said as my brother and sister came up to me. I hugged Haley and padded Jordan on the shoulder, Jordan seemed negative for some reason, but I don't care though; he didn't care for most of my life, I hardly see the point in doing the same anymore.

"Hey, where's Cody?" Cody is Haley's fiancé, a chubby grizzly bear, and a freakin computer expert.

"He want to spend Thanksgiving with his family." She replied.

Without much reaction to my asking how Jordan is doing, we are driving back to my house, and pulling into the driveway. When we arrived, Max isn't here; he must still be at work.

I took Haley to the back glass door, and she is instantly amazed at the pool I recently had built. Last time she was here, the best I had there was a meager row of sunflowers, and now that they all died along time ago, I gave up gardening and stuff.

"Hah, you kept that old tree?? Sheesh, it's STILL doesn't have any bark!" "Yeah, I still get ticked off sometimes so I still need something to maul." After a while, Jordan brought up the topic of who's sleeping where. "Well, we only have one spare room, and the couch pulls out into a bed." My little brother looked at the couch and then at us.

"You two haven't been . . . screwing with it, have you?" My face went hot -- as a matter of fact, yes, Max and I HAVE done it on the couch.

"Jordan!" "Jordan!"

"Hey, just asking, wouldn't want to sleep at a crime scene." He said as he chuckled weakly.

"Oh for God's sake, just take the spare room if you're going to bitch about it." Haley told him, "So, Allen, when are we going to meet your boyfriend?" She asked eagerly. Before I could reply, Jordan was already rolling his suitcase to the spare room. I continued after he closed the door.

"He hasn't changed, has he?" I started

"I think he actually took a step back." Haley stated in a dark tone.

I shook my head "Perfect. Just freaking perfect."

"Pft, I'm surprised he's got a mane at all."

I snirked. "Anyway, my boyfriend is due home in about a half-hour."

"Oh My God, he lives here?! Sweet!" We took a seat on the couch and Haley started probing me with questions. "So tell me, what's he like? Is he cute? Is he a fem? You two bangin' the bed yet? C'mon, details, details!" I laughed as I tried to answer, but she kept teasing me with her obnoxious interruptions and questions.

"Shut up already! His name is Max. His bod is beautifully built, he's all man, and yes, we have had ALOT of fun, if you REALLY need to know."

Haley and me chatted until Max came home. When I introduced them, my sister just freaked. She acted as if she just won Max as the prize bachelor from a reality show. She hugged him, squeezed him, played with him. She's kind of scaring me, actually. It's so weird how she could be normal, yet get on such a spaz trip in a few minutes. I just hope she doesn't scare Max away.

So the night went on. Jordan stayed in his room the whole time, which was damn fine with us. Kinda makes you wonder why he even bothered in the first place. After we had dinner -- Jordan just did his own thing -- me and Max went upstairs, undressed and crawled into bed.

Max rested his head on my arm and petted my belly. "Sooo . . . What do you thiiink?" He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"I like your sister, but she has the excitement level of a 5 year old cub at Disney Land." I giggled and scratched his ears, causing him to purr, "Your brother? Seeing him once is more than enough."

"Hmph," I kissed him back as he snuggled me a little closer.

He grinned and he started to lick my neck, rubbing the side of his face with my soft mane.

"You know, we should totally have sex right now, just to piss off your brother."

I laughed softly, "Yeah. Lets shout hot phrases, and fetishy commands, shake the freakin walls and shatter the window by throwing Jack out~" He giggled and then suckled my right nipple and started to fondle my rear end. I gasped out as he forced a purr out of me.

"M-Max -- Ohhhh -- I-I was only kidding! Ahh~ Purrrrrr~" He looked up and grinned.

"I know, but I wasn't." I pet his head, and tried to edge away from him.

"C'mon, babe, I'm a little embarrassed doing it with them staying with us." Max pinched my ear between two claws, me grimacing in pain.

"I don't care, dammit. Its our house, and I want you on a silver platter." He started to nibble of my neck, reaching down and started teasing and playing with my nuts. "M-Maaax . . ." He growled lowly as he started to gently nurse on my nips.

During the week, we just hung out and enjoyed each other's company. Jordan, however, was being as insufferable as expected. He . . . Was mostly quiet, actually. Of course, he just has to make those occasional snide remarks about our wearing speedos, or made a rude comment when me and Max kissed when he happened to be nearby. True to his word, Max minded his behavior and said very little to him, but Haley slapped Jordan on the back of the head whenever he insulted us while she was in the same room. It's not as bad as when we were younger, but he's getting on my last nerve. Well, a few days later, Thanksgiving had finally come. Me, Shiniqua, and Haley are working on the holiday dinner, while Jacob and Jordan watched the Football game (The only time those two can even get along), and Max is digging around the kitchen and closet for our good china, since he doesn't really cook. Before long, we were sitting around the table and started eating. Then Haley brought up the subject about me and Max getting married. Of course, we feel awkward about that; she never was a discrete lioness. So we sort of talked around the subject, for a few more minutes, until Jordan muttered something highly offensive. He wasn't loud, but we all looked at him.

There was a pause as his ears lowered down, suddenly looking like a little cub who just pissed off the teacher. Shiniqua pushed her chair out, but I was too quick for her. I want to do this myself. "That's it."

I got up and strode over to Jordan, and yanked on his ear, and forced him on his feet "OW! Ow! Allen, ear, ear!"

"Gonna be your head if you don't shut up!"

I dragged him to the front door, and slammed it shut. "Alright, what the fuck is your problem?!" Jordan was rubbing his ear so I continued, "What is your problem?! Tell me RIGHT now! Why are you still such an insufferable little brat after all these years?!"

"I . . ." He said with his head down. I moved his face up,.


"I just can't stand it!"

"What?! What can't you stand?! That I'm gay? That I'm seeing someone?!" His eyes began to water, "You've been like this, EVER since we were cubs, Jordan! Mom and Dad raised all three of us better than that! So why you?!"

"I don't know, ok?!"

"That's not an answer!" I growled as I sighed at him, shaking my head, "You still can't even give me that much." He breathed deeply as his eyes framed with tears, "Get over it, Jordan. I've kept myself lonely ever since my first boyfriend. I'm not going to throw my love life away just so you don't feel disgusted."

"You don't understand, Allen . . ."

"Ugh," I put my paw to my forhead, "We're NOT going through with THAT again. `You don't know what it's like having a homo for a brother'. Well, I don't! So am I supposed to just halt everything to try and understand what I've explained a million times before?! What you said in there was really out of line! All week you've been nothing but a miserable cat! Am I that much of a burden on you that I bring you way down to a low level?!"

"W-What the fuck ever." I almost punched him.

"Remember the last time we had it out? All those years ago? You're tolerant, Jordan, but you don't accept me. Or rather, you WON'T accept me! I'm your brother, I'd accept you no matter what! But not you. You'll never get over it, you'll never accept me. You wanna know why? Because you will never understand!" He looked aside, a dark angry look about him.

"Understand what?" I distinctly heard him mouth "Faggot"

I am at my wits end with him. "`Understand what'?! I'll tell you what: it's dislikable animals like you that make homosexuals a minority! It's animals like you that make us ashamed of ourselves! That's not right at all, but homophobes like you don't care because you never had to feel the painful side of the hatred! You despise us so much that we're made to keep in hiding and we're hardly given any chance at all! And god forbid that furs like you should ever stop to think what it might be like if not for 2 seconds!

"Why does that look right to you?! We have as much right to exist and live as everyone else! But you'll never understand that! I could lecture you for a whole year, but you'll never get a perspective of what its like to be looked down upon because of who you are or the life style you choose! I'm sick of my own sibling having a discriminative attitude!"

He just stood there, looking to the side, starting to sniffle. "You know what? Do what you want. I don't care anymore. I don't know why you're even here."

I shook my head as started to walked away from him, "I can't believe Max almost left me because of you."


I'm beating up on my tree again. As I took my rage out on the tree, I heard Haley's voice behind me, "Allen?" I stopped for a moment and turned around to her. "So what happened?"

"Nothing to get into shock over. Go back inside and finish up, I won't be joining you. It's pretty much over." Haley nodded and hugged me. When we broke the hug, I said, "Tell Shiniqua to leave the dishes, take any food she wants to take home. And tell Max to go ahead and head up, I'll get to bed later." My sister went back into the house as I continued to thrash at the old oak.

---Later That Night---

I plopped the white meat into the container as I deboned the turkey. After putting away the dishes, I had set the other foods into separate containers. Just as I had dug out the Wish Bone, I heard the sliding glass door open and close. I heard my little brother sighing before hearing the spare room door closing.

I sighed as I rubbed the back of my neck through my mane; I don't know why, but I still feel bad about yelling him off like that.

I put together a hot plate and reheated some turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes, a couple of rolls, candied yams and half a cob of corn with a bit of butter and grabbed a can of soda. I figure I should be the bigger man, even if it wasn't even an argument.

-Knock knock-

"Hey, Jordan, it's me Allen. I uh . . . Brought some food for you . . . Incase you're still hungry." No response. I sighed, and continued, "Listen, I'm sorry telling you off. I shouldn't have got in your face and-"

His door opened, his eyes down cast. He tilted his head up to look at me with bloodshot eyes. Was . . . Was he crying?

My brother leaned his forehead onto my chest. "Uhhhh . . ." Well, this is awkward. He hasn't shown me any kind of affection for ages.

"Why . . . Why are you always the first one to apologize?" I blinked. I'm not entirely sure what to do or say right now. I put the plate aside and hugged him gently.

". . . Don't know . . . I guess I don't like to hurt." I said as heard him whine roughly in his throat, hearing sniffles, "Hey hey . . . Jordan?" I brushed my paw onto his cheek for him to look up at me, "What's wrong?"

"I . . ." He wiped his tears away with his sleeve, "I guess I was feeling jealous . . . Of you and Max . . ."

"What have you got to be jealous about? You have a girlfriend, don't you?" He shook his head.

"No. She . . . She cheated on me, Allen. She told me she wanted to take it slow, but I was only played. She was fucking around behind my back . . ." He exhaled as he rubbed his eyes, "I feel like such an idiot." Ok, now it makes sense, "I . . . Of all people . . . You're the only one I could come to but-"

"Yeah, I know, I know. It ain't the same with two me-"

"No, Allen. I don't care about that." He said. My eyebrows raised.

"You don't?" He shook his head again.

"Allen . . . I wanted to ask you about it for so long, but I didn't know how to come to you about it." I sighed as I rubbed his back in the hug.

"Look, Jordan. I may be gay, but that doesn't matter. I understand that pain. She cheated on you, and she broke your heart. But it didn't give you the right to take it out on Max and I. If you needed to talk to me, you know damn well I'm right here." He sniffled and nodded.

". . . I'm sorry, Allen."

"It's alri-"

"No, I mean I'm sorry for all the shit I've given you over the years. I'm sorry I was . . . Like that towards you . . ." I scratched his ears, "Mom and Dad DID raise us better than that . . . I don't know why I thought that way . . ." I smiled as I kissed his forehead.

"It's ok, Jordan. By now, let's just say I'm sort of used to it." He purred lowly as I comforted him.

The next thing I heard was a low, guttural growl. Oh yeah, he didn't get to finish dinner. I turned, and backed up to give him his plate "Here, Jordan. Eat up and get some sleep. I'll talk to Haley tomorrow morning."

My brother smiled at me, "Thank you, Allen."

"No problem bro." I walked off and passed my sleeping sister and up the stairs, and entered the bedroom. Max is reading one of his Japanese graphic novels when I came in. I stripped down to my boxers before slipping into bed with him. The tiger put down his book and turned off his light before snuggling up to me.

"Hey you, where've you been?"

"My little brother came back and he apologized. As it turns out, his girlfriend cheated on him big time and he felt jealous of us."

"Aw no. Poor kid."

"Yeah, like big brother like little brother I guess."

"Hey." My tiger then turned my face to his. "I love you, ok?" I smiled as Max then kissed me sweetly. I chuckled as I kissed him back before we both settled down.

--A few hours later--

I tossed and turned in bed. I can't sleep, for some reason. Must be that Cherry Cola I had while putting away the food.

I grumbled as I gently sat up on the side of the bed, Max still fast asleep. I sighed, with nothing else to do, I got out of bed and went to throw on an old nightshirt and loose pants, and crept outback to get some air.

After carefully treading through the house, I made it outside and sighed softly. I looked up to see that the moon is full tonight. I smiled happily as my ears perked up; I just love a full moon, it's just so majestic and beautiful, and the moon is big tonight too. I climbed up my old tree, and went to the thickest branch that was closest to the roof, and leaped very lightly onto it without making any more noise than a light pad. I went to the center of my roof and laid on my back to look at the radiant white orb.

"Aaahhhh!" I gasped and bolted up. My heart is pounding as I looked to my right shoulder. I sighed and panted as I softly grasped my right arm. I can feel a light sweat breaking over me. "Right . . . Allen's house." I mumbled as I lay back down and turned. I feel so . . . Fuck. I know me and Allen are cool now, but I still can't help but feel that this isn't enough. I have given Allen so much bullshit for a long time, half of which was behind his back. When I think back about the cruel jokes I made about him in front of my friends . . . I thought I was going to be good this week, why was I being such a bitch?? I don't know, every time I saw Allen and Max get close I just . . . I feel like shit right now. I want to talk to Allen. But what would I say? And more importantly, what would HE say? I pondered this until I couldn't take the haunted feeling under the sheets anymore. I need some fresh air. I got up to put my jacket on and quietly went outside. I looked up at the sky, and saw that the moon is bright and full right now. Wow, it's just . . . Cool. I have to get a better view. I looked around to see Allen's worn out tree and saw that it has several large branches, maybe they're strong enough to support me. I carefully climbed up it and slowly made my way up and over to the roof. I jumped to the edge, but lost balance a little. "Jordan?" I almost fell off the roof when I realized Allen is sitting there. I fell to my knees just for a second as I regained my balance. "Oh, Allen, I didn't know you were . . . I-I'll just-" "No, no, it's ok, go ahead and sit down." "Kay . . ." I smiled weakly as my stomach sank a little. I nervously sat down next to my big brother, putting my legs together and resting my arms over each other as I looked up at the moon. I want to be honest with him, I wanna confide in him. What I'm afraid of is how this is going to turn out. Some things I are better left aside, but I don't want that. I'm scared, we just got along for the first time in our lives and I'm gonna ruin it now? No. I have to do this. We need to talk. I gulped and opened my mouth to speak. "Beautiful, isn't it? The full moon." His tranquil voice broke the ice. "Huh? Y-yes, it's really cool." He took a deep breath and sighed, feeling the fresh cold air in his lungs. "I've always liked looking at a full moon. It always got me through sometimes." I can't do it, not when he's in such a good mood. We'll just keep talking about the moon. No, dammit! I can't let myself off the hook. It's not right. He told me I can always talk to him. "A-Allen?" "Yes?" What the hell do I say?! "Allen, do you hate me?" Idiot! We made up a few hours ago, what kind of dumbass question is that?! I looked nervously at him, and he gave me a perplexed look. "What? No, Jordan, I don't hate you. Why do you ask?" I'm starting to feel frantic, but I need to try and keep my voice down. "I-I wouldn't blame you if you did. After all I did to you through the years." My heart rate is going crazy! "Look, Jordan, we're fine. I got over all that a long time ago." Crap! Now what? I heard him shift a little as he turned towards me, leaning on his left arm. "But if there's something on your mind, then lets talk." I looked at Allen. He just looks so calm and kind. I've always looked down on him, but I never thought to look deeper into him. I sighed and I started. "Allen, I know we're cool now. But I still don't feel right at all." "What do you mean?" I closed my eyes as I can start to feel a little emotional. Alright, give or take, here I go. "Allen, you've always, always been there for me. Ever since I started to hate you, avoid you, ignoring you, you've always been there. When I fell and got hurt, you immediately tended to me. Whenever I was getting harassed and made fun of, you called them out, no matter who they were, and made sure they left me alone. A-And when I was getting hurt, beaten by bullies at school, you rushed in and fought them off. You protected me . . ." I clinched my eyes shut as I gripped my sleeve tight. "Yeah, so what's you're point?" My eyes started to get watery, and my voice began to crack a little, "Ho-How could you NOT hate me?! I never did any of that for you!" Tears are starting to run down my face. I did my best to keep my voice steady, but it's impossible. "Nothing! I never stepped in to help you at all! I did the total opposite of ever defending you! A-And when you did help and defend me, all I did was hate you more and more! I may as well have spat in your face." "Jordan . . ." My ears lowered; at this point, I'm don't know how this will go. "I practically disowned you all because of who you are! I trashed you with my friends, making fun of you, painting you as a joke! Some of the exaggerated rumors about you were started because of me! And whenever I badmouthed you with my friends, and you walked by, I saw you and didn't even care!" I sniffled and sobbed. I dug my face in my arms as I cried. What's going to happen now? "You watched over me . . ." I recalled one of the memories I wished had happened differently. ( )( )( ) I was 9 years old when I tripped and scrapped my knee, whimpering as a few drops of blood seeped through my fur. Allen, age 14, knelt beside me and looked at my knee. "Jordan, are you ok? Hold on." He dug in his pocket to get a band-aid mom had him carry around. My small paw swatted his paw away as I got myself up and sped off from him. ( )( )( ) "Defended me . . ." ( )( )( ) I was 10. Teary eyed as several bigger cubs and pups played Keep-Away with my backpack, their taunting and mockery making me more and more upset. An older, somewhat taller lion cub with a short mane barely touching his shoulders stepped behind the next receiver and gripped the wrist of the punk who had the bag very tightly, causing him to wince badly and let go of it while Allen grabbed. "Back off. Now." The teen lion said threateningly as the bullies took off in two seconds. My brother walked to me and offered my backpack with a warm and reassuring smile. "Here you go, Jordan. You alright?" My small paw grudgingly took the backpack and I angrily stormed off. ( )( )( ) "Protected me . . ." ( )( )( ) 12 years old, I was pushed and fell on my butt as I tried all I could to fight back at the jerks who were beating me up, but I couldn't do much at all. I panted and whined slightly as my bruises and small cuts stung and throbbed around my body. I flinched as a mule pulled his fist to punch my muzzle, only to hear a loud slap as 17-year-old Allen took the punch to his paw, gripping it as he launched his knee at the mule's stomach. The mule coughed and weezed as he fell to his knees with his arms around his sides. The eagle and cougar that were there ran in to his defense. Allen easily fought back with the delinquents who attacked me, taking hits, ignoring the endless insults of his sexuality and other vulgar trash talk, but he wouldn't give up. Finally, they ran off when Allen had slashed at the eagle's wing. He turned around and offered his paw to help me up, but I just snorted and glared sideways and got myself to stand up. "I could've handled it myself, fairy." I shot out as I walked from him. "You could've, but you didn't." He shot back. ( )( )( ) "Loved me . . ." ( )( )( ) I ran a paw through my short mane as a worksheet on fractions baffled me. "Hey, Jordan," Allen said as he came up behind me, "Need some help with this?" I glared at him for a second then closed my folder shut. "No, I don't need YOUR help." I growled out as I threw my bag aside and logged onto the internet. "And how many times do I need to tell you to stay out of my room?" Allen said nothing as he turned away and walked out and softly closed my door. ( )( )( ) "But all I did was hurt you in return." ( )( )( ) Me and Allen were panting after we had a terrible fight in my room. I glared at his lowered head as Allen held himself at his knees. My belongings scattered all over the floor. We were both guilty for petty brawling and shooting terrible insults at eachother. I caught my breath and yelled at him, "Why can't I have a NORMAL brother like everyone else?!" He sniffled a little as he panted. I snorted at him. "Tsk. You're pathetic." I smirked at him as I saw a small drop from his face. He slowly started push his arms from his knees, talking in a dark and low voice. "Sure . . . Its so easy to hate us . . . It really is easy enough to loathe us, label us, discriminate . . . To take pride in seeing us in pain . . ." The 19 year old lion rose himself up and pierced me in the eyes with his. Tears running down his furry face, his fangs bared and his eyes full of fury and inner agony as he roared out. "IT'S SO FUN AND EASY TO LOOK DOWN ON HOMOSEXUALS WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE ONE!!!" I jumped a little as his roar startled me. I just simply looked aside. "Just get out of my room." He grudging walked out and slammed my door. Hard. ( )( )( ) "How could you NOT hate me? I treated you like shit and you still treated me like a brother!" I cried into my lap. "You were right, it's easy to hate gay animals when I don't have to be one! I'm so sorry Allen!" I sobbed as I couldn't talk anymore. I tensed up, bracing myself for whatever Allen has to do or say to me. I shivered as I heard his movement. I then felt my top mane get raked and stroked softly. I timidly lifted my head up as Allen started to rub my back. His expression was saddened. He then wiped my tears from my face with his paw and then half hugged me. "C'mon, it's ok, Jordan, it hurts me when I see you cry. It always has." I looked in his eyes. "H-How could you still even LIKE me? A-Allen, I wanted to be honest with you, but I thought you would consider me dead to you for saying all this." My brother looked me straight in the eye. "Jordan, you're my brother. I could never hate you." I lost it as I buried my face in his shoulder, crying more. He held me close, hugging as I wrapped my arms around him. This is almost unbearable! I still can't understand why Allen can even look at me! Why does he forgive me? Why does he love me??? After I calmed down, we laid back, our arms up and laying our heads on our paws, gazing at the moon. I feel so much better now. "So Jordan, when did you stop being a homophobe?" I smiled as I closed my eyes. "It all started when I began college. I found out my roommate was gay, and I . . . I hated it for awhile, especially when he brought his boyfriend over. I made it clear how I felt about gay guys, and well . . . He kind of brought his boyfriend around rather requently to make a whole lot of racket when I was doing my studywork . . ." I chuckled "He moaned extra loud every time. One time, I had the balls to pound on his door to tell him to knock it off, and his door fell down, and I saw that he was hitting the wall with his computer while his boyfriend was playing his X-Box, just to spite me," Allen laughed at that. "I tried to get a different roommate, but the Dean at the college disapproved of my reason. "After while, me and my roommate had a really bad argument. After he stormed off, I sat myself down and asked myself, `What's so terrible about being gay? Was it bad for the public health? Did it cause famine or disaster?' I couldn't figure it out. Believe or not, I actually tried to think of another reason to despise you. I thought it out, but other than sibling rivalry thing, there was nothing. After a few hours, my roommate came to me and apologized. To me. When I already knew he was right." I opened my eyes and turned to Allen. I then sat up and talked in a dark tone. "But there was one thing that clenched it . . ." ( )( )( ) I was outside, walking to my next class at Yale when I heard a few animals in an ally. I went to check it out to find a few of my good friends. I irked to see that they were ganging up on an otter. They had slapped him with pink paint, had many bleeding cuts on his body, a black eye, and he was panting was a dark brown lion punch his stomach while two cronies held his arms back. The otter's eyes cried continuously as the lion cut his arm and issued many insults at him, calling him faggot, fairy, princess. I watched in horror as the image of the otter slowly became an image of a 16-year-old Allen. The wounds and paint were the same was he too suffered from the hatred of the thugs. His hazel eyes looked up and into mine in a pleading and painful look, his eyes full of agony as he whimpered, "Help me . . . please . . ." I closed my eyes as I began to run. `Allen. I was never there for you like you were for me,' I thought to myself, `But, I promise, I'll be better!' Fire and water collided in my eyes as my fist was cannoned right at the brown lion's throat, knocking him sideways. He snarled and fell on the ground while the two other offenders went to tend to the dark lion. He scrambled up to see who it was that hit him. "Sander?! What the fuck man?!" I stepped in front of the quivering otter, glaring him down. "Aw, I get it. You mad cause we din't invite you? Sorry, man, this was short notice. Here, take a turn." He grinned kindly at me as he tossed me the blood-dripping knife. I caught it and turned to look behind me to see the otter terrifyingly looking up at me, flinching, tears cascading from his fearful eyes "P-Please . . . Don't hurt me. Please." So . . . This is what gay guys have to go through . . . "I've got a better idea," I growled out and turned back around, "Why don't we stick this in your neck!" I threw the knife at him. He fliched and stepped out of the way before the sharp blade can nick him. Glared daggers angrily at me, the four slash scars on the left side of his face making him look deadly. "Sander, don't play me like dat. C'mon, we's always sayin we be pushin back the fags! We's even asked you ta come wit us!" "I thought you were only kidding! I didn't know you actually had fun butchering up a gay guy!" "Why you lovin' fairies all'a sudden, Sander? Don't tell me you're one too?" "No, I'm not. But my brother . . ." I looked sadly to the side `You were always protecting me.' I thought. "Aw shit man." I looked back at the thug. "Look, I'm willing to forget it. Just go way, and mind yo business." I widen my stance, ready to fight. He sighed and shook his head at me. "Brainless fuck." He charged at me, and knocked me aside with a punch to the muzzle. I growled in pain as I felt to the concrete and clutched my muzzle. I looked back up to see he was about to stab the otter. I sprung up and socked him in the chest. "Leave him alone!" I yelled. As he went down, I turned around and helped the bleeding otter up, "You need to get out of here. Go get help, alright?!" The otter trembled as he coughed a blotch of blood. "W-What about you?" "Don't worry about me - oof!" I grunted the goat friend of the brown lion jumped on my back and wrapped his arms around my throat. "GO!!" The otter reluctantly started run, limping terribly as he went. I spotted another one of my now former friends, a badger, run after him. I snarled as I quickly jerked the goat off me and jetted for the badger. The otter tripped, and yelped when he glanced at the badger, but I was able to make several deep slashes on his arm. "KEEP GOING!!" I roared out as the badger writhed in pain. I was panting, and beaten and hurting everywhere on my body. It's just me and the dark lion now, gripping the knife as he snarled threateningly. He charged at me, and took a swing at me. I dodged, and elbowed him back. My ear quirked up, and I turned to outside the alley to see college security guards running to the scene. I suddenly heard a roar behind me. The next thing I know, I can only see dark brown blur and a flash of silver with deep red. ( )( )( ) I winced as my own howl of pain echoed in my head. I gripped my right arm and looked to Allen again, him looking back at me. "Allen?" "Jordan?" "I uh . . . I think I finally know what you gays have to put up with . . ." I unzipped my jacket and shrugged it off, and then I took my white shirt by the rim and pulled it off. Allen gasped as I revealed a large jagged scar along my right arm that reached from my shoulder to my elbow. He sat up, padded to me and took my arm to see it better. "Jordan, what on earth happened to you?" I looked down. "A few of my `friends' were ganging up on someone. I recognized him as the college's head of the Gay-Straight Alliance Committee. They . . . They messed him up real bad . . . I ran in and fought them off. I ended up having my arm slashed by the knife they were using to cut him." "Jordan . . ." He purred sadly at me and started to deftly lick the scar affectionately. This is kinda awkward, but . . . It kinda feels nice too . . . I don't deserve it though "Allen, please stop." He stopped, and cleared his throat, "Oh, uhh . . . Too weird?" "No. It's just, I don't deserve this, not after how I treated you." He rubbed my left arm his his paw. "Jordan, it's ok," He rubbed my back again, "You don't seem to realize how far much you've grown up. I'm proud of you, Jordan." I smiled at him and nuzzled him. ". . .That was also the day I found out my girlfriend was cheating on me . . . Turns out, she was fucking the guy who was hurting the otter. They just sat there and laughed at me." His ears lowered as he softly gasped. "Oh Jordan . . . I'm so sorry." "It's not your fault." He chuckled and scratched my mane. "I guess devastating break ups run in the family, huh?." My ears lowered this time. That's right, his first boyfriend. "Did Haley tell you he came back a couple of month's ago? "He did??" "Yep. Arrived at my doorstep out of the blue. And he asked to take me back." "So what'd you do?" "Well, I was very reasonable and understanding. I explained to him why we couldn't get back together in the form of a rock-shattering blow to the head." I laughed, "Sprained my left arm when I sent the son-of-a-bitch flying." "Oh no." I chuckled out. His expression darkened. "Then, when I asked Max to move in with me, Tom broke into my house a year later. He trashed the place and attacked Max." My eyes widened. "He what now?!" "Yeah, while I was at work, he broke into my home, and attacked Max. According to him, Tom was planning on slicing his junk off." My expression bolted in shock. "What the fuck?!" He nodded and continued "I got there in time though. I literally threw him out, and . . . I haven't seen him since." I put my paw on his shoulder. "Allen . . ." "Although, I think he was possessed. I remember him being such a softie. It was him, but not the dingo I fell for." After a while, I got up the nerve to ask him something. "Allen . . . Could I ask you a personal question?" "Sure, shoot." I blushed slightly. "So . . . Um . . . What's it like doing it with a guy?" His eyes widened. Then he looked at me with half lidded eyes. "Jordan, we're having a moment here, don't kill it." "Thank you." I said in a relieved tone. "Gee, thanks." We laughed out loud at that. After awhile, I was lying on Allen's side with his arm wrapped around me as we gazed at the moon. "Allen, I don't know how to say this without sounding cheesy, but this is one moment that I'll never forget." No reply. "Allen? . . . Allen?" I sat up to look at him. He moaned quietly as he shifted a bit, and turned in his sleep and curl up. I smiled and then saw him shivering. Burr, it IS getting chilly. I placed my paw on his shoulder and shook him lightly. "Allen. Allen, wake up." He blinked awake and turned up to look at me. "H-Huh? Hm?" "C'mon, lets go to bed." "Mmmmm. Alright . . ." We walked on the roof and I was about to jump to the branch when I heard Allen slipped. "WHOA!" I gasped as I whipped around. "Allen!" His eyes looked blank as he fell off the roof. His face was wide with fear as Allen was airborne. I spotted one of the lawn chairs that is right below his back. I put my foot on the edge and grabbed his wrist before he could fall. He gasped and dangled where he hung, his weight dragging me on the tiles of the roof. "Argh, Hang on!" I grimaced as I pulled up his heavy body and helped him back up. He shook as he sat down again. "T-Thanks, Jordan. That was way too close." He quivered as he padded my back and hugged me shortly. I hugged him back. `From now on,' I thought, `I'm watching out for you.'

Next: Chapter 14

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