Heart Desires

By H

Published on Jun 19, 2001


This story contains material of homosexual acts and behavior. If you know this will offend you, please locate the back button immediately. If you are under age or have no rights being here in the first place, then I repeat, please leave. Now on with the story...

Chapter 11

I despondently sat through my LAN class. I really wanted to get home in time, to persuade Adam from resuming his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. I needed a plan, I mean, I knew I wanted to seduce him, but how I'm going to do it was the questioned that pondered. I don't want to scare him away for the second time. I hoped I was wrong, but it seemed like Adam really loves this girl, and if that's the case, then my chances of winning him over would be twice as hard.

As I was mulling these things over inside my head, one of the members of my group touched me on the shoulder...

"Taylor, snap out of it, man." Said Shelly. "How the hell we're going to finish this topology if you're a million miles away?"

"What?" I answered, not realizing my voice had projected.

"Are you on drugs or something?" Shelly asked, giggling. "I think you are, because you're really acting strange today?"

I didn't answer her. I just sheepishly smiled at her silly remark. The other members were laughing in my group too, but I didn't give a fuck! I saw Bryan looking at me from his corner of the room, and then he gave me a beautiful smile. I was so thankful for his help last night. He helped me understand what I was doing, but I was totally useless today. I said one or two words to the group, but I doubt they understood what I was talking about.

Finally, class was over and as I hurriedly gathered my things together, Bryan coyly approached me...

"Hey." He hailed

"Hey yourself." I responded back to him.

"Are you OK?" He inquired.

"I couldn't be much better." I lied. "Why'd you ask?"

"I don't know. I saw you and it looked like you have something on your mind." He told me.

Of course something was on my mind, something was always on my friggin mind. I didn't want to get into it with Bryan. It wasn't his business anyway.

"I'm cool though, thanks for showing your concern." I assured him.

He looked at me and then smiled. "I guess I'll see you around then?"

"You sure will." I said, returning his smile.

I know this was hard for Bryan to accept. I saw the desire in his eyes to hold me once more in his arms and kiss me. I hated seeing him like this. I really hope he get over it soon, or find someone who deserves his love. I told him he could call me later if he wanted. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that, it was too late to take it back anyway.

As I drove in my SUV, I started to think about what Bruce said to me the other night. How dare he say something like that to me? I wondered what in the world could he possibly do to keep Adam away from me. I knew Adam was his best friend and all, but it would be a terribly mistake for Bruce to manipulate the situation between Adam and me, because I would never forgive him for doing that.

Everyday that passed by, I thought about Adam. I wanted Adam so bad, that sometimes I had to ask myself if I was obsessed with him. I wondered if I really loved Adam or I just longed the feel his hard cock pressing against my prostate. Whichever it was, I thought both were good enough reasons for me to stop him from reconciling with his ex.

A question of morality pined away inside me. Was it right for me to seduce Adam or should I let him discover this path alone? Under normal circumstances I would let him alone, but time was quickly slipping away from me. I think I'll do anything to make Adam mine. Oh my goodness, what type of person was I becoming? I went from an innocent youth, to a slut and from a slut to an out-of-control, horny, tenacious freak. I mean, do it worth it, me risking all of this for Adam, when Eric was patiently waiting on me. I started to feel guilty.

I looked at my watch and the numbers displayed 3:47pm. The distance from my house to the University was about 22 miles, and it usually took me 30 minutes tops, to arrive at my destination, if I drove within the speed limit. I know Adam told me that he would wait for me, and I believed it would, but I didn't trust this bitch. Suppose she's aggressive or maybe possessive? I really didn't know what to think. All I knew was that I had to be home as early as possible. I was thinking so much, that I unconsciously exceed the speed limit by 20mph, which meant that I was now making 65mph.

Suddenly, when I looked back in my rearview mirror, I saw red and blue lights flashing and then a short siren. I thought to myself, what the hell I'm I being pulled over for, not realizing I was going over the speed limit. I drove another 50ft and then pulled over to the side. The state trooper pulled directly behind me. The officer gets out the car and walked to my SUV...

"What can I do for you officer?" I asked, impulsively.

I mean this guy didn't even acknowledge what I just said, he had a very cocky demeanor.

"Can I see your license and registration, sir?" Asked the officer.

"Sure..." I told him. I reached for my documents in my glove compartment and handed it over to him. He looked at it for a brief moment.

"Sir, do you realize that you were going at least 20mph over the speed limit?" He asked, looking right into my eyes.

"Ah, no, I mean, I didn't realize it, sir." I tried.

"How can you not realize that?" He asked sternly. "You need to pay more attention to the speed limit, especially in an area like this, when the motorists population density is so high. What were you thinking?

I knew exactly what I was thinking about, but I couldn't tell the officer I had a man on my mind. I just wanted him to shut up, give me my speeding ticket, and let me go about my business. Eventually he gave me a $200 speeding ticket after a long speech about the statistics about accident causalities. I was pissed, but I concealed it in front of the officer. Why should I act the fool and end up spending the night in jail? I was angry with myself too, because I think I was acting out on my fixation for Adam. I have to get control of myself. I looked at my watch again and it was 4:27pm. I took a deep breath and drove the rest of the way home, being conscious of the speed limit.

Fifteen minutes later, I pulled up in the parking lot of my apartment. I turned the engine off and just sat there, thinking. I tried to gather my thoughts before I spoke to anyone, because I didn't want to take my frustrations out on them. The more I thought about the idea of seducing Adam, the more I started to change my mind about it. I mean, if he wanted me, then he would come to me in his own time, even if he decides to get back with his girl. I really didn't need to stress myself about it. I still had one problem, and that was Bruce. I just didn't want him to poison Adam's mind towards me.

Suddenly, I was startled by a knock on the glass. I turned my head and it was Adam. He looked so beautiful, I must have said that a million times. He really took pride in his appearance and I was truly impressed by that. For a straight guy, he always kept himself clean and neat. I motioned for him to go over to the passenger side...

"Hey, man." He hailed, as he sat in the passenger seat and closed the door.

"Hey, Adam" I responded back. I was smiling now and I honestly felt much better. I think Adam's presence is very remedial.

"Um, I was coming from the leasing office and I saw you sitting here." He told me. "Are you OK, man?"

I wanted to tell him how nasty my day was, especially with that damn cop ruining my mood, but I decided to tell him another time. I felt better anyway.

"I'm OK, it's just funny to see you again in the same place before I left for school today." I told him.

"I know, right." He said and smiled. He looked like he wanted to raise the subject about his ex, but he swayed. "I left Bruce in the leasing office. I forgot that he needed to co-sign the lease with me. It's not a problem though, just minor legalities."

"I see, look like Bruce needed your attention all day." I said, wanting him to tell me what he and Bruce did today.

"Well, he was trying to get his job sought out. You remembered I told you his job transferred him down here, and they gave him a week or so to get settled in. Now the place he's been transferred to, had an orientation earlier today for new and transferred employees. He also needed to go a few places afterwards and his car haven't arrived from Orlando yet, so I figure I'll help him out."

"I think it's cool that you're being the Good Samaritan." I said, jokingly

"Awww, if the situation was reversed, I'm sure Bruce would do the same for me." He said, smiling.

I really didn't want to hear anything about Bruce, he made me pretty angry the other night and I wasn't over it yet. I wanted to talk about something else. I wanted to find out if he called his ex, but I didn't know how to bring the subject up right out of the blue. Maybe he had called her and just didn't want to tell me that he did.

"So why'd leave Bruce in the office?" I inquired, even though I wanted to change the subject.

"Oh, we're done, I left him there because he was making a new friend." Adam said, in a sarcastic voice.

Now Adam got my attention. Boy Bruce moved really fast.

"A new friend?" I asked, curiously.

"Yeah, dude, I think this chick that work in the office may be interested in him." Adam said, laughing.

Since it was a girl, I didn't care so much anymore. Maybe Bruce still wants to conceal his identity and that was good for now. I didn't want Adam to find out what happened between Bruce and me, even though we didn't went all the way, it's enough to sabotage the growing relationship I had with Adam.

"Sounds good to me. Since we're on the topic about girls, why don't you tell me about yours." I told Adam. I thought that was the perfect opportunity to interject what I wanted to talk about from the beginning.

Adam laughter slowly turned serious and then he turned his head away from me for a second and then shook his head.

"What?" I inquired.

"It's so strange, you know, I don't even have the urge to call her." He said, distantly. "I remembered when we would have a fight and the next day I would be so miserable if she didn't call or I didn't call to smooth things over. Now, this time is so different, man. Maybe it'll be better if I don't get back together with her."

"So this is it, you're not going to call or see this girl anymore?" I asked, inquisitively. I wanted to say bitch, but I decided not to rub it in.

"Man, I don't know what to do. I know you told me that this is my decision, but I need some help, dude!" Adam said, with a frustrated voice.

I wanted to hold Adam's hand and let him know I was there for him, but I feared he would run away from me again.

"Look, what do you want me to tell you?" I asked him, assiduously. "You know how I feel about you and if I tell you what to do, it's going to be for selfish reasons."

Adam looked surprised, and then I suddenly realized that I've totally given myself away.

"Taylor, I don't know how you feel about me." He said, looking at me in my eyes. "Tell me why you said that?"

"I didn't mean it the way it sounded." I lied, and Adam knew it.

"Come on, Taylor, I was honest with my feelings for you, I told you in your apartment that I may like you more than I realized." He said. "Why are hiding what you feel?" He inquired. "I'm scared shitless! I don't know what road my life will take."

Why was I being so reticent about my feelings to Adam and this is what I wanted all along. It's a difference when I had the conversation in control, now Adam was giving me a taste of my own medicine. Suddenly, a knock on the glass startled both Adam and me. It was Bruce. I sat up immediately and shot Bruce a warning eye...

"Hey, guys." He hailed. "If I didn't know better, from a distance you two look like you're in love or something."

Bruce started laughing and I was foaming with anger. I knew what he was trying to do and I tried to shut him up.

"Bruce, why don't you excuse yourself, we're having a private conversation." I told him, nicely, even though I wanted to tell him to get the fuck out my face.

"What's so private that my roommate can't talk to me about." He inquired, obviously getting offended.

"Bruce, come on, you know we talk about everything, but please don't get mad at Taylor if I decided to ask him for his advice on something." Adam said, with such concern.

"What damn advice can Taylor offer you that I can't?" Bruce asked, irately.

I knew why Bruce was acting so inappropriately. He was upset that I didn't want him and he thought I was taking Adam away from him, but poor Adam didn't know the depth of his friend's anger.

"Why are you so upset?" Adam inquired. "I'm just talking to someone, dude."

"You don't know the real Taylor, that's why it's so easy for you to trust him." Bruce said, tauntingly.

I had to jump in and shut Bruce up before he says something that both of us will regret.

"Bruce, please, stop while you're ahead." I tried. "Why get upset for stupid stuff?"

"Fuck you, Taylor." Bruce hissed. "I know all about you and I know exactly what type of person you are, and there's no way you're gonna get out of this one."

"What the hell is wrong with you, Bruce?" Adam asked, in a displeasing tone of voice. "Why are you attacking Taylor like this?"

Bruce smiled, shook his head and said, "You really don't know, don't you?"

"Look, Bruce, I'm getting upset with you, so tell me what fuck is going on." Adam demanded.

"I'm only telling you this because I'm your best friend, Adam, I care about you." Bruce started. "Taylor is obsessed with you and he's pretending to be your friend only because he wants to fuck you."

I was speechless, scared, and upset all at once, but I held my composure. Bruce was getting really loud and started to attract attention to the SUV. I opened the door and pushed Bruce to the side. Adam was obviously taken back by what Bruce had just said.

"What is your damn problem?" I asked, angrily. "If you're trying to keep Adam by degrading my character, believe me it won't work."

"Trust me, I'm just getting started." Bruce said, provokingly.

"Excuse me, am I missing something here?" Adam asked, with a confuse voice.

Things were really getting heated and I wanted to carry this conversation inside because surrounding ears was starting to listen attentively.

"Adam, look, I know you're confuse and obviously upset, and I want to explain things to you." I tried. "But I can't talk to you here with Bruce ranting and raging, let's go back to my apartment."

"Taylor, if Adam goes back to your apartment, I promise you I'll blow your ass out the of the water." Bruce threatened.

The things Bruce was saying really had Adam bemused. I saw the confusion in those beautiful eyes. I knew what Bruce meant, but I believed he was bluffing.

"I mean it, Taylor." Bruce said, seriously.

"Bruce, why risk your friendship with Adam?" I tried. "Let me talk to him for 20 minutes and I promise you I wouldn't do anything to discredit you or ruin your friendship with Adam."

"Obviously, something's going on between you and Bruce, and I don't have the slightest inkling to what that is, but please don't include me into whatever your shit is." Adam interjected. "You two need to work this shit out by your damn selves."

With that Adam opened the passenger door, jumped out and slammed the door. I tried calling out after him but he refused to turn around. I knew Adam felt left out and really confused and I wanted to run after him and tell him everything, but how realistic was that?

"Now look what you've done." I hissed, at Bruce.

"I told you that you will never have Adam. "Bruce reminded me. "And I mean that with every ounce of blood running through my veins."

"Why are you being so spiteful? The only thing I did to you was refuse to have sex with you." I told him. "And I did that for very good reasons."

"Whatever, Taylor, the reason why I'm doing this is because you're only using Adam." Bruce said. "I know your type."

"You don't know me, and I can say that with assurance." I told him.

"You just leave Adam alone, because if you don't, I'll tell him everything that happened between us that night." Bruce threatened again.

Bruce walked off and left me thinking. Why is he being so cruel to me? Maybe if I have sex with him, he'll be much nicer to me. What am I thinking, that would make things worse than they already are. I sat in my SUV for another 5 minutes before I decided to go to my apartment. I didn't bother trying to talk to Adam again that night because I didn't want to push him away from me.

When I reach inside my apartment, I met Eric asleep in the sofa. I didn't want to wake him, so I tried to be as quiet as possible. He looked so peaceful lying there. I began to think about our recent fuck. My cock began to twitch and the back of my ears felt hot. I looked at him closer and realized that Eric was truly an amazing person. For the first time I felt a feeling of unworthiness surround me and I sighed silently.

I was really feeling down about my entire day, nothing went right for me, especially with Adam. Why did Bruce ruin my moment with Adam? I purpose in my heart, before this week is over, I'm going to seduce Adam. I have no other choice and it wouldn't be total manipulation on my part, because Adam feels something for me too. I just have to figure a way for me to get Adam alone without Bruce knowing where he is.

I went upstairs to take a shower, and as I was showering, depressing thoughts overwhelmed my sense of balance. I felt like I've lost my direction in life and I needed to seriously think about my next move. Suddenly I heard a noise and it startled me out of my deep thoughts. The sound came from the sliding of the shower glass door. It was Eric. Strangely, I just wanted embrace him and cry on his shoulder.

"Do you mind if I join you?" Eric asked, groggily.

"Please don't hesitate." I told him, with the water running down my face. "How'd you know I was home?"

"I sensed it." He said smiling, as he took off his boxers.

I was so taken back by those words. Eric unconsciously knew I needed his consolation or was it just a coincidence? When he stepped in the shower with me I embraced him and kissed him passionately.

"What was that for?" He asked loudly, above the noise the shower made.

"I don't know." I told him.

Eric kissed me back intensely and I felt such comfort from the signals his body was sending. It felt like every moment in his body was telling me that he loved me. Should I just forget about Adam and move on? Maybe my hormones are getting the best of me. I am in love with Adam and maybe I'm started to fall for Eric too, but can a person be in love with two persons at the same time?

Eric and I continued kissing and rubbing each other's ass in the shower. A few minutes later, we walked back to my bedroom bald naked. Now fresh and clean, we lay on top of each other, kissing. Eric's body felt so good, and the feeling of his weight on top of me was extremely a turn on. I began to massage his ass cheeks, tearing them apart, then pushing my index finger in his manhole. He began to moan lustfully, pushing upwards so that my finger slid in deeper.

I knew what Eric wanted and I was more than willing to give it to him. He wanted me to fuck him hard and deep. I reached for the lubricant on my nightstand and put some on my fingers and then I worked one finger in and then another. His moans started to escalate. Eric sat up and straddled his legs over me, lowering, then positioning the entrance of his manhole on the head of my cock. I gasped as I felt the warmth and succulence of his manhole, sliding slowly down my shaft. I let out an animalistic groan. I thought I was going to shoot my load inside him almost immediately.

Eric picked up momentum and rode my cock back and forth and then up and down. I was such in a sexual trance that my whole body was shivering. Why did my body craved for Eric this way? I heard Eric's trademark groan and I knew he was about to cum. I felt his ass muscles began to clench around my shaft and I almost lost it, actually I did when I saw Eric shot his load all over my stomach, chest and face, without him or me touching his cock. When I saw how Eric was getting off on my cock, I shot my load deep inside him and he rode me further as I was cumming. Both of us were making uncontrollable noises.

Eric just leaned forward and lay on my chest, with my cock still inside him. Eric and I really have great sex. It was such an emotionally experience. A few minutes later Eric raised up of me and lay next to me. We started talking and before we knew it, both of us were fast asleep.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading chapter 11 and I hope you've enjoyed it. Please stay tuned for the final four chapters of "Heart desires." Hopefully, these last chapters will be intriguing in every way and may the end please you.

Next: Chapter 12

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