Heart Desires

By H

Published on Aug 22, 2001


The story you are about to read contains explicit material one may find offensive. It contains homosexual acts and behavior between consenting adults. If you know you're not supposed to be here or you know this material will upset you, please hit your back button immediately and get out of here. The story is fictionally written with real life experiences. Any similarities of plot, names, setting, etc. are totally coincidental.

Hello everyone, welcome to chapter 3. I hope you have a good time reading it.

Chapter three - Trouble in the camp?

I couldn't take my eyes of Rouge as he approached me. What was it about him that caused me to stare? Maybe I was curious to why he was interested in Adam, but he wasn't the only guy interested in Adam. Yet I couldn't find an ounce of anger in my heart for him, all I felt was...

"Hello, Taylor." He said, interrupting my thoughts the same time. "Didn't know I'll be seeing you so soon."

"Well, I didn't expect to see you so soon either." I lied. "I just felt like eating something sweet, before I went back to work."

"I see." He said, with this sly grin on his innocent-looking face. "So I guess you didn't like the cake I baked?"

"You baked that cake?" I asked, surprisingly.

"Yeah. Why do you seem so surprise?" He inquired.

"No, it's not that." I told him. "You just don't look like the baker type."

"And how does a baker type look?" He slyly inquired.

I couldn't believe I was blushing with this guy and he could be a potential treat to my relationship with Adam.

"I don't know." I told him, honestly. "You just don't fit the part."

"Well, I'm sure sorry that my baker look doesn't please you." He said, smilingly.

"It doesn't matter to me." I laughed. "I was just saying, you know?"

"So what was the real reason you came here?" He asked, out of the blue.

He caught me off guard with that one. What the hell was he trying to say? I couldn't believe the impudence of this guy.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked, a bit astonishingly.

"Oh come on, man. I know you didn't come all the way here just for something sweet."

"What else could I come all the way here for?" I questioned him. "There's nothing here for me other than what I purchase at the counter."

"OK, I see you're trying to play like you don't know what I'm talking about." He told me, a bit seriously.

"Whatever, man, I don't know what the hell you're getting at." I said to him annoyingly. "Besides, I have to get back to work."

I opened my door and sat in my car. Rouge stood looking at me with this smirk across his face. I knew what he was talking about, but I wasn't for getting into it. He was referring to Adam. I don't know how much he talked to Adam, so I didn't want him running back to Adam and make me seem like a bitch causing trouble.

"If you're secure, then you have nothing to worry about." Said Rouge, as he walked off away from me.

I didn't say anything to him, I just lightly slammed my car door shut, started up my car and drove off. I know Adam and I are secure in our love for each other, and I'm not worry about anything. I wondered why Rouge would say something like that though. Strangely, I wasn't really pissed at this guy, he seemed to have such a calm and confident way about himself. In a way he was trying to be a bad boy, but it really didn't go with his demeanor. After all, I did came to see him, I really couldn't tell you why, but I did and I was too embarrassed to admit it.

Anyway, as I drove back to the Arcadian Building, I tried to regain my focus for this meeting that I have with Jonathan. He was always so busy, poor guy. Jonathan was a very pleasant individual and I liked him a lot (as a person of course). You know, people like him was a rarity and I'm sure glad he supervised my work. I mean, I admit at times when I sat across from him in group meetings, I find him to be very attractive. I didn't want him sexually, because I'm quite happy and satisfy with Adam, but I'm still human and my eyes sometimes see things that are very pleasing.

Before I went to Jonathan's office, I stopped at my office to see if there were any messages for me. There were, but I decided to check them when I get back. I grabbed my portfolio and caught the elevator to the 24th floor. When I got there, Jonathan's secretary led me into his office and I sat directly facing him. Now he was looking handsome as usual and I couldn't take my eyes of that infectious smile he flashes, when he looks at me. I always wondered what he was thinking though, ah well, just a thought.

"Finally, we are able to have this meeting." He said, smilingly. "And I'm really sorry for the few minor setbacks."

"Not a problem." I told him, returning a smile. "I know you're a pretty demanding guy around here and I'm just happy that you found the time to squeeze me in."

"Come on, it's not that bad." He chuckled. "You seemed to be busy yourself, working on this presentation and all."

"Yeah, I'll admit, it sure keeps me occupy." I told him. "Here, take a look at what I've been working on."

I handed my portfolio to him and watched him closely as he read and flipped through the pages. So far, he seemed to be pleased. He looked up and smiled...

"You know, this is looking good so far, Taylor." He said. "But just a question."

"OK..." I waited.

"How reliable is this solution if we get the approval to implemented it?" He asked, looking directly at me. "Cause you know, this is your first extensive project since you joined the firm and the directors are looking to be impress. Please I don't want to cause unnecessary headaches, I'm just a bit concerned and I don't want things to hit a dead end, if you know what I mean."

"I understand where you're coming from." I told him, agreeably. "I can't guarantee you 100% that this solution will be totally effective, but I can honestly say that this will have some degree of impact on under performing companies. For starters, it will definitely increase their profit margin, help them to become a bit more productive in their day-to-day operations, and even help them to be competitive in today's changing business environment. There's a lot of potential here for success, I can truly say that it's worth taking a chance on this."

"I think so too, but we have to see what management decides. However, I'm really optimistic about this one. If you pull this off, you'll be looking to enjoy a very happy future here." He told me. "So you do have the entire process documented and ready to be presented in a few days?"

"Yes, I sure do, but I'm going to need a chalkboard and some markers."

"No problem, on that day, I'll have it set up for you in conference room B." He said, smilingly.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Hardwells." I told him, returning a smile.

"Please, I'm willing to help you in anyway I can." He told me.

I wondered if he really mean that, cause I might just ask him to do something for me out of the ordinary and see if he'll comply. (Nothing sexual of course.) Anyway, I returned to my office about ten minutes later and worked incessantly until it was time to go home. I thought about going to the to the gym, but I felt so damn tired, especially how my body didn't get enough rest. All I wanted to do was to get home, relax and fall asleep.

Finally, I got home after stuck in Tampa traffic for 40 damn minutes. Gosh, there are so many cars on the road these days. I didn't see Adam's car in the parking lot, so I guess he's not home yet. Anyway, as I walked inside, I saw the red light on the answering machine flashing from a distance. I closed the door and walked over to check the messages. There were two messages left, one was from Eric's mom and the other was from Bruce. I thought it was strange that Eric's mom had called me, because I haven't heard from her since Eric's death. Man, I wondered how she was doing after such terrible news to her heart. Anyway, she said in her message that Ryan wanted to come to Phis University and she wanted to know if I could help him get settle in.

Now I wondered why Ryan wanted to come to Florida to study. I'm shocked that his parents are allowing him to do this, considering what happened to their eldest son and the fact that I'm gay. I know she had accepted Eric's lifestyle, but to my knowledge, Ryan was straight and I thought she may want to keep him away from me as far as possible. She wasn't Ryan's biological mother, but she still cared for him the same. Maybe she's not as paranoid as Ryan's father, I doubt he knew she called me. I'll call her later and have a talk with her. I really never get the chance to know Ryan though. I briefly spoke to him at his brother's memorial service, but that was it. I found out that he was 16 at the time and he loved Eric very much. My goodness, I thought that was neat, because usually you don't find a lot of sincere and genuine love in extended families. Ryan had Eric's eyes and I know that every time I look at him, he's going to remind me of Eric. Maybe this will be a good thing, who knows?

Now Bruce had told Adam and me that he had accepted the relationship between us. Please don't ask me if he meant it, all I knew he seemed to be OK with it. But before all three of us got to this point, there was a lot of tension to be resolve and I still don't know if has. Bruce had left Tampa two months after Adam had moved in with me. I mean, my Adam honestly tried to handle the situation with love, but Bruce was being difficult at the time. Remember I was a mess after Eric's death and Adam didn't want to leave me alone, so he stayed with me constantly. Bruce thought his best friend had deserted him in the worse possible way and felt like Adam didn't care for or love him anymore. Truthfully, I felt bad for what had happen, but things were so complicated during that time and Bruce found it hard understand.

Adam was totally considerate, he knew I needed him, but he also didn't want to leave Bruce feeling like he was not needed anymore. So sometimes he'll go back to his apartment and spend time with Bruce, but even this wasn't enough. Eventually, things just became more and more complicated and Bruce left. Now this really hurt Adam to see his friend leave the way he did. I knew Adam needed a shoulder to lean on, but he hid his emotions and continued to nurture me back to life. Adam was so special and I wondered how fucked up could his ex-girlfriend be to let him go. Bruce had let his jealousy and anger consumed him and had failed to see Adam's effort to make things right.

After about five months into the relationship with Adam, Bruce came to his senses. He called Adam and apologized for the way he treated us when he was in Tampa. I guess after leaving, he realized the mistake he had made and was extremely sorry for his actions. Maybe he needed to get away to clear his head. I admit I probably caused some of the tension between Bruce and me, but I never intentionally meant for this to get so out of hand. Now he calls ever so often to make sure Adam and I were OK. (So he says.) However, this time he called because he had a vacation coming up in about two weeks and he wanted to come to Tampa. He also wanted to know if he could stay with us during his visit. Now I immediately opposed this idea in my mind. Why the hell would he want to stay with us? I really didn't want him to stay, but I have to talk with Adam first. I pray he let Bruce stay in a hotel or something.

I finally dragged my weary ass upstairs to my room and stripped down to my silk boxers. I just fell back onto my bed and closed my eyes. Out of the blue, Rouge's innocent, boyish-looking face flashed across my mind. Why am I thinking about him when I didn't want to? I'm quite sure I didn't want him sexually, but he keeps coming up in my mind. I couldn't understand why this boy was so damn intriguing to me. I have to talk to Adam about Rouge, because something Rouge had said to me today, caused me to think. He had told me, "if I'm secure, then I have nothing to worry about." What the hell does he mean by that?

Suddenly, I felt a warm succulent sensation on my lips. I opened my eyes slowly and discovered it was Adam leaning over me, kissing me. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. I draped my arms around him and kissed him back passionately. I'm really crazy over this guy and I'm not going to let anyone take him from me. We pulled away from kissing and talked with each other...

"So how was your day, beautiful?" Asked Adam, as he stood and took of his clothing.

"You know, it's was good, but it gets better when I see you?" I said, lovingly.

"Oh come on, do I really do that for you?" He questioned, with a grin.

"Adam, you mean the world to me and I love you beyond measure." I told him, seriously. "I'm so happy to be with you until I can't believe it."

"I love you too, Taylor." He told me, as he sat next to me in his silk boxers. "Gosh, I love being around you so much until sometimes I can't stand being away from you for a minute."

"You really mean that?" I questioned him, looking passionately into his eyes.

"Yes." He said softly. "Please don't hurt me, Taylor, because if you do, I don't think I could ever trust again like I did with you."

"Oh Adam, I love you too much to break your heart." I told him, almost in tears.

"And I won't hurt you." He said, leaning over to kiss me.

We continued to passionately kiss each other. Even though I still felt a little tired, my cock stood attention and I knew it wanted to be satisfied. Adam and I started touching each other all over and since we had conveniently stripped down to our boxers, our touches were becoming electrified by the minute. I gentle pushed Adam on his back in the bed and then lustfully climbed on top of him. I started to grind vigorously, but slowly on his hard, thick cock and I rubbed my fingers through his hair as he slipped his hands under my boxers and finger fucked me. Oh man, I really felt like getting fucked tonight. I continued to gyrate on top of Adam, as he continued to push his middle finger in and out of my ass. After a few minutes of erotic foreplay, I moved down to Adam's crotch and removed his boxers. His cock sprang to attention in my face and a bit of pre-cum shot on my lips. I just licked the savory taste from my lips and then tried to engulf my man's hard meat.

As I mentioned before, Adam has a very thick and powerful dick and during our time together, I've successfully learned how to give him head. Although it's too thick to go all the way in my mouth, I've learned how to please him regardless. I put Adam's legs on my shoulder and started to tongue fuck him. Adam loved to get rimmed too and I enjoyed giving him pleasure, because I loved him so much. He started moaning and moving his head from side to side. I knew he was enjoying this and I just pushed my tongue in deeper, then licked his asshole like a dog lapping water. He loved it and it made him so horny that he started telling me to fuck him. Now I don't usual fuck Adam. I could remember doing it only about three or four times, but I complied with his request anyway.

I reached for the lubricant and greased my cock and then worked some into Adam's tight ass. He was so entranced sexually that I was mesmerized by the look on his face. After I loosened Adam a bit more with my fingers, I turned him over onto his belly and positioned my cock near his manhole. I began to push slowly and carefully into him, making sure he was OK at the same time. He was encouraging me to push and I did until I felt my pubic hair touching his ass. My goodness, Adam was tight, but it felt so damn good to have his muscle ring clenched around my shaft. I pulled out and pushed back in, but with tentativeness. Adam groaned loudly and I loved the sound he made. After a few minutes we picked up momentum and started fucking like wild animals.

I mean, we were drenched in sweat and even up to this day, I sometimes can't believe that I'm actually fucking Adam. We groaned with such lust-filled voices and I suddenly felt that incredible urge to cum. I gripped onto Adam's strong shoulders and pushed deeper into him. Adam growled and grabbed the sheets tighter into his fists, as I pound away in his ass. In seconds, I was shooting my load deep inside Adam. I discover that Adam didn't cum yet, so I lubricated my awaiting manhole and positioned myself in the doggie style. Now I know it wouldn't take Adam long to shoot because he was almost ready to explode. Adam thrust once into me, and his thick cock slid in halfway. I gasped at the sudden entry. Nevertheless, I loved it! He pushed strong and deep the second time and I felt his pubic hair, rubbing against my ass. Adam pulled out and thrust into me a few times more. He gave one loud shout and exploded deep within me.

We were spent after such an intense fuck. In the back of my mind I knew I had to talk to Adam about Bruce, then ask him about Rouge, and maybe let him know that Eric's brother is coming here to Tampa. But it didn't seem important to discuss any of these issues now, I'll wait for a more appropriate time. We lay bald naked, with our arms wrapped around each other and cum seeping out of our asses...

To be continue...

I hoped you have enjoyed reading chapter 3. I had to rewrite this chapter after my computer erased the data from of my disk, because of a hidden virus. This was the second time I had to rewrite a chapter. Well, I'm happy to report that I got rid of the virus, and hopefully I can have chapter 4 posted soon. Stay tuned!

Next: Chapter 19: Soulful Desires 4

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