Heart Desires

By H

Published on Oct 29, 2001


The story you are about to read contains explicit material one may find offensive. It contains homosexual acts and behavior between consenting adults. If you know you're not supposed to be here or you know this material will upset you, please hit your back button immediately and get out of here. The story is fictionally written with real life experiences. Any similarities of plot, names, setting, etc. are totally coincidental.

Chapter nine - The Good Samaritan

Ten minutes later, Rouge went back to the location in the alley, where he thought Ryan's body might be. He saw nothing but a few rats running in fear of their lives...

"Shit!" Rouge swore.

"What?" Questioned the voice on the phone. "Don't fucking tell me that the boy got away!"

"He couldn't have gotten far, I'm sure one of those bullets hit him." Rouge told the voice, frantically.

"How could you be so damn careless?" The voice questioned angrily.

"Look, don't start!" Rouge retorted. "I'm the one watching my back all the time, while you just sit on your ass and yell at me. What the hell did you expect me to do?"

"You better find that boy before he goes to the police." The voice warned.

"Like I said, if I go down, you go down." Rouge said irately. "So you better stop talking shit and tell me what to do."

"What else could we do?" The voice questioned rhetorically. "Chances are the boy doesn't know much, you probably scared the hell out of him and he told you what you wanted to hear."

"Yeah, I know I fucked up!" Rouge said mockingly. "But I'll tell you one thing. When I find that boy, I'm going to witness his last breath escape from his nostrils."

"Let me warn you now, if you mess up a second time, you're on your own." The voice told him. "I'm not going to jail because of your stupidity."

Rouge hung up the phone without commenting. Where the fuck could that boy be? Rouge looked on the ground and saw a trail of blood, but it stopped after about four feet. The only logical conclusion that Rouge could think of was that, that car he saw making a turn in the alley picked up Ryan and carried him to the hospital. So Rouge jogged back to the hospital and searched for Ryan.

"Excuse me Miss, did a young guy came in here about fifteen, twenty, minutes ago with gunshot wounds?" Rouge asked the receptionist.

"We have many victims passing in and out these doors every five minutes sir." The lady told him. "I barely keep track of the sex of the victims. Besides, I'm busy just doing my paper work. Now, maybe I can help you..... IF you give me a name to start with."

"Ah, Ryan." Said Rouge, as he looked around nervously, but tried to hide it.

"Last name?" The lady questioned, as she scanned the computer in front of her.

"No, just Ryan." He said quickly.

"Sir, do you want help or not? There are three patients here with the first name Ryan." The receptionist said looking at him.

At that same time, Adam walked up and startled Rouge.

"I've been looking for you guys." Adam said, touching Rouge's left shoulder.

"Sir?" The lady said, looking at Rouge for a response.

"Miss, forget about it, never mind!" Rouge said, calmly, trying not to bemuse Adam more than he already had.

"Whatever!" The receptionist said and turned her back towards the two gentlemen.

"What was that all about?" Adam inquired.

"Oh, it's nothing." Rouge said, brushing Adam off. "So, how's Taylor?"

"He opened his eyes briefly and I told him to go back to sleep." Adam said, with a smile on his face. "But he insisted that I kiss him before he closed his eyes again."

Suddenly, Adam became aware of Ryan not being present, so he instinctively inquired about him.

"So where is Ryan?" Adam questioned.

"Oh, he said to tell you, that'll he'll be home." Rouge lied, trying to buy some time to figure out his next move.

"That's strange!" Adam said, pondering what Rouge had just told him. "Who took him home, because I have my car keys?"

"I dropped him home." Rouge said, untruthfully.

"Well, I just thought he wanted to see Taylor before he left." Adam said a bit shocked. "I wonder why he left."

"Beats me, I don't know." Rouge said shrugging his shoulders. "He looked like he had a lot on his mind."

"Maybe he's thinking about his brother." Adam pondered. "Well, I guess that could put a person a bad mood. I'll call him later."

Rouge was paranoid. He didn't know what to do next. For all he knew, Ryan was probably at the police station, telling them about his attempted murder. Rouge had to think fast. He had two options. Either run out of town and disappear for a while, or stay and be arrested for manslaughter, and two attempted murder charges. He was in some deep shit and he vowed to himself that if he had to go jail, then he wouldn't be going alone.

"Hey, are you OK, man?" Asked Adam

"Huh?" Rouge questioned

"Something's wrong?"

"No, no, why'd you asked?"

"You look zoned out, man." Adam told him.

"I'm cool!" Rouge said, trying to smile graciously.

"Looks like Taylor's accident had an effect on everybody." Adam said, tapping his friend's back.

"Yeah, I guess it has, huh?"

"He's going to be like his old self in no time." Adam said, with a voice filled with relief.

At Matt's house...

Meanwhile, Ryan was sitting with his bandaged ankle, talking to Matt. Matt had helped Ryan out of the alley and carried him back to his place. Ryan requested this because he knew Rouge would look for him at the hospital.

"I can't thank you enough for helping me out back there." Ryan said, sincerely. "If you hadn't picked me up, I might have been dead by now. I'm so thankful that only one of those bullets grazed my ankle, I was so freaking scared, I almost shit in my pants. Thanks again, man, I really appreciate your help."

"I glad I did." Matt smiled, but was curious to find out about Ryan's situation. "Why was that guy trying to kill you?"

"I can't say for sure, but I think it has something to do with my brother."

"Your brother?" Matt inquired, looking bemused.

"Oh, I didn't tell you." Ryan paused. He looked away and then hung his head. "My brother was murdered two years ago."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, man." Matt said sincerely.

"Thanks." Ryan said, then continued with his story. "The guy who shot at me thought I was eavesdropping on his conversation, but I wasn't. I just walked outside for some fresh air."

"What were you doing at the hospital in the first place?" Matt inquired.

"Visiting a friend who was in a car accident." Ryan told him.

"Wow! Things are just not going right, huh?" Said Matt.

"Two days ago they were going OK and now I'm running for my life." Ryan told Matt. "I know Adam is probably looking for me. Shit!"

"What is it?" Matt inquired.

"Adam might be in danger!" Ryan said frantically. "I have to call him. Do you have the University Hospital phone number?"

"Yeah, hold on." Matt said, as he grabbed his personal phone book off the table and looked through it. "Here it is."

"I have to tell him that I'm OK, because he's going to be worried if he doesn't see me within 24 hours." Ryan said, as he dialed the number for the hospital. "The fewer questions he asks Rouge about me, the less his life will be in jeopardy."

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Adam was in the room talking with Taylor.

"You haven't lost your sense of humor, you know that?" Adam said, smiling as he held my hand.

"I'm glad I'm still able to make you laugh, even though I'm laying here, stuck in this bed." I told him, hoarsely.

I was so thankful that I made it through that accident alive. I really thought that I wasn't going to see this side of life again. Although I was experiencing some pain, I was grateful for the second chance that I had been given to live. Adam was such a comfort to me, and I really didn't want him to leave my side. I saw how much he loved me as he talked with me and touched me. I wondered how long it was going to be before we could make love again. As I stared into his eyes, and he in mine, we were startled by a loud voice over the intercom. The voice had called Adam's name twice and told him that there was an urgent phone call, and he was to pick it up at the front desk.

When Adam left, I thought about my car and my job. I realized that it doesn't matter how good you think you have it, because in a matter of minutes, I could have lost all that I had in this life. I made a vow to myself to never put fame and fortune before friends and family. It just wasn't worth it. I wondered where Ryan was. Adam told me that he and Rouge were outside waiting to see me. I hate being suspicious, but I didn't understand Rouge. It seems like he had an interest in Adam, but my gut is telling me that there's more to this Rouge guy.

At the same time, Adam was on the phone talking to Ryan. Rouge stood a few feet away watching Adam.

"You're not home?" Adam questioned.

"No, I'm at a friend's house." Ryan told him.

"Gosh, you sure make friends fast!" Adam said, surprisingly. "So, when should I expect you back at the apartment?"

"I don't know." Ryan said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. "Maybe in a few days."

"A few days? Are you sure you're OK, man?"

"Of course, don't worry about me." Ryan told him. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"OK, I'll let Taylor know your plans." Said Adam.

"Taylor's awake?" Ryan questioned.

"Yeah, he's awake." Adam said, jovially.

"Oh man, that's good news." Ryan told Adam. "I'm sorry that I left the way I did. Tell Taylor I'll come and see him soon."

"I'll let him know."

"Hey, before I go, could you tell me if Rouge is at the hospital?" Ryan carefully questioned.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, he's standing a couple of feet away from me." Adam told Ryan.

"Can he hear what you're saying to me?" Ryan questioned.

"No, I don't think so." Adam responded. "Why? Do you want to talk to him?"

"No, no, that's OK." Ryan said quickly. "Please, if he asks, don't tell him it was me on the phone, OK?"

"Ryan, why do I have this weird feeling that something crazy is going on here?" Adam questioned.

"Adam, please, I can't get into anything now." Ryan tried. "Promise me one thing."


"Be careful and watch your back." Ryan told him, knowing Adam was going to inquire further.

"What the hell are you talking about, man?" Adam asked a little impatiently.

"I'll call you tomorrow, what time are you going to be home?" Ryan asked

"I don't know, maybe after my visit with Taylor." Adam responded. "That'll probably be around 9:30pm."

"OK, I'll call you then and let you know what's going on with me." Ryan told him. "Adam, just be careful and watch out for Taylor too."

"Man, you're really freaking me out here." Adam said to Ryan. "What do Taylor and I have to do with you?"

"I can't explain now, just trust me." Ryan said and hung up.

Adam gave the phone to the receptionist and walked away with a puzzled expression on his face. He wondered what the hell Ryan was talking about. Something definitely wasn't right and this shit really had Adam scared and confused. Rouge approached him smiling...

"Are you OK?" Rouge asked softly.

"I'm cool!" Adam lied.

"Was that Ryan on the phone?" Rouge asked, pointblank.

"What?" Adam questioned, trying to decide whether to tell Rouge the truth or not.

"Um, no it wasn't." Adam told Rouge. "Why'd you ask?"

"No reason, just a question." Rouge said smiling.

"I'm going back to see Taylor before visiting hours are over. Are you coming?" Adam questioned.

"Yeah, I'll go with you." Rouge said, as he followed Adam's lead.

Rouge didn't want to think that Adam was lying to him. He liked Adam and he really didn't want to do anything to hurt him. So he decided to believe Adam for now, but if things really start to look suspicious, then he'll have to decide what to do with Adam. He prayed that it never reached that point. They entered Taylor's room and shut the door softly.

Meanwhile, back at Matt's house...

"So, you never did tell me if you heard any of Rouge's conversation." Matt said, looking at Ryan.

"I really didn't hear that much." Ryan told Matt. "The only thing I heard was something about him going to do what he was paid to do. Now that could have meant something very innocent, but the fact that he damned near killed me makes me believe that he's involved with something illegal."

"And you believe it has something to do with your brother?" Matt inquired.

"Yeah. I mean I don't have anything concrete yet, but it's just this feeling that I have." Said Ryan. "Matt, look, I really appreciate you helping me out in that alley and bringing me back here to your place. Not many people would have done that. You're truly the epitome of a Good Samaritan, but I don't want to get you involved much further."

"Man, if you're thinking about leaving my place, just forget about it." Matt told Ryan.

"Thanks, but I don't want to impose, I can stay at a hotel or something." Said Ryan.

"Nonsense! I insist that you stay here as long as you need to." Matt said sternly. "Besides, your ankle need time to heal."

"Are you sure, man?" Ryan questioned.

"Of course." Matt assured him. "You need to relax and think this situation through."

"I guess you're right." Ryan said, adjusting his posture on the sofa.

"Are you going to press charges against this Rouge guy?" Matt questioned.

"I want to." Said Ryan.


"But I'm scared he might do something to Taylor or Adam for revenge." Ryan told him.

"How would he know that you would have gone to the police?" Matt questioned.

"I won't put anything past this guy." Ryan said shaking his head. "He probably thinks I'm spilling my guts to the police right now."

"That could be a good thing." Said Matt.

"What do you mean?" Ryan inquired.

"Maybe he'll leave town or something."

"That would be nice, but how long would he stay away?" Ryan questioned.

Meanwhile, at Bryan's apartment complex...

Oswaldo held onto the bed sheets as Bryan pounded his ass without mercy. Both of them were moaning and groaning in response to the intense sexual fulfillment that they gave each other. Suddenly, Bryan flipped Oswaldo over from lying on his back and positioned him doggie style. Bryan entered him slowly and passionately, spanking the buns that were before him. Oswaldo groaned as Bryan began to fuck him hard and deep. They ground into one another, enjoying every inch of the other's body. Bryan began to push with all his might, and Ossie shook in a frenzy beneath him as manjuice poured into Ossie.

Bryan grunted and shot more of his man seed deep within Oswaldo's warm ass. They both collapsed on top of each other. A few minutes later, Bryan pulled his softened cock out of Ossie's ass and walked to bathroom to clean up. As Bryan washed up in the bathroom, Ossie went to the kitchen for a beer. They had left the television on, and as he walked back to the bedroom, something caught his attention. The late night news was on showing reruns of the events that had happened earlier that day. One of those events showed Taylor's car being carried by a wrecker and people standing around, as Taylor was lifted into an ambulance.

At first, Oswaldo wasn't sure he was seeing or hearing right until the newscaster said the victim's full name and age. He spun around quickly and ran to the phone. As he picked up the phone, he saw University Hospital on the caller ID. By this time, he was really sure something terrible had happened to Taylor. He listened to the message that Adam had left, and then he walked hastily back to the bedroom, calling out Bryan's name.

"Oh man, something bad has happened to Taylor." Ossie blurted out.

"What?" Bryan questioned unbelievingly.

"I saw the accident on the television, and it doesn't look good, man." Ossie said worriedly.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Bryan questioned, almost crying. "Did anyone even call to let us know?"

"Adam left a message like two hours ago." Ossie told him.

"What did he say?" Bryan inquired. "Did he say Taylor was OK?"

"No, he just said to come to the Hospital immediately."

"Oh shit!" Bryan said, as he hurried around the room looking for his pants.

Bryan and Oswaldo drove to the hospital feeling worried. How could something like this happen to Taylor on his birthday? Bryan thought. Tears just rolled down Bryan's cheeks, as Oswaldo rubbed his thigh for comfort. He was in love with Taylor, and even though he knew he could never have him, he wanted to be there for him.

Back at the hospital in Taylor's room...

The nurse came in the room and told Adam and Rouge that they would have to leave because I needed my rest. Honestly, I didn't want them to leave, because I felt lonely without them at my bedside. Rouge concerned me a bit though. He wasn't talking or smiling much, just standing there. He looked like he had a lot on his mind.

"Hey man, what's going through that head of yours? I questioned him.

"Who me? I'm cool." He laughed. "I'm just happy that you're going to be fine."

"Thanks! I wish I could go home tonight." I told them.

"Don't rush it babes." Adam told me. "I want you home too, but you've been through so much over the last few hours. I'm sure you're going to be here for a few weeks before your release papers are signed."

"I know, and that's what I dread." I told them.

The nurse came in again and this time she just looked at her watch and then looked at Adam and Rouge.

"OK, OK, we're going." Adam told her, as he leaned over and kissed me on my forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow babes."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow too, Taylor." Rouge said, as he walked towards the door.

Rouge walked hurriedly outside the hospital and called his partner.

"I think Adam knows where Ryan is." Rouge told the voice. "But I don't think Adam knows that I shot at him and he got away."

"So lie low, asshole." The voice said, sternly. "Don't do anything to mess up this operation a second time. I've already told you, I'm not going to jail for your careless mistakes. Even if you find out that Adam knows something, you don't do shit! You touch him, you touch me."

"Man, you can be so abusive!" Rouge told the voice. "I don't want to hurt Adam, I like him."

"So, do you think he likes you too?" The voice questioned.

"Yeah, I think he does." Rouge said, almost smiling. "Maybe even in a sexual way, but he'll never admit it because he claims to be in love with Taylor, and he'll never do anything to hurt Taylor."

"Adam belongs to me, so if you do get to that point where he wants to have sex with you, decline and push him off!" The voice said seriously.

"Here we go again." Rouge said, upset. "If Adam wants to fuck me, then I'm his, and you wouldn't know it if I didn't tell you."

At the same time, Bryan and Oswaldo passed alongside Rouge. Bryan looked at Rouge strangely, and Rouge returned the same strange look.

"Hey, I have to go, I have to take care something." Rouge told the voice and then snapped his phone shut...

To be continued...

This is where chapter nine ends. I hope you are enjoying the direction the story is going. Stay tuned for chapter ten.

I want to say a special thanks my editor.

Next: Chapter 25: Soulful Desires 10

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