Heart Desires

By H

Published on Nov 26, 2001


This story contains explicit material that focuses on men loving men and sharing consensual sexual experiences. If you know this is going to offend you, then you shouldn't be here in the first place. Any similarities to plot, setting, themes, etc., are purely coincidental.

Hello, I apologize for taking longer than usual. The past week was so crazy and I tried to write something, but I couldn't. Anyway, here's chapter 12. I really hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 12 -- The guest revealed

At Kelly's Bakery...

A tall, stout, detective and his partner pulled up to the bakery where Rouge was employed. They were determined to find him this morning. They knew he probably wouldn't be here, but they wanted to ask some questions, and hopefully get the information they need that would lead to Rouge's arrest.

"Good afternoon." The detectives greeted the cashier, warmly, who looked at them with a puzzled expression on her face. "My name is Detective Sanchez and my partner, Detective Steele and we would like to ask you a few questions about one of the people who works here."

"Um, OK, but let me get my supervisor, and she'll be able to help you." Said the cashier, as she closed the cash register and walked hastily through a back door.

About two minutes later, a short, beautiful lady, probably in her mid thirties, appeared from the same door through which the cashier had just disappeared. As she approached the detectives, she wore a curious look on her face.

"Yes, how can I help you?" she inquired.

"Ma'am, we don't want to you alarm you. We just need to ask a few questions about one of your employees." Said detective Steele. "At this point, he is considered to be armed and dangerous."

"Armed and dangerous?" The lady repeated, excitedly. "Sir, none of my employees fits such a description. Are you sure you stopped at the right address?"

"Ma'am, I'm sure this is the correct place." Said detective Steele. "The suspect goes by the name of Rouge. Early twenties, probably Nicaraguan descent, about six feet, 170lbs...we have a sketched photo. Take a look at it and tell us if this young man works for you."

The lady hesitantly took the sketched drawing from Detective Sanchez. When she saw the drawing, her eyes widened, but she tried to hide her expression.

"Does this guy work for you?" Detective Sanchez questioned again.

"Who told you that he worked here?" The lady asked.

"Ma'am, just answer the question." Detective Sanchez said, quickly.

"I can't help you, because I don't know anything." Said the lady, trying to act as sincere as possible.

"You haven't answered our question, so we will assume that this guy works for you and that you're trying to protect him." Said one of the detectives. "Let me tell you ma'am, trying to protect a criminal will only get you in trouble with the law."

"I told you, I don't know a damn thing!" Said the lady, in an upset tone of voice. "You two came up in my bakery, flashing these damn badges at me like I'm suppose to be scared or something. I told you, I don't have anything to say."

"I cannot force you to answer any of our questions." Said Detective Steele. "But we are on your side. We are trying to protect you from someone who may harm you in some way. Why are you trying to protect this guy?"

"I'm not protecting anyone!" The lady snapped. "Now, I would appreciate if you two would turn around and be on your way, because I have a lot of work to do here."

"OK, we'll go for now, but we'll be back." Said Detective Sanchez, as they turned around and walked out of the door.

After the detectives left, Rouge's supervisor immediately picked up the telephone and called his apartment.

Meanwhile at Rouge's apartment...

Rouge's guest had walked in and stood shaking his head.

"What are you doing here?" Rouge asked in a surprised voice. "I just talked to you about four hours ago."

"What a stupid question to ask!" Bruce said, angrily, as he stared at him intently. I should be asking you that question. Do you know the police were looking for your ass this morning? I was hoping I wouldn't find you here. Did you watch the news after we spoke?"

"Not really. I figured it's going to take at least a few days before they find out where I live." Rouge told Bruce. "They don't even have my last name."

The phone was ringing, but Rouge made no attempt to answer it.

"That is such lame thinking!" Bruce said, angrily. "How long do you think it's going to take the police to figure out your last name and where you live? I can't believe how stupid you are, man! Get what you need and let's get out of here!"

"Where are we going?" Asked Rouge, as he hastily walked behind Bruce to the den. But Rouge had forgotten to turn off the DVD and Bruce was about to walk in on two guys on the screen, fucking their brains out.

"Don't worry about that now, just go put some clothes on and let's get the fuck out this damned apartment. I'll be on the look-out down here." Said Bruce, as his eyes reverted to the television. "What the...? Man, you really want to go to jail huh? You have the fucking time to sit your ass down and jack off to these dumbass porno flicks, when your life is at stake?"

"Don't start!" Rouge retorted. "I'm enjoying what ever pleasure I can before I go to prison and possibly be the next inmate on death row."

"And you will, if you don't get your ass moving." Bruce told him. "You look like you don't care if you do get arrested. What's up with that, man?"

"I do care!" Rouge told Bruce. "I just have this feeling that I won't be able to run from the law much longer. Anyway, you're here now."

"You're damned right I'm here!" Bruce said matter-of-factly. "You have already botched this entire operation. And I really thought about ditching you and leaving you to defend yourself, but you'd have the police after my ass too."

"I'm glad to know that you were paying attention." Rouge said, sarcastically. "Because you're just as guilty in this fucking mess as I am."

"But I didn't fuck things up!" Bruce shouted. "Look, arguing is not going to help either of us. We have to stay a step ahead of the police and you're not helping."

"I get the point!" Rouge agreed. "One more question, what are we going to do about Adam?"

"Plans change. I've been watching the news this morning after I spoke to you, and I don't think it would be safe to stop at Adam's place this evening." Said Bruce. "After that reporter mentioned something about you being a suspect in a murder case, I figured I should step in and take control of this operation."

"Was she talking about the Eric Royal case?" Rouge asked, curiously.

"Duhhhh? Who else would she be talking about? Dude, you really haven't been watching the news, haven't you?" Bruce asked, amazed at Rouge's ignorance. "Her exact words were, "Breaking news, the police have finally gotten a lead in the two year old murder case of Eric Royal, and his killer may be linked to a young man that goes by the name, Rouge. He was last seen at University Hospital, blah, blah, blah."

"Shit!" Rouge swore, shaking his head. "Looks like that Ryan kid told the police more than they needed to know. If I could just get my hands on that fucking kid, I'd strangle the son of a bitch!"

"No time to be thinking about revenge, Rouge." Bruce told him, seriously. "Get going and we'll find a way to take care that kid later!"

Rouge ran upstairs and gathered a few personal items. He was disoriented, but relieved that Bruce had come to his rescue. Even though he knew Bruce was only concerned about saving his own ass, he was thankful that he didn't have to go through this `turn of events' alone. Rouge wanted to call his supervisor to tell her that he wasn't going to be working at the bakery anymore. But he didn't have the guts to tell her that right now. She was such a nice lady and he really liked her a lot.

Suddenly, he heard Bruce calling his name in a frantic tone. He practically tumbled over as he tried to push his other leg through a pair of jeans. He ran downstairs to where Bruce sat, watching the 1:00 news update.

"Check this out." Said Bruce, with his eyes glued on the television.


"Shhhhhh! Just listen." Bruce told Rouge, turning up the volume at the same time.

The newscaster was about to update the public on stories that made the headline news...

"This is your 1:00 news update and I'm Michael Peterson reporting." Started the newscaster. "In today's headlines news, a baby was found dead, stashed away in a green barrel. Investigators said that the baby was sexually molested and then strangled to death by its attacker. The police have no leads at this time..."

"My goodness, that's even TOO cruel for my line of work." Rouge said, shaking his head.

"Shhh!" Bruce hissed, as the newscaster continued.

"Police are on the lookout for a young man of Nicaraguan descent. He goes by the name Rouge and is considered to be armed and dangerous." The screen split in two, showing a sketched photo of Rouge on the right and an expressive Michael Peterson on the left. "He's approximately in his early to mid twenties, about six feet tall and 160 to 170lbs. The FBI is saying that he may be connected to the Eric Royal case that they have been trying to solve for the past two years. If the public has any information regarding this individual, please call the number on the screen. You can remain anonymous. Finally, in headline news..."

"Dude, I'm fucked!" Rouge said, with a conviction. "Damn that fucking kid!"

"Don't panic on me, Rouge." Bruce said, trying to comfort Rouge in his own way. "Get your stuff and meet me at the car."

"Bruce, they are going catch up with us, there's no fucking way we could escape the police." Rouge said, with fear in his voice.

"Look, I'm glad you finally realize how serious this shit is now." Said Bruce. "But you need to get a hold of yourself so that you can think straight. The police are not going to catch up with us if we stay a step ahead of them. Now, quit standing here worrying and let's get a move on things."

Rouge grabbed his overnight bag that he had placed on the sofa and followed Bruce to his car. Bruce was afraid too, but he didn't want Rouge to know. He knew if Rouge got caught, then he'd be the next one on the police agenda. The thought of killing Rouge crossed his mind, but he didn't have the guts to do it. Well, if push were to come to shove, then he would have to kill Rouge without a second thought. It was the only way to save his ass from going to prison. He handed Rouge a brown paper bag and told him to put whatever was in the bag, on.

"I'm not wearing this!" Rouge shouted at Bruce.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, man?" Bruce questioned him. "The police are going to be looking for a young man, not a woman. Put that damn dress on and shut the fuck up!"

"Man, you could be so insensitive." Rouge said, sadly, but jokingly. But do I have to wear this lipstick too, dude?"

"Rouge, sometimes you make me wonder about your sanity." Bruce said, as he pressed the accelerator and joined the speeding traffic on the interstate.

At Matt's place...

Detectives Steele and Sanchez pulled up to Matt's place for the second time that day. Ryan had told them on their first visit that he believed Rouge had something to do with his brother's murder. Detectives Steele and Sanchez were assigned to the Eric Royal case when the murder had first taken place two years ago and they had been busting their asses to solve this case. Now they believed they have finally gotten a break in the case and the person responsible for this was Ryan. So they latched onto Ryan because he might be the very person to help them bring this criminal to justice.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, sorry to intrude on your day again." Said Detective Sanchez, as Matt motioned for the detectives to enter his flat.

"Trust me, it's a relief to know that you guys are not giving up on solving my brother's murder." Said Ryan, as he stood facing them. "I take it that Rouge wasn't at the bakery?"

"That was to be expected." Detective Steele told him. "But his supervisor was very uncooperative. She is definitely protecting him for some strange reason."

"I wonder what that could be." Said Matt.

"We don't know yet." Detective Steele told them. "But for right now, that matter is inconsequential. We are more concerned about that phone conservation that Ryan overheard at the hospital. Ryan, we know you told us about it already, but we would like for you to tell us again. Maybe you might have missed something."

"OK, but I don't see what else I could add to what I have already told you." Ryan told the detectives.

"It's worth another try." Said detective Sanchez.

"Um, I walked outside the hospital to get some fresh air." Ryan started. "I noticed Rouge, and he was turned away from me. I didn't know he was on the phone. I walked towards him casually, and then I heard him talking, so I stood still. I wasn't eavesdropping... maybe I was... but he sounded really upset..."

"So that was the point when you heard him say, that he was going to do what he was paid to do?" Questioned Detective Steele.

"Yeah, pretty much." Ryan told him. Suddenly, Ryan got quiet and then he looked at the detectives with his eyes wide open. "OH, I remember something!"

"What is it?" Detective Sanchez inquired sorely.

"I probably had forgotten this because I was scared out of my skin, when Rouge had pointed that gun at me." Said Ryan. "When I asked him about Eric, he got really upset about it. He denied knowing Eric, but turned the conversation around and interrogated me."

"What did he interrogate you about?" Asked one of the detectives.

"Well, he asked me why I asked him if he had known Eric. I honestly told him that I was just making conversation, but I realized now he probably thought I was trying help the police solve my brother's case."

"Why did you agree to go for walk with him and you knew he was suspicious of you?" Asked detective Steele.

"I don't know, I thought he wouldn't hurt me, regardless."

"That was an unwise move on your part. You're lucky to be alive." Said detective Steele. "So, you said Rouge knew you were Eric's brother?"

"Yeah, Adam had told him."

"So, if Rouge denied knowing Eric, and was already flipping out at the mentioning of Eric's name, then there's a possibility that he was just hired as the hitman. I mean, he probably only needed enough information to find out where Eric lived." Said detective Sanchez, as he started pacing the floor, with his index finger on his lip. "It makes perfect sense! The person who Rouge spoke with on the phone was probably the one who hired him. And he and his employer were having an argument over something..."

"Yeah, then Rouge tried to kill Ryan to cover his tracks. And if Rouge was just hired as the hitman, then his employer would definitely be the one who knew Eric." Said detective Steele. "If this scenario is true, then we would have to find the other guy. We find this guy, we find our motive and thus, we bring the criminals to justice."

"Where would we begin to look, if we haven't caught this Rouge character yet?" Asked detective Sanchez. "You mentioned that Rouge and Adam are friends. Who is Adam?"

"Oh, he's my roommate. But I doubt he has any answers for you." Said Ryan. "He doesn't even know that I was almost killed last night."

"We still would like to speak with him." Said detective Steele. "Maybe he could tell us some places where Rouge usually hangs out. Where can we reach him?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea." Ryan told the detectives. "Give me a chance to speak to him first and I'll call you and let you know how to contact him."

"Sounds reasonable enough." Said Detective Steele. "But we're only giving you 36 hours to get back to us."

"One more thing before we go." Said detective Sanchez. "Are you sure you don't remember Rouge's last name?"

"No, I don't think I ever knew it." Said Ryan.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. When we get downtown this evening, we'll put his name in our database and see if anything comes up." Said detective Steele. "Remember, 36 hours and we'll be calling you."

At the hospital...

As I lie on my back and staring at the ceiling, I thought about how long I would be lying here in this stinking hospital. I don't like hospitals and as much as I tried to convince the doctor to let me recover at home, he just ignored my pleas. Why did this have to happen to me? I know I sound ungrateful and shit, but I was bored out of my mind, and the hospital didn't allow visitors until six o'clock. The only visitors excluded from that schedule were my parents.

I know I never talked much about my parents, but we are not on speaking terms, especially my dad. Why do fathers have the hardest time accepting that their son is gay? Well, my mother isn't that much better. But she came around a little and calls me every now and then. I still love the old geezers. What can I say? They brought me into the world and I'm thankful for that. I wondered if they heard anything about my accident? Even if they had, I don't think either one of my parents would come to see me. Well, maybe my mom.

The nurse gave me a shot this morning for my pain, but I still felt sore all over. Boy, I really dreaded staying in this hospital for a week or more. But in spite of my boredom and soreness, Adam consumed my thoughts. I ached to see his face and smell the chemistry of his skin. I longed to feel the warmth of his skin touch mine and create a sexual energy so strong that we would be transported into the state of oblivion. I loved Adam so damned much, and I hated the feeling of not being able to satisfy my man for another two weeks or so. As I lie there thinking in my bed, there was a knock on my door, and then a little woman entered in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a surprised voice.

"Well, at least the accident didn't take away your abrasive attitude." Said my mother, smilingly. "What do you mean, what I'm I doing here? I still care about you, Taylor."

"I didn't mean to sound like I don't appreciate you being here." I told her. "I just didn't expect you or dad to come."

"Taylor, you were in a terrible accident, and thank God you made it through OK." Said my mother, with a concerned look on her face. "But please don't think of me or your father that harshly."

"Then why it's so hard for you two to accept who I am?" I questioned her.

"Baby, let's not talk about that now." She said, as she sat in the chair next to my bed. "How do you feel?"

"Mom, I want to talk about it now." I told her. "What you and dad are so afraid off?"

"We've been through this a thousand times, Taylor. "She said, almost annoyed. "I don't see the point in rehashing what I or your father feel towards your lifestyle. You're still our son, and if that what makes you happy, then so be it. But we will never accept that type of life you want to live."

"Mom, why can't you just see it as two people loving and caring for each other." I told her. "Is loving a person so wrong?"

"Taylor, you're not going to convince me that being gay is sane." She said, seriously. "Let's not spend time arguing, I have to be back in Miami tomorrow morning and I just came to see how you were doing."

"Where's dad?"

"You know your father, he's always busy." She told me. "But he sends his love and apology for not being able to make it."

"I could have died and he wouldn't care." I said, turning my head away from my mother.

"Baby, you know that's not true." She said, slightly running her fingers through my hair. After we got the report from the doctor this morning that you were OK, your father had tears in his eyes."

I didn't say anything. I was hurting inside, but I tried to hide my feelings away from my mom. I loved my parents so much and the way they treated me was more than I could endure sometimes. I know they thought they were doing the right thing, but I thought after six years of knowing that I was gay, they would be ready to accept me for who I was.

My mom and I talked for a little longer and then Doctor Cordovan came in and checked up on me. If I didn't know better, I would think this doctor loved talking to me. He just laughs at everything I say to him, and I really thought I wasn't being that comical. Nonetheless, I loved his company because he knew how to keep my spirits up.

At the Arcadian Building...

Jonathan sat on his desk, facing the window. All day Taylor had been on his mind and he couldn't wait to get to the hospital to see him. He looked on his watch -- 5:46pm. He had told Jeff and Taylor's secretary to meet him down in the parking lot, so that all three of them could leave together. But he was feeling antsy and was ready to leave. He knew Taylor probably didn't think about him the way he would want Taylor to think, but just seeing Taylor would make his heart feel so much better. Jonathan began to think to himself and wondered if Taylor was even gay, and if he was, did he have someone in his life.

Suddenly, Jonathan's phone rang, which startled him a bit. He slid off his desk, sat in his chair and picked up the phone. It was Jeff...

"Hey man, what's up?" Jonathan hailed.

"I don't know how to say this..."

"What is it?" Inquired Jonathan.

"Um, something urgent came up at home and I need to take care of it after I'm done here at work." Said Jeff. "I'm so sorry I can't go to the hospital with you, but I will try to make it later, if I get the situation under control."

"Don't worry about it, man. I'm sure Taylor would understand."

"Please, tell him I'll visit him as soon as I can. OK?"

"Of course, I'll let him know." Jonathan told Jeff.

With that, Jonathan hung up the phone. At five minutes to six, he called Taylor's secretary to remind her to meet him in the parking lot.

At Bryan's opulent apartment...

Bryan pulled up at his apartment complex, and sat quietly in his car thinking about Taylor. He had called Oswaldo about an hour ago and told him to be ready to go to the hospital. It was a very stressful day for Bryan and with Taylor on his mind constantly, had increased the mental stress he felt. It had effected him physically too and he wondered if he had the strength to do anything else. Nonetheless, his anxiety to see Taylor overwhelmed whatever tiredness he felt.

When Bryan walked in his apartment, he met Oswaldo stark naked sitting on a stool located near the mini bar. He sat seductively drinking a beer, purposely letting some of the beverage escape out of his mouth. It slowly drizzled down his chin, eventually making its way to his smooth, buffed chest. Bryan instantly got a hard on. The sight before him was breathless. Ossie had a body that would cause one to salivate. His hips had perfect curves and his thighs were big and strong. But Bryan stood with his eyes glued on Oswaldo's cock. It pitched slowly, but strongly, strengthening in size. Bryan unconsciously licked his lips as Oswaldo climbed off the stool and approached him. Both of them stared lustfully into each other's eyes, anticipating what was going to happen next. Suddenly, the tiredness that Bryan had felt before he walked in his apartment had disappeared without a trace. He felt revitalized. To put he blunt, he felt like fucking!

Ossie and Bryan were now standing in kissing distance. Without saying a word, Ossie reached for Bryan's hand and placed it on his chest. Bryan closed his eyes and slightly moaned as he felt the heat that generated from Ossie's body. Then Ossie guided Bryan's hand in an up and down movement, letting Bryan enjoy the touch of his perfectly developed pectorals. He flexed his chest muscles, which made Bryan pulled Ossie into him and started kissing him with a passion and desire he had never felt before. He wanted Oswaldo so much that he could barely stand the sexual tension. Seeing this passionate desire in Bryan's eyes, cause Ossie to feel like Bryan was truly in love with him. He lifted Bryan up in his arms and then carried him to the bedroom. As soon as he rested Bryan on the waterbed, he began to unclothe him.

In seconds, both of them lied naked, grinding into each other. The feeling was so intense for the two of them, that they were lost in each other's lust. Moans escaped as their warm bodies touched and sparked off electricity between them.

"Put it in me." Bryan said quickly, but softly. "I want you to put it in me, Ossie."

"Yes, I want to feel you around my dick." Ossie said to Bryan lustfully. "Oh my goodness, dude! I think I'm in love with you."

Bryan didn't say anything. He just moaned and encouraged Ossie to push his cock deep within his tight, pink cunt. Oswaldo's cock was already covered in pre-cum. So he lifts Bryan's legs onto his shoulders and tentatively put his mushroomed shaped head at the entrance of Bryan's manhole. Bryan shuttered as he felt Oswaldo slowly, but steadily pushed his rod into him. But Bryan was terribly horny and it seemed like he couldn't get enough of Ossie. He took hold of Ossie's ass and pulled him into him more, causing Ossie's cock to go in deeper. This mesmerized Ossie even more than he could stand. Bryan lowered his legs and locked them around Oswaldo's back. The two were fucking like two bunnies on heat.

"Damn baby, you feel so good!" Ossie said, with such lust in his voice.

Bryan looked at Ossie as he rammed his pulsating cock up his ass. Ossie's eyes were filled with raw desire for him. Maybe something explosive was happening between them. Bryan didn't expect it to happen like this. He couldn't understand why he craved for Ossie with such passion. Ossie raised up off Bryan, turned him on his left side and then took him from the back. Bryan raised his right leg so that his legs were in the formation of the letter `V'. This gave Ossie better access to his male pussy. Ossie gently turned Bryan face toward his and started kissing him like it was his last kiss on earth. They were kissing and fucking simultaneously. What a fucking overwhelming experience for the both of them!

Suddenly, Bryan started making loud, animalistic sounds. He was about to bust a nut.

"Ohhhh baby! I'm cummin..." Bryan cried.

"Cum all over my hand baby!" Ossie told Bryan, as he rammed his cock in Bryan's ass faster and deeper. I want to taste you, baby!"

Within seconds, Bryan erupted. He seemed to shake forever as his manjuice expelled from the slit of his throbbing cock. Ossie was still pounding away at Bryan's ass, as Bryan kept squirting his seed all over Ossie's hand. This breathtaking moment sent Ossie closer to the edge. Suddenly, Bryan felt Ossie's cock swelling inside of him. He braced himself as Ossie roared lustfully, and exploded deep within him. Ossie continued to grind with vigor as the last of his semen seep out of his satisfied cock. Both of them lie in the bed exhausted. That was the first time they had ever had sex like that. Things had changed for the couple. Maybe they were in love the entire time, it just took that incredible fuck to make them admit it.

Meanwhile at Bruce's condo in Orlando...

A tall, beautiful woman stepped out of the car with Bruce. She wore a bright orange dress with a floral scarf tied around her waist. Her hair was brunette covered with a big white hat that hid her eyes from spectators. Her makeup was overdone but quite acceptable for a woman in her situation.

"Dude, I could barely walk in these high ass white shoes." Said Rouge, as he tentatively walked behind Bruce up the steps to his condo. "I don't know why I let you persuade me to wear this shit! My idea of being disguised as a priest was so much better."

"Man, if you see how attractive you look you'd shut your ass up and thank me." Said Bruce in a joking voice. "But seriously Rouge, this is the only way that will work for a while. Why give the police what they're looking for? Trust me, the police or anyone else, for that matter, wouldn't recognize you dressed up like this."

"So you keep telling me, but I'm not dressing up like no bitch everyday, all day." Said Rouge. "As soon as I get inside, I'm taking this shit off!"

"Do whatever you want when you get inside." Said Bruce. "But as long as you're planning to leave this place to go anywhere, make sure you look like this bitch standing in front of me."

"Dude, you just called me a bitch?" Questioned Rouge.

"I'm just repeating what you said." Bruce said, stifling a laugh as he and Rouge walked in the condo.

"Clever, asshole!" Rouge retorted jokingly.

Bruce and Rouge sat at the breakfast table, drinking a six pack.

"Look, I'm not sure after tonight that Adam is going to like you very much. Said Bruce. "Even if he doesn't see your face on the six o'clock news, that damned Ryan kid is going to find some way to tell Adam how you tried to kill him. So, it's best that you don't try to contact him at all!"

"What am I going to do?" Rouge asked, almost fretfully.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing...never mind!" Said Rouge, trying to get over the initial shock, that he may never see or hear from Adam again. He felt a sadness that raked the bottom of his soul. Why did things have to be this way for him? He wanted Adam so much, but there was nothing he could do now to bring Adam to him. He tried to hide his facial expression from Bruce, but Bruce was fast on interpreting his nonverbal communication.

"You mother fucker!" Bruce said, revelatory. "You're falling for him, aren't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Rouge said quickly, turning his face away from Bruce.

"I hired you for specific reasons, and none of those included you getting attached to Adam emotionally." Bruce told him. "Dude, it's too fucking late to be thinking about a future with Adam. It's totally impossible for you and Adam to hook up now. Just forget that stupid fantasy, and focus on keeping your ass out of prison."

"It's pretty easy for you to sit your ass there and tell me shit like that." Rouge said, seeping with anger. "You're not the one with his face plastered across the fucking news. And don't tell me it was because I fucked up! I don't want to hear that shit. Ever since I met you, my life has taken a turn for the worse and here I am now, dressed up like a fucking bitch! I did all the dirty work. Where were you when I mistakenly killed Eric?"

"Hold up one second!" Bruce interrupted, with an angry tone of voice. "I helped you to get rid of the evidence. And that was your first mistake. I told you not to hurt him, but to just scare him into making a deal with you. And what the fuck you do? You stabbed the boy multiple times!"

"We've been through this before, Bruce!" Rouge said, with anger. "Things got out of hand. How was I supposed to know that he was going to fight back? Besides, you wanted him dead anyway. I'm so sorry that I met you!"

"We'll it's too late, bitch!" Bruce said, angrily. "Why don't you admit that you're the one who fucked up everything!"

"I don't have to take this shit!" Rouge retorted, as he spun around and headed to towards the door. But Bruce ran after him and turned him around swiftly.

"Where the fuck you think you going?" Bruce questioned Rouge, as he held onto his arm with a tight grip.

"Where else?" Said Rouge. "I'm going to the police and tell them everything!"

"The fuck you are!"

"Let me go, Bruce!" Rouge shouted, as he struggled to free himself.

"You fucking bitch! You're not going anywhere!"

Bruce punched Rouge in the face so hard, that the wig that Rouge wore had fallen off his head and hit the floor before he did. Rouge got up in a rage and rushed Bruce into the glass table, shattering it to pieces all over the carpet. Bruce lied still, seeming to recuperate from such a sudden impact. Rouge leaned over him and punched him several times in the face and then worked his abdomen with a series of combinations. Bruce caught his second wind and kicked Rouge in the stomach. That sent him flying backwards on the sofa. The dress that Rouge wore, flew over his head and Bruce saw the opportunity to beat him senseless. But Rouge recovered quickly and shifted right as Bruce landed a missed hit on the sofa.

Bruce jumped on Rouge and tried to strangle him. But his grip wouldn't hold, so Rouge reached over and punched Bruce to the right side of the head. He hit him so hard that Bruce's eyes flipped over and then within seconds, his body slumped down on top of Rouge. Bruce was deathly still. Rouge started to call out Bruce's name, but he didn't answer. What if he had killed him, Rouge thought to himself. He pushed Bruce off him and checked his pulse. He let out a sigh of relief when he felt a weak pulse beat against his fingers. But what should he do? He wondered if he should go to the police while Bruce was out cold and let them come and arrest him, or sit still and wait for Bruce to come around. He walked over to Bruce's bar and fixed himself a shot of tequila. He then sat with the bottle before him, drinking one shot after another...

To be continued...

I hoped this chapter was well worth your time and I really hope you stay with the story until the mystery has been solved. Take care, and stay tuned for chapter 13.

I want to say a special thanks my editor.

Next: Chapter 28: Soulful Desires 13

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