Heart Desires

By H

Published on Apr 19, 2001


As expected, this story contains graphic description of homosexual acts. If you know you will have a problem with this, please locate the back button as quickly as you can. No need for your blood levels to rise.

I have a special friend in Orlando and I dedicate this chapter to him.

Chapter Four

Adam and I maintain eye contact until I sat adjacent to him. The whole time my heart was racing. I was just so happy to see him, he have to know by now that he lights up my world every time I see him.

"I didn't thought you would come." He said, looking at me to see my reaction.

I was flabbergasted for a brief moment. How could he think such a thing when I longed to see him everyday?

I just looked at him said, "I'm here and I'll do whatever you want, as long as it is legal."

"You would do that for me?" He asked teasingly. "Well, thank you anyway. Like I said in the letter, I need a favor. I'm moving in two days to another apartment and I have a lot of heavy stuff to move out, I'm sure another pair of hands will be helpful."

"Say no more, I'm the man you been looking for." I said that intentionally to see how he was going to respond.

"I guess you are." He said, chuckling.

I think I actually made him blushed. It was still not enough for me to say he had deep feelings for me, but it was definitely a start.

"So when you want to start moving your stuff?" I asked

"As soon as possible, I was thinking about starting tonight." Adam said. "How does that work for you?"

I thought about Sam, maybe he can help too. I was so happy Adam asked me to help him out.

I thought what would be a good time and said, "It works fine if you're planning to move, say like 7:30?"

"Perfect!" He exclaimed. One more thing, I need to know where we can meet so we can do this thing."

"Let's meet back at my apartment, I have a friend staying with me for a few days and maybe he can help us move your stuff too."

"You're really helpful, but I don't want to impose on your friend." Adam said, with a little concern.

"He won't mind, he's cool like that." I said, trying to convince my own damn self.

As I gave Adam directions to my apartment, I begin to notice his eyes widening and he looked really surprised.

"Dude, is the name of your apartment University Square?" He exulted, obviously waiting to confirm his realization.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I responded, now getting a bit excited myself.

"That's where I was transferred, I heard a lot of the students that goes to Phil University stays there." He said.

I try to maintain my composure and not reveal to him the joy I felt at that moment, It didn't seem like this was actually happening for me.

"This is like so cool man!" I said, hiding my true joyous expression.

"Yeah it is dude!" He said. "Well, all I need to know now is your apartment number.

After I gave Adam my apartment number, we separated for few hours until the arrangement we made for 7:30. As I drove back home, I turned up the music so loud in my SUV, you'd swear I gone nuts! I was acting silly, dancing and making strange noises (I wasn't blessed with a singing voice). I pulled up to a traffic light and a few persons in the passenger lane looked at me and shook their heads in amazement. I didn't care. Things were finally looking up for me. When I got home, I took off my clothes, leaving on my boxers. I still had about four hours before I would go to help Adam move his stuff. Sam wasn't home yet and I wondered if he would want an early dinner when he did arrive. I started to let my mind wonder and I was reminded of what Eric had said to me. What I'm I going to say to him when he returned from Maryland? Eric deserved an answer from me. I've known what I wanted to say, but how I'm going to say it was my biggest problem.

I stretched out on that famous sofa Eric and I so often made out on. I just relaxed on my back with my hands behind my head and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I was out in dreamland. I was shortly awaken by a jingling sound, it was Sam's keys. I looked on my watch and I couldn't believe it, I was adrift for almost 45 minutes. I sat up, immediately becoming aware I only had on my boxers. Sam came in the den where I was; he sat next to me and throw his head back on the sofa. My cock always noticed when man was around, it embarrass me for every time. To make it worse, I only had on a silk boxer and if blood continued to flow in my shaft, it will be making itself known through the split in my boxer.

"How was your day man?" I asked him, shifting a bit away from him.

"Oh, it was long." Sam replied. "How was yours?"

"I can't complain, let's just say it was interesting." I told him. I wanted to bring up the subject about my misbehavior that happened almost 24 hours ago, but I waited to see where the conversation would lead.

"More interesting than last night?" He said, lifting his head from the back of the sofa and looking at me.

He knew. But he didn't seem upset or uncomfortable in any way. I wasn't ready to admit he knew, so I played it out for a while.

"Did something interesting happened last night?" I asked him, knowing I was busted.

"Come on Taylor, don't play dumb with me." He said, "I didn't watched, but I have ears."

I couldn't deny it anymore. So I asked him, "Did it bother you that Eric and I were making out?"

"It did a little, not that I was jealous, because I wasn't. It bothered me because it seemed like you both forgot I was here." He explained.

I felt horrible and I search to find the words to fix this problem. I wondered which road our friendship would take.

I looked in his eyes and said, "Sam, I know I fucked up big time and I'm so sorry for not respecting you. I have no excuse for my actions last night."

"Don't apologize so much," he said with a smile. "Besides I have something to tell you anyway and I hope to get a pleasant reaction from you."

Boy I was relieved when he seemed OK with every thing, but still was ever so curious to what he wanted to talk to me about. I think I knew what he wanted to say, but I had my doubts. Why wasn't he jealous about my indiscretion with Eric? Maybe he was and was pretending to be OK with it.

Sam got up and paced the floor, then he stopped with his back turned to me. My lustful eyes begin to gawk at Sam's ass, I really think I needed help in controlling my sexual urges. His ass was beautiful and I wanted to tell him, but he was trying to say something serious to me.

"Are you OK man?" I asked.

"Oh, I am Taylor." He responded, turning around to face me. "Can I ask you something?"


"How do you feel about me?" He asked.

I thought about it and said, "I think you know, but if telling you would make you feel better, here goes. I love you Sam. What else can I say?"

"How do you love me?" He tried to explain. "I mean do you love me like a brother or like someone you want to fuck?"

I gasped. I was trying to figure out the answer to question myself. I wanted to know where this was heading.

"You sure put it blunt." I said, trying to think of something else to say. "Sam, honestly, I don't know. Do you remember the last night you were here before you left for Connecticut? Well, you said something to me, do you remember?"

"Of course I remember Taylor." He responded. "That's why I wanted to know how you felt. I know it's been two years and a lot of shit can happen in two years. It sure happened for me."

"What are you saying Sam?" I asked, looking directly into his eyes.

He just blurted it out. "I've met someone."

There was an awkward silence and I my face felt flushed. I sure wasn't expecting that, I mean, was I that blind? I begin to think how self-conceited I've become, because I was thinking I was the only one Sam ever wanted. I hung my head in disbelief.

"Are you disappointed?" He asked, seeming I had nothing to say.

"No, I mean yeah", I tried. "I just never realized you could love someone else after you told me you loved me."

"I do love you Sam, but during those two years in Connecticut, I had time to think. The last night before I left, we talked so much and I felt close to you and the idea of me leaving you made me vulnerable. Maybe I did want us to fuck, but part of that was because I know I would miss you, and I wanted to leave something for you to remember me by."

"That's not so bad, I could have lived with that." I said. "Besides, I was the one who told you to think about it and you sure did. I just don't understand why I'm feeling disappointed about your decision."

"Do you want us to fuck?" He asked, looking into my eyes now.

I didn't know how to respond. I think I wanted him, but at the same time I didn't want to make out with him if he's only doing it to make me feel better.

"I don't know." I tried.

"I didn't ask you that for the reasons you believed I did." He said. "I've always wondered what it was like to make out with a bestfriend.

"You have?" I said, flatly.

"Yeah, um, tell you what, I have two days left here and that should give us some time to think about what we want to do with each other." Sam suggested.

I couldn't have said it better myself, deep down I know I wanted him and even though I know he's only doing it to make me feel better, I started to really don't mind at all. I looked on my watch and it was over an hour since Sam and I had sat and talked. I told him about Adam needing help moving his stuff and he was happy to comply. We had about an hour left before we would help Adam, so Sam and I grabbed a bite to eat at Boston Market. The whole time I was with Sam, Eric words kept taunting me. He was so damn good in the sex department and I know if I jeopardized our friendship, I may loose what I've enjoyed for years. My life was becoming such a drama and it felt like nothing I could do. Sam and I left the restaurant in time so that Adam can meet us back at my place.

"So, what's up with this Adam guy?" Sam asked, as was approach the walkway to my apartment.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

"Come on, Taylor. I see the way you blush every time you mention his name."

"That's just it, I don't know what's up with Adam." I said. "It's obvious he likes me, but that's all I can be sure about."

"So you want to fuck him too?" Sam asked.

"Why do you have to always be so blunt?" I exclaimed. "You make me sound like a cheap whore."

"I didn't mean for it to sound that way Taylor, if that offend you I'm sorry. You have to admit though, that you have a tendency to think with your cock."

"Is that bad?" I asked jokingly, as I opened the door and clicked on the lights.

"As long as you use your head sometimes, you shouldn't have a problem." Sam said, with a smile.

Moments later there was a knock at the door, it was my future man, Adam. I opened the door and there he was, looking as irresistible as he possible could. He had changed into something sexy, and I was just blown away by him as usually. Sam noticed my reaction around Adam and he shot a look at me and suppressed a smile.

"Sam, I want you to meet Adam." I said, not understanding why I was so nervous.

"Nice ta' meet you dude." Adam said, as they shook hands.

"The pleasure is all mine." Sam responded.

I didn't know what else to say, felt like a lump was in my throat. I couldn't bring myself to believe that a fine specimen like Adam was standing next to me in my apartment. Sam broke the silence.

"So, I heard you're moving in the same complex with Taylor." Sam said.

"Yeah dude, isn't that cool?" Adam said, turning his head to me. You know what else is cool, my friend is coming in from Orlando in a few days and we're planning to be roommates."

"Roommates? I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. I was in shock, then I was jealous. Adam is going to be rooming with a guy?

"Yeah dude, he's a real good friend of mine I met, when I lived in Orlando for a year." Adam responded. "He asked for a job transfer down here and I wanted to save him the headache in looking for a place. So I asked him to share my flat with me."

Sam looked at me and I knew he noticed my face was showing disappointment. I was feeling totally hopeless now, why so many obstacles were in my way?

"Well, Adam, that is cool and all, but we need to get going before it get too late. I said, trying to conceal my disappointment.

Sam and I helped Adam moved his stuff into his new apartment. I was feeling terrible the whole time, how could he do this to me? It took us most of the night and in between breaks, Sam kept trying to encourage me, but he wasn't helping. We finally say good night to Adam, and drove our tired asses home. Sam and I relaxed on the sofa, with a six pack between us.

"What time do you leave here tomorrow?" I asked Sam.

"Not until 10am. Why'd you ask?"

"It's getting pretty late and you're not in your bed." I told him.

"Maybe there's a reason why I'm still up?" He said, looking at me in my eyes.

"Do you care to share your reason sir?' I asked jokingly.

With that, Sam leaned over and kissed me on my forehead. I didn't move and I didn't say anything. I felt my cock began to stiffen and my heart was picking up pace. Sam then rubbed my face with back of his hands...

"You are so beautiful," Sam said, in a soft voice. "I wanted to tell you that tonight when you seemed so disappointed."

"What are you doing Sam, what about that someone you met?" I asked, in a weakened voice.

"Shhhhh, don't spoil this moment," he said softly. "Do you want me Taylor?"

"I don't know," I said, which he obviously knew I couldn't resist him.

He placed my hands on his chest and said, "You feel that, my heart is racing and I know yours is too."

There was certainly chemistry going on between us. Sam took my hands from his chest and kissed the palm of my hands.

"Taylor let me make love to you," he said.

"Sam, I..."

He stopped me with a kiss on my lips and starts pushing his tongue in my mouth. At first I didn't reciprocated, but the intensity of that moment was so overwhelming, I just let go all my senses and give myself to him. Sam holds me by my hand and led me upstairs to the bedroom he was occupying. I wanted him and he wanted me. He put some groove music on and started to dance sexually, swaying his hips to the left and then to the right. Then starts to take his clothes off slowly, taking his time unbuttoning his shirt and then his pants, leaving his boxers on. He beckoned to me with his index finger. I moved reluctantly, but he pulled me into him and I was mesmerized by the scent of his body. We danced together, holding each other so close that we felt our hearts beating as one. Then he turned me around suddenly, his cock pressing against my ass, and his arms around me. We danced so sensual that I was so incredibly turned on. We grind against each other and into each other slowly, passionately, and wild. He lay me down on the bed and took my clothes off, while looking directly into my eyes and I in his. My cock was copiously leaking with pre-cum. Sam took my hard meat into his warm, moist mouth and I was transported to another world. It wasn't long before I shot my load in his mouth. I was so turned on by him. I returned the favor to him. Really never got a chance to see how big Sam's cock was until that night. It was as magnificent as I'd expected. He was a perfect 7", but he was thick, thicker than Eric was.

We lay kissing slowly, passionately, and wild...

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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