Heart Desires

By H

Published on Apr 27, 2001


As expected, this story contains graphic description of homosexual acts. If you know you will have a problem with this, please locate the back button as quickly as you can. No need for your blood levels to rise.

I was spent. Fucking takes a lot out of a person, especially when you go at it all night. I looked on my watch and it showed 9:12pm. I realized Sam and I had utilized the pass three hours for our lovemaking session. I was so tired, but I knew I had to talk to Sam before he left and I know if I waited until tomorrow, I may not get a chance. We were lying on top of each other the whole time, as I pondered a way to break the silence. Sam was rubbing his fingers through my hair and I just lay on his buffed chest, thinking.

"Sam?" I said softly.

"Yes babes." He responded.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" He inquired.

"Please don't get upset when I ask you this," I said, rising from his chest now.

"Why do you think I'll get upset?" He asked

"I don't know." I responded.

"I'm listening, ask me what you want."

I began to sit up straight and finally said, "Did you really met someone in Connecticut or you planned this all along?"

"You're calling me a liar, Taylor?" He questioned, looking into my eyes.

"No Sam, I didn't say that, I just don't understand why you would cheat on a person you recently met." I tried.

"I don't believe this. Taylor I thought we made an arrangement, and that had nothing to do with this person I met." He said. "Furthermore, I don't see why it concerns you whether I cheat or not. I thought we had an understanding of the whole situation."

"So you only see you and me as just being a friendly fuck and then you'll be on your merry way." I inquired. "That's how you see it Sam? Cause I'm telling you now, if it is, I don't want to see or hear from you again."

"Taylor, please, listen to me. I wanted it and so did you. Why mess up a good thing?" He said. "Let me ask you something, do you want a relationship with me?"

"I don't know what I want, because I thought you were honest with your feelings in the beginning." I responded. "Here it is now, you're telling me some shit that cheating on a mate don't matter."

"You're not listening to me Taylor." He exulted. "Of course cheating matters to me. I'm not going to tell my mate anything, this is between you and me. You know we had to resolve some things in our friendship and wherever those things may have taken us, we had to explore them to find out."

"And where are we now?" I said, getting really frustrated.

"Well, that leads us back to my originally question. Do you want a relationship with me? He questioned.

"Do you?" I said, turning the tables on him. "I mean wanting a relationship with me."

"Either way Taylor, it's going to be difficult. I live in Connecticut and you live here in Tampa. You know you can't abstain from fucking too long, it's like holding in your breath, when you know sooner or later you'll have to let go."

"Well, you just answer your own question. It's impossible to have a long distance relationship." I said, picking up my boxers and putting it on.

"It'll never work for you Taylor. You know that." He said, reaching for my hands.

"All I know, is I feel like I've been used for your pleasure, and making out with you didn't mean a damn thing to you." I said.

"Of course it did Taylor, come on, don't say something like that." He said, trying to reassure me.

"It's true Sam. Do you even love this person?" I asked

"I don't know yet." He responded.

"What the hell do that mean? Never mind, I had enough for one night. My body is weak and my mind clouded, I'm going to take a shower and lie down." I said, picking up the reminder of my clothes and headed to the stairs.

"Taylor, I'm so sorry to how this all turned out. Please don't let me leave here thinking you're angry with me." He tried.

"Sam, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Go get some sleep for that seminar in the morning." I said, as I trot up the stairs.

I was angry with myself for letting myself be so stupid. I was foolish to think Sam loved me the way I thought he did. Then again I thought to myself, would I really want a relationship with Sam? The answer hit me hard, NO, a thousand times no. Like he said, "why mess up a good thing?" He seemed to be satisfied with just being my best friend and fucking me was just a dream of his that had become reality. I on the other hand, took it to a whole new level. I really felt sorry now and I didn't want Sam to leave without him knowing that he was still my best friend. So what if we fucked each other, best friends do that right?

An irritating ringing sound had awakened me. It was my damn phone. I looked at my alarm and it showed 9:29am. I couldn't believe I slept through the usual sounds Sam made, when he was getting dress. Oh, it was Bryan on the phone and he wanted us to get together later on that day. It was Saturday and I had nothing to do, except write a response paper for my Psychology Class. While I'm at it, let me tell you a little about my career move. Lately I've been so hectic in dealing with men, that I didn't have the time in the story to tell you. In a nutshell, I'm a Finance Major at Phis University and this is my third year. I don't know exactly what I want to do yet, (somewhere along the lines of International Banking) and hopefully later on down, I want to establish my own firm. Some classes I don't think I need to take, but it's a requirement and that's my only reason for taking them.

All morning Sam was on my mind. Suddenly I felt sadden, somehow I knew why. It was because Sam was leaving me for a second time and the thought of that happening overwhelmed me. How could I have been so wrong about us? As I went to the bath to take a shower, I saw a piece of paper attached on the door. I noticed it was Sam's handwriting and it read, "Taylor I'm truly sorry for what happened between us last night, please we need to talk before I leave tonight. Love you, Sam." I almost cried. Now I couldn't wait to see him, I wanted to tell him how stupid and immature I'd acted. I couldn't let him go back to Connecticut thinking I didn't love him and that we weren't the best of friends.

I took a shower and got dress to meet up with Bryan at First Watch, a restaurant that serves breakfast until 2:30Pm. As I rode in my SUV, I wondered why I agreed to spend the day with Bryan. I had no intentions beyond what I had already told him and still I felt another reason compelling me. I shook the thought from my mind. I pulled up to First Watch and met Bryan standing there with one foot up against the wall. My lustful eyes began to examine what it saw. Bryan had a plan and it seemed to be working. He wore tight jeans with a white-netted shirt, construction boots, and sunglasses. The look fit him perfectly and I tried to hide my impression as he greeted me.

"Glad you made it" He said, with a grin. "How are you?"

"I'm cool." I responded.

"Good. I'm happy that you agreed to have breakfast with me, and please don't think that I have a hidden agenda." He said.

"I don't. I trust that you understand and that's good enough for me." I said, as he motioned for me to follow him in the restaurant.

We sat, talk and ate. Surprisingly, Bryan was a good conversationalist; he kept it going when I obviously had nothing to say. It was happening to me a second time. I was being hypnotized by those beautiful lips as Bryan spoke. They were red and voluptuous-looking. Somehow he knew I was a bit taken by him and he played on that indirectly. I wondered if spending the day with him, was the right thing to do. Sam had told me one time that I had a tendency to think with my cock and I was beginning to believe him. Why can't I just look at a handsome guy without thinking about something sexual?

"Are you OK?" Bryan questioned.

"Oh, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I responded.

"You look like you're a million miles away." He said. "Are you having second thoughts about spending the day with me?"

"Not at all. Come on now Bryan, I was the one who said we could hang out and talk, right?"

"Right." He said, looking more relieved.

"Then don't worry about me bailing on you." I said.

Why did I say that? I don't want to send Bryan mixed signals and yet I was doing exactly that. I wasn't ready to admit that he was a turn on and I would have to see less of him. The man I wanted was Adam and I was getting discourage about my chances with him. Sam is leaving me again and Eric wants an answer from me. Why didn't I love Eric like the way he would want me to? I found myself thinking so many things all at once.

Bryan and I went back to his place later that afternoon. He said he needed to pick up something. I told him that I'll wait in my SUV, but he insists that I come on in the inside. Quite a few students lived off campus in their own apartments. Bryan was one of those and he lived alone. The complex had all the amenities a student could ask for. Three swimming pools, a workout center, a computer study room, a tennis court and the likes. The area, in which he lived, was quite opulent. Bryan took me for a brief tour of his place and I was honestly impressed. We end up staying at his place longer than we intended and somehow I knew Bryan wanted it this way. We sat in his sofa and drank a few beers, and talked. The conversation topic had changed to sex and I was getting really hard.

"So, Taylor, what do you like about fucking guys?" Bryan asked, obviously a bit drunk.

"Man what kinda' question is that?" I responded, trying to stay as sober as possible.

"It's just a question. I thought you'd be OK with it." He said

"And I am, but don't you think we should be careful what we say around each other, especially in a such a vulnerable state?" I suggested.

"I guess you're right." He said. "But don't you like to be spontaneous sometimes?"

"If you referring to you and me, I already told yo..."

With that, Bryan leaned over and kissed me so passionately, I almost didn't breathe the whole time. My cock was incredibly harden and was leaking pre-cum. My head was spinning at how fast things were happening. Bryan began to unclothe his self and I followed. I wanted to stop but I couldn't, I was drawn to those lips and they felt the same way they looked. I really wasn't thinking about any consequences or what impact this afternoon will have on my life. Bald naked, we lay atop each other, grinding. Bryan ran his lips all over my nipples and I was a goner. We were breathing so fast and so hard, as sweat poured down our faces.

"Do you want to fuck me?" Bryan whispered in my ears.

"Do you have a condom?" I said, matching his whisper.

He reached for his pants and grabbed his wallet, pulling out a condom.

"I'm always prepared." He said. "Don't finger fuck me, just push it in. I want it rough."

I took the condom from Bryan and slid it on my stiff rod. Bryan cocked up over the sofa and I positioned myself for entry. His manhole was already moist from sweat, so I began to push my rod up his ass. I pushed as far as the head and Bryan moaned. I wondered what type of animal he was, that alone sent me over the edge. I pushed harder and deeper until I felt my pubic hair touching his buttocks. I picked up momentum and began ramming my cock up his ass. He let out animalistic groans one after the other and I was moaning right alone with him. I felt his ass rings began to clench down on my cock and I knew he was about to explode. I pulled out off him and took the condom off. He turned around and I stood over him jacking myself. We came all over the place, on his sofa, the floor and on our naked bodies.

I didn't want to wait around after we fucked. I picked up my clothes, put them on and was out the door in a flash. Bryan called after me, but I paid him no attention. How did I let myself fall for Bryan's stupid plan? Now I must admit that I'm a slut and needed some serious help. I jumped in my SUV and raced down the highway in the heat of the day. My mind was bubbling with regrets and shame. How can I face Sam tonight before he goes back home to Connecticut? He will see right through me and notice something is up with me. I'm not a pro when it comes to hiding my emotions.

When I arrive home, I quickly raced to the shower and cleaned myself thoroughly. The tears just flowed and my sniffing grew louder and faster. I was such a horrible person when it came down to self-control. When I was through showering, I lay in my bed crying and was soon fast asleep.

To be continue...

Next: Chapter 7

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