Heart Desires

By H

Published on May 1, 2001


This is a story that evolves around the lifestyles of homosexuals. Please, you are reminded that this story contains material some will find very offensive. So if you are one of those who doesn't support man to man sex, or find it to be disturbing, this would be the proper time to hit the back button.

To my readers:

Thank you for remaining with the story as it progresses and explores new situations. This is part seven and I really hope you enjoy it as much as you've enjoyed the previous chapters.

"Taylor, Taylor..." I heard a voice calling from downstairs. I opened my eyes and quickly recovered from my disorientation when I recognized the voice. It was Sam's, and he sounded anxious. I tentatively climbed out off bed to see what he wanted.

"I'm up here, Sam," I shouted groggily.

I'd slept the past three hours and somehow sleep was therapeutic for me. I felt better, but my emotions were still unsettled. The profundity of that day had overwhelmed me and left me with a lot to think about. Now I had to deal with Sam and him leaving me again. I gathered my wits together as tactful as I possibly could and headed downstairs. Sam met me halfway.

"Hey, I'm sorry, did I wake you? Sam asked, with a little concern.

"It's OK," I responded. "Are you OK?"

"Yes, but we have to talk. My flight leaves in about four hours," he said, looking at me to see my reaction.

"I know."

"You know my flight leaves in four hours or you know we have to talk?"

"Both," I said. "Let's go down to the den and we'll talk there."

As I followed Sam to the den, I noticed a red light flashing on my answering machine. Usually the light flashes when I have a message or something and I had this severe gut feeling that it was left by Bryan. I didn't bother to check the damn thing. What do I say to him? I was so angry with myself a few hours ago and now I felt a little sorry for running out on him the way that I did.

Sam sat next to me and held my hands. I felt close to him and I know he felt the same way too. I wanted to tell him that I'd slept with Bryan, but I decided against it.

Sam's voice started shaky, but confident.

"Taylor, um, I thought about you so much today, that I found it difficult to keep my concentration going," he said. "I know I'm going to miss you like crazy when I leave this time. It's not easy for me, especially now that we've gotten to know each other on a whole new level. To leave knowing you're still angry with me will only be worse."

"Sam, I was the one who acted immature and stupid. I didn't know what to expect when you said you were coming down to visit me, and I have taken things out of perspective. Please, accept my apologies because I love you and I really do care about our friendship." I was on the brink of breaking down and he seemed that way too.

"Oh man, you don't know how good it sounds to hear you say that," he exclaimed.

"I wanted to tell you that last night, but my pride wouldn't let me," I added.

"Well, I'm glad we had this talk, Taylor. I'm feeling really good about us now."

The phone rang and I was startled. It usually rings about five times before the answering machine kicks in.

"Aren't you going to pick it up?" Sam asked.


"No?" Sam questioned, looking a bit bemused.

"I'm going to let it ring, we're in the middle of something, " I said.

"If you say so."

The answering machine came on and I recognized the voice almost immediately. It was Bryan and he sounded really weird.

"Come on Taylor, pick up, I know you're there," came the voice over the machine. "I've been calling you all day. I'm sorry what happened. Please call me."

I didn't move and neither did Sam. Eventually he hung up. When I looked back at Sam, he was staring me in my eyes with such a look, that it caught me totally off guard. I knew he had a million questions to ask me and I wasn't prepared to answer any of them.

"Who was that?" he asked point-blank.

"Um, ah, he's this guy from my LAN class," I managed.

"Why was he calling you all day?

"Come on Sam, why all the questions? I don't know why he called so damn much," I said, knowing this conversation was headed in a direction I didn't want it to go. At first I thought about telling Sam the truth, but now I was almost convinced that it was not a good idea.

"Taylor, you know I'm not stupid and I know something is up with you, so why don't you just tell me and get it over with," he said, in an understanding voice mixed with frustration.

Telling Sam I fucked my classmate a few hours ago was easier said than done.

"What makes you think something is up with me? I said, imperturbably.

"Don't play games with Taylor, please. If you don't want to tell me, fine, but don't sit there and tell me nothing is going on, when I know that there is."

"Sam, you're basing your assumption on that one phone call. You don't even know if that person was putting on an act or something," I tried.

Sam looked like he was mulling what I said over in his mind. I had stretched this too far and couldn't turn back now. I knew if I told him now, he may be less forgiving.

"Well, if he was calling you all day, and you refused to pick up, then I bet he left a couple of messages." Sam said, rising up out the sofa.

"Where are you going?" I asked, getting up along with him.

"Why don't you check your messages and let me determine if this was a prank call or what," he said.

Now I was getting upset. Even though he was my best friend and all, I had a right to some privacy.

"No, Sam. I will not check my messages for you," I exulted.

"Then I know you're hiding something from me," he said.

"Why does this concern you so much, Sam? In case you haven't noticed, I have other friends that I talk too and hang out with," I said.

"Taylor, it's not that it bothers me that you have other friends, that's normal. I have a few of them, too. But the thing that gets me is how reticent you are about this whole thing and I'm suppose to be your best friend," Sam explained.

"And you are, but if you think I'm being reticent, that's fine. I can't convince you to believe something you're not willing to believe in," I said.

I really hated lying to Sam, but it was better this way, at least for now.

"Oh come off it Taylor, don't try to make me look like a dumb ass or something. Anyway, we've exhausted this conversation, and I see no point in continuing in this fashion," he finally said.

In a way I was relieved that he gave in. The thought of losing him as a friend over a stupid mistake was terrifying. Sam went upstairs to freshen up and I sat and waited for him until he was done. We had about two hours before his flight departed for Connecticut. I was feeling down, not only because Sam was leaving, but also because I lied to him through my teeth. I tried to justify myself by believing that it was the right thing to do at that time.

I loaded Sam's luggage in the back of the SUV and drove off to the airport. We hardly talked on our way to the airport. Part of it was because I had the music up loud enough to disrupt the flow of a decent conversation. However, we arrived at the airport ahead of schedule, which gave us time to resolve any issues we felt we needed to discuss (I didn't tell him about Bryan, of course).

After Sam left, I was feeling empty inside. You know the feeling you get when you have a friend stay over for a few days, and when they finally leave, it feels like part of you is gone too. Well, I really needed something to cheer me up and only one man could do that for me. That man was Adam. Instead of me going directly back to my apartment, I decided to stop at Adam's and see if he was in the mood for company.

I knocked on the door lightly and I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I thought to myself, 'Great, he's home.' When the door opened, I nearly lost my composure. Standing at 6 feet (I'm guessing) in some cut off jeans, chest showing (which revealed his beautifully shaped pecs), and great smile, was this magnificent creature before me. For a minute, I almost thought I was at the wrong apartment.

"Hello, are you looking for someone?" he asked me.

"Um, um, is Adam here?" I asked, trying to collect myself.

"Yes, he's taking a shower though, do you want to come in and wait for him?"

"Will that be OK?" I asked, not believing that I did.

"Sure. By the way my name is Bruce," he said, as he extended his right hand.

So this was Bruce, Adam's roommate. I thought he suppose to come in the following day. Adam certainly had a damn good-looking roommate, and I was jealous.

"Hi, my name is Taylor," I managed, as I shook his hand.

"You're Taylor?" he said, with excitement. "Dude it's so cool to meet you, Adam tells me that you live just a few doors away from him."

I was render speechless. I couldn't believe that Adam mentioned my name to Bruce. Maybe he does like me more than I think does.

"Yeah, what else did Adam tell you?" I asked, with a sheepish smile.

"Nothing out the ordinary, a little a this, a little a that," he said, with a grin. "Come on in and have a seat, dude, I'll tell Adam you're out here to see him."

As I followed him in the apartment, I wondered what the hell he was talking about when he said, "nothing out the ordinary." I was really impressed with Adam's choice of friends though. They seemed to complement him in some way or another. I also started to wonder if it was a good idea for me to intrude on Adam like this. I should have called first. Bruce came back in the front room and informed me that Adam would be out shortly. I felt a bit tense when Bruce sat directly opposite me and stared. He leaned forward, puts his elbows on his thighs, and intertwined his fingers.

"So, tell me, what do you think about Adam?" Bruce asked, seeming to know I had an interest in Adam.

"I don't know what you mean," I responded.

"Of course you do. He talks about you, and how willing you always are to help him out. You know, things like that," he jested.

"Why are you asking me this?" I inquired. I was honestly curious as to why he was going on like this.

"Call it intuition," he said.

"Call it what?" I questioned. "Man, you are really freaking me out."

"Maybe I am or maybe you're putting on a good act."

"Listen, Bruce..." I paused.

Out of no where, Adam appeared and I was taken back by what he wore. Well, he just had a towel wrapped around him, but it showed the curves of his ass and his strong thighs.

"Did I missed something?" Adam asked, with a smile.

"Not really, Taylor here was about to tell me something," Bruce said with a devilish grin.

Adam looked at me and I shrugged.

"So, look like you two have already introduced yourselves," Adam said. "And Taylor, don't worry about Bruce, he's just being himself."

"Yeah, I'm just being myself," Bruce mocked. "So, Taylor, we'll talk later and catch up on that last sentence." He winked at me and left Adam and I in the front room.

"Strange guy," I said, meant as an afterthought.

"Believe me, he is," Adam said, chuckling. "But he's really cool, once you got to know him."

I wasn't too sure if I wanted to anymore.

"I thought his flight supposed to arrive tomorrow," I said, curiously.

"Oh, yeah, he called and said he was able to get on today," Adam explained. "I did bring him over to see you earlier, but you weren't home."

"Right, I would have missed you both, I was out earlier today with..." I stopped, and memories of Bryan began to flood my mind. I must have paused too long, because Adam was concerned.

"Hey, man, everything's OK?" he asked.

"Ah, yes, everything's fine," I said. "I'm just a bit tired."

"Sound like you had a long day," he said, smiling.

If he only knew I had fucked a classmate, exhausted myself over the situation, and lied to my best friend. If that describes a long day, then so be it.

"Yeah, well, I think that's my cue to leave," I said.

"Are you sure, dude? You don't need anything?" Adam asked. "Remember I owe you."

"I know and when I'm good and ready, I'm coming to claim what's mine," I said jokingly.

"OK, man, I hear you," he chuckled.

With that, I left Adam's apartment. I thought about Bruce for a while. He was really weird, but very enthralling. It sounded like he knew stuff about me or maybe he was just grasping at straws. I dreaded going back to my lonely apartment. It's times like these when I needed to have company. I thought about Eric and the fun times we shared in the past. Honestly, I missed him. Eric had been gone for almost four days now and if I told him what I went through in those last four days, he wouldn't believe it. Shit, I wouldn't have believed it myself.

When I got home, I noticed from a distance that the red light on my answering machine was still flashing. I contemplated on walking over to the machine to check the messages. When I finally did, I was hardly amazed to see that all but one of the messages was from Bryan. Basically, they all said the same thing. "Call me Taylor, please, we need to talk, pick up, I'm sorry," things of that nature. If I did call him, what am I going to say? I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, but just for tonight I needed to. I admit that I was afraid to see him again, because I didn't want be as susceptible as I'd been with him at first. Bryan played on my attraction towards him and trying to talk to him now would be like intentionally setting myself up.

Regardless of how I felt about Bryan, I couldn't stop thinking about how hot and passionate, fucking him was. I involuntarily began thinking about Bryan and my cock started throbbing. I tried to force myself to stop thinking about him, but it didn't work. What was it about him that my body craved? My mind couldn't handle another man in my life, but I was having a hard time with self-control. I found myself rubbing my cock and massaging it. It was so hard and I knew it was begging for a release. I continued to massage my rod, and then I pulled my pants and boxers down halfway across my butt. Images of Bryan's ass were flashing across my mind as I jacked off feverishly. I couldn't help it and I didn't want to. It felt great and I liked it. My breathing was picking up pace and I was getting ready to shoot a big load all over the place. I stood there in my front room jacking, and the urge that always hit you when you're getting ready to ejaculate overwhelmed me and I lost it. I sprayed all over my hand and on my floor. I was overcome with exhaustion, so I slumped down against the wall to catch my breath.

When I'd recovered, I went upstairs and washed up. I put some music on and lay silently on my bed. Honestly, I think I needed a long vacation to recuperate mentally and physically. Things were happening so damn fast that I haven't had the time to adjust properly.

The following day, I tried to keep myself busy. The best way to accomplish that was to wash three-week worth of laundry. I really hated the chore off doing laundry, and I believe most people will agree with me. Anyway, I forced my lazy ass over to the cleaning center in my apartment complex. Ironically, on my way over there, I noticed Bruce over by the pool deck. He was lying on his back, with a pair of sunglasses on. I decided to walk passed him and pretended like I didn't see him.

"Hey, you," Bruce shouted. "I know you saw me lying here."

I turned around and pretended to be a bit surprised.

"Hello to you too," I said as walked towards him. "In case you have forgotten, my name is Taylor."

"Are you afraid of me or something?" he asked, with a grin.

"Of course not, why would I be afraid of you?" I responded.

"I don't know, but it sure seems like you are. You deliberately walked passed me," he said. "Unless you don't like me. Do you like me, Taylor?"

"I don't know you. I can't say," I responded.

"Fair enough. I'll ask you the same question a month from now," he said. "That should give us enough time to find out if you do."

"Why are you so concerned whether I like you or not?" I inquired. "You don't even know me that well to be talking to me like this."

"You're quite interesting, Taylor. Adam thinks you are, too," he responded. "Look, I may seem weird or wacky to you, but you can trust me."

"I don't know, man, you really trip me out sometimes."

"Give it some time and you'll understand me," he said.

I totally forgot that I had a bundle of clothes wedged between my legs.

"Hey, I have to put these stuff in the washer," I said. "I guess we'll talk later?"

"I'm looking forward to it," he said, looking at me as I left.

I really didn't know what to think about Bruce. Like I said, he's really weird, but other characteristics such as intriguing and charming, covered that part of him. I wondered if what he said about Adam was true. Did Adam really think I was interesting? I looked through the glass door and realized Bruce had left without my noticing him. I left my clothes in the washer and headed back to my apartment. When I got there, Eric was standing on the sidewalk, waiting patiently for me. I wondered when he had arrived from Maryland. Strangely, I was so ecstatic to see him, and not really thinking about it, blood began to flow into my shaft. I couldn't believe how sexy and irresistible he looked. Maybe I did love him after all, or maybe it was my lack of self-control getting the best of me. Either one, I was glad he was there for me. It seemed like his mom was doing much better, I could tell by the way he was smiling and blushing with me.

"Did you miss me?" Eric asked, with a grin.

"Nah..." I responded, jokingly.

He looked at me and smiled, then he started to walk towards me slowly. Suddenly he rushes up to me and starts tickling me all over. If you ever wanted information out of me, just tickle me and you'll get what you want in a flash. I dropped to my knees and was screaming to the top of my voice.

"Oh Eric, please don't humiliate me like this!" I cried, as I wallowed on that filthy ground. "Stop Eric, please!"

"Say you missed me," he commanded. "Say it!"

"OK, OK, OK Eric!" I blurted out, because I was laughing so much.

"OK what?" he shouted.

"OK, I did miss you, I really did." I chuckled. "Now would you please stop, you're making me embarrassed."

When Eric was satisfied, he left me on the ground to catch my breath. He grabbed my keys and opened the door. I hadn't laughed that hard for a long time. Thanks to Eric, I really needed that, although tickling was one of my worst fears. We were really loud and I hoped that no one had heard or seen us. I looked around and it appeared like no one did. I got up and went inside grasping my poor ribcage.

"Awww, poor baby did I hurt you?" Eric asked, in a teasing voice.

"Don't say anything to me, OK?" I jested.

"I won't, action speak louder than words," he said, grinning very slyly now.

With that, Eric started to unbutton his shirt slowly.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Eric didn't respond. He just smiled and continued undressing himself. I couldn't take my eyes off him as he undressed. Eric was my fuck-partner, and the thought of that sent a shocking throb to my cock. By this time, he was standing butt naked before me and I was already hypnotized by the sight of his manmeat. It was hard and leaking with pre-cum. My asshole began to quiver and I desperately wanted to feel Eric's rod sliding in and out of me. He walked over to me and I just stood there. No matter how many times Eric and I had fucked, he still had a touch that sends me right over the edge. Our lips met and our tongue began to explore each other's mouth. Somehow, I felt safer with Eric and when I'm with him, I had no feelings of regret. The kiss turned wild and I started tearing off my clothes. I was so horny for him and I had no reasons to explain why. I finally freed myself of all clothing and we lay on that famous sofa. Eric was on top and he'd breathlessly grind into me as I ground upward into him. His weight and the warmth of his body felt so good. I was on fire and so was he. Eric slides down to my crotch and envelops my dripping cock with his warm mouth. I began moaning and running my hands through his hair. I didn't want him to stop. After a minute or so, he slides back up and kissed me passionately.

I usually kept the lubricant beneath the sofa, so I reached for it and gave it to Eric. He rubbed some on his throbbing cock and then he rubbed some in my ass. Eric positioned my legs on his shoulders and searched for the opening of my manhole. With his cock aimed at the opening, he began to push slowly. I was moaning his name in ecstasy. Eric continued to push until all 8" of his rod was inside of me. I looked at his face and it turned me on more, if possible. He moved slowly until we got a rhythm going. He was groaning and whimpering. I knew it felt good to him too. He put my legs down. I wrapped them around his waist, linking my ankles behind his back. We were fucking at a fast pace now, and our bodies were drenched in sweat. I heard Eric's groans escalating in volume and my ass started twitching. I knew our reward lied shortly ahead. We kept moving at a fast pace and then I felt it. The urge to cum was coming with a vengeance. Eric's cock began to swell inside me and he started thrusting harder and deeper. I started to cum all over Eric's stomach and on my chest and that was followed by a gush of Eric's jism spraying all over my insides.

We lay there on each other, with Eric's cock still inside of me and his head resting on my chest.

"I love you." Eric said, softly.

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. After a few minutes, Eric pulled his soften cock out of my ass, which was followed by a plop. We stayed there on the sofa, resting on each other.

To be continued...

I really hope you've enjoyed this chapter as much I've enjoyed writing it. There are a few chapters left that will conclude the memoirs of "Heart Desires." Stay tuned for chapter eight coming soon.

Next: Chapter 8

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