Heart Desires

By H

Published on May 28, 2001


This is a story that evolves around the lifestyles of homosexuals. Please you are reminded that this story contains material some will find very offensive. So if you are one of those who don't support man to man sex, or find it to be disturbing, this would be the proper time to hit the back button.

To my readers:

I apologize for taking longer than usual to post the remaining chapters. In the past few weeks I've gotten so busy, until it was unbelievable. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as the previous ones. Now chapter nine...

Bruce and I stood there in my doorway, passionately kissing. Honestly, I was trying to pry myself away from him, but it seemed impossible. I knew in the back of my mind that Adam would eventually catch us in this position, if we didn't break away. Bruce started to push me inside, as if to be saying he wanted me right there and then. I stanched...

"What are you doing?" I asked above a whisper.

"I don't know," he replied, with a voice filled with lust and desire.

I had to think fast. I pulled him inside and shut the door quickly. He stood there looking at me with such intensity. My mind was spinning and my cock was throbbing. I really didn't know what to do in a situation like this. I thought to myself that this was going to be a very interesting evening. Bruce moved towards me and I froze.

"Taylor, I really don't know why I'm so horny for you all of a sudden," he said. "This is truly a first for me."

I knew the reason why Bruce wanted me so badly. A few minutes before he showed up, I had put on some pheromone cologne, and its job was to sexually attract the same-sex. Now I had webbed the wrong man, and getting rid of him was the task at hand.

"Ah, Bruce, I thought you'd done this before," I said.

"If you're referring to me having gay sex, yes I have," he said. "What I haven't done before was lose control all at once, especially when I didn't know the person that well.

"I see what you mean," I said, nonchalantly.

I wasn't surprised, because I had a feeling Bruce liked men. How odd that Adam thinks Bruce is homophobic.

"So I take it that you've been with a guy?" he inquired. "I mean, you don't even seem upset that I kissed you, you even responded back to me in a way I wasn't expecting.

"Bruce, I really wasn't thinking. Everything happened so fast," I replied. "You totally caught me off guard."

"Come on Taylor, tell me the truth. I can tell that wasn't your first time," he told me.

"What do you want from me, Bruce?" I asked.

"Do I have to answer that, you know what I want," he said.

Of course I knew what Bruce wanted, but I also knew that Adam would soon be over to finish the conversation we started earlier this morning. Somehow, I have to figure a way to get rid of Bruce without him suspecting I had something up my sleeves.

"Bruce, maybe Adam is home by now and he may be looking for you," I told him.

"Don't brush me off like that Taylor. You know what I'm into," he said, looking into my eyes. "Besides, Adam doesn't need me hanging around all the time."

"Please, don't make things harder than they already are," I said. "I have a lot of shit going on and you wouldn't understand, so please just go. It will do us both good."

"It's Adam, isn't it?" Bruce asked, with a voice filled with austerity.

"Why do you always think Adam is apart of the equation? My life does not revolve around your roommate," I told him.

"Yeah, but I know you feel something for him. I've watched you a few times around him, and the way you look at him makes it so obvious," he said.

I sighed and said, "Bruce, look, I can't change what you believe about me, I wouldn't even try, but I can tell you, assuming things only makes a situation worse."

Bruce was so right about everything, but I didn't want him to have that much leverage on me, so I led him around the bush.

"Let's not talk about Adam anymore," he said. "I want to talk about us."

"There is no us, Bruce," I told him.

"That's what you think. I want to show you something, and if you like what you see, then we'll decide if there is a 'us'," he said, with a sly grin.

With that, Bruce slid his gym shorts below his butt and revealed his beautiful cock. It wasn't fully erect, but it was still amazingly big. In seconds, Bruce's cock stood at attention and I was mesmerized by its length and girth, even more so, when I saw it started to twitch and leak with pre-cum. My heart started racing and I felt my own cock began to harden and throb.

"Oh my goodness!" I exulted, as I stared at this huge, beautiful cock.

"I thought so," Bruce said, with a grin. "All 10" for you, if you want it."

Honestly, I was turned on and I really wanted him, but I was afraid to test the water. Suppose we got into the heat of things, and then Adam knocks on the door? I never had a cock that size in me and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. I know those guilty feelings will haunt me afterwards, but I needed a release. Bruce walked closer to me and then placed my fingers over his shaft. It was so thick and muscular. Suddenly, I felt a prodding in my manhole, and I knew what that meant.

For the next few minutes we didn't say a word, as I caressed Bruce's muscular shaft. The only thing that was heard was soft, lustful groans. Bruce looked at me with those piercing eyes and I knew what message they were sending me. I lost all thoughts of control, man it's so hard not to yield to temptation, especially when I was holding a cock of that size in my hand. I dropped to my knees and tried to engulf Bruce's cock. It was so thick that I had trouble picking up momentum. I tried to deep-throat his cock, but I couldn't. How can anybody suck such a huge thing!

Bruce pulled me up towards him and then locked his lips on mine. His hands were all over my ass, caressing it, spanking it and then squeezing it tight.

"Let's go to your bedroom," Bruce said, as he pulled away from kissing me.

"It's up there," I told him.

Bruce stripped naked then lifted me up in his arms and carried me upstairs to my bedroom. I couldn't believe that Adam's roommate was about to fuck me. I really think I'm obsessed with sex because no matter how hard I try to control myself, it just doesn't work for me.

When we got upstairs in my bedroom, Bruce put me on the bed and told me to take off my boxers. Now both naked, he lay on top of me. The warmth and heat that came from his body felt so good that I thought I was going to shoot my load all over him before we got any further. Bruce vigorously ground into me and I pressed upward to him, trying to match his vigorous energy. We kissed ever so passionately. Our breathing started to pick up and our bodies began to perspire. I wanted him inside me desperately. I wanted to feel that thick, muscular cock pounding my ass without mercy. Bruce sensed that my ass ached for his cock, so he turned me over and started to rim my manhole. His warm tongue flicked in and out of my ass causing involuntary moans to escape. I was so taken by how good he licked ass.

Suddenly, I heard something, and it sounded like a knock coming from downstairs. Bruce continued to tongue-fuck my manhole, it appeared he didn't hear anything. I think he was so into what he was doing that nothing would phase him right now. I, on the other hand, had felt a bit ill at ease since Bruce came over to my place. I heard that knocking sound again...

"I think someone is knocking," I said, softly.

"Don't answer it, they'll go away," Bruce said, never lifting his head away from licking my ass.

"They won't, my SUV is parked right out front," I told him.

"Of course they will," he said, moving up towards my lips.

I could smell my own scent all over his mouth as Bruce began to kiss me. I was about to believe what he said, but I heard that knocking sound again, only this time it was louder. I knew it was Adam. How am I going to explain the scent of sex on me? I pushed Bruce to the side and ran in the bathroom. Trying to wash away that scent was impossible, especially when my sexual activity had been non-stop during the past week. I tried, and then I hastily slipped on a pair of shorts and ran downstairs. I told Bruce to remain upstairs until I got back.

The knocking had stopped, but for some reason I still opened the door and saw Adam leaving. I called out to him...

"Dude, I'm so sorry, were you asleep?" Adam said, apologetically as he walked towards me.

"Ah, no, ah, I was listening to some music, and you know being upstairs in this place is like being in a soundproof room," I told him.

"Is it that bad, dude?" Adam asked, clearly amused by me.

"You won't believe me if I told you how bad," I said, jokingly. "Come on in, man."

My legs were shaking like a leaf, and I prayed that Adam was oblivious to what was going on in my apartment. I couldn't believe that I had two fine specimens in my apartment at the same time and none of them were the wiser, at least not yet. I wondered what Bruce was doing upstairs. I hope he isn't that stupid to come downstairs.

"Thanks, man," Adam said. "I want you to know I really appreciate this."

"Guy, you know I'm here for you, even until the end of the world," I said, teasingly.

"You're really funny, Taylor," he chuckled. "But seriously, thank you very much."

"Aww, no problem buddy," I said, trying to appear as calm as possible.

"This is a relief for me," Adam said. After a short pause, he continued, "I mean, to be able to talk about my sexual insecurities with someone, without them judging me."

"I would never judge you, Adam," I said, seriously.

"I know, that's why I trust you so much," he told me. "I could never talk to Bruce about this, man. I know he'd be totally disappointed in me. Speaking of Bruce, I haven't seen him since I got home. Have you seen him around?"

I almost lost my composure, and that's when it really hit me. Adam's roommate was upstairs waiting on me to be fucked by him. How long will Bruce wait upstairs before he sneaks downstairs? Honestly, I was beyond worried. I could loose my chance with Adam forever if he found out that Bruce and I almost fucked. I know he would be hurt beyond measure.

"Um, Bruce?" I managed. "I, I haven't seen him since yesterday. Maybe he went to get something to eat or something."

"Maybe. I just ask, because he usually tells me where he's going," Adam said. "Ah well, I guess he needs his space too."

"Yeah...um, can you give me a few minutes? I'll be right back," I said.

"Sure..." Adam said with a smile.

I hoped Adam didn't sense that something was up, but I had to make sure that Bruce stayed upstairs until Adam left. When I got upstairs, I didn't see Bruce. I started to fret right away. I called out to him softly, but I heard nothing. Suddenly, there was a pair of hands cupping my balls, and I gasped...

"What took you so long?" Bruce asked, with a grin. "I was getting worried."

"Shhhh, where were you when I came up here a few seconds ago?" I inquired.

"You thought I'd left through the window, huh?" He teased. "I hid behind the door when I heard footsteps."

"Please don't do shit like that, you scared the hell out of me," I told him.

"Why are you so jumpy?" Bruce inquired. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you haven't said or done anything wrong Bruce," I replied.

"Then what is it?"

"Adam is here," I blurted out. "He's downstairs in the den."

"Oh shit!" Bruce exulted. "Man, if he knew that I've been up here this whole time, it would definitely arouse his curiosity."

"Don't worry, I told him you went to get something to eat. As long as you stay up here and remain quiet, we shouldn't have a problem."

"Why is he here anyway?" Bruce inquired.

"I don't know," I lied.

"Why don't you send him home?

"I can't," I hissed.


"Look, just stay up here and let me handle things down there," I told Bruce.

I felt better knowing that the problem upstairs was stable for the moment, so I rejoined Adam in the den. He sat quietly with his head hung.

"Hey, are you OK man?" I asked, with a little concern.

"Everything's fine," he said with a smile.

"You seem really bothered about it, man," I discerned. "You know, about what we talked about.

"Well, yeah, I am a bit concern," he paused. "Can I ask you something?"


"Forgive me if I say this the wrong way. Are you or were you ever attracted to guys?"

I thought this may be my chance to move in for the kill, but I decided to play it cool a little longer before I blow my cover.

"Let me say this to you first, Adam," I said. "I consider myself to be a very open-minded person, and I'll try anything once, if it won't hurt me. Then if it so happen that I'm attracted to guys, then I just am, I can't do anything about."

"So, I take it that you are attracted to guys?" he inquired.

"You remember earlier this morning I told you I wanted to talk to you about something?"


"Well, this is it. You have confided in me about your deepest thoughts and feelings, and it wouldn't be fair for me to lie and pretend with you," I told him. I paused for a brief moment, then continued. "Guys are the only ones I'm attracted to, Adam, so that would make me a full-blown homosexual."

Adam looked away and then back at me. He looked really uncomfortable with me coming out totally to him.

"When did you know you had these feelings?" Adam asked, with such concern and confusion in his eyes.

"I first noticed I had these feelings when I was in high school," I told him. "Have I told you about Eric?"

"You mention his name a few times," he said.

"Well, Eric was my first ever."

"When you say first, do you mean you actually had sex with him?" Adam inquired.

"If this is making you uncomfortable, let me know and I'll stop," I told him in an understanding voice.

"Go on, I'll let you know," he said.

"OK. Well, Eric and I had sex when we were about 16. We really liked each other from the beginning of the friendship and the more time we spent around each other, the more our attraction grew."

"Sorry, Taylor, but I'm so blown away right now that I'm having trouble believing what I'm hearing."

"I know it's a lot to take in," I told him. "But I'm coming clean with you in an effort to help you deal with your insecurities."

"I understand that, but I really have to ask you this, Taylor. I mean, what was it really like being with another guy," he inquired. "Don't misunderstand me, I just want to know."

"The truth? Well, only experience can speak for you, but I can tell you this much, gay sex is one of the most intense experiences you will ever encounter in your life."

"Dude, you're not coming on to me or anything, are you?" Adam questioned.

"I'll never do that Adam. I know you are trying to sort out your feelings and I respect that."

"And I know you do, but I have one more question to ask and I promise I'll stop with the inquisition."

"I don't mind, Adam. I know you have a lot of questions, so ask away," I told him.

He looked in my eyes and asked, "Um, are you attracted to me?"

Now I was losing heart. I couldn't admit to him that I was head over heads in love with him. No way! Then he'll think I only befriend him because I wanted to get in his pants.

"You are a great-looking guy, Adam," I tried. "Who wouldn't be attracted to you?"

"Taylor, I'm really scared," he said, looking down at the palm of his hands. "I asked you that because I think I like you like that. I mean, before I got to know you, my girlfriend and I were having problems about my sexual inclinations. When I met you, I was fond of you. You made me laugh all the time, you were easy to talk to, you know, you never stressed me out like my woman did. Now I'm confused about how much I really like you."

I didn't know where this conversation was heading, but I knew for sure that Bruce was growing impatient. However, I'd waited for this moment from the first time I saw Adam, when I embarked of that elevator. His radiant skin and baritone voice had captivated me. Maybe this pheromone product I'm wearing is making Adam feel like he's attracted to me. What I'm I talking about? I don't even know if pheromones have that much power.

"Don't be confused, Adam," I said. "Give it time and you'll know what you want."

"That's just it, I've been struggling to damn long and I want out," he said. "You seem pretty comfortable about being a homo or queer or fag or whatever. Why I'm having such a hard time with it?"

I really didn't know what to tell him. I looked in his eyes as he rambled on about his problems and I felt so close to him. He looked so beautiful, even when he was confused. Then I did the stupidest thing. I had an uncontrollable urge to kiss him, so I did...

To be continued...

Thanks for reading chapter 9. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have. Stay tuned for chapter 10 as it explores the situations with Bruce, Adam, Eric, Bryan and Taylor. The memoir of "Heart Desires" is coming down to the end, where Taylor would have to choose the person he wants to be with.

Next: Chapter 10

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