
By Parlance

Published on Dec 31, 2000



Title: Heat Author: Parlance, copyright 2000 Email: par_lance1@yahoo.com Site: http://www.geocities.com/par_lance1 Pairing: Um, you'll see. Rating: NC-17. Take my word for it. Classification: HUMOR. You hear me? HUMOR. In case you didn't get it the first time, it's HUMOR. NO basis in reality whatsoever. Okay, some slash too - you've been warned. But it's HUMOR. Disclaimer: Don't know `em, have no idea if they enjoy they things suggested in this fic. Don't wanna know. Feedback appreciated. Flames will be used to set Michael Jackson's hair on fire. Again. Archive: Please ask first

Shout out to Sammie and Tabby Sebastian, my furry little slug, for providing inspiration for this story.

And to Lois for beta'ing. :-D

************************************ Fall, 2000

A non-descript older gentleman with glasses approached the main desk of the Bel Age hotel in Los Angeles. He'd been given the codename for his patient.

"I'm here to see a Mr. Fly. Could you tell me what room he's staying in?"

"Let me call up to the room, sir," the desk clerk answered. "What is your name?"

"Dr. George Bentley."

"One moment please while I ring his room.... `Mr. Super Fly? Oh, well then, is Mr. Fly available? Well, I have a Dr. George Bentley here to see him. Yes, sir.'" The desk clerk hung up the phone. "Room 231, sir. They're expecting you."

Dr. Bentley, that rare doctor who still made house calls, rushed up to the suite where his patient, the youngest member of *Nsync, was staying. A "Do Not Disturb" sign hung on the door knob. The doctor knocked and immediately a very harried Joey Fatone answered the door and quickly hustled the doctor into the room. What had once been a sumptuously decorated suite was in complete shambles. The curtains had been ripped to shreds. Torn pillows and down feathers littered the floor. In the kitchen, a carafe of orange juice was turned over and broken glass lined the counter.

Joey was not alone. He was joined in the main room of the suite by Chris, and JC, looking equally haggard. They were slumped in chairs that looked like they'd been clawed by wild animals - the stuffing was peeking out of the backs and seats. Justin was nowhere to be seen.

"Dr. Bentley? Hi. Thank God you're here. Thanks for getting here so quickly."

"Does anyone else know that I'm here?

"No, Doc. We have to keep this as quiet as possible..."

Suddenly Joey was interrupted by an ear-piercing noise that could only be described as a yowl. Dr. Bentley jumped at the sound, but Joey merely touched his forehead, having already grown accustomed to it.

"See what I've been telling you? He's been like this for the past couple of nights-"


"We thought he was just joking, but he won't stop. I don't know what's wrong with him-"

"OOOOOWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH!!!" came an anguished cry.

"None of us can sleep... you can see what he's done to the place-"

"That's coming out of our pockets." Chris grumbled.


"He's in the bedroom?"

"Yeah," Joey pointed in the direction of the bedroom. "I hope you can do something."

"Do you know if he's on medication? He hasn't been missing any doses, has he?"

Joey looked at the others, who shrugged. "Nah, I don't think so. I'm sure his mom would have told us to keep an eye on him if that were the case."

The doctor nodded gravely and headed for the bedroom. The four members of Nsync in the living room followed him as much out of curiosity as much to protect him from sudden attack.

The bedroom was in a greater state of chaos than the living room of the suite. The comforter on the bed had been ripped in half. Bottles of shampoo and conditioner had been poured out and grounded into the carpet. Mysteriously enough, the shower curtain lay across the desk,, also torn. On the bed was a completely naked Justin Timberlake, jumping up and down on the mattress. His hair was matted, he was unshaven and he looked as though he hadn't showered in a few days. The doctor sniffed. There was a decidedly unpleasant odor emitting from Justin's corner of the room.

Dr. Bentley, entered the room and Justin paused and stared at the doctor just long enough for him to catch the wild, glazed look in the young man's eye. Suddenly, Justin pounced from across the spacious bedroom. Before his friends could stop him, Justin wound his leg around Dr. Bentley's waist, and proceeded to hump his naked body furiously against the unsuspecting doctor's leg with an almost preternatural speed. Inhuman pants and groans escaped from Justin's lips as his movements intensified with each thrust.

"Justin, no!" JC cried, as he leapt at Justin and tried to pry him away from the doctor's leg. Once the doctor spurned Justin's advances, he decided that Chris' hip offered more promise. It took the strength of all the men to pry the frenzied man away from Chris. They hurled Justin onto the bed and held him down while Lance grabbed anything within arms reach that could be used to strap him to the bed - bathrobe tie, shirts, even the torn comforter.

The men successfully tied Justin's limbs to the bedposts while Justin continued to hump the air. He kicked futilely at his restraints and howled angrily.

"Dude, no one told me I was signing up for `The Exorcist.'" said Chris. Next thing he's gonna be spitting pea soup. Whatever you do, keep Lance's crucifix away from him."

Dr. Bentley reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his brow. "So, this is how he's been acting for the past two days?"

Joey nodded. "Well, this is the worst he's been. But maybe that's because we haven't had anyone else in the room. We have a week off from tour, so we've been resting."

Chris added, "And that's when Cujo here started screaming and trashing the room a couple of days ago."

Lance shook his head. "We have no idea what's wrong. He won't even speak to us."

Dr. Bentley raised an eyebrow. "Does he say anything?"

"No, he just sits there... growling," JC answered. "Have you ever seen this before?"

The doctor shrugged. "Among the mentally ill, yes. But I wouldn't speculate until I know more. Has he done this before?"

"No. we've never seen anything like this. We're really worried about him, Doc," said Joey.

"Let me examine him. He might be feverish. Justin, I'm Dr. Bentley. How are you feeling? Do you know where you are?"

Justin replied with a snarl.

Dr. Bentley sighed and went to the bathroom and washed his hands. When he returned, he reached into his bag, and presented a disposable thermometer. He put it in Justin's mouth. The enraged young man spit out the thermometer immediately, beaning the doctor on the forehead.

"Well, he's obviously not going to cooperate," commented Dr. Bentley, rubbing the sore red spot on his head. "This is going to require an unconventional approach." He pulled out a rectal thermometer from his bag.

The other members of *Nsync gagged. "Dude, I am so not going to stand here watching you plug his ass with one of those things." Chris exclaimed. "I've had enough of this drama." With that, he bolted out of the suite.

Part 2/4

"We can't just abandon him," Lance called out to Chris.

"Well, I'll be in the next room if you need anything," Joey left the bedroom. JC shivered and followed Joey.

"I'll stay in here in case he has another... episode," Lance told the doctor. "I'm going to turn around while you're doing that, but I'll stay with you."

The other two could hear Justin's snarls and yelps in the main room. But then the room grew silent. Joey furrowed an eyebrow at the others and went to investigate.

Dr. Bentley was quietly taking Justin's blood pressure.

"What happened?"

I don't know. Maybe he tired himself out. I inserted the thermometer, and he hasn't complained." The doctor finished taking Justin's blood pressure and checking his ears and nose and throat. Then he extracted the thermometer and immediately Justin bellowed.


JC appeared behind Joey. "Well, if that's all it takes to keep him quiet, can we keep the thermometer?"


"Justin, calm down. The doctor's here to help you!" Lance shouted, wagging his finger at Justin, who gnashed his teeth at Lance. He prepared to bite Lance's finger, but then caught himself. Instead, he leaned over and suckled at the tip of the finger.

"Wha--?" began JC

"The hell?" finished Lance. Lance was so astonished at Justin's behavior that he didn't snatch away his finger. He slipped more of the digit past Justin's lips. Justin accepted it gratefully, and whimpered like a puppy.

"Oh!" Lance exclaimed, looking into Justin's adoring blue eyes. "How cute!"

"That's odd," Joey commented. "Between that and the thermometer, this is the calmest he's been since it all started."

Dr. Bentley shook his head. "I think he may need to be hospitalized."

The other three members of *Nsync voiced their disagreement in unison. "No, doctor. Please. We can't have that. We can't have the fans finding out what's going on. Can't you do something in the meantime?"

The doctor sighed. "Well, he'll definitely need to be sedated him. Here." The doctor wrote out a prescription. "He needs to take this with food. I have another appointment I have to go to. But you have my number. Call me if his condition gets worse."

After the doctor left, Joey held the prescription in his hand. "One of us has to pick this up."

Lance was still gazing into Justin's eyes. "Well, it doesn't look like he's going to let me leave."

"Why don't you go, Joey? Maybe I can call Britney in Germany and see if she knows what's going on?"

"You think it's wise to bring her into this?"

"Got a better idea?"

Joey shrugged. "Okay, I'll be back."

JC called Britney from the main room, but he kept his ears sharp for any renewed strange noises coming from Justin's room.

Britney was in the middle of an interview, so JC left a message with her assistant that he had a question about Justin. It took Britney only five minutes to return the call. She listened to JC as he described Justin's odd behavior.

"Oh, he's in heat," Britney told him - almost flippantly it seemed.

"Britney, this isn't a joke. He's sick."

"Naw, he's not sick. He's just in heat. Happens to him around this time of the year, every year."

JC inhaled sharply. "Britney, I love you, but I swear if you don't-"

"JC, I'm not pulling your leg. He's clawing the walls and tearing everything up, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"And he's not speaking coherently? He's just hollering and caterwauling?"

"Uh huh..."

"And humping everyone in sight?"


"Justin's in heat. He gets like this and he can't help it."

"This is crazy. You knew about this and didn't tell anyone?!"

"JC, I'm sorry. But I usually take care of him."

"So, you've seen him like this before?"

"Well, this one sounds a little worse than usual. Have you tried letting him suck on someone's finger?"

"Uh, I think Lance is taking care of that right now." JC turned around in the direction of Justin's bedroom.

The door was closed and it was just too quiet.

"Good boy. That'll hold him awhile. Listen, I can be back in Los Angeles in two weeks."

"TWO WEEKS?! Britney, we don't have two weeks! We have to back onstage in less than that time!"

"Okay, okay.... um, hmmm. Okay, let me see if I can fake a flu or something and cancel a concert. He's really bad, huh?"

"Britney, if you really have something to do with making this stop, then the sooner the better."

JC turned off his cell phone. Gruff-sounding moans were coming out of the bedroom now. Poor Lance - he probably had had enough. His finger must be positively pruney. JC frowned. He really didn't want to be the one to have to volunteer his own next. But if it kept Justin from bouncing off the walls... He wished Joey would hurry up with that medicine. Damn Chris for leaving them alone.

JC approached the bedroom cautiously, afraid of what surprises Justin might have in store next. The way he was going, he was only a few steps away from throwing his feces at the walls. Nevertheless, he was hardly prepared for what he found.

"LANCE! What are you doing?!"

Part 3/4

Justin was on the bed, unbound. Before him, on all fours, was Lance being thoroughly and blissfully fucked.

Lance yelped as soon as JC discovered the two in their naked clinch, but Justin had a tight grip on Lance's hips and wasn't about to let him go, especially when he was so close to release. Justin finally shuddered and slowed his movements. Then he withdrew and retired to the bathroom with a grunt. Lance grabbed what little was left of the sheets to cover himself, even though JC had already turned his back on the duo.

With his back still turned to Lance, JC cleared his throat. "Lance, what the hell was that?"

Lance swallowed. "Shit, JC, I started feeling sorry for him. He kept looking up at me like an abused puppy. And then he started licking my face, and I realized I kind of liked it. So I let him.. you know... At least he's quieted down a little, and he's not trying to do any more damage. It's almost like he's in heat or something."

"That's what Britney said."

"Oh, you caught up with her?"

"She said-" JC almost turned around to face Lance, but caught himself. "She said he gets like this around this time of the year every year."

"So, I'm right."

"Yeah, uh huh, but do you think that was wise, Lance? If he's in heat, I don't think once is going to do it."

"Ah, he's a pussycat now. Anyway, Britney's coming back, right?"

"In a week maybe."

"In a... in a... in a..."

"Week." JC turned around. Lance's face had grown ever paler, if that were possible. JC grinned evilly.

"Have fun." He pulled the door closed just as Justin returned from the bathroom and pounced on Lance with renewed vigor.

"How come we never knew we had a walking time bomb on our hands?" Joey asked Chris and JC a couple of days later, amid a cacophony of moans and howls.

Chris shrugged. "Maybe Britney's been taking care of him longer than we ever knew."

JC grimaced. "Man, that's sick. I've known Justin since we was, like, 12, and I don't wanna even think about that."

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Room service had arrived. The boys had taken to ordering food from the restaurant and the local pizza joint so they could maintain vigil over Justin and Lance, and also keep the occupied couple fed.

Joey signed the bill and closed the door behind the hotel attendant. As they made plates of food for themselves, he asked, "So, who's gonna be the delivery boy this time?"

"It's Chris' turn."

Chris grumbled and grabbed the room service cart by the handle and wheeled it into the room. "Come rescue me if I'm not back in two."

Chris opened the door and was greeted by the sight of Lance... cleaning. He was fucking cleaning the room while his appendage was still taking care of business with aplomb.

"Well, that takes some talent," Chris commented drily.

Lance looked up from the desk, which he was in the process of polishing.

"Gee -uhm - thanks. Since we weren't't -uhm - letting housekeeping into the suite, I couldn't -uhm, mmmm! stand to look at this room -uhm - anymore. Joey stole - uhm - some cleaning stuff from -uhm- the maid's cart for me."

Chris looked around. He was impressed. Lance had even sprayed with Glade and had almost managed to mask the intense smell of sex that permeated the room.

He cracked open a window and then took a closer look at Lance's face, and was taken aback by the dark circles under his eyes. "When's the last time you've slept, Lance?"

Lance stopped polishing long enough to anchor himself against a chair. "I haven't. He won't let me. I mean, I get 15 minutes here and there, but it doesn't take him long to reenergize."

"Well, look, here's lunch in the meantime." Chris then left the room in a hurry just before Justin bodily lifted Lance over to the serving cart and grabbed some sustenance. He never missed a beat.

"I think I just lost my appetite,"Chris commented to no one in particular. "Is there anything we can do about the human Legos in there? Can't Britney get here any sooner?"

"It'll be less than a week. Maybe we better give him that medicine the doctor prescribed in the first place."

"We have to think of something. Lance looks like he's going to pass out."

Joey shook his head. "Right in the middle of a tour. This couldn't have happened at a worst time."

Part 4/4

The next morning, during breakfast, Lance hobbled out of the room, covering himself with the clothes he hadn't worn in two days.

Lance hid behind the kitchen bar and got dressed in a hurry. From out of the bedroom came an angry roar.


"I've HAD it! I can't even eat without it going to the gutter! You don't want to know what he was going to try with the Canadian bacon!"

"Please, don't. I already have the visual, thank you." Chris muttered.

Lance continued his tirade. "How am I supposed to dance next week? Fuck dancing. How am I going to walk again?" Lance shook his finger at his bandmates.

"You can't make me go back in there. If you try, I swear, I'll quit the group!"

"Lance, calm down!" JC told him. "Wait, you just left him alone in the room. Why isn't he trying to kill us all?"

Lance sighed. "He's tied to the bedposts again. I managed to convince him I wanted to try something kinky with the Hollandaise sauce and he fell for it." Lance zipped up his pants and limped from behind the counter. "Anyway, he's pissed at me now. There's no way I'm going back in there."


"Dammit," Joey spat. "What are we going to do? We're going to get kicked out of the hotel. Can you imagine what the press would do if they got a hold of this story?"

"I have an idea," Lance began and he eased himself into a chair. "My cat went into heat before we finally had her spayed. The vet told us we had to put Vaseline on a Q-Tip and stick it in her... y'know."

The room was silent for a moment. "Dude," Chris began. "If you think I'm sticking my thumb up Justin's ass, think again."

"Maybe we can get Justin to stick his own thumb up his ass," JC suggested.

"What, and maybe he'll just keep it there until Britney comes in a few days?" Joey snapped.

"Shut up, you guys," Lance snapped back. "Look, a little Q-Tip isn't going to do the job. But if we got something big enough - like a dildo or something, maybe that would tide him over."

Chris burst into laughter. This entire scene was too surreal to take it seriously anymore. His laughter finally infected the others. Even Lance laughed until he was in pain.

"Ow. Don't make me laugh right now. So, joking aside, what do you think?"

"Good thinking. Except Justin's not a girl," JC pointed out.

"The thermometer worked a little, remember? I don't think it matters. Clearly our boy swings every way."

"So, what, we have to measure his asshole to make sure we get the right fit?" That was Chris.

Lance rolled his eyes. "Just go to a sex store and get a few in different sizes."

The others looked at each other. "So, what schmuck's gotta go take care of this one?" Joey asked.

"Not me," Lance answered. "I think I've done my civic duty for the century, thank you. The only thing I'm going to do is sleep."

An hour later, JC, having drawn the short straw, entered the Pleasure Chest wearing a hat and a pair of sunglasses. He bee-lined for the dildos and butt plugs in the back. He carelessly grabbed an armload of toys. He looked around to make sure he hadn't been noticed and stopped just long enough to grab some scented creams and body paint to introduce to Bobbi later on. He ignored the smirk from the cashier as he easily racked up a $240 bill, and hurried out of the shop.

Back at the suite, JC angrily dumped the contents of the Pleasure Chest bag on the kitchen counter. "I've never been so embarrassed. You know, the teeny boppers outside the hotel know exactly where this bag came from."

"The hell is this for?" Chris picked up a pair of edible underwear.

"Nothing!" JC snatched the undies from his friend. "Okay, I bought the stuff. I am not going to be the one trying it out."

"Don't look at me," Joey turned to Chris. "I delivered breakfast, and Justin almost decided I might make the better meal."

"Maaaaaan, you know... the things I do for you guys..." Chris gathered the assortment in his arms and let fly a litany of curses as he entered the lion's den.

The others listened from outside as Justin's howls and screeches continued.

"OOOOWWWWW.... Oh? AAAUUUWWWWGGGHHHH.... hmmm.... GRRAWWWWWLLLLLL.... grunt Graaaawwwwwllll.... Grawl. whimper Grawl?


Then silence. Then the sound of water. Joey and JC rushed into the bedroom. Chris was furiously washing his hands while muttering a string of obscenities. On the bed, Justin was resting peacefully in the fetal position, sucking his thumb. He was purring contentedly.

Joey and JC breathed a sigh of relief. Chris joined them only after subjecting his hands to five minutes of scalding water. They left the room, and quietly closed the door.

"That seemed to do it," JC remarked.

"Better have," Chris retorted. There's not enough love in the world to make me go through that again. That is just way too much Justin Timberlake for anyone to subject anyone to."

Three days later, Britney Spears arrived at the suite.

JC opened the door and without a word, she brushed him aside and swept into the bedroom like the diva she was. JC turned to Lance, who hadn't left his chair in the past few days. The only thing the two could hear were jubilant cries. He could have sworn he heard baby talk from Britney, but he wasn't sure.

There was a knock on the door. JC opened it to find Chris looking worried.

"Britney's back. Everything's back to normal," JC told him.

"Not quite. I think whatever Justin had is contagious. Joey's baying at the moon."

JC tilted his head back and look heavenward. "I'll call Kelly." He turned to Lance. "Lance, do you mind...?"

"Way ahead of you." Lance stumbled out of his chair. "But you guys are gonna owe me big time."


===== "Yea, verily, this sucks." - Christopher in "Idle Pleasures"

I like my alcohol like I like my men. Strong, sweet and fruity.

Parlance's *NSYNC Fan Fiction: http://www.geocities.com/par_lance1

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