
By Mike Austin

Published on Sep 4, 2020


HECK by Mike Austin


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George Heckman "HECK" now 45, is lean and lanky, stopped growing at age 17 and 6'5"; broke both knees and collarbone in a motorcycle wreck in high school that ended his basketball future. They only had 7 on the small high school team and with Heck out, they could hardly play their regular season schedule. After graduation, he went to Junior College and earned a welding certificate and eventually an Assoc. Sci. (AS) degree in chemistry. He worked refinery construction for a WHILE with his welding certificate as he continued his courses for his A.S., before landing a job at one of the labs as an outside tech taking and grading bore samples of water, natural gas and some shale deposits. His old injuries eventually caught up with him and he had to bail out of the lab gig. He bounced around from dollar store manager to a grocery store asst. mgr. before landing at his Uncle's convenience/gas station/hardware/hunting and fishing store as part owner and operator. When his uncle died, "Heck" bought out the uncle's share and was now on his own. He had no need to change the store name from Heckman's and everyone in the small town on hwy 77 had known his life story, his family and injuries from past to present, so there was no hiding anything, or so he thought.

Unconsciously, Heck was gay. He wasn't able to admit it to himself, and wasn't quite sure of his identity then, but from the first time he hit the gym and changed into gym clothes in junior high or the showers after gym class, he had a sense of being "different". It was between the 7th and 8th grades that Heck really began a growth spurt. He was gangly early on, sometimes had balance and stride problems and found his arms seemed unable to find the right way to hang or be folded, or in general just what to do with them or his oversized hands. At a church dance in junior high, he kept trying to get rhythm and the knack of dancing with his cousin, but either his hands or arms went out of sync with the music, his over-sized feet stepped on hers or made her trip, but for whatever reason, his identity matter never raised as a specter, he convinced himself that he couldn't dance and never did again. What he did note at that dance was the guest emcee, who was a college guy from the music department at nearby Anderson Jr. College, where he'd later attend. Heck realized more than once, his attention and focus on the 22 year-old emcee, Randy Webb, and the way he played his tenor saxophone and led the jazz group who played a mix of family songs that encouraged the older folks to dance and newer pop songs for the younger set. Heck would read of Randy Webb's death in Viet Nam about a year later and wondered if Randy had noticed Heck's admiring gazes back at that dance? Randy's was the first death Heck would encounter, but would not be the last. He recalled Randy smiled all the time when not playing his horn, a huge ear to ear smile that was like a magnet to the 7th grader. Heck practiced mirror-smiling, trying to emulate his idol, but never got it right.

It was also in the 7th grade that Heck first had gym class; the changing routine, the showers, team sports of a sort and was first recognized for having some untapped ability with a basketball. One coach, Jay Johnson, took the young Heck under his wing and helped him gain some agility and combine it with some innate ability. Heck seemed to come into his own and the gangly 13 year-old 7th grader gained some sense of balance and walked upright rather than stooped over, grew more confident and though he never attempted dancing, his performance on the court made him an outstanding center for the junior high basketball team. His talent became a skill and coach "J" helped him realize it, arranging for the high school basketball coach to attend several of their games and see Heck in action on the court. Coach Watson agreed and urged Heck and his parents to plan on Heck joining the JV squad as a freshman when he came to high school in the 9th grade. It was during Heck's 8th grade year that the team won every game and went on to be the junior high school district basketball champs. Coach Watson and the high school JV Coach Allen, attended the district play-off game and the district awards ceremony and saw Heck awarded MVP.

At 13, Heck was already well on his way into puberty, was still pretty lean and smooth but had some pubes, and a lengthy dick and ball sack, nestled in his strawberry blonde hair. Not only was Heck taller than all of his classmates, he was hung longer and in gym class, was nicknamed "Hoss". He always seemed to hang long when soft, which only furthered the nickname. His jock often didn't pack his crotch tightly enough and jump shots could be revealing. Mr. Heckman suggested they get a better jock and took his son to Academy Sports Shop to replace the Sears brand jock with one more athletic and reliable. It was a trip he was glad he'd made with his dad who was proud of his son for both his court prowess and physical features. As Heck entered 8th grade, he gained more attention from admiring teen girls who had heard about his long cock and tall lean stature. While they made every effort to get his attention, Heck grew more withdrawn from the glamour of the game off the court and preferred to remain with his teammates and not the cheerleaders after games. Since first jacking off at 12, Heck had found the intense rush of pleasure that really did seem to begin in his long-stretched legs and toes and rush up his body to his balls and dick before lobbing long thick cum ropes across his abs and chest. He enjoyed the angle of the shoot and how he could direct his cumloads straight up in the air or angled back toward his chest and spray his "stuff" at varying body parts. He found his hardon at school always happened before gym class, before games, when he got home from practice or games and of course every morning and night. He'd taken a gym towel from school one day in the 7th grade and used it because it was sort of thin and was an ideal cum rag and he'd wash it on his own at home and hide it from his mom to dry. If she did find it, she never let on. The strawberry blonde pubes grew more dense, and that hair on his legs darkened a bit as well. His torso firmed up, though remained lanky and he worked hard with the coaches to tone up. He was becoming a real champ by the end of the 8th grade, both on the court and with his j/o sessions. Heck was a so-so student and kept his grades up to the degree required to continue in sports, but not much more.

During the Summer between his junior high and start of his senior high move, Heck befriended a new guy who had moved into town. The new family lived just at the end of Heck's street and the Thompsons both worked at the plant- he at the production facility and she in the lab office. They had two sons, Billy who was Heck's age and Marcus who was two years younger. It was the Thompsons who ultimately encouraged Heck to hire on at the plant and lab and get his A.S. degree. Billy and Heck both joined the JV basketball team and Heck seemed to really bind with his new neighbor, classmate and teammate. They mowed lawns during that first Summer and split the profits. Billy wasn't as tall as Heck but at just 6', he was well-defined and clearly used the gym equipment from the school in the town they'd moved from to his fullest advantage. Not that Bill was a body builder, but where Heck was lean and gangly, Billy was well toned and defined. Bill was nowhere near as hung as Billy though; very few were, as teen boys often do, they bonded and grew into J/O buds at the end of lawn mowing or practice sessions. They found all sorts of areas to explore their mutual J/O bate sessions and didn't hold back cumming repeatedly. Marcus was around often but they were careful not to J/O around him, but otherwise their dick action was fair game.

Marcus idolized his older brother and had grown to admire Heck as well. Heck was patient with Marcus and often encouraged him to be more than a "jock" like Heck and Billy and be a "Brainiac" instead. In fact, Marcus was smart, very smart and his parents held him to a higher standard than Billy and expected more from their youngest, while continuing to encourage Bill's athletic prowess. The two jocks became team leaders on the JV basketball squad and well-recognized. As their freshman year in high school ended, their lawn mowing business took off too and it was Uncle Heckman that sold them their first riding lawnmower which added better turnaround and production and produced more funds and more customers. That summer they began to consider cars or trucks but settled on a Kawaski Pro street cycle with a trailer attachment. The model had a dual seat, could haul the small trailer with their equipment on it and was affordable to buy and operate. Uncle Heckman had made them a deal on a used one he'd found in Corpus Christi. The boys would also use it for school and practice and shared it when looking for new places to J/O farther outside town. Heck was buying porn mags at his uncle's store and while neither boy seemed yet interested in girls, they weren't aware of or understood their concealed identity. The boys had found an old hunting cabin and learned it belonged to Uncle Heck and that became their new cum palace. They'd jack off after practice out at the cabin every day when they were free. They also worked some part time gigs at Heckman's and soon they were asking Uncle Heck to find a second Kawasaki Pro, which he was able to find. Between lawns and Heckman's, the boys were able to pay off the 2nd motorcycle by Christmas of their Junior year. They were acknowledged stars on the varsity team even as juniors and both had plans to try for a basketball scholarship to Anderson Jr College or another nearby school.

It was a warm Christmas season, both boys had been out to the cabin, beating off, in their favorite routine. They'd stand with their backs to a wall, slow stroke 8-10 times then air pump their dicks hands-free, thumping their dicks up and down, then repeat the slow stroke action again and again. They tried to edge for at least an hour and had made it to two hours once, before blowing their wads. They'd shoot then recharge and repeat the routine. It was getting close to supper and they grabbed their backpacks and agreed to race down the dirt road to Hwy 77 and the winner had to buy Cokes back in town. The boys straddled their cycles, revved the motors and took off down the 1 mile long dirt road. Heck's had some misfire as they approached the intersection. Billy turned to see what was wrong with Heck and that's when he veered onto the hwy. He never saw the semi before it hit him; flipping him end over end. Heck slammed down, slid sideways and into the side of the semi as the driver braked immediately and the trailer began to jacknife and broadsided Heck. He woke screaming in pain, crying for Billy and his mom, then blacked out in pain. When he woke, he had the horror image of seeing his best friend in the world flying end over end in mid air then crushed by one of the truck's rear tires. Heck's parents tried consoling him after each of his several surgeries but the loss and imagery of his friend was overwhelming. The Thompsons would come to visit him in the hospital, in rehab and at his home. His junior year in high school was cut short as he lost the ability to complete classes, participate in basketball and he knew that he would never again be the athlete he'd become. That reality was beginning to take a toll on Heck and he found he had no desire to finish school or be around people. He withdrew to his room for the rest of the junior year and that Summer. It was Marcus who made it his personal goal of helping Heck live both for himself and for Billy, coming over after his own school day and tutoring Heck on junior level courses and finally enabling Heck to take make up placement tests over the Summer. The Thompsons and Heckmans combined efforts with the principal and guidance counselors to allow Heck to take his remaining junior courses and senior level courses in his senior year and the Summer after his senior year, and if he passed placement tests, he'd be considered a graduate with his own high school class and not be held back a year. Marcus' determination prodded Heck to reach his graduation goal. Together they made that goal a reality. The combined loss of a friend and brother cemented a bond between the two boys, that followed Heck into Jr College and though he had long since lost the hope of a basketball scholarship, he'd found a new interest in welding and would rekindle his science interest with Marcus' help.

Next: Chapter 2

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