Heir to the Darkness

By NCfan

Published on Jul 31, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know any of the BSB, nor do I claim to know their orientation. This is a work of fiction and all under 18 are advised to not continue reading as this continues content of an adult nature.

I fed on his blood by night. How it tasted like the most delicious of nectars. And he would lay in bed, almost comatose, but extremely composed, waiting for me to be done feeding. For his tender age, he had a lot of trust in me . . . trust in the fact that I would not convert him.

Kevin had warned me eons ago to just do it . . . to go ahead and transform him into one of us . . . to do it before Howie and AJ tipped the balance and made him one of their own.

But I held back. I didn't know why. I couldn't make myself do it. I couldn't force myself to suck the life out of him. But the pallor slowly started to seep in his features. His eyes looked more tired and his body too lean in my opinion. He was losing too much weight and I was the guilty one.

Still, I didn't want to damn him to an eternity of sadness and longing. Even though I knew that AJ and Howie were starting to give him second glances here and there, ready to prowl on him. But they honored our pact enough to not rush into any stupid actions just yet.

You see, me and Kevin are prowlers of the night. Our senses are extremely keen, our shrewdness nearly immaculate. We err on the side of complexity as our emotions sometimes conflict with our principles. We hunt, but with dignity and tact. We were of the 'saberi' species.

Aj and Howie, on the other hand, tend to border on the carefree side. They never think too hard because they feel that beliefs interfere with true nature, that principles were a figment of the imagination. So they are more open, more true to themselves. That was why Nick always liked picking on them . . . because when they were angry, Nick would always know immediately. Or when they're happy, they would be genuine. They were of a different breed, the 'sentiri' species.

Conflicts had always hurt the relation between our two vampire species. All the hostility had led to the death of two vampires, which shook the entire population of the night, almost leading to an imminent war between the two groups. I shudder to think about the dire consequences. But our leaders had settled it, although it had seemed like they were gluing the shattered remnants of our leadership together rather than addressing the issue.

With all that history burdening our souls, no one would have thought that two saberi and two sentiri species would have been able to come together and collaborate like the four of us: me, AJ, Howie and Kev. And what a success we have become, albeit we relied heavily on Nick's influences. Nick was a pure human, with no apparent night prowler abilities whatsoever. We needed someone to attract the young female and male population. We needed one of them to kick our business into gear. And we found him.

He was too young at first. Me and Kev didn't want him at all. And that was a big mistake, I realized. It was AJ and Howie who found him. Why was it that those two always knew where to look. I still wonder sometimes how keen their sense of smell is because Nick's blood smelled good from hundreds of feet away.

So they managed to lure Nick into our group. But no one wanted to convert him . . . because of the conflicts between the saberi and sentiri. Us saberi prowlers didn't want to tip the balance towards one or the other, so me and Kev made a deal with AJ and Howie. Nick was off limits to anyone. It was only fair.

But just because we made a pact not to convert him didn't mean that I couldn't feed on him. I excelled at winning Nick's attention. All it took was some good wrestling and good-natured ridiculing and he was as good as attached to me, which I sometimes feel made AJ and Howie upset. Besides, they were the ones that found him.

I ignored their askew glances. I convinced Nick to stay with me in the hotel rooms. Day by day I earned his trust, to the point that I would start nibbling at his succulent jugulars and he would not fight me. He was only fourteen when I started to seduce him. Like any boy without his mother nurturing him, he was an easy prey. He was at a tender age and so, I could have done almost anything to him and he would sit on the bed like a lost puppy without reacting at all.

But I held back . . . because of the pact between AJ, Howie and me and Kev. Heck, I could simply feed on him alone and never have to find another human again. His blood was richer than that gelato at Starbucks. Just one ounce would fill me up like a balloon. And when I try to feed on someone else, they would just taste so bland, or sometimes, bitter.

But time was running out. The saberi and sentiri are now totally at odds with each other and the tension was so thick and unbearable. It was a wonder that AJ, Howie, me and Kev were still so close with all the raucous in the background. The Backstreet Project would soon come to an end, since I could feel our ancestors beckoning us back to Sangria, the root of our existence, the city where the most powerful and richest vampires lived, where the balance of power would be tipped.

Sangria would be considered one of the golden cities, a city hidden in the depths of nature, invisible to the human eye. It was a very elegant city with the most compelling vampires that ever graced this earth with their presence. All vampires will flock to that city in the next few years because there is an undercurrent that all vampires had felt in the past year.

It was a strange feeling of imminent disaster along with a feeling of rebirth. The goddess mother was recalling all her children for something astronomical, as if there was about to a change in the vampire world that would knock even the aristocrats out of their seats. I felt it. Kevin, AJ and Howie felt it. What was most shocking was that Nick felt it as well.

Kev, Howie, AJ and I realized that Backstreet would have to end. We needed to flock home to our goddess mother. But the question is . . . what do we do with Nick? He knew too much to leave behind like that. But none of us wanted to kill him. The bond was too strong. Yet, all were afraid to convert him. We didn't know whether he belonged to the saberi or the sentiri species, although we had our preferences.

But time was running out. We leave for Sangria tomorrow. That left tonight to deal with Nick. I looked at the clock . . . ten past ten. I composed myself before entering the hotel room-the one that me and Nick shared. Tonight, I was going to change Nick's life . . . and hopefully, it will not be for the worse.


Next: Chapter 2

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