Heir to the Darkness

By NCfan

Published on Mar 15, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor do I know their orientations. This is completely a work of fiction and in no way represents their true nature! All under 18 are advised not to read as this story contains content of an adult nature (M/M situations).

And I would like to give a BIG thanks, to all who continue to read this story!

I felt like the world around me was spinning in every which direction. I couldn't pinpoint where Aj, Kevin or Vincent stood. I was completely consumed by Nick-his flawless face, his cool and soft body, his smooth curves-all which told a story of danger and excitement.

My will, although as flabby as an unused muscle, was barely enough to prevent me from brushing my lips to his. Despite my drunken state, I at least felt sober enough to realize that Kevin and Aj would be watching. I did, however, circle his waist with my arms. They seemed to have minds of their own, my hands that was, sneaky little fellas.

I was so caught up in my moment that I failed to notice big arms nuzzled around my neck, cutting off any air exchange. Not that I needed any oxygen. But the impact was large enough that I was pulled back, my arms slipping off of Nick.

To my utter dismay, as I turned around, I saw it was Kevin, not that oafish Vincent, that had pulled me away. I punched him instead. I knew I was brash, but how dare he ruin my moment!

Kevin, as usual, deftly deterred my punch with an easy block. "Stop this foolishness!" Kevin said irritatedly as he struggled with me, twisted my arm behind my back, and turned me around to face . . . oh.

Not so pretty anymore. I meant Vincent, that was. Contrary to Nick, he looked as abominable as an overused teddy bear. His face got three shades darker, the wrinkles making him age dramatically. He was poised for a duel, his anger boring holes into my body.

"Dude, dude Vince. It's okay. Chill!" Aj swallowed a lump in his throat after his futile attempt at allaying Vincent's rage.

Vincent's eyes widened a few more millimeters. "You vile, lewd beast!" he cried out to me. Obviously, he was very jealous.

Funny, I could have said the same for him. Hypocrite! How dare he call me names when he was the one who was the lewd beast. He must have heard my thoughts because in the next minute, I started to feel my insides expanding. It felt like an internal pressure pushing my insides outward.

I looked down at my body, only to realize that I wasn't expanding physically. I clutched my tummy as I felt the diffuse pain toil with my insides. What was this internal pressure that was making me feel like I'm ready to explode? I tried to fight off the pain, but how could I fight a pain whose source I couldn't pinpoint?

"Kev?" I uttered weakly, feeling nauseated.

Kevin's eyes widened, but I did't think he knew what was happening. Aj jumped on Vincent in another futile attempt to save me and was flung to the side like a rag.

My skin was stretching, at least in my mind. I felt so distorted and sickly. I grabbed onto my flat belly once again and dropped to the ground unheedingly. Kevin latched onto my elbow in consternation without any inkling as to what to do. I heard him screaming, asking me what was happening to me, but the wind was so knocked out of me that I couldn't verbalize anything.

Beads of sweat just dripped down my forehead as I struggled to maintain what dignity I had. What is up with Vincent? I mean, how jealous did he need to be? And was it really his place to be jealous?

Pig. Dork. Oafish butthead! I writhed myself away, twisting in the mud. I could feel the dampened soil adhesing to my skin, to my clothes, but I could care less. Vincent continued his invisible assault, chanting mercilessly. I tried to shake Kevin's hands off me and started to crawl my way over to where I thought Nick laid.

Help me! Please Nick, help me! I begged, not really expecting much help from him. I saw in those misty lavender eyes a lack of sympathy. His soul appeared untouchable. He seemed from a different world, a different time. He might have had the same body, but the inside package must have been all different.

I could feel his eyes gazing at me, curious and wondrous at my pitiful state. He sat on the ground, more a passive observer. I crawled towards him, trying to reach out to his arms for support. He simply sat there, gazing at me while Vincent's voice boomed over the deadly ambience.

Kevin and Aj were also chanting, trying to break Vincent's focus, but their efforts were useless. I finally felt Nick's fingertips resting under my struggling hands and I pulled them to me, to my face. I used his arm to pull me up from my pitiful position, hoping that he would protect me, but as I drew myself up, I noticed that he did not help. He just sat there, motionless.

"Nick," my lips wavered, my voice wrought with pain. I looked into his eyes pleadingly, feeling myself go numb. He gazed into my eyes curiously, gauging my pain level. I tried to pull myself tighter to him, hoping against hope for his compassion, yet in my heart, I had a sickening feeling that he had lost his compassion on that very volcano.

I felt myself getting dizzy again. Nick wasn't budging an inch. He found this amusing! Curse him! My arms gave way and I flopped to the ground as if all my bones were crushed. I was cold all over now, the pain endless. Was this how it would end? I lose my life to a jealous, decrepit, twisted vampire before the eyes of my lover! Well technically, he wasn't my lover, but he was close enough.

I stopped struggling as I lay on the ground waiting for my end to come.

Until . . . I felt a warm hand caress my cheeks, massaging my temples softly. My body twitched to the touch with excitement. That pressure that had consumed me disappeared before I had a chance to blink . . . and then, the pain was lifted.

I gazed up and saw that regal face that belonged to Nick. He lay on his side, alongside with my body, the gold lacelike pants hanging loosely on his lower half. His muscular arm covering half of my visual field as he wrapped his arm loosely around my face, shielding me from Vincent's spell. I wanted to cuddle up to him so bad, to have him comfort and protect me. Now whose being the baby?

As if listening to my thoughts, my body tried to bury itself into his arms, yearning for his protection. And the closer I moved to him, the less Vincent's torturous spell got to me. I felt my strength coming back. "Nick," I moaned softly, grateful for the security blanket he pulled over me.

It felt so warm under his embrace. So safe. I never wanted that moment to end.

But to my chagrin, the moment ended rather abruptly. I noticed a sudden silence as Vincent's chanting voice drifted off. And then . . . footsteps.

Before I had the chance to make myself more comfortable, Nick's body was lifted from me. Vince gripped him tightly around the arms and effortlessly pulled him away from me. He then snaked one arm around Nick's nape and hissed. "You're not to allow yourself to be touched by those lesser beings!"

Nick attempted to pull himself away, but looked too weak to do so. This confused me. Didn't he just effortlessly block Vincent's spell on me a minute ago?

As if my thoughts were broadcasted on the air, Vincent faced me, smiled vilely and explained, "Every effort he made to comfort you with his powers during this entire trek had weakened him and obliterated his powers. And thanks to your Mist of Dreams, he couldn't defend himself against my own spells. He is now no match for me! The only thing that saved you just now was that he placed himself in between you and me, absorbing that pain you experienced into his own body."

Then Vincent turned to glare at Nick. "Spoiled little brat. Just because I don't want to kill you doesn't mean you get whatever you want. So you think you're immune to all my punishments?"

Nick's breathing became ragged. He refused to answer Vincent's questions. Vincent paused.

Then, he took a deep breath in and smiled that vile smile of his again. "Just the way I want him, my Dark Prince. Helpless as a lamb!" It appeared that Vincent was talking to an invisible being. I didn't know who he was calling his 'dark Prince', but it sure as hell wasn't Nick.

Vincent continued his little conversation with his 'dark Prince'. "Slowly, the memories will all come back, and the present ones will slowly disperse into his subconsciousness. His body will have a new owner, one who will better utilize it to its optimal capacity."

Nick's eyes widened, but more so from hurt than from fear. He tried pulling himself away from Vincent, but for some reason, he was shaking tiredly from the effort. He didn't like being talked about in the third person, I presumed.

Then, I felt it . . .

A dark anger began to consume Nick's soul and he gazed deeply into Vincent's eyes. He stared spitefully into his captor's eyes, his tremors all gone. Nick's breathing was barely audible, but you could see his chest rise and fall to the dull thumping of the marshes. If it were even possible, the swamp was filled with more silence.

And then . . .

I heard a strange quiet noise from behind me. It was like the wind, but more sedated. I quickly turned around and stared in awe as a well-outlined mist started to form from the dirty waters of the swamp. It hovered over the waters for a while before floating towards me. Or at least, I believed it was heading for me. I jumped out of the way, the horror shooting up my spine. The mist looked angry, dangerous. It radiated with a great evilness I could not fathom. And it whisked past me without a second glance.

It was heading for Vincent and Nick!

I turned to look at Nick, but was shocked to see his face contorted into a seamless pain. He was closing his eyes tight, trying to pull his arms back so that he could shield his head from an unnamed source of pain. He groaned from both his inner pain and the stinging that Vincent's fingernails caused on his fair skin.

Vincent kept on yelling into his face. "The memories will surface! And you will be a slave to them!"

Nick kept on crying out in response. "No! No!" However, his voice was weak and defeated. He tried to cower back as he shook his head violently.

Vincent didn't let go. He gripped even harder.

The mist settled near Vincent. Kevin, Aj and I watched in consternation, not knowing what to expect. And all of a sudden . . . the mist consumed Vincent's body like the plague. It latched onto his body surface, eating away at his flesh. Vincent gave out a cry of shock and pain. The mist delved under his skin, slicing it and pulling it inside out. The previously attractive features were replaced by a gruesome, graphic sight as Vincent screamed in agony, his flesh disintegrating before our eyes. The mist was relentless. It pierced deeper into his body, burning deep into his organs, churning them inside out. By now, his face was unrecognizable, but his voice . . . poignant and soul-shattering.

I swallowed my breath. Even I felt sympathy for him at that moment. No one should ever be forced to endure such demonic punishments. I looked to Nick, whose body lay on the ground, eyes focused on Vincent. He looked frightened, like a little baby. He tried to crawl backwards, but his arms looked glued to the ground.

The mist had now consumed Vincent entirely, and it hovered over Nick's fragile body, as if pondering what to do with him. After minutes of intense debate, the mist dissipated and let loose Vincent's remains, which consisted of some eroded bones. The bones fell to Nick's feet, a reminder of what punishment beholds those who try to hurt Nick.

I was aghast at such a gruesome punishment. Vincent hadn't even tried to kill Nick and he was reduced to rubble. Kevin and Aj were too afraid to even approach Nick. Nick sat there, bewildered by the entire event.

I hesitated at first, but then approached Nick's shaking form. When I was a foot from where he sat, he looked up at me pleadingly. In one quick motion, he stood up and wrapped his arms nervously around my neck for comfort. I had never, in my life, seen him so scared. He seemed so mortal, no longer that all-knowing, all-powerful figure that had intimidated me, Kevin and Aj a few days ago. It was as if he were transformed into a powerless peasant. He looked . . . helpless.

I looked up to Aj and Kevin, trying to search for an answer to this absurdity. They only shrugged their shoulders in confusion. Slowly, they approached me and Nick.

Nick was too caught up in his own terrors to notice them coming closer. And all too suddenly, he stopped his shivering and laid perfectly still in my arms. This startled both Aj and Kevin. The two stopped in their tracks.

"Nick?" I asked quietly, afraid to disturb his calm demeanor.

I turned my head a little to look at his face. He was staring at something behind me very intently. I tilted my head to seek some answers from Aj and Kevin who, once again, shrugged their shoulders, not understanding what Nick was watching so intently.

"Why are there so many people staring at us?" Nick asked innocently, his voice deadly cold, completely opposite of what it had been a few seconds ago.

"What?" Aj asked, freaked. "What do you mean, Nick? It's just us-me, you, Kevin and Brian!" Nevertheless, Aj's head turned every which way as if there were shadows in the dark.

"So many people," Nick mumbled into my ears as he kept on staring behind me.

I turned around quickly, but to my chagrin, I saw no one.

Kevin gave me a warning look. Then, facing Nick, he began to speak calmly. "Nick . . . there is no one out there. Are you sure you're not seeing things?"

Nick continued to gaze intently at the swamp. "They all look so angry!" Nick muttered into my ears. All right. I was freaked now! Nick was hallucinating. I don't know what the hell was going on, but this swamp idea was BAD!

I motioned for Kevin to help me pull Nick's body up. Without a second thought, he grabbed Nick's body and carried him off his feet in one swooping motion. Then the three of us ran madly for cover. I thought I could hear Vincent's soul, wailing in agony behind us, but I didn't stop to look. I traced Kevin's footsteps with my own. We fled for nearly three hours, ignoring the aching muscles that yearned for rest.

We ran until the borders of the swamp were far behind us. We headed westward, not really knowing what lay ahead, but too scared to go back. We ran until we finally passed myriads of brooks, meadows and unchartered land. Never once did we look back. The soil looked browner, the grass a lot greener. Even the trees looked more refreshing. And we kept on sailing through, plunging through the beautiful green hills with their scented flowers. Our souls lifted as each second, we travelled farther from those deadly marshes. We must have chosen the right path because when that sun sank underneath the horizon, I was able to appreciate the beauty of the land

Alas, one chapter in our lives had passed. We had no answers. We had no knowledge of what was to come . . . and there was that burning issue of Howie's whereabouts.

But on a note of comfort, we had each other. I turned to look Kevin and Aj in the eyes. Their expression mirrored mine--that of faith and hope.

I turned to look at Nick. His expression was one of exhaustion. I thought about Vincent's words of Nick having some different memories. I didn't know what that meant, but it didn't sound good at all.

Great! The one person who actually knew what was going on was now dead. And all we had to go on was Nick. Yet . . . in a way, he looked more confused than us.

We had no answers and we were stuck in the middle of no where. I felt like sobbing, but refrained from it. Kevin gently sat down beside me, his face clueless.

Was it truly a lost cause we were fighting for? I didn't even know what I wanted to do anymore. We had reached this far, each having our own opinions as to what we were doing, but in the end, it had seemed in vain. We had accomplished nothing. I sat there, defeated.

Kevin placed an arm on my shoulder. "We've managed to get banished from Sangria. We've managed to lose Howie in the process. And now, we're stuck here without any leads."

Aj approached us and sat down to my other side. "So where do we go from here? I don't even know what it is we need to do." His voice sounded melancholic. "I miss Howie."

I sat there, pensive for a moment, blocking out all thoughts of Aj and Kevin. So where do we go from here? I stared into the ground for quite a few minutes.

And finally, it struck me! I remembered now. There was a lady back in Sangria. She had carried a picture of Nick that night I bought some blood from her. I remember her eyes all too clearly now. I remembered the way she stared at Nick's picture, both in awe and in fear. She had to know something about him. She had to know his past and/or his future. I don't know why I thought that way, but for some reason, I felt like I was on to something. Yes. The answer had to be in that lady. We had to get back to Sangria!

I turned around to Nick. His eyes looked haunted. "These walls are so cold!" he said callously as his fingers reached out to brush an invisible wall. It was as if Vincent had unleashed a hidden evil within Nick, and it was slowly unraveling.

I didn't know what memories were filling his mind, but they weren't pleasant ones. I didn't want to wait for the wheels of Vincent's plot to keep on churning. We had to stop the process . . . and fast.

Next: Chapter 14

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