Heir to the Darkness

By NCfan

Published on Sep 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB nor do I know their orientation. The following is a work of fiction and is NOT true. This story contains content of an adult nature. All under 18 are advised not to continue reading.

I licked my lips with nervous tension. My hands shook mercilessly as I opened the door to the room that I shared with him. He was usually a light sleeper, despite my effort to quiet my footsteps. I opened the door, my whole body trembling. I had made my decision. I didn't give a damn anymore about what the other Backstreet guys felt was right.

I took some steps forward, expecting Nick to call my name and laugh at my idle attempt to slip into the room unnoticed. But I heard nothing. My vision quickly adapted to the darkness and I saw his sleeping form, peacefully lying on the bed. I sighed in relief.

"Nick?" I whispered soothingly. I gazed at his body, waiting for a sign. He didn't budge. I chuckled. He always tried to fake sleeping, but I knew that he heard me. I stepped closer, ready to give him a tickle attack, and as planned, I pounced on him playfully, using my powers to lessen the impact once I did land on him and started wiggling my fingers.

It didn't take even a full second for me to realize that there were streaks of blood on his neck and lips and that his body was deathly cold. Without thinking, I screamed hysterically. He had no pulse, no heartbeat. His blood was all gone and the only remnants of a struggle was a little scratch on his arm.

Within seconds, Kevin, Howie and AJ soared into our room, panicking. They didn't have to ask. They saw what my mind was trying to now recover from. Nick was dead!

"No he's not!" Kevin responded to the fleeting thought that entered my mind.

"Why not?" AJ asked worriedly. "His body is completely dry of blood!"

Howie screamed, but Kevin remained calm. Before I knew what was going on, Kevin bit his wrist so that his ulnar started to ooze with blood and he placed it on top of Nick's lips, letting the drops slowly seep into Nick's mouth.

"What are you doing?" AJ asked confusedly, shoving Kevin back.

Kevin looked to me. "Well, this is what Brian wants. We'll convert him now."

I looked at Kevin, exasperated. "I didn't want to convert him. All I wanted to do was erase his memory! And I came in here . . . and I found him like this!"

Kevin looked at me with even more confusion. "You didn't do this to him?"

"NO!" I screamed, nearly in tears.

"Look!" Howie pointed to the sheets under Nick's back. There's more blood coming from his trunk! Immediately, I grabbed Nick's pants and pulled it down barely enough so that we saw two more bite marks on either femoral.

"There's a gang of them!" AJ asked wondrously. "But why?"

"To feed on him faster?" Kevin pondered out loud.

AJ shook his head fiercely. "It was a whole gang! But how could they have slipped into our territory without us knowing? And how dare they slip into our territory!"

"Can we revive him?" Howie asked worriedly.

Kevin remained quiet. "We don't know how long he's been out. And obviously, some of us don't want him to be converted."

I shook my head furiously. "I . . . now . . . I want him to live!" I blurted out furiously. The sudden thought of Nick dying started to chill me inside out. "Please? Make him live!"

I looked pleadingly at Kevin, begging him for help. I knew that he could do it. My eyes started to well.

Kevin sighed and placed his wrist on Nick's lips, forcing Nick to take those sips of blood and dooming him to our eternal existence. The time slowly slid by, but half an hour later, Nick's body remained motionless and pulseless.

AJ and Howie had remained completely silent by this time. Kevin was actually becoming dizzy from the blood loss. Still, Nick had not come back to us.

That was when I jumped out of my chair and pulled Kevin aside. I wrecklessly bit my wrist and poured the blood into Nick's mouth, beckoning him to feed upon it. I wanted to feel his lips pucker around my wrist, wanted to sense his life coming back to us.

But neither happened. He remained comatose. I was stubborn, though. I shook Nick furiously, angry that he didn't respond to my futile attempt. "Nick!" I screamed hysterically. I scared the heck out of AJ and Howie because they pulled me aside and slapped some sense into me, making me snap back to reality. Who said that the sentiri were completely brainless?

They threw me into a chair and together bit their wrists and let their blood drip into Nick's mouth, all the while pulling his body into theirs, beckoning him to show some sign of life. His head dangled lifelessly on AJ's shoulder.

"He's too far gone!" Kevin exclaimed, shocking me back into reality again.

"No . . . " I whispered weakly to myself. How could this have happened? And in our territory! Who dared kill Nick while the four of us looked after him almost compulsively? "His blood . . . " I stuttered. "No one can replace his blood. It's too sweet. Our blood is not as pure. Maybe . . . if we can find someone with blood as pure as his . . . maybe we can bring him back to life!" I exclaimed rather unsurely.

I walked up to AJ and pulled him away from Nick, situating myself right in between them. I knew I was being rash. I brushed my fingers over his fair face. "Why did they want you?" I asked myself quietly.

Kevin stood up and looked at me, AJ and Howie sternly. "Someone's trying to make a statement. Don't you guys see. The day before we rush off to Sangria, this happens. Someone's trying to warn us. What better way than to hurt Nick."

"We've got to bring him back to Sangria with us. Maybe our Mother will know how to reverse this," Howie said firmly.

I shed a few tears. Nick's body remained limp in my arms. I brushed back a few of his golden strands of hair, forcing myself to see that gentle face. It was so rosy. But all that blood we had given him was in vein.

That was when I suddenly noticed a few scratches on his lips. I let my fingers glide over them and slid his mouth open and saw the cut on his tongue. My body suddenly began to burn with a newfound anger. "Someone had tried to force themselves into his mouth!" I cried out angrily, startling AJ, Howie and Kevin.

All three looked at me as if they were seeing a raging lunatic.

"Isn't that forbidden? No vampire is supposed to attack anything other than blood vessels in any human? Anything else would be considered illicit!" Howie asked confusedly.

"Or maybe one of the vampires seduced him into bed . . . " AJ offered grimly.

"A whole pack?" I cried out exasperatedly. "Don't you see how many bite marks he had? This had to be a conspiracy!"

Kevin's silence made us realize that we were rather boisterous. But I didn't care. I caressed Nick's face and held him possessively. I closed my eyes and felt more tears. "Please, Kevin. Can we bring him back to Sangria? I want him there with me. I want to revive him."

Kevin's lips quavered. "But . . . he's dead."

AJ pointedly gazed at us intently. "If he's dead, then why do I feel a pulse on his feet now?"

I quickly stared at AJ, trying to make sense of his statement. That was when I realized that Nick's eyes were open . . . and the scariest thing was that his eyes were no longer blue, but a deep green. And those bite marks we saw earlier had suddenly disappeared.

My eyes drifted over his teeth. He didn't have any fangs at all. His skin was not pale. His flesh was not rigid. What was scariest was that his body was still warm, just as a human body should be. It was as if we had not converted him into a vampire. But how?

He had lost blood. We had given it back to him. Yet, there he sat on the bed, warm and soft. He smiled at us benignly and innocently. "What are all of you doing in my room?" he asked.

What the heck just happened? Kevin was gaping by now.

"That's it. We're taking him with us!" Howie cried out. "This is too spooky."

Before I knew what happened, him and AJ pounced on Nick and tied him up in a bundle pretty tightly. I looked at them exasperated. "And just what do you guys think you're doing?"

AJ looked at me and snorted. "For a saberi species, you're getting rather emotional! Don't you see?"

"See what?" I asked defiantly.

"His eyes aren't the right color. He doesn't have fangs. His bite marks are gone. And he's pretending that he doesn't know what's going on! If I were you, I'd start wondering what the heck he is at this moment!"

I glared at AJ. "Maybe if you didn't tie him up so bad, he'd be able to answer your questions.

"I'm not risking that!" AJ remarked snidely as he began covering Nick's beautiful sea green eyes up.

"Brian?" Nick's beautiful lips stuttered out for me, beckoning me to save him. His voice was full of uncertainty, of helplessness, but soon enough, Howie placed a gag over it.

I didn't respond at all, strangely, to Nick's scared voice. Why not?

Then, Kevin grabbed Nick's body and swung it over his shoulders. "This is gonna be one crazy trek!" With that, he exited the room. I followed suit, gazing at Nick's lithe, but limp body as it was draped over Kevin's shoulders. Weird, but not spooky. Nick never spooked me out. Maybe I was already in too deep. I had already placed to much emotions on him, and now, my love for him had blinded me. Tonight, I would figure out how to rescue him from all those ropes and gags AJ placed on him.

Next: Chapter 3

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