Heir to the Darkness

By NCfan

Published on Nov 26, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know the bsb nor do i claim to know their orientation. this is simply a figment of my imagination. Caution: this story contains content of a mature nature (m/m situations)

I quickly grabbed Nick by the waist, ready to flee the scene. But as I did that, I noticed a strange tension in Nick's body. I gazed into Nick's face and realized that Nick was staring curiously at Craig. My gaze lifted, and to my worst fear, Craig was chanting. Not only that, our victor did not do anything to prevent him from completing his chant.

The Chant of enslavement! No. Not again. How many vampires have we crossed paths with that had tried the exact chant on Nick. Well, at least it was one I knew how to block. I conjured my darkest thoughts and lashed out at Craig's mind, making him take a few steps back in surprise. Then, I think that the realization hit him and the anger creased every fold in his face. Craig turned to his leader and shouted, "So what now, Calazar?" I wasn't brainless enough to wait for the answer.

I grabbed Nick by the waist once more and he reflexively put his hand on my shoulder just as he did countless times. And off we flew, our desperate attempt for escape. I thought that by now, I would be completely and utterly bored with this fleeing scenario, and if it weren't for my love for Nick, I would be. I quickly shrunk Nick down to a doll's size and strapped him to my back like a baby. I must have been delusional, but I think Nick was actually enjoying this ride on the expense of my sanity and extreme worry. That rotten little kid! I thought affectionately as I aimed for the ceiling of one of the dilapidated houses. Nick's small arms wrapped around my neck, snuggling behind me.

I smiled to myself. He did bring quite a lot of excitement to my existence. I deftly averted rays of light, probably more nasty curses from that Craig and that Calazar. Nick's small little arms encirled my neck. The wind simply blew my hair back, giving me a feeling of freedom. I could feel Nick's cheeks pushed against the nape of my neck as he cuddled closer to me. "Calazar is catching up to us," Nick warned me.

Damn! No one had been able to catch up with me. I've made fleeing an art on my own. But I was starting to get worked up. "Brian!" I heard Nick's voice cry out, and then, I felt the impact of something hitting him from the back.

"What, Nick?" I asked, panicking. I didn't have to wait long to find out my answer. Nick's weight . . . he was getting very very heavy for me. I turned around to look at him, but he looked the same as before, like a little doll . . . a heavy little doll. With every step I took, my feet started sinking into the ground and . . .

Too late. Calazar gripped me from behind and tipped my balance. Both me and Nick fell apart, Nick's body like a huge weight as he lay prone on the ground. Nick tried to pull his arms from the ground, but moaned with exertion. He remained in one place. Craig finally caught up with us and fueled my anger when he saw Nick and began to laugh. "Cute, Calazar!" Craig said as he walked up to Nick and tickled Nick's belly. Nick's face became beat red. "Now try critiquing me you little . . . "

"Craig!" Calazar warned as he looked at Craig disapprovingly. "No name calling."

Before Craig had a chance to reply, he screamed in agony. The finger that he had used to tickle Nick had started to turn a nasty purple. "What is this voodoo magic?" Craig cried out angrily.

Calazar gazed at me intently. "What spell have you just used?" he asked me.

I glared at him defiantly. "It is not a spell. It is a curse. Anyone who touches Nick in a disgusting way will have his body purged of dirty thoughts. I thought of it myself!" I gazed at Calazer belligerently.

Craig looked at me incredulously. "You call that dirty? Seriously, you're too obsessed with him. I just thought he looked kinda cute. I only tickled him!"

I ignored him and focused my gaze on Calazar. "You seem to be a thoughtful vampire," I said as I pulled myself up into a standing position and walked over to Nick. Craig cleverly got out of my way. "We truly do not seek any strife or trouble. We're no threat to anyone, especially Nick. He doesn't have any powers, as you can see."

Calazar softened and lifted his spell from Nick. Feeling the burden cease, Nick quickly stood up, his body probably a foot at most now. He walked over to my feet and leaned into them as he looked up into my eyes. I quickly undid the spell that had burned Craig's finger and he stopped yelping ridiculously. Nick quickly pulled his hood over his head to hide his face once more. I realized that he did not want to be back to his normal size, in case someone else happens to try to seize him. He placed his arms around my calf and hugged it adorably.

Calazar smiled at Nick's actions. "So that's the way the little one wants it? To be hidden from all men's eyes forever? That's a real crime, my friend."

I smiled, picked Nick up and conjured a sturdy little cloth so that I could tie Nick's small little body to my chest comfortably. Nick sighed calmly, realizing that we are no longer in danger. This Calazar seemed friendly enough. He began to fall asleep. He had been unusually tired lately.

Again, Calazar smiled at Nick's tiny body, the adoration evident in his eyes. He advanced towards me, but I did not step away. Instead, I placed the palm of my hand on Nick's back, pressing him into my chest a little more. "We just want a place to stay. This trip has been long and frustrating. We do not wish to wreak havoc anywhere. Nick can't even hold a sword, for crying out loud. He's no threat to anyone."

Calazar nodded quietly. Craig stood behind, gazing warily at the entire scenario, not really sure what to make of it. Finally, Calazar chuckled. "Not intimidating enough to be our Heir, is he?"

Calazar's question made me stiffen in shock. Calazar continued. "His lavender eyes are a dead giveaway, my friend."

Craig straightened, intrigued. "Our Heir?" he asked.

Calazar smiled and looked back towards Craig. "The Heir to the Darkness, once our Prince, now an outcast of Sangria and rendered completely harmless by our Queen. Yet . . . " Calazar looked thoughtfully at Nick's little figure. "Yet, his mind is like a treasure of knowledge. He may have lost some of his memory, but he has not lost any of the cleverness and creativity thousands of years ago. Observe!"

As Calazar spoke, he took out the basket that Nick had woven this morning. He pulled on one of the strands of grass, and the basket opened up to form a convex shaped dish. Calazar held it up to the light, and I nearly cried in astonishment. The light pattern that showed through the woven dish was that of my own face, distinctive and extremely detailed, an absolutely amazing work of art. I gaped as I stared down at Nick, who for some reason had fallen into a deep sleep while being strapped to my chest.

Calazar finally smiled at me shocked expression. "He is a brilliant creature who can only be admired by our more eclectic group. I am asking you, please stay with us. At least, until winter is over and the flowers finally bloom again. It is too hazardous for either of you to go fleeing into the woods. For you, maybe. But look at that delicate frame of his. Would you rather he suffer without a roof?"

I looked down at Nick, knowing that there would be no debate. Nick needed a comfortable home, not sleeping on twigs or fleeing lusty old wild vampires. When I had remained silent, Calazar smiled benevolently. "Do not worry about our village. We truly do not share the sentiments as those from Sangria. We will keep him hidden from all foreigners."

I finally nodded and stroked Nick's back, although I couldn't tell whether I made the biggest mistake of my life. I thought I saw a glimmer of red flash through Calazar's eyes as he opened his arms, beckoning to carry Nick back for me. I shook my head, still suspicious. "I want to keep him with me," I replied.

He nodded and urged me to head back. Call it instinct, but as I passed Calazar, I could feel his eyes boring deeply into my back. I didn't feel the same threat from Craig, but Calazar . . . he's hiding something. How could he have been so calm when he knew about Nick's past? He appeared so eager to have Nick stay! Why? And why did Nick choose now to fall asleep when I needed his guidance so much!

Once we stepped inside the village gates, a terrible silence ensued as the entire village population stood on either side, gazing intently at our entrance, each with powerful emotions that were mixed. Some I could tell, despised our presence. Some were more focused on the little body that clung to my chest. I placed my hand over Nick's form possessively.

"Now now!" Calazar's voice boomed above them all. "Let's show our visitors some more hospitality. This is Nick and Brian, two very lovely gentleman who have escaped Sangria. Now Nick is absolutely helpless with no vampire abilities whatsoever . . . "

Great! Go ahead and let the entire world know that Nick is vulnerable and susceptible to any and all malicious acts. I could feel some of the male vampire's askew glances from where I stood.

"Therefore," Calazar continued, "we must treat him gently. No one is to tamper with him or play nasty jokes on him!" Some of the village people found that statement amusing and started to laugh. My face became a dark shade of red . . . dangerous red and some of the baby vampires hid behind the older ones. Craig looked at me disapprovingly.

"Very good then. Nick and Brian shall be given the house at the far corner down there. Make sure each of you welcome them!" I was suffering a migraine by now. Could we have wished for any less privacy here.

The crowd dispersed and Calazar decided to be a good host and take us to our new home. As if understanding my disdain, he did not decide to stay long.

"Come on, Nick!" I nudged his little chin. Damn. That boy can sleep. I gently nudged his chin again with my finger, his small body still strapped to my chest. I chuckled. "Let's get you to bed!"

"Mr. Brian, sir!" I heard a youthful voice call me right before I decided to head into the bedroom with Nick.

"Yes?" I asked, confused as I turned around to face a rather handsome young boy, probably in his teens.

He looked flustered, but proceeded. "I was wondering if you needed a housemaid because I would be awfully flattered to work for you."

I shook my head defiantly. "Boy, we are not even old enough to consider getting a maid. Besides, we can't pay you!"

The boy beamed. "No need to worry. Paid already by Master Calazar!"

I shook my head in disbelief. "Why?"

He shook his head sadly. "This house used to belong to my parents before they were murdered. I just wanna stay here. Please."

I sighed in defeat. "Very well. We don't need . . . "

But the boy cut me off. "I'll get the bath ready for Nickolas!" With that he bounced off towards the bathroom. I sighed. Things were simply odd, but I truly needed some rest before trying to decipher anything. Scary. I had forgotten how it felt to not have to be alert 24/7. My entire time is consumed with worry. If only . . . I looked down into Nick's sleeping form. If only, I didn't have a care in the world. If only the life I had envisioned for Nick and me could be more attainable. If only I didn't have to worry about Nick's safety every freaking second that passes by.

Nick finally woke up a few minutes later and I changed him back to his original size. He smiled sleepily at me and took off his brown cloak, his fair skin stark contrast to the dark night. He took a deep sensuous breath in for the first time that day. "Have you rested yet Brian?" he asked innocently.

"Don't worry about me," I said soothingly, but I think Nick sensed by exhaustion. He walked over to where I stood and let his bare hands massage my back, removing all tension immediately. I started moaning in pleasure as he continued his erotic movements, easing every last muscle in my body. I quickly pulled him around so that he fell across my lap. I let my lips wander as they met the crook of his exposed neck. My hand, meanwhile, squeezed his exposed arm, and savored the feel of his smooth skin.

"Water's ready," the boy bursted into our room unheedingly, eliciting a squeak from me and a shocked expression from Nick, who didn't have a chance to put his robe back on. But the damage had been done. The boy's eyes stared hungrily at Nick's body, Nick's pheromones traveling quite rapidly to capture the boy in an aroused state. I quickly grabbed the robe and threw it clumsily onto Nick, unfortunately covering everything but his bare leg as it lay dangling off the bed, The boy's eyes quickly wandered to that leg hungrily.

"Uh, yes. We'll be there," I answered and the boy was awoken from his trance. I groaned. Since Nick lost his powers, he also had lost the ability to shield his beauty and his pheromones from everyone. Thus another reason to keep that cloak of his on.

Once the boy left, I realized that Nick had not said a single word for quite a while. "Nick?" I asked worriedly.

"Do you think it was a bad idea to stay here?" Nick asked, his voice showing worry for the first time in ages.

I kissed him gently on the nose. "Don't worry. We'll find a way to escape. I won't let them have you!" I said encouragingly.

He smiled softly. "I'm sorry."

I felt those words slap me in the face. "Please don't," I said sadly. "It was never your fault. You're not a burden to me. Please . . . don't leave me."

With those two words, he had revealed my biggest fear, the fear that one day, he would abandon me. He would run away because he was afraid he would in some way lead to my destruction. And even though I had told him multiple times that I didn't care, that I'd rather die with him by my side than live forever without him. I loved him too much to let him go. Hence, I had tried to bind him to me with an engagement. But even now, as I thought about it, perhaps that engagement was more of a promise than anything else. I was ashamed.

Nick lifted his arm to brush my cheeks gently. Then, he sat up to give me a tender, french kiss. Once we broke the kiss, he whispered, "I'm forever yours." He stared deeply into my eyes, and I felt myself becoming all mushy all over again. I was ready for round 2 until Nick smiled sweetly and said, "shall we shower?" I needed no more encouragement. I quickly pulled him out of bed and we both headed for the bathroom.

Unfortunately, as we made it there, the boy was at the door waiting, probably to catch another glimpse of Nick. "Why don't you go home now . . . uh what's your name?"

"Keith," the boy offered, his eyes only focused on Nick. Then he continued, "I've set up my room at the other end. I can make you some dinner!" He looked at Nick expectantly.

Before I could voice another negative, Keith quickly scuttled off to the kitchen. Arrrggggh! That boy was already driving my nuts. Nick only chuckled and walked into the bathroom, tugging me in with him.

I did make a mental note to not let Nick alone with Keith at home at any point in time, no matter what. Keith might have been younger and shorter, but something about the way he walked-light and airy-made me believe that he was more powerful than a mere servant . . . and that he was sent on a mission, but what kind of a mission, I could not figure out. Nevertheless, I vowed to be Nick's shadow. We had lived away from any vampires for so long that I had taken for granted the beauty of freedom and privacy.

Now that we have been loosely kept as prisoners in this village, I remembered why we had run away from Sangria in the first place. Too much scheming and malice in the air. The ambience wreaked of danger. But my thoughts soon drifted away as Nick slowly started to undress. Hmmm, definitely my favorite part of the day.

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