Helping Out a Friend

By Bart Marshall

Published on Feb 9, 2003


Part Six. Enjoy. --Bart

The routine continued. Sucking Derek's cock and swallowing his morning piss was a daily activity. Often, I would then take Jake's load down my throat. Recently, Jake had discovered that he really enjoyed slapping his hard cock across my cheeks violently. He liked watching me try desperately to wrap my mouth around the constantly moving pole. He kept this new trick of his a secret for a little while, but eventually Derek caught wind of it. Then he got in on the action. They would slap their hard cocks against my face and laugh loudly. I was theirs completely.

Until Mark broke up with his girlfriend.

I wrote earlier about how Mark felt I was his rightful property, being his roommate and all. I guess his theory made sense, but it didn't please Derek and Jake. Why they couldn't just share me between the three of them, I'll never understand.

It all started one morning when Derek woke up expecting his morning blowjob and found that his cocksucker was nowhere to be found. You see, Mark had stumbled in drunk and angry earlier that morning. His girlfriend had dumped him the night before and he'd spent the rest of the time at a bar. Now he was drunk, horny, and angry.

I woke up as Mark shook me violently. His belt was undone and his fly was open. "Fish out that cock, faggot. You got some dick to suck." Sure, I was tired and surprised to see Mark in this state. But I really loved his cock. Maybe it was that I sucked it far less often that Derek's or Jake's, but I was always interested in slurping that meat down. Mark didn't have to ask me twice. I was quickly on my knees, pulling his straining cock out of his boxers.

"Fucking bitch thinks she can live without this dick," he mumbled as he held my head on either side with strong hands. Then he held my head tightly and shoved the entire length of his shaft into my throat. "Tasty fucking dick. Right, fag boy?"

I moaned onto his cock as he slammed in and out of my eager mouth. His hairy balls slapped against my chin. I could feel the sweat on his balls as they rubbed against my face. He kept pumping into me, fucking my face. During one vigorous stroke, his cock popped out of my mouth with a loud smack of saliva and cockhead. He grumbled in frustration. Then he pushed my head forcefully out of the way and plopped down on the edge of his bed.

Mark slid his jeans and boxers down to his ankles and placed his feet on the edge of the bed, exposing a hairy asshole. "You love shitty ass, faggot. Lick that shit." I moved in closer and inhaled deeply. I didn't smell any shit, but I sure smelled something. His ass was dripping with sweat. "What are you waiting for? Dig in. NOW."

I didn't need another invitation. I began to make out with his protruding pucker of an asshole. My saliva mingled with his sweat as I tongued his hole. I licked the length of his hairy crack.

"Don't stop, ass-muncher." And with that he farted. He laughed. "Don't worry," he said, "I haven't forgotten that you enjoy nasty ass farts." Then he farted again. The scent of his gas hinted at shit to come. I pulled away. That would be too far.

"I won't shit in your pretty mouth, faggot."

I sighed in relief.

"Come with me," he commanded as he stood, grabbing my hand and walking towards the door to the hall. His pants were still at his ankles, his cock flapping back and forth, still erect.

"I can't go in the hall!"

"You go where this fucking cock goes, you worthless piece of shit. I want some head, but I have to shit--so you are gonna help me do both at the same time." He yanked my hand and dragged me out into the hallway, pulling towards the bathroom. It was the public, dorm bathroom--shared by all the guys on the floor. I was mortified. I couldn't believe that no one happened to be in the hallway to see me being led by the hand by Mark, with his enormous erection.

Once in the bathroom, he threw open the door of the nearest stall and sat down. He pushed me by the shoulders until I was kneeling in front of him. With both of us in there, the stall door wouldn't close. So he just left it open.

"I can't do this, Mark. I'll suck your dick anytime you want, but people might see us in here--"

"Shut the fuck up. I am about to shit, so get your mouth on my cock." He grabbed my hair and impaled me onto his cock as I heard a loud fart echo in the toilet bowl. He whooped wildly.

"Best thing ever! Faggot sucks my cock while I shit!" He was laughing and hollering. I was sure he could be heard by anyone in the hall. The smell of farts and shit was overpowering, especially combined with the scent of his pubic hair, which I smelled up close as I had his entire throbbing cock in my throat. He was slamming my head up and down on his cock. In fact, sitting there, he remained perfectly still. The only thing that moved were his hands as they pulled my head onto his cock.

His big hands held my head tightly at the ears. Maybe that's why I didn't hear it when Derek stormed in angrily because his cocksucker was late....

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