Her Husband Was Home!

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Dec 1, 2003


HER HUSBAND WAS HOME! Part 2 by bawdypen

"Anyway, Frank had that youngster blowing him, going at it nearly as hot and heavy as you did, Eddie, except his little mouth just couldn't take as much. I sucked his little ass til that pink butthole opened up real good. The kid even let me stick a finger up there and give him a easy finger-fucking. Young bung. So pliable, so adventurous, so fearless. Within minutes I had three of 'em shoved up there and was gently working them around, opening him up. I know right where a man's button is, and I jostled that nut til I had him moaning and backing onto them. I was just having fun, so I was surprised when Frank suggested showing the kid what it felt like to be fucked. He clamped down so hard he nearly sliced off my knuckles, but Frank assured him he was certainly not going to put the whole thing up there. In fact, Kevin could sit on his prick and slide down on it only as far as he wanted to...even if it was just an inch or two. Well, the boy hadn't been disappointed by anything so far, so he agreed as long as he could get off if it hurt. Frank said it'll hurt a little but if he'll just relax and stay still, his hole will open up on its own and he'll get the most marvelous sensation of his life. Well, Kevin didn't have the smarts to ask Frank how the hell he knew that unless he sits on pricks all the time, and if it's so marvelous then Frank must sit on pricks because why wouldn't he since he likes it so much. Why don't you sit on pricks, Frank?"

"Babe, I don't know. I hear it's really marvelous. The cocksucker you dragged home today...you know, the one I gave a blowjob to...Eddie something or other...if he ever comes around again, and the two of you trade off eating out my asshole, I'll squat down on his prick and impale myself, and hump my ass like a bitch. That's the way a man gets fucked. Or, what the hell, I'll throw my legs in the air and let him screw me silly. I'll dig it, you'll dig it, and he'll dig it. But if you keep bringing home sexy horndogs like Eddie and makin' me queer 'em, you'd better be thinking about getting a sex change, cause one reason it took so long for me to blow another dude is because I know, instinctively, that it doesn't take much for a guy to get the cravings for cocks and balls once he's had a good taste of them."

"Jeez, I gotta lick that smelly hole just for a measly buttfuck," Eddie joked.

"Hey, a measly virgin buttfuck, cocksucker!"

"Lemme think about it. Okay, I'll do it. You two degener- ates have me so wired up I'm ready to eat your ass right now."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Cause it's licked nice and clean. And maybe it won't be so pristine next time, hunh? Don't con a conman, junior."

"MAYBE it won't be so pristine, Frank? Give us a break," Gloria chided.

"Okay, so I got my little quirks."

"I'm ready to go a lot further than when I walked in your door. I don't care if it stinks. Just don't make me come away with shit smeared all over my face, okay, Frank?"

"That's the spirit! Already you know the tingle of forbidden sex and how exciting a big dose of humble debasement can fire your loins and make you wanna lick like a dog. And you know how dogs are, Eddie. They sniff each other's rearends, and sometimes you'll catch a dog munching on his own turd! Fuckin' mutt's chewing that shit up thinking how great it is to be just a fucking dog, cause dogs can lay in the back at the barbecue and eat their own turds and nobody holds it against them."

"Anyway, to finish this," Gloria interrupted, "what little Kevin couldn't accomplish with his mouth, his hairless asshole did with aplomb. Kid comes over here all the time to get his butt plugged. Hops on Frank and rides him into town! Write your number down and I'll give you a call next time he comes a-begging. He's turned into such a slutboy he wouldn't mind having you watch him getting fucked. He's so hot for that big prick he'll be in porno movies by the time he's 18. Boy-boy suck and fuck flicks with him doing lots of sucking and taking on the biggest poles in the business. John Holmes, you died too early. Have we got a kid for you! No kidding, when he gets really worked up he can slam his little butt right down to Frank's nuts and squirm around in his pubic hair."

"Taught him a couple other naughty tricks, too," Frank smirked.

"Yeah. Musta been the third or fourth time. He came over without any warning and wanted screwed real bad. Frank wasn't in the mood cause he'd just fuck me and he was bushed. And Frank can get evil when he's in that mood. Not evil evil, but devious. He made the kid strip naked and sit on the floor indian style, and he couldn't touch his prick. Frank got naked and sat on the couch, teasing him by stroking his big dong and wagging it around. Poor kid could only stare at it with hunger while Frank badgered him. 'Want this, hunh? Gotta hungry little boy cunt you need stuffed with a older man's huge penis so you can play horsey and show everybody what a little slut you are? You don't give one fucking damn that by the time you're 20 your asshole will be so stretched and loose from my cock that you'll have to wear a diaper cause it won't shut and your turds keep falling out in your pants and sliding down your pantleg. Just walking along in the middle of K-Mart and these big round turdballs start falling down around your feet. Buddies say how ya doing, and you say great then a big tube of shit rolls across the floor. Your pal says guess that means you're glad to see me, cause your friends are used to seeing brown stuff bouncing out when you're around...not to mention they make it a point to never bend over for something within ten feet of your butt cause your pants stink from all the skid marks in 'em!'

"Not a budge. A chuckle, but not a budge."

'Come on, Frank. I need it real bad. You made me crazy for it. You can't just let me suffer.' Frank sighed. 'I don't want you to suffer, Kevin. I love screwing you, you know that. I just can't be at your beck and call like your private piece of meat. Tomorrow I'll go to the porn shop and buy you a big fat rubber dildo you can keep under your pillow and stuff your hungry butt in emergencies. Just don't let your mother find it, cause if you're any indication, sex piggery might run in the family and if she gets ahold of it you'll never see it again. But tonight...'

"Frank raised his legs and planted his heels on the edge of the couch. Kevin's eyes widened. Sure, he'd seen it in various positions and with Gloria's face buried in it, but never as vulgarly obscene as that! Frank's hairy crack staring him in the face, and Frank's humungous asshole pooched out grossly, twitching. He gulped. Frank kept silent, studying Kevin's expression, allowing him ample time to take in the sight. Big hairy man's asshole spread open right before his eyes."

"'Tonight, two choices.' He still had a firm grip on his prick, keeping it upright in full view, waiting for Kevin's glance to return to it. 'You can go home and give yourself a nice little finger-fuck, or you can do something special for me and I'll screw your rump.' His eyes lit up. 'Anything, Frank. Name it and I'll...uh, like what?' Frank got a satisfied little smirk on his face. 'Don't you have any idea what it might be, Kevin? Something you know Frankie really enjoys and you've never done. Something it's time you got into because I like watching little boys do it.' Kevin got an obviously phoney look of bewilderment on his face. 'Gosh, Frank, I can't think of anything. Just a real quick fuck? I can come fast.' Frank shook his head. No dice. 'Okay, buckaroo, I'll lay it out for ya so I can go to bed. I'm sure you've got a great view of everything beneath my balls, right? My hairy buttcrack. My big shithole in the center. You know, that wrinkled round thing that my stinking dirty turds slide out of. You know the spot. Well, just before you showed up I was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet taking a great shit. Big muther-fucking turd came plopping out, then another, and another. Well, when I heard your tinkling voice I thought to myself that's my little fuck buddy...the pretty kid with the loose asshole that slides up and down my long shaft and gives us both a whole lot of pleasure. But I just fucked Gloria and I'm worn out. I love the little bugger but I gotta teach him a lesson. So you know what, Kevin? I didn't wipe my asshole. Now it's starting to itch and I don't want to get up. Besides, what I always prefer in situations like this is somebody's nice wet tongue lapping up and down, cleaning it for me. Somebody that digs it, or is willing to do it in exchange for an unscheduled buttfuck. How much do you want my cock, Kev? How hungry are you? Hungry enough to crawl over here and lick my shitty asshole? Horny enough to ram your tongue up my shithole and clean it out? Time to make a man's decision, boy. You like my prick enough to eat my shit? How big is that bunghole itch you've got? You don't have to voice it, if you're embarrassed. Just get up and go home, or crawl over here and smell my dirty ass. And believe me, partner, it's pretty ripe. No changing your mind. Your head gets close enough for me to grab it, and I'll hold your face down there till you've sucked it out. What's clicking, champ? I can't tell from your eyes, but your cock's still as stiff as a board.' Kevin's mouth had been hanging open, and he licked his dry lips. 'I'm fourteen and I'm grossed out. But a man would decide that pleasure always comes at a price. You make me happy, so I'll do anything to make you happy. Even suck out your shitty ass!' The kid began to crawl in submission.

"That's when Frank called me into the room. I'd been listening to the exchange, but I felt it might be a little sensitive for me to just walk in. But Frankie wasn't about to have me miss out on a crucial act of filth and degradation. Thank you, baby. That teenage bundle of hormones didn't bat an eye. He patiently waited until I was on the floor next to him, smiling and petting him. I told him I'd seen it worse, and winked. He smiled and shrugged, then stuck his nose in there and began to sniff Frank's reeking crack. He closed his eyes and stuck out his tongue, and began lapping every spot he thought he should. Slowly and steadily, no retreat, just surrender. Frank's crack is so damned hairy it's hard to tell from looking just how shitty it might be. And being so hairy, it always stinks anyway, so that's not much help. Only the tongue test reveals the truth. Kevin knew the truth, but I only knew however bad it was the boy was unswerving in his determination. Then I glanced down to the spot where Frank's asshole would have been just before he lifted his legs. If it had been as shitty as he was suggesting, there'd be a big brown smudge on my new sofa. He was lying through his teeth, putting the boy through a devious little torture to see what he was made of. Oh, it wasn't clean by any means. Kevin had the taste of Frank's shit firmly in register. It's just that his tongue wasn't scooping up mush or chunks of turd of any consequence. Kevin backed away and glanced up for only a second. Then he used his thumbs to pry Frank's asshole open and thrust his tongue up the big turdhole and began to rummage around in there. Oh, what a precious sight that was seeing that little darling's tongue in the firm grip of a grown man's fat wrinkled anus--working it in and out, cleaning his man's shithole for him just like I do. Say, why the hell do we grovel so easily for you, you prick? Just because of that grotesque slab of beef hanging over your smelly balls?"

"Yep. That and my charming personality."

"Okay. I guess that's good enough reason. What the hell, things come and go in life but a horsecock's damned hard to find. Ask Kevin. Anyway, he tongued that dirty hole out and sucked on it til Frank eased him away, pulled him up, and gave him a big smacking kiss! Now, I thought it was a sweet gesture at the time, but the more I think about it I suspect Frank just wanted to see what his own shit tasted like. Honey?"

"Uh, both. Figured I could do a number of goodies. See what my butthole tasted like smeared on a young boy's lips. See if he liked kissing a man. See if I like kissing a boy. See if my asshole was dirtier than I thought. And see if your panties got tangled in a bunch when I did it."

"Yeah, like I'd get jealous, you lunk. You can blow guys, you can fuck them, and you're gonna rim Eddie in a minute. But you'll never get rid of me, cause I bring home the boys you do it with!"

"Shit, I keep you around to warm them up for me."

"Well, you got a stud waiting for you right now, and you're gonna warm him up yourself. And I don't wanna see any mamby- pamby little boy messin' around. Not with all your talk. I wanna see you eat his shithole inside out and tell us how fucking good it tastes. You got a tongue that matches your prick, so shove it all in there. There's places I couldn't reach and flavor undiscovered. Time to pay the piper, boneboy. Flip him over and suck his teenage ass like the man you think you are!"

"Geez, I thought I was gonna watch you two fuck first," Eddie said as he got on all fours, "but I'm ready to feel that sensation up my bum again, so go for it, Frank!"

"Ah, sweet humiliation!" Frank cooed, kneeling on the floor and taking hold of Eddie's upthrust buttocks and sniffing along his crack. "Damn, I haven't done anything new and disgusting in a long time. I'm gonna enjoy this, kid. On my fucking knees, big-dicked stud giving lip service to a teenage boy's turd bin. Now, I might really get into this and realize what a queer, cocksucking, ass-eating faggot I look like and go nuts over the delicious embarrassment I'm feeling. But just don't start shitting, Eddie. Feeling a turd sliding over my tongue might be way too much humiliation and the pleasure would make me come all over the place!"

"Don't give the boy ideas, Frank. He's getting a good feel for this subjugation program and just might do it for the ecstasy. And you, being such a dedicated pervert, would be sucking away on his juicy turd and blowing your nuts-- forgetting all about your plan of conquest. You'd be the one conquered--lock, stock, and tootsie roll!"

"Would you really do it, Frank?" Eddie asked, intrigued yet shocked.

"Who knows? Situation's never come up, but I've never shied away from a chance to grovel since I get so few opportunities. But that's not a request, just a reflection."

"And what did she mean about your plan of conquest? Does that mean me?"

"Hey, we got a man back here trying eat some ass. You gonna jabber the whole time or shut up and enjoy it. Sheesh, this is my first time, remember? Have some consideration. On the other hand, feel free to yell out obscenities and call me dirty names. From what I've noticed asshole-suckers thrive on being reminded how filthy they are. I know it hardly stinks and it's as clean as a baby's butt back here, but pretend it's the hole of Calcutta and I'm down licking the sewer cause that's my job."

"Hell, honey. Go ahead and shit in his mouth if you can. No guy's ever wired him like you have. I don't think he'll be satisfied until he's sucked a man's turd and proven himself worthy of his own image and had his pride shattered once and for all."

"Mmmm, butthole! This is nice. Not really like a woman's at all. Nastier. Mmmm."

Frank rimmed Eddie out, driving his long tongue up that shit chute and wallowing in his stinky depths. Yeah, just like he enjoys having done to himself, he thought.

Damn, I've sunk to the bottom, alright. Like she said, my long tongue reaches deeper and I can taste this punk's shit. Boyshit, teenage boyshit, fuckin' manshit! I'm lickin' it and I'm eatin' it and I'm loving it. Down in the pit. Scared he might, but hoping he will. Whadda you say, Frank? Tell the truth. You'd suck this boy's turd without flinching, wouldn't you? Why not? You're getting off on this bittersweet taste-- licking the insides of his rectum...his turdhole... his shit depository. Yeah, you're kinda hoping he just does it cause you don't have the balls to ask for it. You've done a lot of nasty things in your life, but you still can't match that faggot in the toolies...the one with humungous nuts who came right out and asked you to crap in his mouth. Fucker ate it. Sick degenerate pervert, but he had bigger balls than you, Frank. Asked for what he wanted and got it. Don't matter it was another man's shit, he had the guts.

Things became clear to Eddie when Gloria started kissing him on the cheek while she jacked his cock. She'd already gotten a good look at her husband's anal probing and offered plenty of obscene encouragements. He didn't need any help, obviously, so she decided to spill the beans, thinking it would be the best tact.

"He's going bananas back there, isn't he? His original idea was to get you so hot and loosened up you'd let him fuck you. He still wants you to try it. But he got a big surprise. He's eating a man's ass out and he's digging it. Found out why he enjoys having others clean his shitty hole...because he always wanted to do it himself. He's down there thinking how good you taste up inside, wishing he could turn back the clock and be the one who got the first taste of your bottom when it was fresh and hot and sweaty. He'll go easy, I promise. Never hurt little Kevin, and he's turned into a raving maniac. You got more sense, but you owe it to yourself to see what a man's cock feels like up your ass. And Eddie? If you do have a turd up your ass and you decide to go whole hog and get pleasantly buggered, you're gonna have to get rid of it first. So you'd might as well turn on your filthy jets and let 'er rip. Believe me, he's back there hoping you give him that tremendous rush of humiliation. He'd never ask for it, but I think he's all worked up over the idea of sucking your turd. If I'm wrong, he'll just get out of the way and still get off on the lewd audacity of you shitting while he's rimming you. Let's just hope the sight of shit falling out of your ass doesn't make him blow his wad anyway. That's heavy duty stuff in itself for a guy like Frank...some dude shitting in his face! Oooh, even makes my pussy twitch, it's so deliciously vulgar!"

"Uh, I guess I'll try getting fucked. I can always call it off, can't I?

"Sure, sure. Frank never truly forces anyone to do anything."

"But, I don't know if...Oh, God, he's pulling me open! Ah! I'm going for it."

Oh, what a mutherfucker! He's doing it! Rotten little punk's taking a shit! I'm gonna kill the bastard! I'll squeeze his nuts off! Shit sliding over my tongue, going into my mouth. Big stinking turd, filling me, greasy. Stinking, greasy and real chunky. So why don't I pull away? Why the fuck am I running my tongue around it? Filthy! Filthy! Filthy turd- sucking Frank! Hallelujah, I've hit bottom. Fucking teenage boy taking a shit in my mouth and I'm kneeling here sucking it because it would take a train engine to pull me away. Gawd, it's awful. Bitter. Juicy and bitter. Just like you'd image shit would be. My mouth is burning. What'll I do? Pull it out? Eat it? Just back away so I don't choke and let it stay in my mouth and soak? Yeah, just wait a bit. Plenty of time to decide. Fuckin' Gloria got her face down here, watching me, big shit-eating grin on her puss but I'm the shit eater! Well, just a shitjuice swallower, so far. I can feel it dribbling down the back of my throat. Can't all be my own spit and whatever's dissolving. No, damned thing's just real juicy. Fucking teenager taking a juicy shit in my mouth and I don't know whether to gore him or adopt him. You're fucking humiliated, Frank! Face it, this is the most exciting thing you've ever experienced, and you're gonna say so--proudly, like a man. Just as soon as you can get this big fucking turd out of your mouth before your tongue breaks it apart and a bunch of turdballs go rolling down your throat! But you gotta stop your tongue first, stupid! Oh, what bliss! I can't believe my prick hasn't splattered the floor. Maybe it did and I was too wrapped up to notice. Yeah, wrapped up. Lips wrapped around his turd. The end of it's coming out of his sweet asshole and it's gonna pinch off. Better grab it or it'll fall out of your mouth. But don't you...no, I don't want it to. Not yet. Just a little longer. Just kneel here and gently suck. Kid probably wants to turn around and watch me. Sure. Guess I owe him that much. Fucking bastard shit in my mouth...just like I wanted him to. I wanna pork him. Yeah, there's his face staring at me in shock and astonishment. Hmm, not disgust really. Heh, I'm moving my mouth, making it look really lewd. Kid's getting his shit sucked, oughta look just as lewd as it is. Yeah, I'll twist it. Roll it around in my mouth. Suckin' your big turd, Eddie. Get the picture? You think I'm enjoying this, you prick? Wonder what my face looks like. Are my eyes glassy? Do I look like I've lost my fucking mind? Well, I have, you sadistic assholes! Probably ganged up on me, didn't ya? Well, get a good look. Take a picture. Frank's turned queer for teenage turds! Oh, man, this fucking thing tastes good! Maybe my mouth has gone numb. Why does it seem suddenly sweet? Is my brain twisting reality to save my sanity? Or did his turd just have a nasty coating and now I'm into the meat of the thing? Is shit really delicious but rectums put a nasty coating around it to keep guys like me from eating my own turds and everybody else's? Does it matter? I sure as hell didn't spit it out when it was horrendous. Okay, it was never actually horrendous. Yes, dammit, it was. I just didn't care. The awful taste couldn't override the pleasure and excitement that he'd actually filled my mouth with his crap. Asshole. Emptying asshole. Right out of the gorge and through my lips like a spring-action bullet! And like a fool I don't hack and gag and yell foul. No sir. I stay right here and suck it! What? Hey, don't pull it away! What're you doing? I'm not through with it yet. Shit, Gloria, not now. Not after it's turned to sugar!

"FRANK! FRANK! Goddamit, gimme that turd! You've had enough. What the hell you trying to do, baby? Looked like you'd gone over the edge and turned into a feeble-minded, mumbling idiot. You okay? Wow, you sure outdid yourself. You deserve every accolade you've ever bestowed on yourself, dear. Eddie nearly blew his wad. Did you see him pounding his meat watching you? I had to take his prick away before he hurt it."

"Wow, Frank, that was incredible!" Eddie gushed, patting him on the shoulder. "I never would have believed seeing somebody do that could be so exciting. Man, you can fuck me any time you want. Any guy that'll go that far just to bone me deserves a fair try. Just have a little pity, okay. I'm sure I'll like your cock up my hole if you have patience. Remember how I loved it in my mouth? Was it...was it awful, Frank? My shit?"

Frank let out a big gush of air and took a deep breath before collapsing on the floor.

"Am I man enough? Fuck. Like I could fake it. What you saw was what it was. I think I hit nirvana, kiddies. Amazing. Totally, outrageously amazing. I wanted to strangle you, Eddie. Wanted to take a hammer and crush your nuts. But I couldn't take your turd out of my mouth to do it. I couldn't take...no, I wouldn't take it out for anything in the world. You nailed me, man. Shot me a bolt of filth and stomped me into the ground. I was so fucking low I couldn't get any higher."

"Uh, does that mean you did or didn't..."

"He loved it, honey," Gloria assured him. "Told ya."

"Aha, I knew it!" Frank accused. "Right in the middle I said those two ganged up on me. You did. Of course, why else would Eddie suddenly be peddling his ass, offering it up for consumption? Well, I already consumpted it. Offering it up for grabs. You really wanna get fucked?"

"I don't know if I want to or not, but I'm willing to let you try. But, uh, if you're gonna do it on top of me, you really gotta go clean your teeth, Frank."

"Jeez, what'd I do, bite the fucker? That...that did come out intact, didn't it, babe? I wasn't down there chewing and eating, was I?"

"Would it make a difference, Frank? Would it make you feel real scummy if you had? But then, that would actually be a greater humiliation, so you win either way."

"Cut the crap...so to speak," Frank chuckled, "and just tell me. Suck a turd, eat a turd. Enough shitjuice went down my throat that it doesn't matter. I just want to know because I wasn't aware of it if I was, and it seemed I was totally aware of everything going on in my mouth...although I didn't have any control over it. My senses took over completely and I did what my subconscious wanted to do. That's why I couldn't pull your turd out, Eddie. I didn't really want to. I wanted to stay there on my knees and suck it. It was tasting real sweet, finally, and then you snatched it away from me. That's okay, otherwise I might have nursed on it for hours. Don't ever get high-hat and think your shit don't stink, Eddie, cause it sure does. But you can tell them for me, your turds are incredibly juicy with a center as sweet as candy."

"Jezzus, he's still delirious," Gloria sighed.

Eddie was roaring with laughter. Last thing he ever expected from the experience was having his turd praised for its flavor. He grinned at the man. "It was filthy, Frank! Doing it was was filthy, and it tasted filthy. I don't even have to try it to know that shit tastes BAD! But, I'm sure glad you liked it. That's was over-the-hill depraved and something I'll never forget. Now, you gonna fuck me or what?"

"Listen to this. Gettin' an itch, tiger? I don't know if I should. What do you think, Gloria? Think we might have another Kevin on our hands? Think it's safe to stick a prick up his hole? Might be a magic hole...makes men do strange, exotic things against their will. Besides, we don't wanna turn him into a raving cockhound cruising men's toilets, begging for a fuck."

"As an old sage said recently," Eddie giggled, "cut the crap! I think he once said something along the lines that a prick up the tail never did a boy any harm. Couldn't have been you, Frank. Even you wouldn't have the nerve to say that with a straight face when you got that sledgehammer between your legs. Better hurry, the door of opportunity is rapidly tightening up to its normal size." He layed back and swung his legs up. "Come on, shitlips, give it one more smooch then let's see if I turn into a lady."

"Oooh, you look straight out of military school in that pose, cadet. Yeah, I'll smooch it. Then get ready. I know where your button is, too. You won't be the first boy I made squirm and beg for more."

"Well, that's the idea, isn't it? One thing I can say after today, if you can make me feel that good, carry on. I've got no pride strong enough that'll stop me from admitting I like getting fucked up the ass...if that's how it turns out."

"Eddie, baby, I'll call the press now," Gloria chuckled.

Comments appreciated...please mention story name. bawdypen@hotmail.com

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