Her Voice Changes

By Ren

Published on Nov 26, 2008


I have to admit this is probably the best piece of shit I've ever written from the response and I thank all y'all especially all of you who kept hassling me to continue I apologize for the way I ended it. But you all love some drama

I can't believe how truly an honestly I fucked things up... why couldn't I wait till like a few weeks till she was off to college and then break it off. Now starting of summer vacation I was lonely, pussy whipped, and I know no other girl will do me like she can so I'm not even going to try hit the clubs it was pointless, I would probably come back even more depressed than I already am. SHE WAS MY RIDE OR DIE. Right now I'm not feeling to fly because I totally miss baby girl's smile.

So here I was two weeks after girl had left horny as fuck and I was totally understanding what ne-yo was feeling when he said he was so sick of love songs.

"Hey baby missed me" I heard a voice say. I turned round all too quickly and saw my best friend Tia standing in the doorway. I couldn't hide my pain I actually had thought for a second it was Sasha coming back to me. I rested my heads in my hand and ran it through my hair. "Oh my God I am finding you in the exact same position I left you in... don't tell me its De again... please tell me you had enough brains to ditch her like I told you," she groaned.

"I came to my sense long time," I replied smiling. "Damn I missed you girl... I said hugging her," She had left me to go stay with family in Baltimore cause her grandmother had died, when I needed her the most but I guess some people needed her more.

"So tell your girl was going on that's making you look like death came and took you're soul," she asked.

I looked at her intensely...before I began to pour my heart out to her.

I sat up on my bed totally depressed it had been two weeks and I felt no different. Deon was still heavily on my mind and I just didn't feel ready to go out and face the world. My cell had been ringing off the hook because all the girls were worried about me but I just couldn't bring myself to talk about, to think about it all.

"Sasha there is someone here to see you," my mom yelled from down low.

"Send them up," I yelled back. I prayed on everything that was good that is was Deon. I stared at the door just waiting for her beautiful 5 ft 8ish frame to step through in all its amazing intense glory. The door opened and I saw some Nike Air Max sneakers I knew it wasn't her straight away Air max soo two years ago. I looked up the 5 ft 4 frame standing in my doorway it was that chick De who I saw at the mall. She had her corn rowed in the funkiest style big ass shirt baggy pants.

"What up shawty," she said with a coy smile. I sighed aloud and felt the tears begin to fall. I had really been counting on it being Deon. How the hell did she find out where my crib was at? "How do you even know where I live are you some crazy stalker," I snapped. "No. Down girl," she laughed irritating me with her wit. "I'm somewhat aquainted with your friend Elliot," she added

"So what you came here to gloat... I lost her I don't know what happened one minute it was all fine then the next..."

"She switched on you," she interrupted.

"Yeah that," I sadly replied.

"I can tell you really wanna let it out go on tell me I'm all ears," she said softly. She was right I needed to get it all out because for the past two weeks I felt like I was gonna burst. I took a deep breath and began.

"No fucking way you are so pussy whipped, in love, fallen hard," Tia exclaimed getting excited and spilling out random words like she did when she got excited.

"Why you getting all happy? That is not a good thing I'm heartbroken," I snapped at her.

"Whoa calm your hype, you being heartbroken is your fault instead of talking to shawty about your emotions you pushed her away," she told me in a soft voice.

"Well Yoda what do I do now?" I asked her knowing she was right as usual.

"You get dressed freshen up because no offence but you STANK!" she laughed.

"Then what?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Well I want to meet this girl that got you feeling so down... and you are going to tell her what you told me," she said to me seriously as if daring me to argue with her.

10 minutes later we were on the way to her crib... I was so nervous I had to make Tia drive cause I was so shaky. The way Sasha made me feel I never thought was possible I don't even think I felt this strongly about De and De managed to bring my world crashing down. It only took us 5 minutes to get her crib I was nervous and shaking, I just wanted to turn around and go back home but Tia pushed me to the door. I knocked the door nervous as fuck. A woman opened the door. I guessed it was Sasha.

"Um hi is Sasha in," I asked.

"Yea come in she's upstairs maybe you can cheer her up," she smiled. She led me up the stairs and pointed to her door. I braced myself as I walked towards her door. I opened her door slowly and believe if I had a gun I would have killed someone from what I saw. Her and De were standing in the centre of her room hugging. I just stood there and let the different emotions run through me.

"This is so damn ridiculous," I sighed out loud. They broke up quick and Sasha gasped and acted like she'd seen a ghost. "De leave," I said in one quick sentence.

"Look Deon I was just.."

"Leaving... go," I said in a quiet tone I felt the anger building up and I wanted her gone. She rushed past me I was staring at the ground as she left because I couldn't look at Sasha at that moment in time.


"Don't even play like that," I snapped. "What are you even doing with her? How do you even know her?" I asked so many questions ran through my mind.

"The day we went to the mall she spoke to me and that was it, Elliot told her where I lived this is like the second time, I've spoken to her"

"And the both of you are already shacking up, what is it Christmas... hoe hoe hoe," I replied. Then she stepped forward angrily and so quick she slapped me and my head snapped back.

"Don't break my heart, have me crying for two weeks straight and then come into my house and accuse me of thinking of anyone else but you. You're heartless! What did you come here for? Maybe to rub it in? Just when I feel I can't be anymore broken... you prove me wrong," she's crying now I feel so stupid. So dumb... So in love. I pull her to me and hold her, she fights but I hold on and don't let go. She rests her head on my shoulder. I feel the tears in my eyes but I can't let it loose, I just couldn't break down. She calms down and she moves away from me and I feel the emptiness already. Listen here I aint no emo but all this emotional shit keeps springing out of me and I can't find the off switch.

"Look I don't know why you're here but I'm leaving because I cannot be doing this with you right now," she said walking away from me. I was quick to grab shawty's hand.

"If I've learned anything I've learned not to make the same mistake twice... you walked away from me once not again," I told her holding on to her tight.

"Fine then Deon what do want?" she asked. Slumping on her bed sitting down, and then turning to look at me.

"I know life doesn't work like this, but I made a mistake even if you were going away next week I wanna spend every minute with you because I.." oh my God I was going to say the Big L word. The Big No No.

"Because you what," she asked standing up and staring me straight in the eye.

"Because I wanna be with you, you make me happy," I replied before leaning in and kissing her. Oh My God! I've been wanting her lips for so long to feel it moving deliciously against mine. As we kissed she held my shirt tight and pulled me to her. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had been wanting it. This time I would not let her leave me unsatisfied and I will not leave her unsatisfied... I was gonna show baby how badly I've missed her.

Everything was happening so fast. Her tongue was assaulting my mouth the way I liked it her hands were everywhere she kissed my neck as she put her hands under my shirt rubbing my bare back. With every kiss and every touch I felt myself getting wetter she knew just were to touch me. Next she lay me down on the bed still kissing me rolling her tongue with mine I felt that oh so familiar fiery passion rise within me. She pulled my shirt off me and unclipped my bra, in one swift motion, and cupped my breast in her hands. She looked me deep in the eyes.

"I've wanted this for too damn long," she whispered as she moved close to my lips.

"Me too," I replied before she kissed me again really softly. I moved my hands to her sides and lifted her shirt and unclipped her bra throwing it to the side. Her touch was electric and when we kissed we definitely connected not just physically but she was the perfect fit. Her fingers stroked my lips between the hips as she trailed kissed down my neck. I didn't even realise how truly horny I was till she touched me. She stroked my clit making me moan loud. "Mmm baby feel so good," I found myself saying. Slowly but surely her finger started to invade my pussy hole. I gasped it felt so good to feel her inside me. "Mmm baby you're so tight... I'm going to have to loosen you up," she whispered in my ear before licking my lobe. So turned on was not even enough to describe how I felt at this moment. Her finger penetrating deeper inside me so slowly in a most probably teasing motion when all I wanted was to be fucked real good.

"Please baby," I groaned.

"The longer you wait for something, the better it is when you get it," she said right just before she sharply pushed two fingers into my pussy. I pushed back I needed so badly to cum. She kissed down my stomach putting her tongue in my belly button then going further down south. I stroked my hands through her hair as she reached my pussy and kissed my clit. "Yes," I moaned loudly as she began to suck it in her mouth. I felt her lips close around it and suck hard as she fucked me harder. The pleasure was indescribable as it soured through body; I knew round about now my pussy was flooding juices. Her free hand stroked my thigh and let me tell you right now every touch was electric. Then she hit it, that spot within me that made me loose all control. I arched my back of the bed while gripping the sheets and pushed my pussy into her mouth and at that moment she removed her finger and held me to her mouth as she began her tongue assault on my pussy and that was it I was lost and delirious.

I don't know what was wrong with me but seeing Deon again made me realise that I wanted her back and I wanted to do her right this time. Y'all call me selfish but that Sasha chick seemed like a nice girl but she HAD to go! Wow I'm two faced but I get what I want how I want and when I want it.

Sorry this is so short and it took a long time I'm working on it and balancing my priorities im sorri how I ended the last one but here ya go let me know how u feel

Next: Chapter 6

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