Her Voice Changes

By Ren

Published on Feb 28, 2009



Revising a strategy to get my best friend to dump her girlfriend and become my girlfriend without seeming too vindictive was difficult. I needed alliances and people involved. I was thinking all this to myself as I drove to her house. I pulled up in her drive and knocked on her front door. I waited a long time. Suddenly the door jolted open and an out of breath Deon opened the door and I saw Sasha adjusting herself in the background I acted oblivious.

"Hey girl," I hugged her quickly then walked past her. "Oh hey Sasha," I greeted her smiling sweetly.

"Hey, Tia," she replied with a little edge to her voice. She looked slightly annoyed I so wanted to sneer but I gave her my innocent look. Then came the awkward silence.

"Oh I hope I wasn't interrupting, wow I'm sorry," I said putting on my sorry act when I truly wasn't.

"Well actually..." Sasha began.

"No of course you weren't you welcome here girl so what adventures you got planned for us home girl" Deon interrupted smiling her sexy smile. Her smile people do not even get me started.

"I thought we were going to do something together today," Sasha whispered to Deon. I heard though. I was thinking you thought wrong bitch.

"Baby I know but I haven't seen Tia in forever I promise we will do something tomorrow," she said moving toward Sasha then wrapping her arms around her waist, she pulled the girl close to her so there was no space between them and kissed her. Her lips moved over Sasha's in such an erotic way. Jealousy started to build up in me. I wanted her to kiss me! This girl did not deserve Deon. Then Sasha let out a moan. I coughed really loud, then they separated.

"Sorry," Deon giggled. "You don't what this girl does to me," she smiled. She was right I didn't know and I didn't WANT to know.

"I'm not sorry," Sasha said flashing me a cheeky smile. "But fine babe you can go have your fun, I have some things to do anyway," Sasha said smiling at her while quickly kissing Deon once last time and moving to the door. It was disgusting to watch the only person I wanted kissing Deon was me.


Was it me or did I see Tia's eyes go green with jealousy? What was I thinking? They've been best friends since forever if anything was to happen it would have happened by now. Though the tug in my chest didn't disappear. I was suspicious but I trusted Deon... for now. I could not afford to be one of the insecure sisters. I knew my baby was happy and that was that. I just lay on my back on the grass and enjoyed watching the clouds form different shapes in the sky.

"Tia will steal your girl," I heard a familiar voice say from behind. I sat up quickly and saw De standing there looking like she always does.

"What are you stalking me?" I asked raising my eyebrow. She just smile and sat beside me.

"Naw I don't do that stalking shit," she laughed and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"What do you mean she will steal my girl I trust Deon," I said to her in a calm voice.

"And so you should but don't trust Tia.... she stole Deon from me," she replied in a sad tone.

"I doubt she forced you to continuously cheat her," I snapped. I saw her flinch at my words.

"You're right she didn't, but I had commitment issues since forever but with Deon I was willing to try you know but I was steering clear from temptations then that bitch Tia kept setting me up, and I lost Deon," she explained. I was shocked at this revelation. I wanted to question this but all I had to do was look into her eyes and I knew she wasn't lying.

"Well why would she do that, her and Deon didn't get together ever so why?" I asked finally.

"She would have made her move but her family needed her back in Baltimore so she left, leaving Deon damaged and I damage but beyond repair," she explained further. I felt so sorry for her. However I had new things to worry about this Tia bitch I really didn't like the sound of her.


Tia drove while I sat in the driver seat, we were silent for a while, I was wondering why I hadn't gotten any text messages from Sasha.

"Deon remember that night you came to my house crying when you finally finished with De," she began. How could I forget it was one of the worst nights of my life. De and I had been arguing I went to apologize and when I got there she was all over some hussy.

"Yes," I replied pushing the painful memory away.

"What was the motto we formed," she said grinning.

"True sisters before wannabe misters," I said laughing. Wow she really had cheered me up that night then we got drunk as fuck. "Good thing Sasha isn't a wannabe mister," I sighed out loud.

"Yea that's where bros before hoes comes in," she laughed. I froze I really didn't like what she had just said.

"Sasha is not a hoe for one okay don't get it twisted and don't make that mistake again," I snapped sitting up straight in my chair. I saw her eyes flash angrily and as quick at it came it was gone.

"I was playing girl... so tell me about this Sasha, How did you meet? Everything," she said smiling. Now I wasn't about to pass up an excuse to talk about my baby girl was I.


So this girl had a boyfriend before Elliot who I so happened to know his older brother. So she wasn't always munching the pussy interesting. It so happens she sounds to me like a bit of a weakling someone who can't say no or doesn't think fast now that's helpful.

Deon and I went to a few of our old hang out spots it was so good to be chilling with the love of my life finally all I wanted now was to make her more than just a friend.

"Its nine girl I think I should be getting back," said heading towards the door.

"Come on girl its only nine we use to hang out till like two in the morning," I groaned.

"Yea I know but I got a text from Sasha and I'm looking forward to meeting to her now," she giggled winking at me. I swear I felt puke come up in my throat.

"Fine come on lets go," I replied. As we drove back to her house she was all giddy with excitement and could not stop talking about Sasha it truly made me sick. As we got to the door Sasha opened it and jumped in her arms and they had a mini make-out session. DOUBLE YUCK! Hey babe I'll be right back Deon said and left us standing there as she rushed into the house. Sasha turned to look at me angrily.

"Quit the cute act I know what you're up" she snarled. Yes finally I could give this bitch a piece of my mind.

"All I want is Deon, I deserve her and you don't," I snapped back at her.

"Aww you poor baby, well tough shit, she's mine, taken get it into you're fat head you bitch," she growled at me.

"Oh we will soon see about that," I laughed.

"Hey guys I'm back," Deon said rushing to us with something in her hand. She handed it to me and I smiled sweetly at her and Sasha. However in my mind all I could think was... ITS ON!


Oh hell to the no it's on between me and that bitch.


I've never been so happy my best friend and girlfriend are getting on so well im so glad to have them both in my life.

Dont you just love my beautiful cliff hangers lool

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