Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jan 21, 2021


Hercules Bound Chapter ten: The Grove of Dionysos Evan Andrews 2020

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version you know. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style. Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Iolaus by WCW wrestler Evan Karagias, and Dionysos by straight porn actor Niko Sempre. Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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The grove sacred to the god Dionysos stood just outside Eleusis, or it did this evening at least. At its heart lay a glade, a dancing green, spotted with daisies. The encircling trees dripped with vines rich in bunches of plump ripe grapes whose juicy excess seemed ready to turn into wine whenever the young god so desired. Dionysos himself reclined on a couch. Otherwise naked, a loose length of purple cloth draped over his one shoulder and slid down the god's body to barely cover his impressive cock. His long dark hair all but demanded you run your fingers through it, and his dark smiling eyes invited the presumption. A goatee framed the insinuating, smiling mouth and dared you to kiss him. Although he was far younger than Hermes, his preferred mortal guise was one of juicy maturity. In all, he was intoxicating.

"Hermes, you dog. Have a drink!" Dionysos cried when the herald of the gods stepped out of nothing with his companions.

A wild-eyed nymph suddenly appeared beside Hermes holding a brimming goblet. Hermes took the goblet with a smile and drained it in a single draught.

"And you, Brother Hercules," Dionysos laughed, "And your little friend. Drink, be merry, join in the mysteries!"

More nymphs appeared, and goblets were thrust at them, though Iolaus took note that theirs were not nearly so full as Hermes' had been. A sip proved that Dionysos' vintage was unwatered, and Iolaus was glad the nymph hadn't given him a full goblet. He figured he should keep his wits about him until he figure out if this pair of divine brothers got on and how well. Well enough, it seemed, for Dionysos motioned them forward

"What brings you by today, Hermes? You're not usually one for mysteries unless you caused them, and Brother Hercules, you have never shown the least interest in my gift."

Herc had, Iolaus knew, but that was never spoken of.

"I am not," Hermes admitted, "But as for our brother here," and he pushed Herc to his knees, "I think it's time for him to experience your flavor of divine madness."

"We're to hold an initiation, are we? Excellent. Is it your will, Hercules, son of Zeus, to be introduced to the Mysteries of Dionysos?"

Herc was confused. He'd heard about his brother's "mysteries" but from what he'd heard the whole thing sounded like little more than an excuse to hold drunken, and occasionally murderous, orgies.

"I..." Herc stammered and then stopped, unable to think of what to say, "uh..."

"I understand that you may have misgivings, Brother," Hermes said, "And you have little reason to trust me, but this one time I ask you to take my advice. Do this! It can't hurt, and it may yet prove useful under some bizarre set of circumstances—and you have to admit that of late most of your life has been an on-going series of bizarre circumstances."

Herc looked into Hermes' black eyes, searching for the deceit he was certain lay behind the earnestness, but he found none. Hermes was deadly serious about his becoming one of Dionysos' initiates.

Dionysos himself had sat up on his couch and was staring at Herc eagerly. The hero looked at the god of wine and nodded his agreement. Hermes whooped, and, with a twirl, he was gone.

"So let it be done!" the god of wine proclaimed, "Bear the initiate to the navel of the world."

Two nymphs and two satyrs surged forward. They stripped Herc down and escorted him, naked, out to the middle of the glade. The two satyrs then held his arms wide, while the two nymphs knelt to spread his ankles a foot or two apart.

While they did this, Dionysos looked at Iolaus patted the side of his couch.

"Sit here at my feet, my mortal nephew," he said, "Sit and bear witness."

Sitting, Iolaus watched as vines sprouted from soil at Herc's feet and climbed up his body, immobilizing the hero even as they supported him. They wrapped around his legs, always leaving flesh bare though, twined over his belly and chest, and then out over his arms. They held him there, upright and spread-eagled for all to gawk at. He couldn't have run even if he had been so inclined. Then one vine wrapped itself around the hero's head, crowning him with leaves and several bunches of sweet grapes. Herc's nostrils were filled with their overwhelming scent, and even Iolaus could smell the power they held. Another vine appeared, carrying a bounty of grapes towards Herc's mouth.

"Open your mouth, Brother'" Dionysos said, "Receive the gift of wild wine, and feel its power."

Herc opened his mouth, and the vine pressed the wine-grapes into his mouth. There they burst, and for a moment Herc was astounded, both at the rich taste and at the raw power he tasted in the liquid. He swallowed some, but far more ran out of his mouth, dripping down his naked body. Another vine reached up and wrapped itself around the base of his suddenly erect cock. Dionysos laughed, and more wine flowed from Herc's lips. It ran out onto his erect nipples, and each drop that fell from either tit excited even more lust from him. The wine that ran down to his junk would have dripped from his cock, if it had not currently been giving a demonstration of the acute angle, instead, the potent liquid runnelled over his sensitive balls and dripped to the ground from there.

Iolaus stared openmouthed at Herc's immobilized buddy. Then he saw two further vine tentacles with cock-like terminals approached the hero's head and his ass.

"This you must submit to, Hercules," Dionysos said, "Let the vines take you and redeem you."

Herc sobbed at the prospect of this new humiliation, but he couldn't stop it. His mouth was already open, held that way by the grapes, but he allowed the vine cock to enter him as well. It tasted not just of wine, which it would given that it was now mashing up the grapes in his mouth, but also of delectable exotic precum juices.

"Mmm," Herc stared to groan, but at that moment the other vine cock burrowed into his ass, and he let out a cry.

"Oghhhh!" Herc moaned as the all-too-fleshlike vines began pulsing.

Iolaus, watching this all, thought the vines must be pumping something into his friend's guts from both ends. Given the erotic dance Herc was now putting on, he found he was envying his uncle the experience. Then the ass vine cock began visibly thrusting in an out of Herc's butt. Warm liquid, as crimson as the best vintage, leaked from the hero's ass with each stroke, and the vine cock in his mouth started thrusting as well, feeding Herc its own special vintage which joined the wine running down his body. The hero's cock, already rigid, wept in sympathy, and his body rocked as the vines fucked him.

"Attend to Hercules, my followers!" Dionysos cried, "Attend to your brother's needs and desires!"

Nymphs, satyrs, and all ranks and manner of humans descended as a body on the bound hero. Where Herc was fucked and wine dribbled out of his ass, they lapped it from the flesh of his thighs. Where it leaked from his mouth, they kissed it away, mostly. And where it dribbled off his nipples and his balls, they licked and sucked away the flow. By now Herc's cock flowed as well. The scent was, as with the vine cock fucking his mouth, not just Herc's regular pre-cum. Rather, it was a divinely fortified brew of deepest wine and primal ball juice. The worshippers fell on this last bit of Herc's flesh and began to drink directly from the source.

Iolaus thought, "They're worshipping his dick like it's a god!"

"Tonight, Nephew," Dionysos smiled down at him, "It is."

Iolaus should have known Dionysos would hear his thoughts.

Herc was giving it up like a pro, but the hero was having to use every trick he'd learned from being whored out by his warlike brother in order to keep up with the demand. His ass tightened around the vine fucking his ass, increasing the friction both on the vegetable cock and his own screaming prostate. His tongue at the same time worked over the vine cock in his mouth, trying to tease out even more of its bounty. Iolaus watched as Herc closed his eyes, and slowly, certainly, became not just one with the vine but also one with the rich wine.

Iolaus suddenly felt Dionysos' hand on his head, and he turned to look at him. The wine god had his own weeping shaft in his hand, pointed towards the young hero's face.

"Join with me, Iolaus," Dionysos said, "Take my cock into your mouth."

Iolaus let his jaw drop.

"Now suck."

And with that Iolaus' mouth was filled with the wine god's shaft. The fat cockhead slid over his tongue as the firm hand on the back of his skull forced him further down the hard shaft than he thought he could have managed. It must have been something in the wine he'd drunk earlier, or Dionysos' precum, because he managed handily, despite the god's length. On second thought, Iolaus felt sure it must be the precum, because he quickly fell into an organic whole with the god, an integral part of a thrusting and taking it machine. Fuck. It was so right a thing to do and to be. Despite his part in the divine blowjob, however, Iolaus could still hear what was happening to Herc, and it turned him the fuck on. His poor cock demanded attention of its own. He glanced up at Dionysos for permission, which the god granted with a smile, and Iolaus pulled his dick out of his loincloth and began stroking it.

"Mmmm," the young hero moaned. If he didn't stop this soon he knew he wouldn't ever be able to. It was as if Dionysos' precum was as addictive as strong wine was.

"Enough," the god said, and he pulled Iolaus off his shaft, "You are now pledged one of my followers, but if you suck me anymore you might become my slave, and we don't want that. Now gaze upon your friend."

"Fuck," Iolaus sighed as he saw his mentor, his best buddy, the center of attention in the wildest orgy he had ever witnessed—and he'd seen some really freaky scenes of late. A sea of bodies struggled to get close to Herc, and the worshippers that could not get to his immobilized body were sucking and fucking those that could.

"That..." Iolaus started, "It's..."

"It calls to you, Nephew," Dionysos said, his hand ruffling Iolaus' hair, "And as one of mine you must go. Not as an initiate, but as a simple worshipper."

Iolaus could only stare at the wine god.

"Go on," the divine vision laughed, "Don't pretend you don't want to. Go join in already."

That said, Iolaus shot off towards the crowd, and, joining them, became part of their orgy. Determined, the young hero struggled to get close to his uncle, and to his surprise the crowd let him through, sensing perhaps the intent of his intensity was worship, as was theirs. When he got close, Iolaus found that Herc's cock was now dripping a rich clear rose-colored sap. It looked so inviting that Iolaus actually pushed a princess of somewhere aside in order to take the familiar shaft into his mouth. Immediately he found himself blindly worshipping the divine fusion of man and vine with his mouth, praying the only way he could with a mouth full of dick by sucking harder. Herc's fluid turned out to be an alarming combination of his own already semi-divine pre-cum (a taste Iolaus by now knew well) and the headiest wine that had ever been. Iolaus could have drunk it for hours, but there were others eager for the blessing.

Iolaus let himself be pushed aside and watched, satisfied, as another took his place worshipping Herc's leaking dick. More people pushed forward, and the young hero found himself lost in the ebbs and flows of this mass of human passion: touching, groping, kissing, penetrating and being penetrated. On the fringe of the crowd he was recognized as one who had tasted the divine shaft, and people forced kisses on him, eager for the least taste of Herc's passion. And damned if Iolaus' couldn't tell from taste alone who had also sucked his uncle. Again, the tides of passion returned the young hero to Herc. He partook, worshipping his uncle's sex with his mouth as long as he could, and again ceded his place to others. And returned again. It was marvelous to suck Herc's cock, but it was also good to be one with the swiving mass of worshippers. How long Iolaus was part of the orgy he could never later determine. Time had no meaning in this place, but it seemed every worshipper felt instinctively when it all started to come to a head.

Dionysos, leaving his drape behind him on the couch, rose, naked and glorious, and waded into the orgy. The mass of worshippers parted before him, leaving the way clear for the god to reach Herc and take up a stance behind him. Reverently, Dionysos slid his own divine cock into Herc's fuck-hole alongside the thrusting grape vine.

"Argh!" Herc cried around the vine in his mouth, and his cock fired off a false orgasm to the delight of the man then sucking him. Two cocks at once was widening the hero's horizons.

Dionysos began to thrust in earnest, and things in the orgy started to get even more frantic and fantastical. The vines fell away, releasing Herc's wine-stained body, and Dionysos grew to more than twice the size of a regular man. Herc threw his arms back around Dionysos torso and held on for dear life as his muscular frame was lifted into the air where it hung and jiggled up and down on the wine god's now-mighty shaft.

"Big!" the hero screamed, his crazed eyes wide open, "So big! Hard! Huge! Fucking me! Fucking... fuck... fuck... FUCK ME!"

"Isn't it wonderful?!" the princess that Iolaus had supplanted earlier breathed in his ear before licking it.

Iolaus felt a hand reached out to take his shaft, but when he checked he found it belonged to a grinning satyr.

"Wonderful, it is, princess," the spirt laughed, "And then there's this one. Why, you can taste the god on him and in him—wonder how that got there. But speaking of taste..."

The satyr bent over and began to suction Iolaus' meat. Iolaus thrust forward as the princess attached herself to his pert nipples.

"Fuck!" Iolaus thought, but he was too caught up in the sensations to voice the sentiment.

And of course everybody was fucking now. The frenzy begun by sucking Herc's dick had now suffused into the congregation, and everybody was reacting sympathetically to the hero's reaming. Or maybe it ran deeper than that. Maybe in partaking of the communion of wine and precum they had joined their conscious minds not only with Herc, and Dionysos, but with each other. In any case, as Dionysos fucked harder, the more frantic the sex in the congregation was becoming.

Herc's ass and prostate, mighty as they were, could not resist Dionysos' relentless rodding forever, and eventually he erupted, screaming. His cock pulsed over and over, shooting massive wads of rose-colored jizz, and spattering, blessing, the entire congregation. Finally Dionysos wrapped his arms around Herc and cried out as he too came, seeding the mighty hero with more sperm than the demigod's ass could hold. Ropes of the god's cum leaked out around the mighty shaft and drooled down the inside of Herc's mighty thighs, mixing with the dregs of the wine.

The crowd fell to their knees, and finally to the ground in a great and general swoon, Iolaus among them. Dionysos, though, walked Herc, who was still impaled on the divine cock back to his couch and sat down. Lying back he returned to human size, pulled Herc's back against him, and kissed the hero's neck.

"Welcome to the mysteries, Brother, now in more ways than one," Dionysos whispered in Herc's ear, "Nothing but my wine will ever inebriate you ever again, not even our wicked nephew's precum. I would do as much for Iolaus, but his mortal frame could never withstand my passion. You will have to guard him still, and it will be a trial. Ares' back is up for some reason, and even I who lives, eats, and dreams wild chaos can't figure out his plans for you. Just remember this. When you find yourself abandoned by all others, come to a vineyard, any vineyard, and call on me. You, and our nephew, will always have a place among my people."

And with that, Herc fell asleep, his ass still filled with Dionysos' cock and cum.

Next: Chapter 11

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