Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jan 30, 2021


Hercules Bound Chapter eleven: Brothers All Evan Andrews 2020

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version you know. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style. Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Iolaus by WCW wrestler Evan Karagias, Ares by Xena's Kevin Smith, and Eros by Karl Urban, Castor and Polydeuces by the Buff Dudes (google them), Iphicles by Paul Telfer, Phobos by Taylor Lautner, and Deimos by gay porn star (Corbin Fisher) Marc II. Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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In the morning somebody kicked Hercules in the side, hard, and he awoke with a start, unsure of where he was. A single glance told him that he was still in the grove where he had been the center of a fantastical orgy the night before, though nothing remained to show what mysteries had been celebrated there. Or how. A second glance showed a stern Ares readying a second kick.

"I'm up already," Herc said, raising his hands, "I'm moving."

"About time," the god of war growled as Herc sat up, "By all the Olympians, I'm surprised at you, Brother. First you go heroing all over Greece without pausing to wonder if I might have something better for you to do."

"Like Apollo?" Herc asked as he grabbed his loincloth and pulled it on.

Beside him, Iolaus was getting to his feet as well.

"That was just one morning," Ares fumed, "And then what do you do? You disappear into Athens for days on end—drama, pah—and then, the first night you're out of that damned city, you and your little friend decide to get drunk off your asses and fuck your brains out. Is that gratitude, I ask you?"

"Wait, you're expecting gratitude?" Herc was never at his best in the morning, especially when confronted by Ares pouting, "You have my ass at your beck and call and expect me to be grateful?"

"Of course."

Iolaus, now dressed as well, shot Herc a warning look. Clearly Ares had no idea what had actually happened last night. No idea Herc had been initiated into Dionysos' mysteries. No idea that Herc (and he) had spent time in Hermes' boudoir before that. Iolaus suspected that this was all part of some plan Hermes had bubbling away. Behind Hermes' black eyes there were always wheels turning within wheels, and anytime you thought you knew the trickster god's game, he grinningly proved you wrong. Whatever it was, though, Iolaus knew better than to speak of it to Ares, and he hoped he was communicating that the Herc.

Apparently he had because Herc simply shook his head and said meekly, "Alright, Ares. What do you want me to do now?"

"We'll start with giving you a lesson in what subservience means, I think. You, my brother, need to be reminded of your vow and your place. Come with me, both of you. I have some people I want you to meet."

Ares took both Herc and Iolaus by the shoulder and pushed them roughly into the blinding light of the rising sun. The light blinded them, and they stumbled and fell, not onto the springy grass of the glade, but rather onto a cold stone floor. It was dark, but it would be since they were in a temple of some sort and an ancient one at that. How it was still standing was anyone's guess. From the shadows, the cult statue stared down at them. You could almost believe the goddess was ready to pass judgement.

"Oh fuck. That's Nemesis," Iolaus breathed.

"And the mortal gets the gold star. Right on the first guess," Ares said, "Great Auntie Nemesis it is. Our playtime won't be interrupted here."

Herc clenched his teeth and said, "Playtime? I thought you were going to teach me a lesson."

"Same thing. Now, since you do so well at getting fucked by your brothers," and Iolaus hoped the war god only meant himself, Hephaistos, and Apollo, "Let's continue in that vein."

Ares showed his teeth, and Iolaus shuddered at the malice the smile held. The young hero knew that while he himself was not the target of the war god's vindictiveness, you could never tell when Ares might change things around.

"What do you..." Herc started.

"Mouth shut, Brother," Ares snapped, "Your teachers are here."

A glow appeared in the open doorway, and out of that stepped a smirking Eros with two prime specimens of manhood.

Iolaus had no idea who they were, but Herc said, "Hello, Castor. Hello, Polydeuces. It's been a long time since we sailed on the Argos."

"Call me Pollux," said Polydeuces, "It's easier, and it's what everybody calls me. Even Father."

Castor?! And Pollux?! Iolaus was taken aback. Why had Ares brought the Dioscuri here? And then it hit him. Brothers. They were brothers, to one another and to Herc as well.

"Wow, Hercules," Castor said, "You look like you were definitely fucked hard and put away wet. Don't tell me your little friend there did all that."

Castor, the mortal twin, the mouthy one of the pair, leered at Iolaus. According to all the stories Castor always put himself forward, doing everything in his power to eclipse his demigod brother. It surprised Iolaus that Pollux put up with it. Then Iolaus noticed Pollux's bulging loincloth. Now it made sense; Pollux had other things on his mind than Castor's guff.

"Brothers," Ares said to the Dioscuri with a patently wicked amiability, "I should bring you up to date on the family gossip. See, Herc here lost a small wager to me, and as a result his ass is mine to do what I want with for as long as I want."

Castor leered at Herc's ass and said, "Looks like you won a pretty hefty prize for sure, but what's that to us?"

"If you would let me finish," Ares was starting to lose patience with his mouthy mortal brother, "Today I was thinking I should really share my toys and wondered if you two'd like a chance to put our father's pet son in his place?"

Both Dioscuri had reached down now and were rubbing what were clearly long hard dicks. Iolaus supposed it ran in the family. Castor looked at Pollux, and both grinned and nodded at the same time.

"Whatever game you're playing, Ares...," Pollux started.

"...We're more than happy to join in," finished Castor.

Stepping forward, the two muscular men took hold of Herc's arms and pulled him to the middle of the temple. Forcing the hero to his knees, they pulled out their engorged man-rods and waved the rigid meat at him.

"Start sucking, Herc," Castor said as he beat his brother's face with his cock.

Herc gave an inaudible sigh and let his mouth fall open. The two brothers gathered close, shoulder to shoulder, and began to take turns fucking Herc's mouth. As always, Castor got in first, but like a good brother he was happy to share Herc's services with Pollux. In the short time Herc had been under Ares' thumb, he had become quite adept at sucking a good cock, and now the ancient temple began to echo with the moans of contented fellatees.

"That's right, daddy's boy," Castor sighed when he got back into the driver's seat, "Take it. Suck my dick!"

"You got yourself quite a prize here, Ares," Pollux said while stroking his cock and waiting for his next turn, "Who knew that the man's man of the civilized world would suck cock this well."

"He's been getting lots of practice," Ares laughed, "But it gets better. Just wait until you shove your pricks into his ass."

"Later. I want to explore all the possibilities of this mouth first," Castor smirked, and taking hold of Herc's head, he tried to ram his dick into the top of the hero's throat.

While the Dioscuri skull-fucked Herc, Ares sat down in a black throne that appeared from nowhere. Kneading his own hard-on, he reached for Iolaus and pulled the handsome mortal onto his lap. Eros, grinning, dropped his kilt and started milking his own shaft, working up a good supply of his aphrodisiac precum. He raised a hand towards Iolaus, but instead Ares grabbed the godling's wrist and brought the hand to his mouth.

"Mmmm," Ares sighed, "Delicious as always, my boy. But I don't think our little mortal here needs any help in the erection department. Look."

He slid Iolaus' loincloth aside, releasing the young hero's hard dick which he proceeded to stroke.

"Oh fuck," moaned Iolaus, arching his back.

"Those two are taking their own sweet time," Ares said, glancing at the Dioscuri, "Let's have some fun."

Iolaus felt Ares' hard dick pressing against his ass, and he knew what kind of fun Ares was talking about. Yeah, he'd been fucked, but not by anything as big as Ares' cock. Still, he gave himself over to god's hands as they roamed over his young body, teasing his nipples, fondling his churning testicles, and rubbing his swollen length. Then they slid under Iolaus' butt cheeks, raising him into the air and positioning him so he could slide his ass down over the war god's swollen length.

"Oh!" Iolaus screamed as his ass started to envelop Ares' cock, "Oh fucking fuck!"

Ares' meat mercilessly forced its way into his guts, but Iolaus had no idea why he had a hard-on of his own bobbing away. Yeah, Ares was handsome as sin, and there were thousands of men who would sell their grandfathers for a chance to have that fat prick delving into their asses. But even though he had no ability to resist the war god, Iolaus did not desire him. No, for whatever totally reason, Iolaus realized it was the sight of Herc, his buddy, his mentor, sucking cock like one of the boy-whores in Athens that was turning him on. It was fucking hot. Iolaus' cockhead agreed and started to gleam with leaking precum, and at that moment Ares' cockhead rode over his prostate.

"Fuck!" he cried.

Iolaus couldn't keep his eyes on Herc's cock-sucking marathon any longer. He leaned back against Ares' chest and let the war god drill his hole however he wanted. With his eyes closed, Iolaus never noticed that Ares was just as fixated on Herc's performance as he had been himself.

"Hurry up, Uncle Castor, Uncle Pollux," Eros complained, "Is skull-fucking the only thing you're good at? Uncle Castor, I thought you were hungry to have a go at Uncle Hercules' ass."

Herc shot Eros a look of disgust, but Castor, beaming, said, "Wisdom out of the mouths of babes. He's right. Let's get into this slut's ass, Brother."

While Eros fumed at being called a babe, the Dioscuri pulled Herc back to his feet and drug him over to stand before Ares' throne. Herc could only stare at his nephew riding Ares' cock. Then his cock began to get hard in its turn.

"Hands on the floor, Whore-cules," Pollux said, grinning at Herc's stiffy, "Show us your fuckable ass."

Herc sighed and bent over onto his hands, leaving his ass high and wide open to attack. The Dioscuri didn't let him languish in anticipation for long. Castor raced into the saddle, ramming his dick in Herc's hole. Anguish wrote itself across the demigod's face as Castor began to breed him hard, but his ass had by this time been host to fuckings from gods and godlings, demigods, giants, spirits, and even a mortal. Whatever these two punks thought they were dishing out—and the bothers were not at all gentle in their fucking -- Herc had taken more and better. Still, he should have avoided the mantle of hubris. Ares was sure to notice, and of course he did.

Ares slowed his own ass-fucking and allowed Iolaus to take in Herc's new humiliation. The young hero was appalled, but also turned on by the way Herc's head shook back and forth in time to the ferocity of the brothers' rape. Ares may have been turned on as well, but he wanted Herc to be a broken man in addition to being a well-fucked one. Since he clearly wasn't broken, Ares decided to get inventive.

"What do you think, Son," Ares said to Eros, "Is there anything hotter than watching brothers getting it on?"

Eros smiled. He'd caught the wicked undertone to Ares' otherwise innocuous question.

"You have something in mind, Father?" Eros asked archly.

Ares pushed Iolaus off his cock and came to his feet.

"Yeah," the war god said, "I think I do. You keep score here. I'm going to take our little mortal friend and go hunting."

Iolaus didn't like the sound of that one bit, but he deftly shoved his hard and still-leaking cock back into his loincloth and stood ready. Ares put a hand on the young man's shoulder again, and in a blink they were standing on a hillside in fertile Arcadia. In fact, Arcadia close the place where Iolaus had grown up. Iolaus was not at all comfortable with being this close to his home, especially given Ares' current mood, but he didn't panic until he saw his father Iphicles walking down the hill towards them.

"Stand right here, boy, and don't move," Ares ordered, "Wave if you must, but don't say anything."

And with that Ares was gone.

If Iphicles was surprised by his son's sudden appearance, or by Ares' disappearance, he didn't show it. A smile spread itself across his face instead, and he raised a hand in greeting. Iolaus wanted to call out, wanted to warn his father that some nefarious plot of a vindictive god was about to ensnare him, but he couldn't. Apparently Ares command over his body was more powerful than he'd realized.

In a flash, Ares manifested behind Iphicles. He grabbed the muscular man from behind and used a pressure point to force his jaws open.

"Gah!" Iphicles croaked.

Thrusting fingers, still slimy with Eros' precum, into Iphicles' mouth, Ares fingerfucked Iphicles' oral cavity, rubbing the love god's precum across the mortal's tongue and back into the back of his mouth. Then Ares pulled the fingers out and rubbed them across Iphicles' upper lip under his nose.

"Oh, Father," Iolaus mourned.

Ares pushed Iphicles forward, and with every step Iolaus could see his father falling more and more under Eros' spell. Iphicles' muscles relaxed, and his cock began to fill out. Ares reached around and, releasing Iphicles' shaft from its prison, started a teasing stroking.

"Please, Ares," Iolaus begged, "Don't!"

"Don't?" Ares said in mock surprise, "But brothers should share everything. Everything. So why shouldn't Castor and his brother Pollux enjoy Hercules and his brother?"

Tears now coursed down Iolaus' face. He could tell there was no way he could keep Ares from turning his father into a man-whore as part of the god's ongoing campaign to demean and possibly destroy Herc, but maybe he could mitigate some of the damage. Ares tore away Iphicles' garments and ran his hand over the mortal's magnificent naked body. Where the hand passed, hair vanished: chest and belly, under the arms, and especially the public bush. When Ares was done, Iphicles was as bare as Hercules or any other professional whore.

"Please, don't mock my father, Ares," Iolaus begged, "Leave him some of his dignity."

Ares looked pleased at so having the upper hand over Iolaus. He made a show of considering for a moment before nodding.

"If you insist, my sweet little mortal. After all, it's not like Iphicles had any choice of who his brother was any more than you had of who your uncle was. I make you this promise. Your father will suffer no more this day than a good rodding and a belly full of cum. And when I return him here, and I will, he'll be just as he was before—hair and all since that seems to be important to you. I'll even blur his memory so that he believes he did nothing more this afternoon than fall asleep and have an idle dream. Will that satisfy you?"

"Yes, Lord Ares," Iolaus said meekly.

Truth be told, it was much more than Iolaus had expected.

"It's as I keep telling you," Ares said as he continued stroking Iphicles' dick, "I may be a hard god, but I'm neither evil, nor pointlessly cruel. I simply will not be denied. Let's get back now and see how dear Hercules is faring."

Once again Iolaus found himself—along with Ares and his father—in Nemesis' temple. Herc was still bent over, but his hands hung helplessly in the air as he sucked Pollux while Castor's glistening cock plumbed his anal depths. Eros sat in Ares' throne, idly jerking himself off and licking the flood of precum from his fingers. He leapt to his feet the second his father appeared, though, leaving the throne vacant for Ares to assume once more.

"Hercules!" Ares called cheerfully, "Look! We have a guest."

Herc glanced up and let Pollux's cock fall from his mouth as he gaped. Pollux looked too, but of course Castor kept on fucking the hero.

"Iphicles! Ungh! No! Ahh!" Herc cried when he saw his brother standing naked and hard in Ares' hands, "Ares. Ungh. No! You can't do this! Oh!"

Ares simply smiled and pushed Iphicles towards the three-way. The hunky mortal was fully under the influence of Eros' juices, and he was fixated by the sight of his brother anchoring a hot male three-way. Iphicles stepped within reach of the Dioscuri, and Pollux abandoned Herc and his talented mouth to press a savage kiss on this other brother. He grabbed Iphicles by his cock and well measured pumping and calculated fingering of sensitive zones teased him into submission. He presented the fingers of his left hand to Iphicles who swallowed them and sucked to digits.

"Mmmmm!" he moaned.

"Mine," Pollux said as he forced the entranced Iphicles to his knees, "I can smell the mortal in him, and since Castor's fucking a demigod, it's only right that the demigod fucks this one."

He took his cock, slimy with Herc's saliva, in hand and presented it to Iphicles.

"Start sucking, boy."

With glazed eyes, Iphicles opened his mouth and let Pollux have his way with his oral cavity. Castor pulled out of Herc's mouth and drug him over to kneel next to his brother.

"Open up, Hercules," he said, "I want to watch you brothers both swallowing brothers' cock side by side."

Herc, blushing as he stole a glance at Iphicles, opened his mouth again, and instantly Castor went back to fucking the hero's face. Ares led his own little crew over to the face-fucking session and started to rub his crotch.

"Look at them go, boy," he said to Iolaus as he began to unlace his black leather pants.

Iolaus was looking – he couldn't not look -- and again his own cock began to swell. It didn't go unnoticed.

"Look, Dad," Eros crooned, "Iolaus is getting hot to trot again."

Ares smiled and, without a word, drug Iolaus back to his throne. As Iolaus once again mounted and started to ride the war god's cock, the Dioscuri led their fuck toys over to throne. Iphicles was bent over to be spit roasted. Pollux claimed the mortal stud's ass while Castor took over on his now cracked-open throat. Herc could only stare in shock as his mother's other son fell into the role of willing slut. Damn Ares, and damn Eros and his fucking precum.

"What're staring at, bitch?" Castor demanded, "Are you jealous? If you are, why don't you crawl over here and get underneath our fuck-boy? You can suck him while we have our way with the rest of his body. In fact I insist on it."

Herc followed Castor's orders and on all fours made his way over to Iphicles' deflowering. Iphicles' respectable cock swung back and forth in time to his rape, and Herc had to grab hold of it in order to get his mouth around the fat rod of meat safely. He sucked his brother and fell quickly into the rhythm of the fucking. Loud moans echoed in the temple's ancient rafters, and Herc was surprised that the roof hadn't caved in or that Nemesis hadn't shown up to demand to know what all the racket was about. Neither happened; the Dioscuri simply kept on fucking, trading which of Iphicles' ends they were violating from time to time while Herc kept on sucking his dick. The hero stole a moment to glance at Ares' throne and saw Iolaus once again impaled on Ares' thick cock, his own mortal dick wagging in time to the bucking up and down. Eros, tired of being left out of the fun, had climbed up onto the arms of the throne and was busy fucking Iolaus' mouth. Again under the influence of the aphrodisiac male sap, Herc's buddy had no option but to be a voluntary vessel for the divine lust.

When the Dioscuri finally tired of using Iphicles, they led Herc and his brother over to the throne.

"Bend over and grab an arm," Castor husked.

As the brothers did so, presenting their asses for a new round of fucking, there was a flash of green light and Phobos and Deimos suddenly appeared.

"Father! How could you?!" Phobos complained as Castor and Pollux started to fuck again.

"Yeah," Deimos added, "You have this hot brother on brother thing going on, and you forgot to call on your own twin sons?"

"We demand..." Phobos started huffily, but Ares cut him off.

"Yes, yes," he laughed, "You shall get your rocks off. But why don't we take this..."

And the whole party found themselves outside the temple. Herc and Iphicles were now on all fours on the goddess' altar, side by side and ready to get taken by four fuck-rods instead of two. Castor and Pollux graciously (or not so graciously in Castor's place) gave up Herc and Iphicles' man-cunts to the smoldering lust of the godlings, moving instead back to the mouths that were soon dripping with the fluids of the pig bottoms' oral ordeal. Herc's and Iphicles' cocks were also dripping strands of precum onto the altar – an obscene sacrifice if ever there was one. Eventually, those fucking began to change places like a lazy Susan, letting both Herc and Iphicles experience all the cocks in play in both their holes. But it couldn't last forever.

With a cry, Castor went rigid and grunted as his shaft finally unloaded into Iphicles' mouth. The gooey sperm leaked out around Iphicles' lip-lock on the shaft and dripped into a puddle on the altar next to his cock-sucking drool. A moment later, Deimos seeded Herc's guts with a cry of delight. He was followed by Phobos, who flooded Iphicles anal tract with a howl of equal intensity. Finally, Pollux sent rope after rope of jizz down Herc's throat. Unlike his brother, Herc didn't lose a drop of the potent sperm.

Ares and Eros took opportunity of having center stage to themselves and seeded Iolaus in both orifices at the same time. The young hero couldn't help but wear the evidence of his violation.

Iolaus collapsed onto Ares' chest again, and his father and uncle fell onto their stomachs on the altar.

"Father," Phobos complained, poking at Herc with his toe, "They're broken. Make them so we can fuck them some more."

"Done," Ares roared with laughter, and Herc and Iphicles suddenly felt their strength and ardor return.

"No!" Herc begged as Phobos rolled him over and spread his muscular legs, "Please! No mor—argh!"

Phobos impaled the hero down to his godling's balls and began to grind away.

"Ungh! Ah! Oh!"

"Deimos, plug his mouth will you?" said Phobos, and Deimos obliged, straddling Herc's face and reaming out his throat.

Castor and Pollux looked at Iphicles who, still under the influence of Eros' love sap, stared at them in naked lust.

"Don't just lie there, boy," Castor said, "You know what to do with that mouth."

When Iolaus came to, he was sitting alone in the throne. Where were... oh.

Ares and Eros had left him to join in the gang bang, democratically taking their turns at whatever hole wasn't currently full of cock. Absently, Iolaus reached down and began to stroke his own dick that was once again rising at the sight. He managed to shoot his load while Ares and his cohorts turned Herc and his father into pathetic cumdumps.

"Fuck," Castor sighed, "Ares, any time you want help for a project like this, don't hesitate to call us!"

Pollux smiled as well, "What he said."

"I'll remember that," Ares said, "Now, Eros, take our guests home. I'm sure they can use a bath before they get on with the rest of their day."

Eros motioned the sweaty brothers, themselves reeking of the cum of other men, towards the temple door, and they passed through and into another part of the world.

"Father," Deimos ventured pointing towards Herc and Iphicles, "Look, they're still hard."

"Well noted, Son," Ares said, "We can't leave them like that."

The war god walked back to his throne, evicting Iolaus, and sat down.

"Brothers, I know you know how to take care of your swollen cocks."

Iolaus cringed, but Herc simply sighed.

"Start sucking each other off," the war god ordered.

Exhausted, Herc crawled over to Iphicles and went for his cock. Iphicles bent round and soon they were sucking away, Herc with now professional skill and Iphicles with the enthusiasm of the talented amateur.

Phobos and Deimos stood by the throne beating their own divine pricks, shooting off only when Herc and his brother finally seeded each other's mouth.

"Wow," Deimos panted, "Are you going to keep these two, Father?"

Ares shot a glance at Iolaus and said, "Hercules, of course. I have more plans for him. But I made a vow to return Iphicles when this was over. Now, since I'm sure you two have work somewhere, go get to it. As for you, my brothers, up on your feet."

The godings vanished, and as Herc and Iphicles struggled to stand, Ares said to Iolaus, "What? Did you think I forgot my vow, little mortal? Remember what I told you. Hard I may be, but never evil or cruel. Now, go kiss your father goodbye."

Iolaus walked over to his naked father. Putting a hand behind his head, he pulled his father down and kissed Herc's cum from his mouth. The kiss was erotic, but it never escalated from that to passionate. Divine lust had fucked that out of them for the moment. Instead, Iolaus pulled back, and Ares took Iphicles by the shoulder.

"Let's get you home," and with that they were gone, leaving Herc and Iphicles alone outside the ancient temple of a remorseless goddess.

"Herc," Iolaus started, but Herc held up a hand.

"Can we talk about this later, Iolaus. Right now my brain is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. I don't know what to think let alone say."

"Later, sure," Iolaus agreed, and then Ares was with them again.

"Come on, my pets, it's time for us to get back to the palace. Hercules, I have a new job for you."

And with that, the temple of Nemesis returned to its desolate abandonment.

Next: Chapter 12

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