Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Mar 13, 2021


Hercules Bound Chapter eighteen: Fucked in Hades Evan Andrews 2021

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version you know. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style. Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Iolaus by WCW wrestler Evan Karagias, Ares by Xena's Kevin Smith, and Eros by Karl Urban, and Hades by porn actor Tommy Gunn. Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. (This chapter also includes a couple of paragraphs that might be taken for males having sex with females but trust me, they aren't.) If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

If you enjoy this story, or even if you hate it, please contribute to keeping Nifty going at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html


Thunder rumbled. Lightning flashed. Zeus, the high and mighty, was pissed off.

Ares and his son, Eros, stood on the tallest tower looking grave.

"I'd have gotten away with it if it weren't for that damned sun god," Ares snarled, "I thought I had it all planned out."

"Helios never did know when to keep his mouth shut," Eros agreed, "But all he can have seen was Uncle Hercules fucking himself stupid on that Titan and then releasing him. I mean, he can't have seen you..."

"Not stupid, remember?" Ares said with force, "Of course he didn't, but who has gotten a reputation of late for whoring out a certain hero's ass from Colchis to the Hesperides? Zeus may not be the quickest god, but even he can solve two plus two eventually."

"So what do we do?" Eros asked, "Do we brazen it out? I mean, you do have You Know Who tucked away in your deepest dungeon, don't you?"

Ares glared at his son, "I'm not an idiot. Of course I have him in the Pit, and under any other circumstances that should have been enough. But I underestimated how zarked off dear old Dad would be."

Eros looked suitably concerned.

"You don't think granddad would come here and toss the place, do you?" he asked.

Lightning struck a nearby peak.

"He just might."

"So what's the next move?"

"A move," Ares said, "Precisely. I need to come up with another place to stick my pet whore away until Zeus cools down."

"Where on earth would he not look?" Eros said.

"On earth," Ares said, "I think you just answered the question."

The lightning struck close again, and Ares said, "Let's get downstairs – just in case Dad's aim fails. It would tear him up if he turned the wrong son to cinders."


Something pushed past Herc's abused sphincter, and the hero woke with a start and looked back over his shoulder. He was on hands and knees, draped over the fucking bench where he'd passed out while Ares bred himself some ass lubed with Titan cum. Sleep clouded his eyes still, but the pressure on his prostate brought him back to consciousness in a second. The hero looked back over his shoulder and saw Ares pumping away. Of course, in Ares' dungeon Ares did the fucking. Herc groaned. He wanted just to be left in peace, and he'd have begged his brother and master for that if he hadn't had a ball gag in his mouth. That was when he noticed Eros was leading a dolled up Iolaus by a leash and collar. Fuck, they must be going out again.

"Up and at `em, brother," Ares said cheerfully after he came. He squeezed a tankard's worth of warm water from a bladder into Herc's guts, saying, "We have a special call to make and need to make a good impression."

Herc just made plaintive protesting noises as Ares proceeded to clean his fuck-hole out. When the water ran clear, Ares put the bladder and hose aside and turned his attention to the rest of his brother's body.

"You see," the war god continued as he removed the gag and loosened the straps that held Herc in place, "After all your hard work, I decided I mighty owe you a token of the warm esteem I hold you in."

"Esteem," Herc thought, "Right." But he struggled up onto his feet and pulled on the loincloth Eros handed him.

"Where are we going?" Herc asked baldly, "And who are you going to have fuck me today?"

"Today. Ah, well today some of us are going to the Underworld," Ares said, "But not all of us. Our little friend here," and he ran a possessive hand over Iolaus' hair, "If he so much as stuck a toe into the world below without Hades' specific and personal permission, then he'd stay there forever. Since I can't bear to part with him yet, and I doubt that you want to lose him, we're going to drop him off with our favorite babysitters, the Erotes."

Iolaus gasped, and his cock began to swell in his loincloth. The young hero wondered if his body was up for another round of the fuck spirts' idea of minding the baby so soon, but a jerk on his leash brought him back under control.

"Well, if that's all settled," Ares said, and suddenly the four of them, the two gods, one demigod, and the mortal, suddenly found themselves in a sylvan glade. Apparently Eros' special academy was too open to scrutiny from above.

"Eros," Ares said, "Call your minions." He was smiling, but the smile was the kind that meant he was thinking anything but kind thoughts.

"O boys," Eros called to the woods, "Get your asses out here right now. Dad has a job for you."

In less than a minute the cadre of muscular spirits of male potency stood before them, and when they saw Iolaus back they began rubbing their chubby babies into rigidity.

"Spirits," Ares said, "Where I go now I cannot take my pet mortal. So once again I needs must leave him in your tender care. Look after this man; keep him safe; and make sure he's where I can find him if I later find I need him. Do you understand me?"

All the Erotes had their impressive hard-ons out now and were beating them.

"Of course, lord Ares," Wanax said, "We won't – mmm -- let him out of our sight."

"Then take him," and with that Ares pushed Iolaus into the midst of the fuck spirits. They bundled around the young hero and bore him to the ground.

As the sounds of an all-man orgy ensued, Ares turned to the others and said, simply, "Come."

"Ares walked between Eros and Herc, and when they turned to follow they found themselves in a dark ominous chamber, Hades' own megaron. A black fire burned on the hearth, and the Lord of the Underworld was sitting on his throne looking bored and peevish.

"Ares," the Lord of the Underworld said, "I am more used to having your greetings carried here by the shades of those slaughtered on the battlefield. What brings you here in person? And who are these two?"

"I'm on a mission of mercy today, Uncle," Ares said. He said it humbly, but Herc heard the undercurrent of calculating wickedness in the voice.

"Mercy? You? Don't make me laugh," Hades said.

"No, really, it's true. I promised my brother here that if he did exactly as I said I'd give him a reward, and I thought maybe you could let him visit with his dead wife. And maybe he could even fuck her if it suited your humor to allow it."

"His wife?" Hades mused, "Oh, yeah, the one he killed but still pines about. Yeah, I suppose I could do that, but why should I? Murder is rather a brutal way to end a marriage."

"Ah, Uncle, but just think of how it would piss off your little brother if you should," Ares smiled wickedly, "Dad has held out restoring Deianira to life as a carrot for Herc here for some time now. And if you were to take that carrot away..."

"Interesting, but I suppose there's more? You like loading dice."

"Secondly, your name would end up in Hera's scroll of people she doesn't hate if you do. She moved Herc to the murder after all, and it would be the cherry on top of her malice to see him meet her as a shade."

"My sister always did appreciate a dramatic flourish," the dark lord said, "Not to mention a cruel one. Alright, let's do the thing, and to do it right, we need an audience."

Hades clapped his hands, and the foursome appeared on the stage of a dire theater. (Herc immediately regretted his longtime devotion to tragedy, since it was clear he was about to be the star of one.) Shades filled the seats, except for the best seat where the handsome figure of Hera, queen of the gods, sat enthroned, smiling poisonously.

"Hera," Hades said formally, "Be welcome in my domain, Sister."

"Brother," she said with poisonous magnanimity, "How could I turn down an invitation to such a novel entertainment."

Herc groaned. What he wanted least in the world was being made a sport of in front of Hera, especially when it was probably going to be sexual, and definitely demeaning. Only his oath to Ares kept him from bolting.

"Deianira, shade, come forward!" Hades commanded.

One shade floated out of the crowd to stand before her lord. Herc recognized the beautiful but shadowy features of his love, and his cock filled out, tenting the pouch of his loincloth.

"Oh, but we have a problem here, Uncle," Ares said.

He grabbed at Herc's shrouded erection and asked, "How ever can my poor brother here fuck a shade?"

"True. We require a mortal willing to host the shade of this women for the duration of their congress," Hades said.

"A sacrifice?" Hera beamed, producing a list from the air itself, "Might I suggest..."

"Mother," Ares interrupted, "As it happens Eros and I have been preparing a mortal for just such a job."

"Who is she?" Hera demanded.

"Not she. He," Ares said simply.

"He?" Hera said confused, and then her face lit in an evil grin, "Yes. Yes, that one will suit quite well. Carry on, my son."

Ares turned back to Hades.

"Will the Lord of the Underworld permit a mortal to tread these boards, participate in this entertainment, and yet be able thereafter return to the world above?"

Hades made a show of it. He frowned, stroked his beard, and took a few paces up and down the stage before breaking into a wicked smile.

"I shall permit it this once," Hades said, "But only on one condition."

"Condition, Uncle?"

"After my half-blood nephew here has had his conjugal visit, you must leave him here to satisfy my lusts."

Hera almost peed herself with glee, but she kept her mouth shut.

"I thought you were married," Herc cut in.

"So were you while you fucked your way through the civilized world – not to mention the barbarian lands beyond," Hades countered, "Tell me, mighty Hercules. Do you see my beautiful flower of death around anywhere?"

"Persephone?" Herc said, confused, "No."

"No. She's visiting her mother and will be away for months yet. Now, do you see my hard cock that normally wouldn't get into a hot hole until she returns?"

Hades grabbed his own leather loincloth where a mighty cock caused it to bulge.

Herc looked and rapidly turned his eyes to the ground. He had never yet seen the cock of one of the big three of the Olympian pantheon.

"Yes, Uncle, I see it."

"Good, that's the deal. You get your fuck, then I get mine. You agree to that?"

"He agrees, Uncle," Ares said.

Hades looked at Ares, then at Herc, and nodded.

"Hmm. I heard he'd sworn to obey you on the River Styx. Well played, Nephew. The deal is accepted. Bring forth the vessel."

"Eros!" Ares commanded, "Away to the Erotes and bring me back my pet mortal!"

Herc's face fell, but Eros was gone with a flash. Only a moment later the god of love stood once more on the stage with an exhausted, disheveled, and buck-ass naked Iolaus standing between them. The mortal man-boy reeked of man-sex, and Priapus only knew how many Erotes dappled his face and chest and leaked out of his asshole. And despite it all, his buddy's cock was hard as iron.

"Your fuck-toy, Lord Ares," Eros said.

Ares nodded to Eros who scooped a finger load of his love-sap off the end of his cock and fed it to Iolaus. Herc groaned as he watched his friend's eyes glaze over in lust as they always did when he was doped with Eros' pre-cum.

"I think Iolaus is now down with the plan, Dad, Great-uncle," Eros leered.

Ares took this opportunity to lean over Herc's shoulder and whisper, "Think of this as a gift to you, Brother. Through Iolaus' flesh you will get to snatch a few precious moments with your true love. Possibly the last you'll ever know."

The war god reached down tore away Herc's loincloth. The hero's cock sprang free, and the audience gasped.

"The audience," Herc thought, "Of course there would be an audience to this humiliation." But it was the only way he could have a moment with Deianira, and it was not as if he had a say in the matter anyway.

He watched as Hades did something with his hands.

"Go on, girl," the Lord of the Dead said, "It's just like putting on a suit of clothes."

The shade turned to face Herc and backed up to—and into—Iolaus. The dark muscular body shuddered once, once again, and then Iolaus' eyes opened. But they weren't Iolaus' eyes. Herc's nephew always looked on him with the love he felt for his uncle, the great hero, but these eyes glowed with the love of a woman for the father of her children.


It was Iolaus' voice but modulated so that it was also not his.


"Fuck me, Hercules. Let's not lose a minute of the little time we have."

Herc rushed into his/her arms and lifted him/her into the air.

"Deianira!" he sobbed as he hid his face in Iolaus' loose hair.

"Fuck me, my husband. I love you."

Herc lifted Iolaus/Deianira's body into the air and as he/she wrapped his/her legs around Herc's waist he guided his cock into his/her ass.

"Oh!" Herc moaned as he slid home.

The Erotes' cum had lubed up Iolaus' hole perfectly, and Herc's fat fuck-meat slid all the way in with no problems.

"Ayiee!" Iolaus/Deianira cried aloud, "Yes. Give me your shaft, Hercules! Plow me as you did of old! Seed me!"

And Herc did exactly that. The settings and furniture on the stage changed as his fantasies shifted, and he fucked Iolaus/Deianira across every set in every position he could think of. His/her dark hair shook with the force of Herc's thrusts, and his/her screams of delight echoed in the otherwise quite theater in a silent world.

"Fuck me, my husband," Iolaus/Deianira screamed as he/she bounced on a now seated Herc's shaft, "Make me cum!"

Herc kissed him/her and said, "You realize, Wife, that in Iolaus' body you can only cum the one time? Are you really so ready for this to end?"

"Iolaus' body can only take so much before spending anyhow," Iolaus/Deianira sighed, "It is close to the edge even now. Let it be you that brings him/me off!"

"So be it."

The muscular hero, twisted Iolaus/Deianira's body round and then stood, holding him/her aloft with his left arm while he ground deep into the juicy ass. With his right hand Herc enveloped Iolaus/Deianira's cock and began to pump.

"Yes!" Iolaus/ Deianira screamed, "Yes, I'm cumming!"

Herc felt his nephew's shaft begin to throb with the impending orgasm, and as the shaft spurted ropes of cum he let the clenching of hot ass around his shaft be the thing that kicked him over the edge too. His cock exploded and filled Iolaus' ass/Deianira's pussy with his demigodly seed.

Slowly he let Iolaus/Deianira slide down until his/her feet touched the ground, then he turned him/her to face him, and, closing his eyes, gave him/her one last deep kiss.

"Hercules, open your eyes," Deianira's voice said at last.

Herc did, and he watched as Deianira's cast on Iolaus' body and mannerisms drain away as she slowly exited the young hero's body.

"I love you," she said through Iolaus' lips one last time, as her shade floated free entirely.

Iolaus collapsed against Herc's body to be held up by his uncle's strong arms.

In the audience, only one person applauded, Hera. The rest all looked solemn even somber over being made witness to the degradation. Even Hades looked glum.

"Is that the punishment you meant for him?" Hades asked accusingly, "Or perhaps that you meant for both of them?"

"It...," and Ares hesitated, "It's enough -- for now."

"Good, then the audience of shades (and Deianira) is dismissed. it's time for me to take my payment."

The gathered dead, and even the theater vanished in a flash, leaving just Hades and Herc, Ares, Eros, and Iolaus. And of course Hera.

Hades clapped and Herc, previously naked, found himself draped in the diaphanous gown of a goddess, his hair dressed and oiled, and his face painted.

The Lord of the Dead looked at his family and said, "You lot can bugger off now. I do not share my fucks. Sister, that incudes you. Not even the Queen of Heaven will I allow into my bedchamber. You've had your daily dose of malice."

"My `daily' dose, yes," she said slyly, "Then until another day, Hercules."

And with that she disappeared.

"Are you three still here," Hades said, "When I say bugger off, that's what I fucking mean. Out of my realm. Now! Ares, I'll return your fuck-toy when I no longer require his services."

"But, Dad, you said we'd get to watch!" Eros pouted at Ares.

Ares might not have been the most subtle of Zeus' children, but he recognized the meaning of the glower on Hades' face.

"Out," he ordered, "All of us. Now. You can have Iolaus to play with until Lord Hades is done."

And with a bow to the Lord of the Underworld, all three vanished.


In a flash Herc found himself in a stark black bed chamber.

"On your knees, bitch, and suck my cock."

Herc turned and found Hades close behind him, naked and hard, his thick, scythe-like shaft dripping. There being no other recurse, the hero sank to his knees and, reaching up, took hold of Hades' magnificent cock, directing it towards his now-talented mouth.

Herc slowly, teasingly, took Hades' prick into his throat and did gag until his nose came into contact with his uncle's pubis. Hades allowed him to explore his cock and balls, and even to lick his way below and behind towards his anus. When Herc got back to the business of sucking cock, Hades finally took control and, holding Herc's head between strong hands, lay a hard fuck into his skull. Herc immediately relaxed enough to take the abuse while still keeping enough control to make sure his Uncle had something worth fucking. The Lord of the Underworld shuddered and filled Herc's mouth with his godly sperm, which Herc hastened to swallow.

"That," Hades sighed, "Was a good start. Now use your mouth on the rest of my body."

Herc worshipped Hades body, licking his muscles from head to toe, and occasionally letting his teeth come into play on choice zones. He even licked Hades' feet and sucked his toes after the god seated himself.

As Herc moved once more in the direction of Hades' fat cock, his uncle leaned over and started to finger-fuck his nephew's back-hole.

"Umpf," Herc grunted around Hades' rod.

"You are remarkably tight for a man who's been whoring for as long as Ares has had him in his clutches," Hades mused, "It must be you father's blood. Baby brother always was a tight-ass. Now turn around and back it up, bitch."

Herc did as he was told and sighed as the thick shaft filled him up from the other end. Hades rose onto he balls of his feet and began to deliver an ass-fucking that was as frantic as his earlier skull-fucking had been.

"Take it!" the Lord of the Dead roared as he plumbed the depths of the demigod's bowels.

"Ow!" Herc cried out.

"That doesn't sound anything like my wife and queen," Hades said, slapping the hero on his muscular ass, "Try again."

"Ow!" Herc cried again, an octave or so higher.

"Better. And remember to call me my love' and my lord and master' as a dutiful wife should."

Hades sat back down, pulling Herc up to perch over his lap, and ordered, "Now ride my cock. Ride it like a Scythian!"

Herc bounced up and down until Hades seeded him again. Then Hades rose and forced Herc to bend over the edge of the bed for more intense fucking. He filled Herc's ass a second time and then pushed him up onto the bed, flipping him over and spreading his legs.

"Fuck," Herc thought how many loads had Hades been storing up for Persephone's eventual return? No wonder he was so crabby.

Hades forced his way inside Herc once again and began slamming hard into his replacement wife.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Herc panted in his girls' range voice, "Yes, my lord. Fuck me!"

"Sweet fucking ass," Hades crooned as he pounded Herc's butt, "I wonder if I should let Cerebos have a turn at this pussy."

"Whatever you want, my love," Herc whined, "If it will please you, my lord, give me to your dog. Just fucking use me!"

"Damn," Hades smiled, what a desperate slut you are. Now, I'm going to fill your pussy again, and I want to see you cum too. I want your belly coated in your own sperm before I start shooting. Got it?"

Herc did, and he desperately grabbed hold of his cock, beating it to within an inch of its life while Hades pummeled his insides. He felt his balls start to churn and felt the sap rise inside his dick.

"I'm coming, my master," Herc screamed, "Please! Fill me with your jizz!"

Herc's cock flew out of his hand and fired off wildly in all directions. Happily for him, enough sperm had landed on his muscular belly and chest to suit Hades, and the Lord of the Dead went stiff and hosed out Herc's guts one more time."

After that, Hades fell onto the bed beside Herc, turned the hero onto his side, and slid the godly shaft inside him once more. Not to fuck this time, but rather to claim his territory.

"Fuck me, my lord!" Herc begged. It was wrong to have an ass full of cock but not to be fucked.

"I live to be fucked by you!" Herc cried, "Please, fuck me and let me cum with you again!"

"That's what I like to hear," Hades said, "Perhaps I will after a bit. Right now I just want you here with me, here and undeniably my bitch."

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" the hero moaned as he squeezed Hades' shaft with his anal muscles.

Hades reached around and took hold of the hero's shaft.

"You really are an insatiable whore," Hades beamed, he began a gentle fucking motion as he stroked Herc's cock at the same rate. Cum leaked out the previously seeded asshole, and leaking pre-cum squelched as the two slowly worked their way up to another brutal fuck session.


Days filled with much of the same followed. Then weeks and then months. Hades' hard cock and Hades salt sperm were almost the whole of Herc's life. It was like serving in Ares' palace, but with only one man to worry about. Only one, but what a man.

True to his word, Hades did offer his ass up to Cerberos, but the fuck session was not the success the Lord of the Underworld had expected. The three heads snarled and snapped, and Herc passed out from the pain when the three-headed dog's knot forced itself into his ass.

And through it all Herc gave himself to Hades' cock.

Today, whatever day today was, Herc was lying on his back on a table, his muscular legs spread wide, and his ass being plowed once more. His own rigid cock was being treated to a rare wanking by Hades himself.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Yes!" Herc screamed, even Hades didn't insist on the girl voice anymore, "I'm cumming!"

Herc's shaft almost leapt out of Hades' hand as it throbbed and began to pump out another hefty batch of sperm.

"Ah!" Herc cried as the shaft throbbed with the orgasmic contractions, "Fuck!"

"Now, onto your knees, bitch," Hades commanded.

Herc slid off the table and fell to his knees. He opened his mouth wide as Hades flogged his own cock.

"Take my sperm and don't swallow. I want to see you drool out my load and scoop it back up into your mouth like the hungry cum-whore you are! I want to see it over and over."

Hades' shaft pulsed, his cockhead flexed, and jet after jet of divine seed once more fired into Herc's gaping orifice. Herc bent after the piss-slit as the spasms subsided, determined to catch every drop of Hades' divine jizz. When the last drop had fired, Herc looked up at Hades and let some of the white goo dribble out of his mouth. Most caught in the hero's stubble beard, but a little bit threatened to drip down onto his broad pecs. With his right hand, Herc caught the flow before it escaped fed it back into his mouth.

"Again," Hades said, "Show me how much you love it."

Herc put on a hell of a show. Over and over he drooled cum from his spunky mouth before catching it and feeding it to himself again.

"Good bitch," Hades crooned at last, "You can swallow now."

Herc gulped down the jizz, except for the film of sperm-slime that glistened on his face, and looked towards Hades to see if there was more fucking to be done, or if he were free for a few hours.

"Well, sweet bitch of mine, as of this moment your debt is paid, and I want you out of here before Persephone gest back tonight. Go on, get out of here. I need to brood about how deal with the fact that fucking you has been so much more satisfying that fucking her. Out of here, now!"

Hades waved his hand, and Herc found himself once more in Ares' palace, on his knees before his tormenting brother who sat enthroned with his son Eros at his right hand. A glance showed that Iolaus was on his hands and knees in the middle of the hall being spit roasted by Deimos and Phobos. Ares and Eros were stroking their cocks.

"Look, Father," Eros smirked, "Lover boy is back at last."

"It's about time," Ares grumped, "And isn't he a mess. Iolaus, get your ass over here and lick all that cum off his body."

"Father!" Phobos and Deimos whined in a Greek chorus of petulance.

"Are there no other whorestages you can fuck?!" Ares roared, "Get out of here, boys; you bother me!"

The two godlings, chastened, beat a hasty retreat while Iolaus crawled over to his long-absent buddy and began to lick the sperm from off his chest and belly. By the taste, the young man knew that some of it was Herc's own. The rest, he figured, must be Hades'. Once upon a time, being able to tell that would have mortified the young hero, but any more it was just another fact of life. When he was done slurping up Herc's and Hades' jizz, he kissed his way up Herc's body intending to kiss his uncle and deposit the hot jizz he'd lapped up into his mouth. He stared Herc in the face and then forced a deep kiss on the hero. Instinctively, their tongues played back and forth, swapping the sperm back and forth, sharing and savoring it. When they were done, Herc wrapped his arms around Iolaus and was not surprised when Iolaus joined in the hug. They held each other close, comforting one another as only men in sexual servitude could.

"Isn't it sweet?" Eros asked.

Ares nodded, "Sweet as Xenophon's honey."

A scroll suddenly appeared in Ares' lap, and the war god unrolled it and read.

"Hmm, Uncle Hades says he might want a second bout with mighty Hercules there in about six months' time."

"Six months?" Eros said, "Yeah, good luck with that. If..."

But Ares cut his son off, "Can it, boy. Not in front of the an-may ores-whay."

Herc shuddered. He'd thought that Ares had some plan, and it was clear that that plan was rushing towards a conclusion. He hadn't known the timeline. Now he did. He had less than six months before things went totally to Tartarus.

"Hermes, my brother," Herc prayed silently, "Please, he means to destroy Iolaus and me. Help us!"

But instead of an impertinent word from the trickster god, there was only an order to crawl his ass around and use his mouth on Ares' body.

Next: Chapter 18

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