Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Nov 26, 2020


Hercules Bound Chapter four: Pan's Pipe Evan Andrews 2020

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version you know. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style. Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Iolaus by WCW wrestler Evan Karagias, Pan by Brett Azar, and the shepherd boy by a blond soccer player from one of the Pac 12 schools whose name I forget. Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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After they were done testing Hephaistos' gift for Aphrodite to the smith god's satisfaction, Ares brought himself, Eros, Iolaus, and Hercules back to the secluded glen in which Herc had been trapped and broken to his brother's will.

"I could keep you close to me," Ares mused, "But Greece shouldn't have to do without her biggest, manliest hero, annoying though he may be. So, I release you, Brother, until I have need of your services again."

And he swatted Herc on his naked ass.

"Oh," Ares added by way of an afterthought, "And if someone, god or mortal or in-between, appears to you bearing my sign, you will treat any order he gives you as if it were my own. You understand?"

Herc nodded. He'd dared hope that Ares might have been satisfied with humiliating him as he had. Now he had no idea where Ares malice might end. At least for the moment they were off the hook. Behind the war god, Eros was giving Iolaus a final deep kiss. They broke at last, and Eros joined his father.

"I think our work here is done, my boy," Ares laughed, and with that he and the god of love were gone.

Herc looked at Iolaus and noticed that Eros' kiss seemed to have released his companion from his sexual addiction to Eros' love sap. Retrieving their clothes (Herc's loincloth had even had the cut up the loincloth's ass made whole again) they dressed.

Stuffing his junk back into the pouch, Herc said, "Iolaus, I don't think anyone needs to know about this."

Iolaus had always worshipped Herc as a hero and male role model, but he realized that if what had passed between them, and especially between them and the three demanding gods, were widely known it would damage and possibly destroy Herc's reputation. The great Hercules, after all, was nobody's bitch.

Iolaus nodded, but his disappointment must have shown because Herc immediately amended, "That doesn't mean, though that when we are wholly alone, like out here in the wilderness, we might not console ourselves over the lack of female companionship."

Iolaus brightened.

Herc hugged the young man close and said, "You suck cock like a demon, my friend, and the way you fucked my ass... I'll never forget it."

They made their way out of the cursed valley and back to the village where they announced the sex-maniac nymphs would trouble the countryside no more.

With the cheers of the villagers to hurry them on, Hercules and Iolaus headed into the Peloponnesian wilds doing what good heroes do. Every village, it seemed, had a problem, most easily solved, and a maiden that was more than willing to dally with the demigod as a reward for that hero's exertions. Herc's reputation as a lady's man, and not as a mewing cock-whore, was apparently still intact. And every maiden Herc made time with seemed to have a friend that was more than willing to fuck Iolaus. In almost every way, things were like they were before Ares' dirty trick.

Cresting the pass from Corinth to the Plains of Argos though, they came across a herd of sheep that were clearly not being as closely watched as they should have been. Herc went right, Iolaus left, and they eventually had the straying beasts back together.

"So, where's the shepherd, do you think?" Iolaus called to Herc.

The demigod cocked an ear and pointed up the hill to a grove.

"There," he said, "And it sounds like he's not alone."

"Fucking oversexed shepherds," Iolaus muttered as they drove the sheep back towards their erstwhile minder.

When they reached the stand of trees, Herc called out, "Hey, we've got your sheep here, in case you're interested."

The answer from inside the grove was instant and unexpected.

"Fuck off," a deep male voice growled.

"Fuck. Yeah!" a young man's voice cried, "Oh yeah, fuck me off!"

The heroes shot a look at one another and then forced their way through the undergrowth to the clearing inside. There they found their shepherd--young, blond, and gangly but with whipcord muscles that promised to fill out nicely in the coming years, on his back, naked and spread on the grass. Between his legs, a mass of masculine muscle was perched. From the waist up he was pure human, but south from there he was not quite as hairy as a goat, but he was leaning that way. And he had a goat's tail. The muscular legs were clearly forcing a bestially large dick into the boy's ass, and from the look on the kid's face he was all in favor of what was going on.

"Herc," Iolaus whispered, "That guy's too big to be a satyr."

Herc nodded, hypnotized by the sight of the primal man-fuck going on before their eyes.

"It's not; it's..." he started to say, but the fucker chose that moment to look over his shoulder at them.

"The great god Pan doesn't mind being watched," the goat-man growled, "But you'll have a lot more fun if you lose the loincloths and get your hot dicks over here."

It was a divine command, not an invitation, and Iolaus was removing his loincloth before he was even aware he was stripping. Even Herc looked like a man entranced as he stepped out of his discarded garment and took a step towards the fornicating pair. They came to their knees on either side of the young man, and without a pause the kid reached out to grab hold of both their rock-hard dicks.

"Ungh," Herc moaned as the boy began to pump his shaft.

"Yeah," Iolaus breathed as the pad of the kid's thumb rubbed over his frenulum.

As their cockheads got slick, the hand-job turned squelchy, Pan, the old god of fertility and plenty, rocked back onto his haunches to watch. His hips still propelled the divine shaft that had opened the boy in and out of the no-longer-virgin ass, but he smiled at them.

"Hercules," he said as Herc's shaft released more pre-cum.

The demigod looked over to see if this most ancient of gods had Ares' token about him anywhere, but Pan wore nothing but his raw masculinity.

"You looking for some gee-gaw?" the god asked, "Forget it. I don't need that whelp Ares' permission to take any man or woman into my embrace."

"Uh," Herc stammered.

Before Herc could say anything else, Pan bleated and flooded the boy's ass with divine seed before falling back on his haunches.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed, "I love shepherd boys and their tight asses. But the day is young, and my cock is still hungry. Boy, kneel before these heroes."

The blond boy rolled over and came to his knees while Herc and Iolaus got to their feet and flanked the young mortal.

"Suck them," Pan whispered in the shepherd's ear, "Swallow those hero dicks and let them fuck your face."

Hands hanging at their sides, Herc and Iolaus watched as the young man once more wrapped a hand around each of their slick shafts. Instead of masturbating them, though, he leaned forward and began to worship their swollen cockheads.

"Oh shit, Herc!" Iolaus moaned.

"Yeah, buddy," Herc said, and with that he moaned as the boy ran a tongue around his swollen knob.

The boy's tongue swirled their pre-cum around, swallowing as much as he could, before taking the shafts into his mouth. Alternating between Herc and Iolaus, he took their full length into his mouth, and his throat. Herc groaned again. While he was sure the boy must have been virgin when the sun came up, taking the god's seed seemed to have instituted a change. The boy had acquired a professional whore's repertoire of moves—especially cock-sucking. The boy was all but fucking his face on the heroes' fuck-meat.

"Now, onto your hands and knees, boy!" Pan commanded, "And you two, make him like a roast pig."

The shepherd fell onto his hands and watched eagerly as Herc and Iolaus cozied up at the young mortal's fuck-holes.

"Ah," Herc moaned as his shaft breeched the boy's guts.

"Ugh," husked Iolaus as he grabbed two handfuls of the blond hair and started to fuck the boy's throat.

In the middle of the three-way, Pan came up between the two boy-fuckers. His dick was once again ready to do good work, and he held it like a temple offering.

"Suck my dick, boys," he said, and again without a thought Herc and Iolaus leaned to and began to double team the divine cock.

As the shepherd had earlier, the heroes traded off sucking duty. Pan's eyes rolled back in his head as he let his passion take control of the entire scene. He plowed one throat, then the other, before going back to the first, and as he did, the two suckers kept plugging the shepherd.

"Fuck!" Pan cried at last.

He pulled out of Iolaus' mouth and let his cock fire round after round of sperm to land on the heroes' faces. Tongues lolled out to sample the white goo, and a single taste of the divine seed had them filling the blond boy with sperm as well.

"On your backs now!" Pan ordered, and Herc and Iolaus fell back, side by side, spreading their legs and getting ready for a good fucking.

The boy ate one ass out and then the other until Pan pushed him away. He started with Herc. With no ceremony, he simply rammed his big dick into the only recently opened hole with one mighty thrust.

"Fuck!" the demigod cried as Pan's cock opened him up.

"Fuh fuh!"

The grunts escaped the demigod as Pan power-fucked his splayed body.

Iolaus and the boy watched in awe as Herc's body shook in time to the mighty thrusts. The shepherd was even rubbing his fingers over his anal pucker, clearly remembering when that shaft had breached his ass.

"Hey, what about me?"

Iolaus was tired of being the only man present who had not been spread wide by the god's girth, and Pan quickly switched over and started plowing the young mortal's ass as well.

"Ungh ungh ungh," Iolaus groaned as his ass was plowed.

Switching back and forth after that, Pan gave each them a fuck that was deeper than any they'd had yet. Pan was an ancient god, closer perhaps to the original Chaos than anyone yet walking the earth. He knew all the tricks. Probably he had invented many of them. As a result, his fucking was more organic than that of Hephaistos' obscene machine, wilder than Ares' edging rape, and truer than Eros' seductions. This was sex as it was in the beginning, sex the way the gods originally meant it to be.

"Yes!" the goat-legged god howled, "Take my seed!" and with that he flooded Herc's guts with sperm.

"Fill my ass, lord!" Herc cried as he felt the shaft leap in his ass for longer than even Ares' had managed.

He had no idea how large the god's load had been until he felt the excess sperm squelching out around Pan's still pumping cock.

Iolaus was finger-fucking himself wildly, his eyes awash with envy that Pan had favored his companion with his jizz-flood but ignored him. Then suddenly Pan was back between the young mortal's spread legs, ramming his big dick, now dripping with cum, back into Iolaus's guts. Despite three orgasms so far, the god's prowess had not flagged, and he began fucking Iolaus as hard as if nothing had just happened.

"Yeah!" the young hero howled, "Fuck me hard, lord!"

Pan did and in next to no time was spilling his seed into Iolaus' s fuck-hole as well. When he was done, he reached for Herc gain and pulled him close.

"Gods alive," Herc wondered as Pan positioned him and Iolaus butt to butt, making a double headed monster of their two cocks, "Does this guy never stop?"

"Ride them," the ancient god ordered the shepherd, and the blond kid straddled sank down, crying out as their two cocks stretched his hole.

With a frenzy, the boy started to ride the paired cocks as if his hole had been a home for wayward dicks all his life. Herc threw his arms wide and just stared up at the young face now fixed in a rictus of passion. When they were all working like Hephaistos' fucking machine, Pan stepped back up to the boy and pointed his cock at the kid's open mouth.

"Wow," Herc thought, "How many times can this guy cum?"

Pan didn't give the boy a chance to tease or suck his cock, rather he grabbed the blond head and began to skull-fuck the young man. Herc had seen men fucked this way before, and he wasn't surprised when divine pre-cum mixed with saliva and snot and began to drip from the gagging boy's mouth and face. The slime fell onto Herc's chest, and he reached up to rub it into his skin.

Time really had no meaning to the three as they worked to satisfy the ancient one's primal urges, but at length Pan grunted and came down the blond's throat. The exhausted boy fell back onto Iolaus' chest, and he slid off the cocks that had been stretching his hole. From there he slid to the ground and they all lay still, their chest rising and falling as they tried to recover from the divine fucking.

"Now, all of you, beat your meat," Pan said.

Hands needed no further invitation, and in a moment the demigod and two mortals were flogging their rigid shafts like there was no tomorrow.

"Argh," Herc cried as man-cream shot out of his shaft and dappled his belly.

"Ugh," Iolaus grunted as his dick oozed out a flood of thick goo that ran down his shaft.

"Eee," the boy whined as his orgasm put the others' to shame.

The young prick shot rope after rope of sperm into the air. Some of it fell on his face, and the rest coated his young chest.

"Heroes," Pan said, laughing, "If this had been a cumming contest, I believe this one just won it. But of course, the final shot belongs to the great god Pan."

He herded the three of them, faces pressed together, and crouched over his devotes. Herc watched astounded as the god worked his cock once again towards orgasm.

"Take it," Pan howled, "Take the blessing of the oldest, best fucker in the world.

With that his dick gave forth his seed a final time, and he baptized them with his sperm.

Herc, Iolaus, and the shepherd fell to the ground and into a fitful doze, and when Herc awoke the moon was up and stars filled the sky. He woke they others, and they pulled their clothes together before crawling out of the grove. The sheep were all around, showing no inclination now to wander.

"Well, that was something," Iolaus said.

Herc nodded, but the boy had tears in his eyes.

"Wil I see him again?"

Herc kissed the boy's cum-stained face.

"Count on it, especially if you stay out here."


They could have spent the rest of the night there, but both Herc and Iolaus hesitated to fall into Pan's embrace again any time soon.

"I wonder," Herc said as he looked into the distance towards the northern mainland, "If we might do better travelling alone for a while?"

Much as Iolaus loved being with his mentor and best friend, the inclusion of hot mansex was a novelty he hadn't quite come to grips with yet, was inclined to agree. He could use a while without anything as wild he had been experiencing recently.

"Where shall we meet?" the young man asked, "Athens? It's about time for Diosysos' festival."

"Sounds good," Herc said and he clasped arms with his nephew.

"Athens it is."

And with that, Herc turned and began jogging down the hill towards Corinth.

Next: Chapter 5

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