Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Dec 2, 2020


Hercules Bound Chapter five: Orion the Hunter Evan Andrews 2020

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version you know. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style. Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz and Orion by model Trevor Donovan. Your casting may vary. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Hercules jogged along.

The hero had come out of the mountains of Arcadia and was through Corinth before he knew it. Once across the isthmus he bore north. Thessaly sounded like as good a destination as any other, and he could easily be there in a matter of days and maybe clear his head before meeting Iolaus again outside Athens in time for the Dionysian festival. This celebration was world famous as a showcase for the most illustrious playwrights, and since the city was Athena's, it was not a place Ares spent time around. Especially not since it was also the place he was tried for murder—and found guilty.

Herc regretted ducking out on Iolaus this way, but, given everything that had just happened between him and his young companion, Herc was certain that some time apart wouldn't be a bad idea. Besides, if Ares came for him again, at least Iolaus would not be on hand to be pulled into the war god's bizarre game of "Let's sexually humiliate baby brother". While Herc ran, his brain shut off, but once he stopped for the night he found he hadn't realized how much he missed his nephew's companionship. There was nobody to laugh with, complain to, or just be with. Just him, Herc, and the forest.

As he entered Thessaly the next day, the forest, which had been friendly, got more and more overgrown and inhospitable. The going got as hard as he had ever known it, and if not for his god-given strength he would have had to turn back. After most of a frustrating afternoon, though, he found what looked like a game trail.

"Better any trail than pushing through more undergrowth," he thought, and the going did seem to be a bit easier, until of course the trail petered out.

Herc made a guess as to which way he had been heading originally and pushed through more trees and undergrowth until he came across another game trail, and this pattern continued until nearly sundown. He thought things were looking lighter, and at last he pushed his way out into a clearing. In the middle, a thermal pool steamed, and on his side of the pool the trees held back for some reason, leaving a gentle bank covered in grass and moss. The bank on the far side, however, was several yards higher than where he'd come out—almost a cliff—and the trees grew right up to the edge. Herc was happy he hadn't come from that direction. If he had he might have fallen in before even knowing the pool was there. He tested the water carefully and found it not scalding, but delightfully warm. His aching muscles advised him to get out of his clothes and indulge them in a long soak, so he sat down and pulled off his sandals before slipping out of his loincloth and wading naked into the warm water.

How long he soaked, Herc never later could recall, but when he heard the ruckus from the high bank the sun was clearly setting. He turned, floating still, and watched as the commotion came closer. A hind leapt from cover and turned nimbly to the left before bounding away. Behind her a man came charging, but he was not as lucky. The tall blond tried to stop, tried to turn, but he had been coming too fast and, arms whirling, he plunged into the water.

Herc pulled himself up on the bank and watched as the man flailed, splashing about as he tried to orient himself. At last he found his feet, and, looking up to where he'd fallen from, he stood up. The warm water ran down his body in rivulets, and the fabric of his loincloth was stuck fast against his ass. His quiver still hung across his back, but the arrows that it had held were floating free. Herc splashed with his feet to get the man's attention, but instead of turning around, the man stiffened and threw his hands over his eyes.

"Forgive men, O Mistress of the Hunt. I meant no disrespect."

To Herc's surprise, the man fell to his knees and bowed his head almost into the water. He practically cowered, and then his words sunk into Herc's brain. The man thought he must be Artemis, who was known for her delight in bathing in woodland pools just like this.

The blond, one hand still covering his eyes, held out the other in a warding-off gesture.

"Hey, no disrespect assumed," Herc chuckled.

"What?! Who?!"

The blond man chanced a glance behind himself and then froze in place. Herc had stood up, and naked and erect the hero was a sight to arrest the glance and stifle the tongue of anyone in the Greek cultural sphere. His handsome face and sculpted body showed clearly the favor of the gods. Little did the blond realize...


"She's long gone."

"What?" the stranger was alert again, and alarmed.

"The hind you were after. She's long gone. You'll never catch her now."

The man looked up at the cliff.

"Oh. I suppose you're right."

"Course I am. I'm Hercules by the way," he said, and he held out his hand.

The man splashed across the distance separating them and took Herc's hand, though his eyes wandered lower.

"Orion," he said, shaking Herc's hand with a manly grip.

"Are they all as big as you back home?"

"Bigger," Orion said, "But then that's expected since we're all giants. I'm here because I'm the runt. The puny one. I'm a family embarrassment."

Herc was looking up at Orion who stood half a head to a head taller and then down where the loincloth clung tight to his giant family jewels.

"If that's puny...," Herc said, and he smiled.

Orion aw-shucksed and looked down again in embarrassment.

"It's more trouble than it's worth, let me tell you."


"It's too small to interest other giants, and too big for most mortals to take. That's why I mostly hunt."

Now that he was talking about it, Orion's cock started to grow, testing the tensile strength of the fabric of his loincloth.

"Tell you what," Herc said, stroking his own hard dick, "You get out of those duds and set them to dry. Your bow especially won't be much use until it's dried out. And you can join me in a soak. And maybe something more."

"I, uh, well you see, Artemis, well, I'm not really part of her band of maidens, but she allows me to roam her forests if I'm on my best behavior. I'm not sure if..."

"Artemis expects her girls to remain maidens. You're not a girl, not with a cock like that," Herc said, "So do the rules really apply to you? I mean, would it really count if you had some fun with another guy?"

"Well..," Orion started.

"Unless you plan to go blabbing about it to her—`cause I can guarantee you I won't be saying anything. We've got a complicated sibling thing going on."


"I told you already. Hercules, as in Hercules, son of Zeus, the demigod, which means incidentally that I bet I could stand up to anything you can dish out."

"Oh, that Hercules."

"That Hercules? Do Herculeses come in six-packs now?"

"Oh, uh."

"It's a joke, man. Just a joke," Herc smirked, "But the answer is that yes, I do cum in six-packs. Wanna see?"

Orion was smiling now. He waded to the shore, stripped all the way down, laid his loincloth and unlimbered bow over a bush, and dove back into the pool. He surfaced right in front of Herc. Putting a hand behind the heros' head, Orion leaned down and kissed him. Herc had kissed more than his share of men, especially recently, men and gods, and mostly they let him take the lead. This giant, though, was clearly a control freak. He was definitely in charge of the kiss from the second their lips touched, and Herc was more than willing to let him have his way. Hard male bodies ground against each other as the men got hotter and hotter in their need to fuck.

When they finally broke the kiss, Herc whispered "I want to suck that big cock now, Orion," and Orion pushed the demigod to his knees.

The giant's dick was, well, gigantic, at least a foot long, and Herc rubbed his face against the shaft before trying to take it into his mouth. He started small, concentrating on just the head at first, but gradually started to add in more of the tip and then the shaft.

"Fuck, yeah," Orion moaned, "Suck me! Use that tongue!"

While he sucked the giant, Herc reached behind him and started fingering his own hole, massaging it and getting it ready for an assault by a cock at least as big as Ares'. For his part, Orion seemed to be enjoying Herc's newly found oral skills. His hands held the hero's head in place as the blow job took on more and more features of a good face fucking. Finally, Herc broke free of the giant's hands and, turning, put his hands on the bank and shoved his ass up in the air.

"Take it, Orion," he said, grinning, "Take me."

Orion, his slimy cock in his hand, stepped towards Herc and, bending his knees, took careful aim at the pucker. The fleshy head teased Herc's sphincter, testing its resolve, before the head forced its way inside.

"Ah!" Herc gasped.

Orion was bigger than Ares, but in mitigation he was also a more considerate lover. He introduced Herc's ass to no more than an inch at a time, making sure his lover's guts got used to the intrusion before introducing any more.

"Fuck," Herc sighed as more and more of the giant's fuck-meat made itself at home inside his body.

When the final inch had sunk in and Orion's pelvis bumped up against Herc's muscular ass, both men moaned. The preliminaries were done, and it was time for the real fucking to begin. Again, Orion surprised Herc. His fucking was deep but considerate, and he pulled Herc up onto his feet so that he could kiss the demigod while they fucked.

"Yeah. Yeah!" Herc groaned as Orion ground over his prostate and licked his ear.

The hero let himself be taken for a quarter hour before he pulled off of Orion's cock and, twisting round, pushed the giant onto the bank.

"Hands and knees," he ordered the blond.

While Orion got into position, Herc greased up his shaft with the juices that had leaked from the purple plum of his cockhead. Then he got up on the bank and, going up on his toes, forced his way into Orion's hot ass.

"Fuck!" Orion cried.

Apparently the hunter was unused to getting fucked, so Herc resolved to make sure this experience was a pleasurable as his had been when the giant was plowing his ass. Gently, slowly he plunged into and pulled out of the tight ass.

"Harder," Orion grunted between his teeth, and Herc obliged him, picking up the pace and intensity.

Orion seemed to be enjoying bottoming, and Herc could tell he was getting closer to the edge as he hard-fucked the giant.

"You like the ride I'm giving you?" Herc demanded, his teeth pulled back in a grimace as he fought against firing off his load.

"Yeah, oh sweet gods of passion, yes!"

"Show me!"

With that Herc ripped his cock out of the giant's ass and rolled him over on his back. Orion's legs fell wide, and his cook stood up straight, red-purple, and alluring. Herc wasted no time in straddling the giant and sliding his ass down to swallow the enormous staff of fuck-meat.

"Argh!" Orion cried.

"Ugh ugh ugh," Herc moaned as he rode the giant's pole like a war horse.

The look on Orion's face was priceless. Herc had given, was giving, him an experience he had seldom experienced before he started running with Artemis' hunting companions, and now never experienced.

"Fuck me, giant," Herc ordered, and Orion took Herc's hips in hand before pounding up into the demigod's man-cunt.


"Like that hole, do you?" Herc teased.

"Fuck, yes!," Orion cried, "I'm so close..."

And that said, Herc changed things up again. He jumped off Orion's dick and landing between his spread legs, pushed them up over the giant's chest. He smiled at his surprised lover before running the head of his prick around Orion's still dripping hole. Orion gasped and looked up wonderingly at the hero. This was all the invitation Herc needed, and he slammed in, making sure to hit the giant's prostate every time. Orion threw his head back and forth as Herc skewed his ass. This was Elysium on earth, a pleasure he might never have known if the hind hadn't dropped him right at Herc's feet, as it were. It was just fuck—he never wanted this to end! But his balls had other ideas.

"Hercules, I'm... Argh!"

Orion's giant dick erupted, and Herc had pulled out and followed suit. Both their cocks spewed ropes of jizz, mostly on Orion's chest and belly, but some of the original blasts shot straight up into the air so that they could fall on Herc's muscular chest.

When they were spent, Herc fell back into the pool and floated there gasping. Orion's hand trailed through the gallons of cum that stripped his body.

Looking at the floating hero, Orion said, "I think I need another soaking."

Herc moaned. Giants, but he smiled as he thought it.

"Wash yourself first," he suggested, "Then we'll see if I have anything more to soak you with."

Next: Chapter 6

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