Hercules Bound

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Dec 30, 2020


Hercules Bound Chapter seven: Apollo's Wood Evan Andrews 2020

This is a fan fiction.

Given how convoluted Hercules' story has become in myth, legend, and modern drama, don't expect this to fit cleanly into any version you know. It's its own story with its own continuity. And its own style. Xena ruined me for serious Greco-Roman fantasy. I admit it.

To make things easy for me, I imagined certain people in certain roles. In this chapter, for, example, I imagine Herc being played by Kellan Lutz, Iolaus by WCW wrestler Evan Karagias, Apollo by pro wrestler John Morrison, and Daphnos by pro wrestler Tony Nese. This story should in no way be considered a true representation of the sexuality of either the actors or the characters.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Hercules and Iolaus spent weeks apart, wandering Greece and pursuing the hero biz where it was needed. But the Fates, who weave the threads of mortal lives into a great tapestry, had plans to bring the friends together again.

Eos, with her rosy fingers, was tinting the eastern sky pink as Herc made the crest of the hills that separated the Attic plain from the lands of Thebes. He was staring down at the agricultural wealth when Iolaus trudged up to stand beside him.

"Beautiful, isn't it," someone said as the sun peaked over the eastern horizon.

The heroes turned and found themselves confronted by a man that positively shown in the light of the newly risen sun. A white peplum skirt hugged his loins, and it parted at the crotch to show off the full, manly basket in the pouch of his loincloth. His shoulders were wide, and his chest was a study in what the ideal man was meant to look like. And his legs. Iolaus' jaw dropped; he'd always been a sucker for fine thighs and calves like these. Oh, and the man was crowned in light. Literally. Given that fashion accessory, you might be forgiven for overlooking his gaudy, golden sandals.

"Hello, Brother," the vision said.

"Brother?" Iolaus blurted.

"Hello, Apollo," Herc said, "What brings you here?"

Apollo produced Ares' sign.

"I was told you would help me with a problem."

Herc visibly shrunk. He'd hoped that maybe Ares had been so caught up in slaughter somewhere—the Scythian plains were always good for some sort of bloody armed conflict--that he'd forgotten about toying with Herc.

"Of course," Herc said, dejected, "Whatever you require."

"Good," Apollo said, "Let's walk."

Herc turned to his companion and said, "Iolaus, you can..."

"Iolaus can come with us," Apollo said, "He's already balls deep, literally, in this thing between you and Ares. And besides, he said I'm beautiful. Yes, I know he meant the sunrise, but that's who I am too, of course. I could listen to that sort of sweet-talk all day long."

Apollo put an arm around Herc's broad shoulders and led him away. Iolaus, even though he had been specifically invited, or rather commanded, to come along, stayed a respectful six steps behind the god. Apollo was beautiful, but his short fuse and creative revenges were mythological. And Iolaus was anything but stupid.

To Iolaus' surprise it turned out that travelling with a god was not the same as slogging along like a mortal. Each step they took covered several miles, so they reached Apollo's destination in record time.

At the top of a hill, a lone laurel tree grew, but it bore little resemblance to any laurel tree that Iolaus had seen before. This one looked like a man, and had he been flesh and blood he'd have been a ravishing hunk of a man. Even the barky face projected startlingly rugged handsomeness. Two upper branches gave the impression of outstretched arms, lower down, the trunk split into two and looked like nothing less than a pair of running legs—and, by the gods, what thighs those legs owned! They were almost as delectable as Apollo's. And where the "legs" joined, a twelve-inch spar, no bark here only bare smooth wood, jutted up out of the trunk. If the tree were a man he'd have had a world-record cock. Apollo entered the verge of grass that grew there, leading his companions, and as if on cue the not-a-cock suddenly started to leak. Sap seeped from the end of the spar and ran down the naked wood making it glisten.

"Interesting tree," Herc said.

"Yes, he is, isn't he?" Apollo said.

"He?" Iolaus asked.

"Yes," and Apollo walked up and ran his hand up and down the spar, "This is Daphnos, a spirit of the wild."

"You mean Daphne, don't you?" Iolaus said, but when he caught sight of a flash in Apollo's eye he amended, "I mean, you know best, O god of light and knowledge. I am but a miserable mortal who probably misunderstood the story he was told."

"Good save, mortal man," Apollo grinned, "The story tellers get so many things wrong you'd think they did it on purpose. But in spite of the mistakes you've heard about this story I can't really blame on them I suppose. Olympus took some liberties with the details it released."

Apollo turned to Herc and Iolaus and said, "Know then that Daphnos truly was one of the most captivating beings ever to walk the face of Gaea."

"After you, you mean," Iolaus was synchophanting for all he was worth.

"Yes, of course after me," Apollo said irritably, "Whatever. We met in the deep forest, and each was smitten with the other, naturally."

"Naturally," Herc and Iolaus sounded like a Greek chorus.

"Yes, and Daphnos, recognizing me, fell to his knees and worshipped me."

"Worshipped?" Iolaus asked innocently, even though he knew the answer.

"He sucked my cock," Apollo sighed, "Daphnos had the most talented mouth that has ever applied itself to worshipping my glory."

Apollo's hand had slid down to the pouch of his own loincloth and rubbed at the expanding mound there.

"When I could stand it no more, I turned him round and fucked him like a lion, and he took my fuck-meat like a lioness in heat! It was a glorious coupling, and when we came, we roared to do the wild beasts of Aethiopia proud."

"But," Iolaus prompted, gesturing at the tree.

"But he was, sadly, as proud as he was handsome."

"No!" Iolaus gasped.

"He wanted to fuck you, didn't he?" Herc said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, can you imagine? He, a simple, if gorgeous, spirit of the wild, wanted to fuck me! Me! One of the Twelve whose throne sits in the halls of Olympus!"

"The gall! The presumption!" Iolaus breathed, "So you turned him into a tree?"

"What?" Apollo said, his train of thought broken, "No, of course not. He was full of my sperm; I couldn't do anything to him. For the moment all I could do was run."

"Naturally," Herc thought, "You hadn't made HIM swear any oaths, let alone one on the River Styx."

"Did he dare to chase you?" Iolaus breathed, mugging to do credit to the greatest comedians.

"Yes!" Apollo cried, "And he almost caught me. Can you imagine the humiliation that would have followed had I let him, a simple nature spirit no matter how comely, treat me like a common whore, or even an eromenos?"

"Yes," Iolaus said simply, but Apollo was too caught up in his story to listen to a mere mortal.

Herc, on the other hand, shot a look at his partner.

"Well, at the last moment I called to my father, Zeus, to save my beautiful ass, and when Daphnos' foot hit that patch of ground, he took root and was transformed into the laurel tree you see before you."

Now that they looked on the tree and knew it for a man, it was easy to see the paragon of masculinity trapped inside the wood.

"And you need me now why?" Herc said.

"I miss my worshiper and lover," Apollo admitted, "I'm sure he's learned his lesson by now, and I want him back in flesh and blood."

"So, ask Father to break his curse," Herc said.

"There's the rub," Apollo moaned, "I did, but Dad's being difficult. He says the curse will only be broken when a godly ass plants itself on Daphnos' wood and fucks it."

Herc looked bored by Apollo's drama-deity performance.

"And you want my ass to take your place, I suppose?"

Apollo held up Ares' sign again.

"I don't just want you too, brother. I know you will. By the River Styx you swore, and Ares' sign means you have to do what I say. So, now, I want you to strip, spread your ass cheeks, and plant yourself on that spar. Then you will fuck it until... well, until the tree wood changes to man wood once more."

"And Daphnos gives me the fuck he meant for you," Herc finished.

"Yes, I suppose," Apollo said, "Hey, don't give me that look. It was Dad's idea."

"You realize he meant it as a punishment for you, probably to teach you the folly of this tryst?"

"Yes, that sounds like Dad. Of course, he had no idea that Ares had fucked you into submission or that our blood-thirsty brother would let me borrow your ass."

Herc glowered.

"Just for the record," the hero asked, "Did you approach Ares? Or did he approach you?"

"Oh, he approached me," Apollo said, "It took me by surprise since we're not on close terms, but I suppose one shouldn't look a gift ass in the sphincter."

Herc sighed, "And I suppose you want me to do this right now?"

"There's no time like the present, or so the philosophers say."

Herc shed his harness and passed it to Iolaus who acted as valet. Then his hands went to his waist and he unfastened his pteryges and loincloth. He handed them to Iolaus as well and stood proud and naked in the morning sun.

"Quite pretty enough," Apollo said, "Dad's blood always shows through. Now, I suppose you'll want your little friend to eat your ass open. Daphnos is hung like a horse."

Herc walked glumly over to Tree Daphnos and bent over, his rump presented to the imprisoned spirit, but Iolaus had a better idea than eating Herc open, again. He pulled a bottle of oil from off his belt and used it to grease Herc's ass. Once the outside of the sphincter glistened, Iolaus slid his fingers inside and started to fingerfuck his uncle's ass open. One finger, two, three. Herc groaned as Iolaus massaged his guardian muscle and teased his love nut. Finally, four fingers were lodged in the demigod's open hole. Short of ramming his fist into Herc's ass, Iolaus couldn't stretch him any further.

"I think you're ready, Herc," Iolaus said, "Just relax."

Iolaus helped guide the bent-over hero back onto the rigid piece of wood. It had been polished smooth over the years, probably by Apollo's stroking it if Herc knew anything about his brother, and between the sap oozing out of its tip and the oil Iolaus had applied to his ass, it slid home with no problems. Not surprising since the hero's ass had recently endured a couple of master classes in getting cornholed. Taking Daphnos' wood was therefore nothing he hadn't been prepared for. Balancing his upper body with his hands on his bent knees, the muscular hero rode the spar, moaning as Daphnos' wood filled him. And filled him again. And again.

"Fuck," Herc gasped, "So big. So hard."

Apollo and Iolaus watched intently. Iolaus had seen something like this before, and it still turned him on. His mortal cock was on the verge of tearing itself free of his loincloth and maybe drooling precum on the god of light and music. Happily, Apollo saved them from that indignity. The lord of the sun's god-cock jutted out of the pouch of his loincloth, and he followed the one-eyed monster straight to Herc's open mouth.

Apollo pointed his shaft at Herc's face and said, "Suck me, Brother."

Herc, who had expected something like this, inhaled Apollo's magnificent fuck-rod and sucked away for all he was worth. Iolaus stood back, jerking off, until Apollo beckoned to him.

"Clever mortal," he said, "Iolaus. Come to me."

When Iolaus stepped up, Apollo took the young man's head in his hands and directed him to worship his divine chest and arms. They didn't kiss, but Iolaus was not surprised that Apollo wouldn't think him cute enough for that. The climax of the worship was Iolaus licking his way down Apollo's perfect abs. Eventually, the god of light pulled Iolaus up to stand beside him, but not actually touching.

"Suck us both, Hercules! Beauty and cunning at the same time."

Herc sucked one and then the other, attending to both rigid cocks (although careful always to favor Apollo) until he eventually took both into his mouth at once. Herc was fucking and sucking on autopilot now, Iolaus saw, open to everything but removed from it. Iolaus, on the other hand, reveled in ever second Herc made love to him, so he kept his eyes open, committing it all to memory. That's why he was in the perfect position to see Daphnos appear as the tree slowly reverted to the nature spirit's natural form. Helios! Daphnos was every bit as gorgeous as Iolaus imagined he would be.

"The gods sure worked overtime on this one," Iolaus thought.

"Fuck!" Daphnos cried out as he grabbed Herc by the hips and took over the rhythm of the ass-fucking, "What a tight hot fucking hole!"

Daphnos started to ramrod Herc's ass. Hard. Deep. Fast. It was the fuck of a man who hadn't had any for years and years. And Herc took it. Perhaps only his demigod's physique kept him from being damaged by the violence of Daphnos' lust. Apollo pushed Iolaus to the ground and took full possession of Herc's oral ravishment. The sun god grabbed Herc's head, and, locking eyes with Daphnos, he began to match the intensity of his lover's fucking. Iolaus looked up concerned, but he noticed that Herc seemed to be standing the strain well. Iolaus did, however, see one thing he could do to help his companion. He crawled underneath and swallowed Herc' swinging cock.

It was like Apollo and Daphnos were in some competition. A competition to see not only who could fuck harder but also who would cum first. As it was, they came together. Immortal balls pulled up tight in their sacks, and immortal cocks pulsed and flooded Herc at both ends with their virile juices. The taste of Apollo's godly seed and the pulsing of Daphnos' cock in his rectum pushed Herc himself over the edge. His cock exploded in Iolaus' mouth, and Iolaus, flogging his own sausage for all he was worth, spilled a huge load of jizz onto the grass as he swallowed his uncle's seed. Apollo reached out to Daphnos. They took right hands, and with a flash the immortal lovers were gone.

Herc fell to knees next to Iolaus gasping for breath. Remnants of Apollo's cum still leaked from his mouth, Daphnos' sperm from his ass. Man and nephew fell back onto the grass where they enjoyed a divine afterglow. Iolaus eventually rolled over against Herc and tongued away what of Apollo's cum Herc hadn't swallowed. He then kissed his uncle, and they played the white gold back and forth. Back and forth.

"You are shameless," Herc laughed when the last of the divine seed was gone, "You want to eat Daphnos' cum out of my ass, too?"

"Nah," Iolaus said, "I think it should stay right there and serve a lubricant."

Herc raised an eyebrow, "Oh you do, do you?"

Iolaus slid a hand between Herc's thighs and intruded a finger into the hot hole. He knew the way to his uncle's prostate, and Herc moaned when he hit it.

"Yes, and so do you. Spread your legs, buddy."

Next: Chapter 8

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