Here For Parents Weekend

By Alex Benton

Published on Oct 20, 2020



Hey everyone, please send me your feedback and/or suggestions for future stories at I'd really like to hear from you! Also, if you can, donate to Nifty.

If you like this, check out my other story called "Helping With The Birthday Party"

"Damn I'm so excited for Parents Weekend next week," my roommate exclaimed as he entered their dorm room. I was sitting on my bed just getting some work done.

"John...what? You're looking forward to a weekend of no parties and your parents seeing how you're not passing your classes?"

John and I were in our second year of college, and after becoming friends freshman year, we decided to room together. He was cool, kinda goofy, and totally chill with living with a gay guy. He used to joke about me having a crush on him, but he knows that I'm not interested. I have a thing for older men.

"Fuck you, Dominic, I'm passing! Mostly, at least," he added sheepishly. "Anyways, only my dad's coming and he's so much more chill than my mom. When I was in high school, he used to buy me beer whenever I went out with my friends. He was even with me the first time I smoked weed."

John's dad seemed so much more cool than my parents. Luckily, they're too busy, so they weren't coming for the weekend.

"By the way, he told me that he could take us out for dinner Saturday night. That is, if you can handle being around a hot, older guy for a few hours. Here's a pic of him."

"Ew John, don't call your dad hot--" Before I finished, John shoved his phone in front of my face. On the screen was a picture of John and an extremely attractive man who I presumed to be his dad. In the photo, the two were on the beach, so I could see a lot of Mr. Thompson. Despite being in his forties, the man had a great body and head of hair. Not to mention, his stubble was so masculine and sexy.

"See! You're practically drooling over him!" John put his phone away, interrupting my daydream. After a minute, he added, "You know I'm just teasing you. I'm just really close with my dad so it feels more like talking about a friend."

After that, we dropped the subject and moved on to something else. In the back of my mind, though, I couldn't but but think about John's dad. Mr. Thompson was so hot, and if what John said is true, really cool too. Anyways, It's not like anything is gonna be possible since he's straight and my best friend's dad.

"So my dad just left the airport, but since it's kinda late, he's going straight to his hotel. Tomorrow, I have some stuff planned with him during the day, but then the three of us are gonna go out to dinner."

John just got off the phone with his dad and rejoined our video game. I tried not to let on to John, but I've been thinking about Mr. Thompson ever since I saw that picture. Whenever John was in class and I had the room to myself, I'd jerk off thinking about the man. I'd imagine rinsing off in the dorm's showers and feeling his body sneak up behind me. I could practically feel his slick hands grab my waist before guiding his dick to my hole. Then I'd stroke myself thinking about him pounding my prostate. Everytime I came, it was like a geyser erupting.

Thinking about it now was getting me hard. Maybe if I hooked up with someone tonight, I wouldn't be so pent up when I meet Mr. Thompson tomorrow. While John was distracted by the video game, I opened Grindr on my phone and began searching for someone. It was mostly the usual. Scrolling, I saw plenty of the same undergrad guys that I always see. Don't get me wrong, plenty of them were cute, but I'm just not into guys my age. I just love older, more experienced men.

I was in the middle of a couple conversations that didn't seem to be going anywhere when I got a new message. I was immediately interested. There was only one picture on his profile, a close-up of his chest, but I could tell he was fit. His bio read:

"Married guy in town for the weekend. Looking for a bottom, preferably submissive."

I know it's probably wrong, but the fact that he's married really turned me on. We hit it off pretty quickly, and he invited me over to his hotel room. He followed up with a slightly blurry picture of his body from the neck down. God, this guy was hot. His body even kinda looked like John's dad's, so hopefully sex with this guy on Grindr will get the other man out of my system for the weekend. I got up and started getting dressed.

"Going somewhere?"

"Going to meet a guy. I'll be back in a couple hours probably."

"Ok sounds good." His attention barely left the video game.

Twenty minutes later, I was in the hotel elevator. Luckily, this guy was staying near campus, so it was a pretty easy trip from the dorm. I was wearing a t-shirt and some tight fitting jeans. Nothing flashy, but I looked good.

When I reached his room, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I could hear some shuffling inside as the guy approached the door and swung it open.

As soon as I saw the man's face, I almost gasped. In front of me, dressed in a pair of casual shorts and nothing else, was John's dad, Mr. Thompson. I recognized him immediately from the picture John showed me.

"Hey, why don't you come in." He led me inside and sat me down on the bed, but he stayed standing. "Are you okay? You seem a little shaken," he said with a little laugh. "Is this your first time with an old guy like me?"

I forced a smile. "No that's not it. just look like someone I know, that's all."

He chuckled. "No worries, I get it. Do you smoke? We can smoke a little weed to calm down."

"Umm yeah sure. That would be great."

While he went to grab a joint from his bag, I was freaking out. I had no idea what to do. This is John's fucking dad! He's supposed to be straight. Oh god, that's why he's staying in a hotel near campus for the weekend. He's here for fucking Parents Weekend! I can't do this. I can't do this. I'm supposed to be meeting him for dinner tomorrow. What am I supposed to do then?

Once he had the joint, he opened the window and lit up, blowing the smoke outside. Then he held it out for me. Oh god he's hot. Standing there almost naked, I drank in every hard piece of muscle. Not to mention the bulge in his shorts.

Right then, I made my decision...even if it would blow up in my face the next day.

I got up from the bed and grabbed the joint. As I blew the smoke out the window, he introduced himself.

"My name's Mike by the way."


"Nice to meet you, Will. I assume you're a student here, right?" I nodded and handed him the joint. "I'm actually here visiting my kid for Parent's Weekend. His name is John Thompson, do you know him?"

" I don't think so."

"Well I'm supposed to be meeting his roommate too. I think his name is Dominic? Dominic Wilson?"

Taking a big hit of the joint, I uttered another "No."

"Well, that's probably for the best. My son doesn't know about these little trysts I have with other men. As far as he knows, I'm in a happy marriage with his mother. I don't want to bore you with that though. I don't think you came to hear about my family, right?"

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I actually had a few other things in mind for tonight," I said with a smile. John was right, his dad seemed really cool, and that made it so much harder to resist him. We finished the joint, and I was sufficiently relaxed. And horny. I knew this would bite me in the ass at dinner the next day, but I knew it would be worth it.

Mr. Thompson sat down on the bed and motioned for me to follow. I took a seat next to him, and he quickly grabbed my face and started making out with me. I melted into him right away. After a minute, he pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me. He pulled my shirt off before kissing me again. I tried to grab his shoulders, but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them down, putting my body under his control.

Eventually he got off of me and motioned for me to stand. "Take your pants off," he ordered. As quickly as I could, I pulled my pants off and tossed them to the other side of the room. When I turned back to Mr. Thompson, he grabbed me by the waist and pinned me against the wall. With my legs wrapped around his waist, I could feel his big, hard cock grinding against my crotch. Holding me against the wall with his body, his hand slid under the waistband of my underwear and slowly started to jerk me. Totally seduced by his dominance, my orgasm built quickly.

"Slow down, I'm gonna cum soon!" At that, he smirked and tossed me onto the bed. Standing there, he pulled down his shorts and underwear, revealing his thick cock. I was practically salivating when he got back on top of me. We started making out again, but this time, he sucked on his finger until it was slick enough to enter me. He smiled watching me squirm under his touch. Eventually, we both wanted to move on to something more.

"Please fuck me Mike."

As he put on a condom and lubed us both up, he asked, "Could me Mr. Thompson? This might sound weird, but you just look like you could've been one of my son's friends from high school, and when they called me Mr. Thompson' or Sir,' I always got turned on by those young guys having to show me respect."

"Of course Mr. Thompson." We started making out again before I whispered in his ear, "Please fuck me now Sir."

With that, he lined his cock up with my hole and shoved it in. I gasped as I adjusted to his intrusion.

"You like that boy, don't you," he slowly started pumping in and out of me. Still in shock, I could barely speak. "Yeah, you like that fat daddy cock," he said through gritted teeth. By now, he was fucking me hard. I could tell he was close.

"Yes Sir, fuck me harder S--" he cut me off by clamping his hand over my mouth. Somehow, he increased his speed, ramming his cock into me, pounding my prostate over and over again. Suddenly, he shut his eyes, and I could feel his dick shooting his load. At the same time, I started to cum too, shooting rope after rope of jizz onto both of our chests.

Exhausted, he collapsed on to me and kissed me for a few seconds before rolling off. I got up and started getting dressed.

"Fuck that was hot. I wish we could go again, but I have to get up early tomorrow to meet my son."

"No worries, I gotta get going too." Suddenly, the reality of the situation sunk in again. I had just fucked my best friend's dad, and I was supposed to have dinner with them both tomorrow night!

Once I was dressed, I gave him a quick goodbye, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into his body. We made out for a minute before he let me go. I quickly left and made my way back to the dorm.

I woke up to an alarm on my phone. It was a text from John. He was asleep when I got home last night, but he wasn't in the room now. His text read:

"Hey Dom I fell asleep before you got home last night. I'm out with my dad right now. He says he's excited to meet you! We'll be back later to grab you for dinner."

"Sounds good, see you later," I responded.

"Hey btw, how was your night out last night ;)"

I reluctantly typed back, "It was fine, nothing special"

I spent the day trying to study, but ultimately I was dreading to face Mr. Thompson. At one point, I thought I'd try to distract myself by going on a run, but my legs and my asshole were still so sore from the night before.

Around 6, John burst into the room. "Hey Dom, this is my dad."

"It's nice to finally meet--" Mr. Thompson froze as soon as our eyes met. "--you."

"It's nice to meet you too, Mr. Thompson." I extended my arm to shake his hand, but he stood there stunned.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Suddenly coming back to life, he turned to his son and told him, "I'm good. How about we get going to the restaurant? We have a reservation for 30 minutes from now."

With that, we went outside and got into the car Mr. Thompson rented for the weekend. The ride to the restaurant was definitely tense. Mr. Thompson didn't speak a word to me, so John had to alternate between talking to me and to his dad. Once we got to the restaurant, John and I were told to go inside and get our table while Mr. Thompson parked. Once we were inside and seated, John turned to me.

"Is there something going on between you and my dad?"

"WHAT?! I mean, what...what do you mean?"

"He's just been kind of rude since you met and I don't know why. He's friendly with almost everyone, so I don't know why..."

Right then, we saw Mr. Thompson approaching the table. Having a few minutes alone must have helped him settle down because he seemed much more at ease. He was even smiling.

As soon as he sat down, he told me, "Dominic," he put emphasis on my name, "I'm sorry for my behavior, I was just caught off guard by...well, it doesn't matter. I'll be more polite, I swear."

"Jeez dad, thank god. You barely talked the whole car ride, you were starting to weird me out." But Mr. Thompson was just staring at me, barely listening to his son.

After we ordered our food, Mr. Thompson started asking me about my life. "So Dom, are you seeing anyone? Got a girlfriend?"

"Dad! Dom's not...he's gay."

"Oh he is..." His gaze was agonizing. I knew he was trying to punish me. "Well, I never would have thought. boyfriend?"

"Jesus, dad! Let's talk about something that won't make my roommate so uncomfortable."

Mr. Thompson raised his hands in defeat, and we moved on to something else. We soon got our food, and I started to feel a little more comfortable. Mr. Thompson still gave me a few indiscernible looks, but otherwise it felt like a normal dinner.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," John told us and got up from the table. My heart practically beat out of my chest as I watched him walk away. As soon as he was out of sight, Mr. Thompson turned to me.

Through gritted teeth, he growled, "You are a fucking liar." I sat in silence, unable to look at him. "Fucking say something! You knew who I was. I told you about John. And you knew that we were supposed to see each other! Did you think I just wouldn't recognize you?!"

"No, of course not, it's just..." I looked up at him and explained myself. I told him about John showing me his picture, and how when I realized it was him that I met on Grindr, I just couldn't help myself.

"Well, I guess I should be...flattered. But fuck what am I supposed to say to John?! I fucked his best friend and roommate, not to mention cheated on his mother. God, I'm a terrible person."

"You're not a terrible person, and you don't have to tell him anything. He doesn't need to know."

With that, John walked out of the bathroom and made his way back over to the table. We resumed our conversation. After a while, Mr. Thompson announced that he'd go to the bathroom. Once he left the table, I told John that I needed to go too. The bathroom was pretty small, it only consisted of one stall, two urinals, and a sink. When I came in, Mr. Thompson was peeing at one of the urinals. I went next to him and started peeing too. The restaurant didn't have a divider in between the urinals, so tried to carefully catch a glimpse of his cock.

"What are you doing?" he asked me, still staring straight ahead.

"I'm just peeing."

He grunted but didn't say anything else. We'd both finished at that point, but neither of us moved. Less discreetly, I checked him again, and I could tell he was getting hard. Feeling bold, I reached over and started stroking him.

"We shouldn't be doing this." He still wasn't looking at me, yet he didn't try to stop my stroking. After a few more seconds, he sighed in resignation and dragged me into the stall. As soon as he locked the door, I dropped to my knees and started sucking him.

"Oh God, I shouldn't be doing this. My son's right outside waiting for us," but he still didn't stop me. I sucked him until he was close. Before he came, he picked me up and pressed me against the stall wall. We both worked my pants down enough for him to have access to my hole. Using both of our spit, he lubed me up and forced himself inside. It was painful, but we couldn't control ourselves, we were in such a haze of lust. I could tell he was getting close, but all of a sudden, we could hear someone opening the door. We both froze.

"Dad...? Is that you in the stall?"

"Um...yeah son." Mr. Thompson covered my mouth with his hand to keep me quiet.

"What are you doing in there? And have you seen Dom? You've both been gone from the table for like ten minutes." Luckily, since I was being held up against the wall, John must not have been able to see my legs in the stall.

"Um...I'm...feeling sick John. I'm sorry. And Dom is...uhh...I think he went outside to take a call from his mom. You probably didn't see him step outside."

"Oh umm okay. I'll go check on him. Do you need anything?"

Mr. Thompson slowly shoved his cock back inside me as he told John, "No son, I'm almost done in here." He stared me straight in the eye as we both listened to his son leave the bathroom. As soon as the door shut, he choked my neck with one hand and grabbed my waist with the other. "We only have a minute so I'm gonna make this quick." He proceeded to pound me mercilessly. As he fucked me, I could feel his hot breath on my face. Once he was close, he pressed his mouth to my neck and gently bit me. At that moment, I could feel his cum fill me up.

Once he finished, he pulled out and proceeded to clean himself up. I hadn't cum yet, and it was driving me crazy. I knew we didn't have time though, so I got dressed too. We both walked to the door and peeked outside. I saw that he was outside, so we rushed back to the table. A minute later, John came back inside and found us.

"Where the hell were you?" he yelled at me. "My dad said you were outside calling your mom, but I couldn't find you anywhere!"

"I'm sorry! I talked to your dad, and I think I came back inside when you were in the bathroom, and you must not have seen me at the table when you went outside yourself. Anyways, your dad came back to the table and told me he was feeling sick but is fine now."

John sat back down in his chair, still looking confused. "That's so weird. I could've sworn you weren't at the table when I went outside..."

"Ah well, no worries. We're all here now. Let's just get back to dinner," I told him, trying to change the subject. He still looked troubled, but we went back to talking about school stuff. For the rest of the night, Mr. Thompson and I shared knowing smiles while my dick was still achingly hard in my pants.

We were all in the car, almost at our dorm, when John's dad suggested the two of us go to our room while he parked. As soon as we were inside and out of his dad's earshot, John turned to me.

"Dude, you need to chill with my dad! You were eye-fucking him the whole time at dinner. I get that you have a huge boner for him, but it's a little weird."

I guess I wasn't being as discreet as I thought. Oops. But at least he didn't notice when his dad gave the same looks or pressed his leg against mine under the table...

"Hey I'm sorry John. I didn't realize I was being so obvious. I hope you didn't feel too weird."

"No worries, dude, I don't care. I know you can't help yourself when it comes to old guys," he said with a teasing nudge to my side. "I'm just worried my dad'll get a little freaked out. I mean, he's cool with gay people, but I don't know how he'd feel about being hit on by a guy. I don't think he's noticed though. Actually, he seems to really like you."

It took all of my energy to suppress a smile, but before I could respond, his dad knocked on the door and came in.

"Damn, this brings me back to my college days. My roommate and I had what must've had the smallest room on campus. We had no privacy, which made it pretty hard when we had our...uh...lady friends over." I knew he was comfortable talking about sex with John, but from his tone, I think he realized too late that it might be awkward with me here now.

John, still oblivious though, didn't have a problem jumping in. "Oh Dom and I don't have to worry about that. I almost always go back to my girl's room, and Dom almost only meets guys online and goes to them. Actually," he said with a sneer, "he just met a guy last night. Apparently he wasn't any good though."

"Oh he wasn't?" Mr. Thompson asked with raised eyebrows and just the tiniest sliver of a smile.

Hoping John wouldn't catch my flirtatiousness, I told his dad with faux nonchalance, "I mean, he was fine, Mr. Thompson. I've just had better." The look he gave me brought my boner back full force.

John quickly interjected, "Dude, you've been calling my dad `Mr. Thompson' all night, just call him Mike."

Looking his dad straight in the eye, I said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson, but my parents taught me that young men need to show their respect for adults. I hope it isn't a problem, Sir."

I could hear the lust in his breath when he uttered, "No worries, I don't mind."

"Whatever," John shrugged. He reached over into his drawer, pulling out his bong and our remaining weed. "Shit. We're a little low on weed, but it'll probably get us through tonight." He finished packing it, and passed it to his dad. "Dad, you wanna do the honors and start us off?"

"I guess now I'm really reliving my college days," he said with a wink. We spent the next ten minutes passing around the bong. I guess John underestimated his dad's tolerance, because before we were sufficiently high, we were out of weed. Mr. Thompson suggested that it may have been time for him to go back to his hotel room.

"No dad, I barely see you! I'll just go pick up some more weed from my guy on campus. You two mind hanging out while I get it?"

Without missing a beat, Mr. Thompson responded, "I think we'll manage." He gave John some money to pay for it, and then we were alone. He turned to me and said, "You know, weed usually makes me pretty horny..." I immediately started straddling him, and our tongues were down each other's throats. Coming up for air, he told me, "You must be going crazy right now. You didn't get a chance to cum at dinner." He started stroking me through my pants, and I started to take off his shirt.

"Hey now... John might be back any minute."

"Don't worry, the guy he's meeting lives on the other side of campus." I continued to kiss his body, starting at his neck and slowly making my way down. He was laying down on my bed, raking his hands through my hair, guiding my mouth to its destination. I unzipped his pants, and we worked them off his body, along with his underwear.

Before I started blowing him, I got off the bed and quickly undressed. Once I positioned myself so his girthy cock was bobbing in front of my face. I slowly took it in my mouth, working my tongue around the head before making my way down to the hilt. Once he was fully in my mouth, Mr. Thompson took over, pressing my head farther down so his dick really went down my throat.

With tears streaming down my face, I heard him grunt, "Take it you fucking bitch." After taking as much as I could in my throat, his cock was bathed in my saliva. He pulled out and ordered me to get on all fours on the ground.

"Yes Sir," I immediately obeyed.

Once I was on the ground, I heard him grab the bottle of lube under my bed and squirt some on his cock and my hole. While he spread it over my ass, I felt his finger forcefully enter me. While his other hand grabbed my shoulder, he impatiently moved on to two fingers, then three. When he pulled them all out, I knew what was coming.

I felt him bend over to whisper in my ear, "Hope you like it, you fucking slut."

Then, he plunged his cock into my hole. He didn't waste his time, fucking me hard and fast from the get-go. With his hand on my shoulder, he pushed my upper body to the ground, giving him better leverage to fuck me harder. It hurt, but I needed to cum so bad, I was leaking like crazy. Suddenly, he pulled me back up, so we were both kneeling, my back pressed against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, one hand on my chest, the other on my navel. Feeling his body hair and muscle pressed to my back and his hands gripping my front, I felt completely under his control. After another minute, he picked me up and bent me over his son's bed. Gripping my hair, he shoved my face into the sheets as he continued to violently fuck me. I knew it was wrong, but John's scent on his sheets turned me on even more. Getting fucked by his dad on his bed...I was ready to blow.

"You ready to take my load, you little faggot?" He flipped me over, so I was laying on John's bed with my legs on his dad's shoulders. He pulled out, and started to jack his cock until he exploded all over my body, face, and hair. I barely touched my dick before it erupted the cum it had been building up since dinner. Soon I was covered in both of our cum.

As the haze of my orgasm faded, I looked over Mr. Thompson's shoulder to see the door wide open. In the doorframe, stood John, a look of shock covering his face.

"What. The. Fuck."

Hey everyone, I hope you liked the story! Just a reminder, I really love to hear from my readers, so please send me your feedback and/or suggestions for future stories at And if you liked this, check out my other story called "Helping With The Birthday Party"

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