Hidden Princess

By Sasha Steele

Published on Sep 3, 2004



Hidden Princess An obese gay transvestite story By Sasha Steele

The fortunes of war had smiled little on Madania. Her armies defeated, harsh foreign rule governed the land. Madanian kingdoms were confiscated, and, to make conquerer Nepatha's hold even more complete, the order went out to have all Madanian kings and their heirs put to the sword. Refusing to surrender, King Anthony and his eldest son had been executed. Helena was not about to let that happen to her youngest, Alexander, the only remaining heir to the throne of the Madanian city of Han.

Long before the war king Anthony had declared that he had only one son, as the sissified Alexander, too weak to train for combat, was no fit heir to the throne. Alexander had not grown into manhood as his brother had. Alexander had never lost his baby fat, his hairless skin was soft and smooth, his hands delicate, and his face effeminate. Alexander had taken to wearing the fine garments usually worn only by Madanian women, he let the flowing curls of his coal-black hair grow long, adorned himself with jewelry, painted his face as a woman would, and spent an inordinate amount of time admiring himself before a mirror. Angered by this the king surely would have killed Alexander had his mother not intervened. As punishment Alexander was banished to the countryside where he would live his life as a woman, and in the kingdom of Han, the man-prince Alexander was no more.

Being of royal blood princess Alexandra, wanted for nothing. Every need was attended to, every want fulfilled. Alexandra was content to wile away the days lounging in the lavish apartments and gardens of the great countryside estate. Her greatest love being the delicacies of the banquet table. And, to the consternation of her mother, Alexandra was prone to putting on weight. On occasion, as a result of her idleness and gluttony, Alexandra's weight would grow beyond the realm of mere plumpness. When girdles and flowing gowns could no longer hide her obesity, for fear of the king's wrath, Alexandra was sent to a nunnery where she would be confined to a strict regiment until her hunger abated.

The kingdom of Madania was overturned. Kings and their heirs had been put to the sword. Napathian soldiers roamed freely in Madanian lands. These were dangerous times. For her own safety Alexandra was brought back to castle Han. With the secret of her manliness hidden beneath flowing gowns she was treated as a princess of royal lineage. With the crowning of a new Napathian king word went out that he would choose a Madanian princess for his queen.

For her life, Alexandra's secret must never be discovered. She could not be a prince. Nor was she a princess. Yet, she was both, and even with this the queen mother saw that Alexandra was comely and might easily be mistaken for a beautiful princess. Innocent, virgin Alexandra exposed, defiled, ridiculed, or worse. Panic stricken the queen decided that Alexandra must make herself undesirable enough that she would not be chosen by the new Napathian king. She would let Alexandra eat as much and as often as she wished, encourage her to do so. Alexandra would grow fat, as fat as she wanted to be, as fat as she possibly could be. Indeed Alexandra must become the fattest woman in all Madania.

But Alexandra was not as Innocent as her mother would have believed. While in the countryside she had had a relationship with a beautiful Napathian soldier. Alexandra knew he was a solder of the high court by the long blond braid, the expensive jewelry and fine material of the short skirted tunic he wore, and by the muscularity of his golden body. Caught urinating in her garden by the lurking soldier Alexandra thought that she would be exposed. The Napathian soldier did not expose her, but returned to her several times until the war called him back.

She could still taste his kisses. Could still feel his tongue on the underside of the hardened shaft that remained the only part of her still a prince. Could still feel the gentle nudge of his nose against the soft naked flesh of her fat pubis mound, and of his chin against her hairless scrotum. She could still feel the heat at the tip of her long cock buried deep in his throat, and hear herself cry out at the moment of ecstasy. And in the span of those few encounters Alexandra knew that she loved him and that he loved her.

In Madania the princess' began to prepare themselves. Alexandra also began to prepare herself. Needing no encouragement she took to the banquet table with gusto. Soon she outgrew all her clothing. The new king arrived in Madania, while Alexandra continued to eat. Her shape when sitting took on that of great pyramid, and her belly swelled past knees that had become so thick, and thighs so large, that Alexandra had to walk with her feet spread wide apart. The Napathian king visited on one Madanian kingdom after another, and Alexandra continued to eat. She had become so large that even mundane tasks were difficult, and had to be given over to her attendants. Alexandra slept long, her waking hours spent lounging, and being fed. Her appetite had become insatiable, her great weight oppressive, her gargantuan size restrictive, and still Alexandra continued to more and more. Then all at once everything went wrong.

Alexandra's mother died. No longer under her protection Alexandra's secret was out. The Napathian king was in close approach to castle Han. Her life in danger Alexandra was forced to flee. Weighing 900 lbs this was no easy task. But with a few remaining loyal attendants Alexandra was wheeled from the castled, and aided as she struggled into a coach, then she set off for the countryside. It was a country Inn where she had stopped to eat when the royal entourage from Napathian was encountered.

Alexandra had been helped from her chair, it stowed on the coach when the Napatians came into view. Not knowing what else to do Alexandra stole away into the stable, her wide footfalls slow and deliberate, her massive body jutting side to side as she struggled along. Alexandra, watching from the darkness as they passed by, was shocked by watch she saw. The Napatian king was none other than her lover. She stepped from the darkness and called out to him, but was to late, they had passed by.

"Quickly, get me into the coach. We must go back."

"But my princess, it is too dangerous."

"Turn the couch around now," Alexandra commanded.

The coach was turned about and the gargantuan transvestite princess returned to castle Han.

The gallery had been taken over. Dignitaries from surrounding kingdoms were in attendance. In private apartments princesses prepared themselves for the king. Alexandra arrived, was wheeled into the castle the back way, then helped to her feet and assisted to negotiate the few stairs to her old bedroom. It had been already been taken over.

"How dare you show your fat face back here, you impostor," one of the ladies scowled.

"Have the king arrest the elephant," another shouted.

Afraid for her safety, Alexandra turned to escape, but they were quickly upon her. In spite of Alexandra's weight and size she was a weakling. One of the ladies took hold of Alexandra's long black hair pulling her backwards, and Alexandra screamed as she was pulled to ground. And they may have done her worse harm, but as Alexandra struggled to right herself, attempting to roll onto her side by reaching a massive arm around the imposing girth of her titanic torso and kick a gargantuan leg over, they saw that she could not, and began to laugh at her.

"The elephant can't even get up," one of them ridiculed. "Leave the fat impostor," said another, and they left Alexandra struggling on the floor.

After several minutes Alexandra was exhausted. The weight and width of her torso, and weight and girth of her limbs defeating her. She rested to regain her breath. then mustering all her will threw an arm and leg over, turning her hips at the same time, and managed to roll onto her massive stomach. Alexandra got onto her knees then sat upright, her humongous backside resting against her legs. There was a stone table nearby. Alexandra took hold of it and swung one leg around. Her gigantic leg, clad in black silk leggings, was exposed between the front and rear panels of her skirts. The high heels of her shoes added to her difficulties, but with determination and extreme effort she brought herself to her feet.

King Arian sat on his throne, heavily muscled shoulders arms and legs exposed in the short skirted red tunic that he wore. The perfect golden-bronze skin of his beautiful body was smooth and hairless. His long blond hair was pulled back in a single braid that hung to his waist. He wore no crown and little jewelry. Arian looked over the women as they were presented to him. None of them interested him.

Were is Alexandra of Han," he asked. There was a murmur and giggling. "Silence," Arian shouted.

"I am here my lord, "Alexandra whispered from the wing to his left. She was exhausted and breathing heavily.

Arian turned, and Alexandra saw the look of astonishment on his face. Perhaps a look of disgust as he took in her colossal size. A whisper came up from the gathering. Arian stood, dismissing them, then turned back to Alexandra. He was speechless. She struggled toward him, massive arms swinging out around a gigantic body, legs splayed, there unbelievable size showing in the open splits between the front and back panels of her long skirts.

Dressed in black Alexandra's outer coat was embroidered in black satin. Her fat face was heavily madeup, ears studded all the way around, a stud in the side of each nostril, one between her contoured eyebrows, two each side below the upward curve of her eyebrows, and another on her lower lip that protruded outward fish-like. All of them the studs were black emeralds. Long painted fingernails adorned incredibly fat fingers that dripped with jewelry. On her thick wrists and around her neck that was now a bulging collar of fat were countless bracelets and necklaces. The loose curls of Alexandra's long shiny black were askew. She pushed a wild strand from her face.

Alexandra stopped as Arian came to her. Their eyes met. "You have grown since last we were together," he said. And Alexandra saw not disgust in his eyes, but something else, and rise in the skirt of his tunic told her that it was love.

"You are not displeased that I am so fat then?" she ventured.

He drew her near. "You have have grown more beautiful. I am not displeased." Leaning over Alexandra's bulk their lips met, and below the swell of her stomach she felt a rise in her undergarments push forward the front panel of her skirt to meet him.

Alexandra lay back on the king's bed and though her legs were wide spread the flesh upon them still touched. Her head and shouldered declined to the sheets due to the mass of her backside, and her her stomach rose high above Arian's head. He took her hard shaft into the warmth of his mouth as he had done before. His face pressed into the fat of her soft bald pubis mound that had since swollen to the size of a ripe melon. And as before she felt his tongue on the bottom of her cock, and his chin gently nudging her thick scrotum as he slowly drew his mouth back and forth on her.

No longer able to reach around herself in order to place her hands on the top of Arian's head, Alexandra's soft round hands grasped the sides of her stomach as close to its underside and to her sex as her great girth would allow. She moaned undulating her hips toward him as Arian pressed his mouth down on her. A heat arose in the underside of Alexandra's thick shaft, an itch at the tip just below its swollen head crying out to be scratched. Alexandra undulated her massive hips more quickly now, and Arian kept time with her. Her breaths drawn in short frantic gasps, each desperate gasp accompanied by a desperate moan.

"Ah, ah, ah, I'm going to cum," Alexander cried out.

Then Alexandra stopped undulating. She arched her back to push herself deep down into the the far reaches of Arian's throat, and grasped hard the soft flesh near the underside her stomach. The heat at her cock-head was unbearable now. And with a long desperate moan Alexandra's orgasm exploded against the back of her lover's throat.



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