High School Cum Boy

By Lee Wilson

Published on May 20, 2023



High School Cum Boy

This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between minor males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2023 Lee R Wilson.

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CHAPTER 1 - High School Cum Boy


It sucks being a gay young man in high school in a little podunk town. What the fuck does Maple Mills even mean? Anyway, while it sucks, it also doesn't suck, meaning nobody around here sucks dick, at least as far as I know. Or obviously wants their dick sucked. With each of the 4 high school classes having 60 kids or less, nobody wants to be the first to come out, including me. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Avery Kensington. Even my name sounds gay, I guess it's no surprise that's the way I turned out.

I'm 3 days away from my 18th birthday and I can't wait. There's an adult video store about 15 miles away. That's the first place I'm going when I'm legal. Well, after my "party." From my internet research, I discovered they have private video booths that aren't completely private. Meaning there are no doors. Curtains, but no doors, so you can supposedly just walk through and easily see what everybody's doing. I hear people who frequent the place either don't always close the curtain, or don't mind if someone opens it. I'm getting hard just thinking about it. Although I could think about a spider and get hard. It doesn't take much these days. Jerking off is cool, but after almost 6 years of it being my only sexual release, it's difficult to find something to fantasize about. Getting hard is easy, getting rid of the boner gets more and more difficult as time goes by. I can't wait to have a little help, and maybe even help another guy out in some way. Any way.

Even though nobody's out at my high school, there are a couple guys I suspect are gay, but how does one find out for sure without screwing yourself if you guess wrong. 'Hey Jim, I think you're gay, want to mess around?' Then it turns out Jim is not only not gay, but is a closet gay basher and your question gets you a hospital visit, or worse. So video booths it is. Like I said. I can hardly wait.


Tomorrow's the big day. Small town means small party, but that's OK. There's one of those pizza-arcade places a couple towns over, so I'm having 5 of my (straight I suppose) best buds join me there for some innocent fun. Later tomorrow, that's a different story. Cupid's here I come. Innocence lost. I hope. Shit, even if I can only get a handjob it will be a vast improvement. If I'm really lucky I can get and give a blowjob. I've eaten my own cum hundreds of times, so I'm pretty sure I'll be OK swallowing someone else's. I've been lying in bed for 3 hours now, but the anticipation is keeping me awake. I can just see it now. I'm so tired that when I walk into Cupid's I can't even get it up. That'd be funny. I get hard for no reason at all. When I want to be, it'd be awful if I can't. But I haven't jerked off for almost a week now. Hopefully that won't be a problem.


I get to the arcade a little before 1. I told the guys that we'd start the fun at 1:00. I figured I'd get here a little early and buy the 6 game cards for everybody. $25 probably won't last long, but that's really all the budget will allow. I can spend a little more on myself if the guys want to chip in themselves for any more than that. Whenever the money runs out and we split up, hornyville, here I come. No double entendre intended there. Truth.

I invited three guys that are seniors along with me and 2 juniors. We're all pretty good friends and nobody cares that Bill (Hanson) and Tom (Seiver - yeah, he gets some ribbing about that, even though it's spelled differently than the pitcher from years ago) are about a year younger. Cool outranks age when the choices are severely limited. The seniors are John Winslow, Aaron Camden, and Connor Markham. Only Connor is already 18, along with me now. Tom's almost 17 and the rest are all 17.

We spend about 2 hours eating, playing games and goofing on some of the younger high school kids we know that are there. It's time to split up and everybody but Connor heads out.

"So, you're 18 now. Gonna hit the strip joint?"

"Strip joint?"

"Yeah. You never heard of Cupid's?"

"Yeah, I've heard of it. I thought it was basically a video store."

I'm not going to let on that I know it's more than that. Gotta protect the rep, ya know?

"Well, it is a video store, but they also got a couple rooms where you can pay to get a window to open and behind the glass is a naked chick."

"You've been there?"

"Yep. I've been 18 for 3 months now. What else is there to do in this town?"

"So, what do you do with a naked chick on the other side of a pane of glass. It's not like you can feel her up or anything."

"No, there's no touching, but you don't know hot until you jerk off with a naked chick watching you. Plus around here, that's about the only way you get to see a naked chick before you're practically married. And they don't care if you wank. They play with their pussy too."

"How much does this cost?"

"It's not much. It's five to get in the room, and you get 3 minutes. If you've never been up close to a naked girl before, and if you live in Maple Mills, that's a safe bet, 3 minutes is more than you need. Want to go?"

"How do they know to kick you out after 3 minutes."

"OK, so it's not completely private. You pay your five bucks, go in the room and then guys take turns feeding money into the machine that keeps the window open."

I have to sound outraged, but the idea is turning me on. To hell with the girls. To be surrounded by a bunch of guys jerking off. In this town? That's gay heaven.

"You gotta jerk off in front of other guys?"

"Well, yeah, but everybody's focused on the girls. And shit, it's a small price to pay for an up close look at some pussy." And besides, there's a gay room too, so nobody watching the girls gives a fuck about the other guys. The fags are all watching some other guy with a huge cock jerk off."

I inwardly shudder when he says fags. I hope it wasn't noticeable. If it was, he doesn't say anything.

"Um, how do you know the guy behind the glass has a huge cock?"

"Coz that's what all the fags want, so it's gotta be that way."

"So you're guessing. For all you know the gay room isn't gay at all but it has a couple actually fucking?"

"Geez. OK. I checked it out once. It only cost me 5 bucks to find out it was just fags. Besides, the first time you go there, it's easy to make that mistake, and go in the wrong room. So, you in?"

"Can we, like sit on the other side of the room from each other? I mean jerking off near some other guy is one thing, but next to one of your best buds..."

"Yeah, we don't have to sit next to each other. But I gotta be honest, the way it's set up, everybody can see everybody else if they care to look. It's like a semi-circle facing the window. If you're gonna be a wimp about it, fine, but I'm going. I got all horny explaining it to you. I'll even pay for ya, consider it a birthday present."

Again, not sounding too excited about it...

"OK, yeah, let's go. You want to leave a car here or what?"

"Sounds good, why waste the gas? I'll drive."

We're on our way there, it's obvious we're both hard as rocks. Even without trying to look at each other, we know that the other one is hard.

"Stupid question. What do you do with your cum? Just shoot it on the floor?"

"No, the owners don't like that. There are boxes of tissues all around the room. You cum in the tissues and drop it in the trash."

"How would the owners know who cums on the floor? I mean if there are a bunch of guys in there, then they come in at the end of the night to close up, all they know is 'somebody' came on the floor?"

"What are you, the question man? They got the rules posted before you go in. I guess they wouldn't know exactly who did it, but who wants to risk some guy you don't even know ratting you out?"

I'm apparently pissing Connor off with all my questions. I guess it's time to shut up about any misgivings I have. Next time I come, I won't be with Connor, so I can do as I please. A few minutes of a quiet drive, each of us occasionally adjusting ourselves, and we're there. We walk in, and like Connor said, they have rules posted outside the two doors to the video rooms.

  1. Keep away from the glass. It's not fair to the other patrons if you're blocking the view. 2. No unwanted touching. Keep your hands to yourself unless consent is given. 3. If you want to strip, ensure your immediate neighbors are OK with it. 4. No cumming on the floor. Use tissues, your hand or some other receptacle to prevent the come going on the floor.

"Um, Connor..."

"They gotta say that stuff. They can probably get sued if someone touches someone else and they never said you couldn't do it."

"Some other receptacle?"

"God, don't be stupid. In the gay side, guys are going to swallow someone else's cum. One set of rules for both rooms."

Of course I wouldn't care if the guy next to me got naked or wanted me to swallow his cum. Of course I wouldn't do that with Connor here. Connor pays the $10 for the two of us. As we're walking into the right side room, I don't see any indication of which room has a guy or a girl. But, too late now. I'm here.

We walk into the room, and I'm surprised to see it's not a girl behind the glass, but a boy about our age.

"Um, Connor, we walked into the wrong room."

"OK Avery. I lied. It's a young guy in this room and a little bit older guy in the other room. I wanted to get you naked and maybe we jerk each other off. I thought 'maybe' you'd be OK with it. I took a gamble. Don't be pissed. We can leave if you really want to."

"Um. Wow. I never would have suspected you, um, like guys."

"Yeah, I'm gay. Can you at least do a bud a favor and let him jerk you off? I obviously won't tell anyone what we did."

Time to bite the bullet. Connor was up front with me, so I may as well be too. I'm going to believe my secret is safe with him.

"No, we can stay. I wouldn't mind jerking you off as well. I'm pretty sure I'm gay too."

"Good. I was hoping, but wasn't too sure. Let's sit down and whip 'em out."

So, Connor and I grab some tissues and sit down. Next to each other, not on opposite sides of the room like initially proposed. Then he leans across me and asks the guy next to me...

"Hey, you OK if my friend and I drop our pants?"

The guy takes one look at Connor's blond hair, blue eyes, and if I must say myself, a pretty hot body. Then looks at me. I may not be as hot as Connor, but I think I'm fairly attractive.

"Yeah. More than OK. Feel free."

Connor repeats the question to the guy next to him who's furiously jerking his cock and just nods. We drop our pants and I get my first real close look at Connor's goods. Sure we've changed for gym, but our school always has gym last period, so showers are never required. A quick glance if for some reason that day's activity requires us to wear a jock has occurred, but it's never a direct view or more than a couple seconds. I must admit, he has a pretty nice dick. Not that I've seen many. Aside from the other 5 guys already in the room, jerking off. All of them older guys with, honestly, pretty ugly dicks. I have a feeling we're going to be watched as much as the kid behind the glass. As Connor reaches for my dick...

"Is it OK if I wank you? You can wank me too, if you want. Otherwise, I have two hands."

I can't wait to get my hand on another cock, so I nod and reach out for him.

"Don't go too fast, I want to check that guy out for more than a few seconds."

"Sure thing Connor."

We slowly jerk each other off. After a few minutes I know I'm not going to last much longer and I say...

"I'm getting close, get your tissues ready."

He turns to look at me, shakes his head, opens his mouth, and looks at my dick. I just nod. God one of my best friends has my dick in his mouth and I'm about to cum.

"Aaaah, ahhh, I'm cumming, mmmmm."

Connor makes sure none of my cum hits the floor. I shoot 7 or 8 ropes into his mouth, by far my best cum ever. He licks me clean and sits back up. I didn't realize it, but I had stopped jerking him when I started cumming.

"Will you finish me off? I can use the tissues if you don't want..."

I don't hesitate and lean down, taking about half of his almost 7 inches into my mouth. He apparently had more practice and was able to get just about all of my just under 6 inches in his. I do a few bobs on his cock.

"God. I'm cumming. Aaaaah, ahhh. Ahhhhhhhhh"

I swallow as fast as I can, figuring he gave me about the same amount as I gave him, about 7 pulses from his cock shooting his sweet sperm into my mouth. I swallow it all, and lick him clean. I sit up to look at him and realize the rest of the guys in the room are cheering. The kid behind the glass is standing up against the glass pumping away. As he shoots his cum on his side of the glass, tissues come out all over the place and catch 5 more loads of cum.

I just lean back from the best sexual experience I've ever had in my life, just wondering what Connor and I could have been doing, maybe for years, if we had just been honest with each other. As the boy behind the glass is wiping his cum off, I see a sign that says 'Mike.' I guess Connor and I kind of stole Mike's show today. But he got paid for it. I wonder if they're hiring?

Connor and I pull up our pants and head out to the main room in the store. Neither one of us saying a word until we get into his car and are partway home.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, why would I be?"

"Because I tricked you into going there."

"Well, if it hadn't worked out the way it did, and I wasn't gay, I probably would have been. I'm mad at us because we could have been doing shit like that for years."

"Well, I hope it doesn't fuck up our friendship, but I'm not really sure I'd want to continue messing around with you long-term. You know how it is in town, if we continued and someone caught on... I wouldn't want to be us afterward."

"Yeah, I guess I understand that. It was fun, we can make it a one-time thing. It's not like I've had a crush on you forever. You're hot and all, but never thinking you might be gay, feelings like that never surfaced. So, yes, I think we can keep being friends without any future sexual interaction."

"Good. It's not that I wouldn't want to do more with you, but being outed would probably kill my future. Maybe we can meet up at one of our houses once in a while, but again, we'd need to be careful."

We're quiet again for a while. As I'm sitting there thinking, I realize that, yes, Connor is the best baseball player in our school. He's made the all-county and all-state teams for the past couple years. He's told me that college recruiters have been showing up at our games to watch him. If it came out that he was gay, a lot of those opportunities would dry up. Maybe not all, but being from a small town, going to a big college and being a star will be a lot better than getting stuck in a small college and nobody noticing him.

It's a couple weeks before life and my job at the supermarket the next town over allow me to head back to Cupid's. But it's a Friday night, I'm off from work early, not having to close for once. I still live at home so I told my parents I was going to hang out with friends. Not that they really care if I come home right after work, but they like to think they know where I am.

I walk in, pay my 5 bucks and go into right-hand room, figuring it will be another young guy. It is. It's not Mike, but this guy Ace, obviously a nickname, is pretty hot. He's also got the biggest dick I have ever seen. It's tough to tell exactly, but if it's less than 9 inches, I'd be surprised. It's also standing room only. There are about 12 chairs and they're all full and another 3 guys are standing on the ends. I slide a couple more bucks into the cash slot, putting in my share to extend the show and take my dick out. Like before, everybody here is already jerking off. Since it's pretty crowded, it's not long before guys start cumming and get up to leave. After just a few minutes I sit down between two guys. They look to be in their mid-twenties, so it's not gross sitting next to them. The guy on my right has a kind of small dick. He turns to me...

"I'm getting close. Do you care if I drop my pants?"

For a better look, I say...

"No go ahead. OK for me too?"

He looks down at my almost 6 inches.

"Yes, please do."

We both turn to our opposite sides and ask the same question. The guy on my left replies.

"I guess you're new. Nobody pays attention to to that rule. If you want to get totally naked, nobody cares. Shit, next door it's pretty much required."

This of course peaks my curiousity. I decide next trip I'm checking out the other room. I pull my pants down to my knees and continue wanking. The guy on my right speaks again.

"I'm Tom. When you get close, can I suck you? You've got a really nice dick."

"Um. Avery. Yeah. You want me to return the favor?"

"I'm not too small for you?"

"No. I don't have a lot of experience, so actually small is better."

"Awesome. Most guys won't suck me because I'm small. I'm ready to shoot."

He's not tremendously small, probably about 4 inches, but I guess that's less than average. I lean down and start sucking his dick. I can get all the way down to the base without gagging, so I'm giving his dick quite a workout. He puts his hands on my head, not really pushing.

"Oh God. I'm cumming. Ahhh. Ahhhh."

I swallow his cum. It's a little more sour than Connor's was but not awful. He shudders a little when he finishes and I lift off.

"Oh God that was good. For not being too experienced, you did a great job."

He goes back to jerking me off. About a minute later...

"I'm close Tom."

Tom leans down and puts his mouth over my dick. He instantly goes down to the root and I feel my dick hit the back of his throat. Oh my God is this hot. I start spewing cum into his mouth. It seems to disappear down his throat without him even swallowing. He sucks a little more as he's rising up.

"Hmmmm. You taste wonderful. Thank you."

"You were pretty good yourself. Thank you too."

He stands up, pulls up his pants and leaves. I'm still too amped to move. I've been here twice now and have gotten and given two blowjobs. The guy on the left taps me on the shoulder.

"You want another helping?"

I look down at his dick, it's a little bigger than mine, but not a lot. I look back up at him, nod and go down on him. He's not quite as ready to cum as Tom or Connor was, so I end up sucking his dick for about two or three minutes when I feel it start to throb and he shoots half a dozen times into my mouth. Once again, I swallow it all.

"Mmmm. Thanks kid. You did good."

He also stands up to leave. I figure it's about time I leave as well. I don't want every guy in here asking me to finish him off. Maybe after a few more trips.

Next Up - "Another Surprise Friend"

Author's Note

I hope you liked this intro into the beginning of Avery's newfound sex life.

Feel free to drop me a line if you haven't already. I appreciate the comments, good or bad.

If you liked this, check out my other stories on nifty: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/look-but-dont-look/ https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/young-friends/my-roommate-teaches-me/


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